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Name: Date:

Section: Teacher:
Journal #2 Activity
As an Ignacian Marian student, how are you going to exercise your Authentic Human
Freedom? Kindly answer in a paragraph form with 8 or more sentences.
As an Ignacian Marian Student, I will exercise Authentic Human Freedom through
Liking yourself. It goes without saying that we must all love ourselves. Additionally, we
have read enough self-help books that instruct us on the importance of self-love. The
largest obstacle, in my opinion, is learning to like ourselves. When we dislike ourselves,
it is similar to when we find someone offensive in a room. We try to avoid eye contact
and do not want to be in the same vicinity as them. When we don't like who we are, we
avoid examining our actions and live in denial of what truly makes us happy. When we
don't like ourselves, we stop listening to what we really enjoy and love and instead
accept what other people say and do as our own truth. If we're not willing to cultivate
self-awareness and inner introspection, it can be difficult to recognize when we don't
like ourselves or even realize it.

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