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Many of us see challenges as a hindrance for our happiness, while others see it as a key factor of their growth that they should
overcome their struggles to achieve the outcome they aim for. Challenges are things that taught most people their unforgettable
experience and as they face it, slowly they change as the person they never thought they can be but how can someone pass
through the challenges especially when it pulls them down?
As I search for steps on how someone can make their challenges into opportunities I found out that there are 5 steps of it. First,
is to be happy with the things in front of you, to enjoy it even if you're having a hard time because of it. Second, is to have a calm
and relaxed mind in order to assess the situation you are in and to find a solution that is suited to the problem you're facing.
Third is to be able to cope with the challenge you have to make sure that you won't forget the things that you should do and will
do on handling the situation. Forth, is to dream high and make a plan on achieving it as an example of that is the business
tycoon Henry Sy who sells shoes in a very young age and in his life he encountered a store owner who make him move his
goods to other place as it is a bad luck on his store and in that very moment the young Henry Sy decided to build his own store,
as time goes by Henry Sy not only build his store but build a corporation that helps a lot of people by letting them work for him. In
order for someone to make the challenges turn to opportunity one must not forget to plan and to pursue the dreams he has.
Lastly, be positive. No one can be successful having a negative mindset and being an optimist can boost our brain by 31%.
That's why it is a must to have a positive mindset to make sure that the challenges you have will become an opportunity. As I
learn on this topic, being happy, content and optimistic can make my own challenges be a stepping stone for myself, growth and
success for my future.
2. A lot of people were shocked and panicked when the COVID19 spread in the Philippines. As the government makes sure that
the citizens of the country are safe and sound, they put countermeasures to prevent the widespread spread of the virus inside
the vicinity. As the people follows the new rule and policies that the Philippine government installed the country's covid19
patients statistics rate started to drop as the day comes and as a student the best way I can think of to prevent getting the
COVID19 is to follow the set rules that the government made such as; wearing a face mask when going outside as well as face
shield, bringing alcohol or other disinfectant to be use before touching my face, eating and touching other things to prevent
getting the virus, and preventing myself going outside. Since there is a lot of people who aren't aware that they have the virus
letting myself go outside freely isn't a good idea because in just one mistake I can bring the virus inside of our house and cause
a terrible situation in our family that's why I prevent myself going out and instead making myself busy inside of our home. Other
than following the protocols that the government has, I volunteer myself to get vaccinated not only because it is needed for the
face to face classes but to have the assurance that I am protected from the well known virus.

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