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Tips To Heal Your Energy & Raise Your Vibration!

-Meditate Daily

-Not relying on anyone else for happiness

-Loving yourself more

-Seek knowledge

-Think before you react with emotions

-Practice gratitude

-Go outside & connect with nature everyday

-Expose yourself to the sun

-Keep your environment clean

-Use social media & electronics less

-Sober lifestyle


-Writing down dreams

-7-8 hrs of sleep

-Isolate yourself from people holding you back

-Dance more

-Realize you’re a soul inside a body having a physical experience

-Smile and laugh more

-Replace all your drinks with Natural/Organic Water

-Eat more healthy greens

-Taking Herbs: blackseed oil, haritaki, sea moss

-Cut out fast food

-Listen to music that heals your soul

-Eliminate clutter from your life

-Charitable donations/give money to the poor

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