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Criterion A: Planning

My client is my mother Veronica, she is the accountant for the local church. She organizes the income and expenses
of the money and she counts the money from the Sunday donations. Her work is voluntary and it is very important for
the church. The church is very popular and important for the community. When the church has a profit it helps other
communities and churches that don’t have enough support and when there is a shortage like in covid there are
petitions for donations that are very successful. On Sundays the income is greatest but there are other sources like
events, donations from baptisms, weddings or comunions. The problem is that she is now using excel to organize
every movement of money from the church. This is very messy and she can get mixed up and lose some
information, furthermore it is not very user friendly as it is very disorganized and difficult to manage.

After having an interview with my client I have decided to use a Java application to solve the problem. It will consist
of a program that will need a password to enter to keep the valuable information safe, it will have a calculator so that
my client does not have to worry about mental calculations, and it will be able to add/delete/modify income and
add/delete/modify shortage separately, it will be able to create a graph with the data from the the incomes and
outcomes to show a profit or a shortage. Furthermore, the program will be user friendly and the client will be able to
save everything when closing the application for the next operation.

Why I use Java

● Java is Simple
● Java is an Object-Oriented Programming Language
● Java is a Secure Language
● Java is cheap and economical to maintain
● Java is platform-independent

Criteria for success

1. Password to enter to keep the valuable information safe

2. A calculator so that my client does not have to worry about mental calculations
3. Add/delete/modify incomes
4. Add/delete/modify outcomes separately
5. A graph with the data from the the incomes and outcomes to show a profit or a shortage
6. The program will be user friendly
7. The client will be able to save everything when closing the application for the next operation.

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