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The Elder Project

Only YOU
Control YOU
Jaydin Kroutil
The Spirited & Genuine
Safe person
... ...

Determined Positive

... ...
School Wide

Good Example

Real World Skills

Life Long
Experience and Impact
Professionalism in:
Time Management communicating Confidence to
and Organizational public speaking take on the world
Skills interviews with life long
running and relationships
planning events
"Only You Can Control You"
You can't control what your peers are going You CAN control how you are going to react
to do to these actions

You can't control what people are going to You CAN control what day you are going to
say to you or about you have

You can't control what grade you are going to You CAN control the amount of effort you
get on a test put into studying for that test
You can control how you are going to change
the world

We all have a special purpose on Earth, no

one else can pursue it for you

My purpose is to make people smile, to be a
good example for people of all ages, to be a
A message from an icon

Only You Can Control You

Make a goal for yourself, it can be anything.
Ask yourself, "What do I want to be great

Put it on a sticky note, a piece of paper, etc.

and put it in a place where you will see it
Take a picture of it then send it to me @

DUE THURSDAY 2/16/2023

Can YOU change the world?
I don't know... let's find out.

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