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Activity 4

1. What does the term “fall of man” means to you? Discuss.

For me, the term “fall of man” means that when a person has gone to a wrong path on
where he/she would make sins, that person will be in downfall.

2. How did man fail God? Discuss.

Actually, on the very start of the story of Adan and Eve, man has failed God. Adan and Eve
didn’t follow the instruction of God, and until now all of us are making sins that makes God sadder
and in hurt.

3. What were the consequences of their disobedience against God? Explain.

Based on the module, the consequences of our disobedience are all men irrespective of
condition or class are now sinners before God, the people in this world will experience the wrath,
condemnation and curse of God, sinners become a children of Satan and not a children of God,
people will become Satan’s disciple, and lastly the parts of our body, our mentality and spirituality
has been affected by sins.

4. How God saved human being from the consequences of Adam’s disobedience?
God made His only son, Jesus, as an offering to repent our sins in this world.

5. Basic needs, pleasures, and achievement are the basic desires of man that Satan is using to tempt
people. In what ways are you usually tempted by Satan using these three basic desires? How do you often
handle temptation?
I can say that pleasures are making me tempted to lie to my parents sometimes because
whenever I want to buy something that I want, like clothes, and we don’t have a budget for these, I
would lie to my parents to add more on my allowance. However, this temptation made me realize
that not all the time my parents will have a money for me to have, so in order for me to prevent
being tempted, I always pray to God to help me in this matter.

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