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Sport is an important part of every society and country where everyone meets,

whether or not they become what they want to be. There are many types of sport.
football is an individual sport than tennis, in which one player must be next to
another in order to complete the match.

Baseball, basketball, and football are team sports where teams play against each
other and the members help each other and win as a team. Because sport often
reflects the culture of the countries where it is played. Players who play football
care more about health than money. The sport often reflects the culture of the
countries where it is played. All the football fans said, "I love football."

In many ways, sport defines society. They show how people can make a living
playing sports and entertaining other people. They give people the opportunity to
test their athletic performance against the background of other people. Firstly, they
give people the opportunity to focus and follow them, which is a kind of release
from the stressful chores of everyday life.

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