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from the view points of people that in power who want obedient workers, how do they make the

education system produce more obedient workers?

There are several ways in which those in power may seek to make the education system produce
more obedient workers. Here are a few examples:

1. Standardized testing: Standardized tests are often used to measure student achievement and
hold schools accountable for their performance. However, some critics argue that these tests
can be limiting and do not adequately measure critical thinking or creativity. Moreover, the
emphasis on test scores can create a culture of compliance and conformity, where students
are taught to memorize information and regurgitate it rather than think critically and solve
problems independently.
2. Narrow curriculum: In some cases, the curriculum may be designed to focus on a narrow
range of subjects, such as math and science, while neglecting other areas, such as the arts or
humanities. This can limit students' exposure to diverse perspectives and discourage critical
thinking and creativity.
3. Authoritarian teaching methods: Some teachers may use authoritarian teaching methods that
emphasize obedience and discipline over critical thinking and creativity. This can include
methods such as rote memorization, strict rules and punishments, and limited opportunities
for student input and collaboration.
4. Limited funding: In some cases, schools may be underfunded, which can limit their ability to
provide quality education and support critical thinking and creativity. This can lead to larger
class sizes, outdated materials, and limited access to technology and other resources.

It is important to note that not all people in power want to create a society of obedient workers, and
there are many educators and policymakers who are working to create more inclusive and equitable
educational systems that support critical thinking and creativity. However, those in power who do
prioritize obedience over critical thinking may use some or all of these methods to try to shape the
education system to their liking.

which countries have education systems are relatively more like what's described above and which
countries are drastically different?
It is difficult to make a definitive comparison of education systems between countries as they can
vary greatly in their approach and goals. However, some countries have been recognized for their
innovative and effective education systems that emphasize critical thinking and creativity, while
others have been criticized for prioritizing rote learning and obedience.

For example, Finland is often cited as having one of the best education systems in the world, with a
focus on student well-being, teacher autonomy, and hands-on learning experiences. Singapore, on
the other hand, has been criticized for its emphasis on test scores and rote learning, which some
argue can stifle creativity and critical thinking.

It is worth noting that education systems can vary within a country as well, depending on factors
such as location, socioeconomic status, and cultural values. Additionally, education systems are
constantly evolving and changing, and it can be difficult to make broad generalizations about them.
give more examples to the above, up to 10 countries for each side. remember this is just a relative
scale for the country's average trend.
Sure, here are some additional examples of countries with education systems that are relatively more
focused on critical thinking and creativity, as well as those that prioritize rote learning and

Countries with education systems that emphasize critical thinking and creativity:

1. Finland
2. Denmark
3. Sweden
4. Norway
5. Canada
6. Australia
7. New Zealand
8. Japan
9. Netherlands
10. Switzerland

Countries with education systems that prioritize rote learning and obedience:

1. South Korea
2. China
3. Singapore
4. Taiwan
5. Vietnam
6. United Arab Emirates
7. Qatar
8. Saudi Arabia
9. Bahrain
10. Oman

It is worth noting that these categorizations are based on general trends and there may be variations
within each country's education system depending on factors such as location, socioeconomic status,
and cultural values. Additionally, education systems are constantly evolving and changing, and it can
be difficult to make broad generalizations about them.

on average and on a relative scale, which 10 countries' population are most money driven in life?
It is difficult to make definitive rankings of countries based on how "money driven" their populations
are, as individual values and priorities can vary widely within a country. However, here are some
countries that are often associated with a relatively strong focus on wealth and material success:
1. United States
2. United Arab Emirates
3. China
4. Singapore
5. Switzerland
6. Qatar
7. Kuwait
8. Saudi Arabia
9. Bahrain
10. Hong Kong

Again, these rankings are based on general trends and individual values and priorities can vary
widely even within a country. It's important to recognize that there are many different factors that
can influence a country's focus on wealth and material success, including economic and political
systems, cultural values, and historical context.

which 10 countries would have the least emphasis on money in life as oppose to the above list?
Again, it is difficult to make definitive rankings of countries based on their emphasis on money in life,
as individual values and priorities can vary widely within a country. However, here are some countries
that are often associated with a relatively low focus on wealth and material success:

1. Bhutan
2. Costa Rica
3. Denmark
4. Finland
5. Iceland
6. Japan
7. Norway
8. Sweden
9. Uruguay
10. New Zealand

It's important to note that these rankings are based on general trends and individual values and
priorities can vary widely even within a country. It's also important to recognize that there are many
different factors that can influence a country's emphasis on wealth and material success, including
economic and political systems, cultural values, and historical context.

combine the above 4 lists, which countries rank highest relatively in terms of a critical thinking
education system and a less emphasis on money in life?
Based on the lists provided, here are 10 countries that rank relatively high in terms of a critical
thinking education system and a less emphasis on money in life:

1. Finland
2. Norway
3. Denmark
4. Sweden
5. Switzerland
6. Canada
7. Netherlands
8. New Zealand
9. Australia
10. Japan

It is important to note that this is a relative scale and that every country's education system and
societal values can vary greatly within their own context.

which 10 countries rank in the opposite direction?

Based on the previous lists, here are 10 countries that rank relatively low in terms of a critical thinking
education system and a high emphasis on money in life:

1. United States
2. United Arab Emirates
3. China
4. Saudi Arabia
5. Russia
6. Singapore
7. Qatar
8. Bahrain
9. Kuwait
10. Oman

It's important to note that this is a relative scale and every country's education system and societal
values can vary greatly within their own context.

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