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Velammal Global School [Puzhal]

AY 22 – 23 / G6 / MATHEMATICS / Revision Worksheet

Student’s : Teacher’s Name : Samriti Sharma

Grade : 6 Teacher’s : Samriti Sharma
Date : Parent’s :

1. Zara puts one yellow ball , one red ball and two green balls in a bag. She
takes one ball from the bag without looking.
a) The probability of a red ball being pulled from the bag is _____ out of 4.
b) The probability of picking a yellow ball being pulled from the bag is ___
out of 4
c) The probability of picking a green ball being pulled from the bag is ____
out of 4 or ____%.

2. Draw a set of cards for each description below:

a) There is less than 50% chance of taking an 8.
b) The probability of taking a card with a value less than 5 is 5 out of 6.
c) The chance of taking a 3 is greater than the chance of taking 1.
d) There is a greater than 50% chance of taking 4.
e) There is 2 out of 5 chance of taking a 3.

3. Keran hears that the chance of a coin landing heads up is equally likely as
the chance of it landing tails up. She does a probability experiment to see
whether she will get the same number of heads up as tails up when she flips
a coin multiple times.
These are her results:

a) How many trials did keran carry out?

Velammal Global School [Puzhal]
AY 22 – 23 / G6 / MATHEMATICS / Revision Worksheet

b) Does Keran’s experiment show that the coin is more likely to land on
head or tails up?


4. Safia and Marcus have been investigating probability. They are taking shapes
out of bags without looking.

5. Kapil says that rolling 4 and rolling an odd number on an ordinary dice are
mutually exclusive.
Is Kapil correct?
What are mutually exclusive events?


Velammal Global School [Puzhal]
AY 22 – 23 / G6 / MATHEMATICS / Revision Worksheet

6. a) What is the chance of spinning a 2 ___ out of ____

b) If you spin the spinner 50 times how many 2s would you expect to see?

7. Some children are members of a tennis club.

This Carroll diiagram shows the children in the club.

a) How many children are there in the club? _________

b) One child is chosen at random for a lesson. What is the chance that:

i) The child is not boy and is under 13 years old?____ out of ____

ii) The child is a boy who is not under 13 years old? ___ out of ___

iii) The child is a boy? ___ out of ___

iv) The child is not under 13 years old? ___ out of ___

v) The child is not a boy who is under 13 years old? ___ out of ___

Velammal Global School [Puzhal]
AY 22 – 23 / G6 / MATHEMATICS / Revision Worksheet

8. Lola has six t-shirts. She takes a t-shirt at random.

These are 4 events that could occur when Lola takes a t-shirt.

Event A – The shirt has a picture of an animal on it.

Event B – The shirt has a picture of fruit on it.

Event C – The shirt is striped.

Event D – The shirt has a collar.

Tick the pairs of events that are mutually exclusive for Lola’s set of t-shirts.

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