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Basic Human Anatomy and Physiology

Tuesday, 15 November 2022 2:12 pm

Basic Human Anatomy and Physiology, Components of Fitness and

The Physical Fitness Test 1 (Day 2)
Muscular System: The muscular system can be broken down into three types of muscles:
1. Skeletal
2. Smooth
3. Cardiac
These muscles in the body support movement, help maintain posture, and circulate blood and
other substances throughout the body.

Classification: The 650 muscles are given latin names according to locations, relative size, shape,
action, origin/insertion and/or number of origins.

Muscles of the eye: In an hour of reading a book, the eyes make nearly 10,000 coordinated

Heart: The heart is the hardest working muscle. It pumps out 2 ounces of blood with every
heartbeat. Daily, the heart pumps at least 2,500 gallons of blood. The heart has the ability to
beat more than 3 billion times in the person's life.

Skeletal Muscle: Fibers can be divided into two types based on how they produce and use

Slow twitch: The muscles are efficient at using oxygen and can function over a long time before
they fatigue.

Fast Twitch: Much better at generating short burst of strength or speech than slow-twitch muscles.

Skeletal muscles: Control every action that a person consciously performs. They are attached to your

Visceral or smooth muscle: is found inside of organs and is controlled by the unconscious part of the

Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart and is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.
They are located in the heart.

Abdominal muscle: muscles located at the core.

Muscular Endurance: The amount of Power you can exert for the longest amount of time
Muscular Strength: The amount of Power you can exert at once.

Prelims Page 1

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