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Student Engagement Project

YCE II, Spring 2023
Jackson Gravely, Burnt Hickory Elementary School
I. Baseline Data: Three (3) Recorded Videos of PE/Health Lessons

a. Video1_2/14
b. Video2_2/17
c. Video3_2/18

II. PETAI Analysis (Physical Education Teacher Assessment Instrument)

1st Grade PETAI video1 analysis

b. 3rd Grade PETAI video2 analysis

c. 5th Grade PETAI video3 analysis

III. Reflection of Baseline PETAI Analysis

While watching my teaching and analyzing it through PETAI I noticed a lot of

different things. In my videos I unfortunately did not get the students coming into the

gym and sitting down or the students lining up to leave the gym. I realize this skewed

my percentages in the PETAI analysis. My teacher instruction on all three videos was

94% or higher which is very high, but like I said with the beginning and end of class

plus the warmup not being in the video made this number very high. The student

instruction for each video was also 94% or higher which is great. One thing I noticed

I need to improve on is making sure all of my students are on task and engaged.

Throughout the video I saw multiple students messing around and not engaged in the

activity that I did not notice. In the next part of this project I would like to improve on

getting every student in the gym engaged as well as more skill development. I also

noticed while doing the analysis that I gave more motivational feedback than

performance. This is another area I would like to improve in. Overall, I believe I did a

good job with my teaching, but there are areas I will focus on to improve as a teacher.

IV. Identification of the Barrier and Theoretical Foundation

V. Intervention Results

a. {Insert YouTube Unlisted Video Link 4 and label it “Video4_Date}

b. {Insert YouTube Unlisted Video Link 5 and label it “Video5_Date}
c. {Insert YouTube Unlisted Video Link 6 and label it “Video6_Date}

d. {Insert Video 4 screencaps of Teacher Assessment and Student Assessment}

e. {Insert Video 5 screencaps of Teacher Assessment and Student Assessment}
f. {Insert Video 6 screencaps of Teacher Assessment and Student Assessment}

g. {Insert graph/chart comparing the % of teacher instruction and management

across the three videos}
h. {Insert graph/chart comparing the % of student instruction and management
across the three videos}

VI. Reflection of Intervention

VII. Reflection of the Impact of the Student Engagement Project


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