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Ubi-SerenityFox (02/01/2023, 14:38:12): Thanks for contacting Ubisoft Support.

You're now connected with Ubi-SerenityFox, please allow a few moments for the
specialist to acquaint themselves with your case. We will be with you shortly.
Ubi-SerenityFox (02/01/2023, 14:39:03): Hello from what I understand you need some
assistance with linking another platform account to your Ubisoft one, correct?
TheonlyyM (02/01/2023, 14:39:54): Yes , I want to link my Ubisoft account to my new
psn account but aparrently I can’t because I already done it to my old one
Ubi-SerenityFox (02/01/2023, 14:40:32): Thank you for the information. Could you
share with me the PlayStation username so I can find the account.
TheonlyyM (02/01/2023, 14:40:51): The old one or the new one ?
Ubi-SerenityFox (02/01/2023, 14:41:27): The PlayStation username that you wish to
link here.
TheonlyyM (02/01/2023, 14:42:19): Theonlyy_MatteuS
Ubi-SerenityFox (02/01/2023, 14:43:33): Thank you, could you share with me the
username and email of the Old Ubisoft account.
TheonlyyM (02/01/2023, 14:45:18): Username - TheonlyyM
TheonlyyM (02/01/2023, 14:45:31): email-
Ubi-SerenityFox (02/01/2023, 14:46:21): Thank you for the information. I would like
to ask do you still have access to this email?
TheonlyyM (02/01/2023, 14:46:30): Yes I have
Ubi-SerenityFox (02/01/2023, 14:47:03): Thank you for confirming. In that case
before we proceed I would like to inform you that unlinking an external account
like PlayStation can have permanent impact on games with cross-progression and
cross-play as the data, like saves and in-game purchased, is stored on the Ubisoft
account. (Examples are: Rainbow Six Siege, Far Cry 6, AC: Valhalla, Immortals Fenyx
Rising and a few other of our newer titles.)

Games that do not have these features will not be affected as their data and saves
are and will continue to be stored on the console.

Unlinking a PlayStation is a one time exception only and the next link to this
Ubisoft account will be permanent.

Now knowing the consequences of unlinking the account do you still wish to proceed?
TheonlyyM (02/01/2023, 14:48:43): If I link to the new account do I get my stuff
from rainbow six , charecters , and skins ??
Ubi-SerenityFox (02/01/2023, 14:49:19): Before I answer this question I would like
to ask, have you opened Rainbow Six Siege after December 6th 2022 on a PlayStation,
even once?
TheonlyyM (02/01/2023, 14:49:33): Yes
Ubi-SerenityFox (02/01/2023, 14:50:07): In that case I am afraid that the progress
will stay behind on the previous Ubisoft account where your PlayStation is
currently linked.
TheonlyyM (02/01/2023, 14:50:38): So I don’t get my skins and credits to the new
account ?
Ubi-SerenityFox (02/01/2023, 14:51:09): No, we are unable to transfer progress. If
you wish to enjoy everything that you have earned so far it would be best to not
touch your PlayStation account and for you to keep on playing with it from your old
Ubisoft account.
TheonlyyM (02/01/2023, 14:51:55): Ok Thank you
Ubi-SerenityFox (02/01/2023, 14:53:36): Glad I could help, if in the future you
decide to own a Rainbow Six Siege on an XBOX or PC, for you to be able to take
advantage of the cross-progression you will need to have the XBOX linked with your
Ubisoft account: TheonlyyM, same for PC, when you purchase the game from our store
or another you need to activate it there. That said is there anything else I can
assist you with?
TheonlyyM (02/01/2023, 14:54:58): No , thank you again

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