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• Background information on social media and mental health

• Thesis statement: While social media has its benefits, it can have negative effects
on mental health, including increased anxiety, depression, and social comparison.

II. Positive Effects of Social Media on Mental Health

• Connection with others and social support

• Access to mental health resources and information
• Positive self-expression and identity formation

III. Negative Effects of Social Media on Mental Health

• Increased anxiety and stress due to social comparison

• Higher rates of depression and loneliness
• Negative impact on self-esteem and body image

IV. Mechanisms of Social Media's Effects on Mental Health

• Social comparison theory and its relevance to social media

• Impact of cyberbullying and online harassment on mental health
• Relationship between excessive social media use and negative outcomes

V. Mitigating the Negative Effects of Social Media on Mental Health

• Strategies for limiting social media use

• Promoting healthy social media habits and behaviors
• Encouraging digital detoxes and offline socializing

VI. Conclusion

• Recap of the positive and negative effects of social media on mental health
• Call to action for individuals, social media companies, and policymakers to take
steps to mitigate the negative effects and promote mental health and wellbeing.

Overall, this paper aims to explore the effects of social media on mental health, with a
focus on the negative outcomes that can result from excessive or problematic use. By
understanding the mechanisms behind these effects and exploring strategies for
mitigating their impact, readers will gain a deeper appreciation for the complex
relationship between social media and mental health, as well as the potential solutions
to promote healthy social media use

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