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i would be his if he asked

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: 이상한 변호사 우영우 | Extraordinary Attorney Woo (TV)
Relationship: Lee Jun Ho/Woo Young Woo, Choi Su Yeon/Jung Myeong Seok, Dong
Geurami/Kwon Min Woo
Character: Jung Myeong Seok, Choi Su Yeon, Kwon Min Woo, Jang Seung Jun
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Teacher-Student Relationship, Mating
Cycles/In Heat, Knotting, Mating Bites, Mating Bond, Omega Verse,
Alpha/Omega, Alpha Junho, Omega Youngwoo, Professor Junho,
Transfer Student Woo Youngwoo, Attempted Assault, protective junho,
possessive junho, Accidental Bonding, Explicit Sexual Content
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-11-26 Updated: 2023-02-28 Chapters: 20/? Words:

i would be his if he asked

by darknessoulz


Professor Lee Junho ended up spending one night with an omega who also happened to be
the most beautiful girl he had ever met. She had never left his mind since then, even when
he woke up alone in bed the next day. Two months later, he finally met her again, in his
class, in the form of his new transfer student - Woo Youngwoo.

an eaw professor x student omegaverse au


prompt given by @balance_shit on twitter

See the end of the work for more notes

Chapter 1

The hallways were bustling with students, Junho rubbing his fingers against his forehead as he
weaved his way through, nursing a pounding headache he had since the morning.

"Good morning professor!" he heard someone greet in what Junho felt was a too cheerful voice for
a Monday morning, giving the student a nod of acknowledgement, a relieved sigh leaving his
mouth when he pushed open the door to the staff room, the noise outside suddenly dimming once it
closed behind him. "Ah Junho-ssi, good morning, you are late today for a change."
"Long night," Junho replied. "I came by to collect the additional material that was issued

"Myeong Seok-ssi dropped by your office on his way earlier so he took it with him."

"Ah okay, thanks," he said gratefully, raising his hand in farewell before he exited the room,
heading upstairs to his own office. He and two of the other professors including Myeong Seok who
taught Literature at the university had their own offices on the last floor which was quite a walk but
it was secluded considering there were no classrooms there and Junho preferred the silence while
working which made it all the more convenient.

Entering his own office, his deposited his bag onto the chair, glad to find the needed materials
already sitting on his desk, a post it note stuck on the top of the pile.

'Make sure to get a stronger coffee than usual, look like you are going to need it :) Also you have a
new transfer student in your class today, ik its last minute but i'll get back to you later on that.'

"What does he mean a new transfer student?" Junho groaned, grabbing the sheaf of papers and
sitting down heavily in his chair, flicking through it distractedly as he willed his headache to go
away, eyes darting to the wall clock which told him he still had an hour before his class.

He sat reading and taking his own notes till it was ten minutes to class, making sure he had
everything he needed before he made his way downstairs, bumping into Myeong Seok who was
just exiting the class having finished his lecture and flashed Junho a smile, waving him inside.
"Morning," he wished, motioning everyone to settle down after they had greeted him, setting down
his books, glancing briefly at the post it that he had forgotten to remove as he looked expectantly
at the familiar faces in front of him.

"I hear we have a new transfer student today, if they could introduce themselves please."

Everyone turned to look behind, Junho following their gaze only for a short haired girl to stand up
hesitantly in her place, her fingers wringing nervously in front of her as she stared down at the

"M-My name is Woo Youngwoo."

Wait, why did her voice sound so familiar?

"Whether read straight or flipped, its still Woo Youngwoo. Kayak, deed, noon, rotator, racecar,
Woo Youngwoo."

The class snickered at the words, Junho tilting his head in slight amusement although he couldn't
help entertain the thought from before just as her gaze snapped upto his and his mind went
completely blank for a moment.

Two months earlier

Junho observed the amber colored liquid in the glass, swirling it around before he downed the rest
of it in one go, setting the glass down on the table as he glanced around himself. It was a Friday
night and the bar was more crowded than usual, mostly a bunch of students who were being too
loud for Junho's liking. The alcohol made him feel pleasantly light, the stress of the week seeming
to drain away with the liquid that flowed down his throat.

A sudden strong scent invaded his senses, his head whipping around to glance at the person who
had collided into him, his hand reaching out to steady her before she fell face first to the floor.
"Careful," he instructed, pulling her upright, stifling a cough at how her scent spiked more, a tinge
of burnt caramel now obvious in it.

Heat and distress. An unmated omega in heat in the middle of a bar full of alphas .

"Please," she whimpered, clutching at his shirt with frantic hands, Junho not missing the dazed
look in her eyes.

God, her scent was driving him crazy not to mention the way the dainty little thing was fully
pressed against him-

A growl from behind had him pull her behind himself on instinct, his eyes locking with a much
younger Alpha's across them and Junho could sense how riled up he was and the way his eyes were
tinged red. "Get out of my way," he growled, Junho stepping closer to the terrified omega who had
slid down against the bar, curled up into a ball behind the stool, her hands over her ears.

"I won't. She is not yours and I will call the police if you don't disappear from my sight within the
next ten seconds."
The words earned a furious snarl from the Alpha who lunged at Junho, him calmly stepping aside
only for the guy to crash into the counter, the two hefty beta's behind the bar pinning him there
facedown in a less than a few seconds.

"Miss, did he do something to you?" Junho asked, catching her hands in his own larger ones gently
to stop her from hitting herself. "He-he tried to bite me- I forgot to take suppressants-" she replied,
her fingers moving agitatedly against his, Junho glancing up at one of the beta's who was now on
the phone with the police.

"Get her out of here before she gets the others on her. These horny little shits dont know how to
control their damn hormones around omegas." Junho nodded, having plenty of experience with
young alpha's who had let their instincts take over them and had been punished for it later since he
had joined the university, disliking how the staff always ended up getting a earful later for not
keeping them in check.

He shrugged off his coat, pulling it around her shaking frame and hauled her up, making sure she
found her footing before he guided her outside to his car parked in the alley at the back which was
totally deserted now at this time of the night. The fresh air helped curb her scent to some extent,
the girl climbing into the passenger seat of the unlocked car, trying to bury her nose in the material
of his coat.

"Where do you live?" he asked, leaning over to tug the seatbelt over her only to inhale another
lungful of her scent, Junho almost groaning at the smell of sickly sweet caramel that filled his
senses, now aware of his own evident arousal as he quickly moved back to open the window.

"Where do you live? I promise I am just going to drop you home, it's not safe for you to take a cab
home in this state. Do you have someone to call and inform where you are?" The question only
earned a quietly uttered ' no ' from her, her hands clenched tightly into the material of his coat.
"Okay then just tell me where you live, I'll take you home."
"N-not home- I- m-my roommate is out of town please-"

"Anyone else you can think of? I need to get you home cause your scent is-" he trailed off, hand
covering the lower part of his face as he tried not to inhale another lungful of air.

"It-it hurts I-"

"I know," Junho said, cutting her off, taking in the way she was squirming in her place, her lip
caught in between her teeth as she rubbed unconsciously at her wrists.

"Dont , you are making it worse," he added in a low voice, going to pull her hand away and she
gasped at the touch, her fingers enclosing over his.



"Please… Alpha ," she whimpered, pressing her nose against his wrist and trying to inhale his
scent, Junho hissing and yanking his hand away as she tried to grab at him in desperation.
"No- please, please," she pleaded, practically yanking away the seatbelt and climbing over the
console onto his lap, burying her face in the crook of his neck, her hands going around his
shoulders. He could feel her run her nose across his scent gland, small noises leaving her mouth as
she pressed herself closer to him, her legs falling onto either side of his thighs.

"Omega ," he growled, fingers digging into the dip of her waist in an attempt to stop her but she
just tightened her hold on him, gasping when she felt him shift slightly which led to his hardness to
press right up into her centre, Junho feeling how hot she was even through the few layers that
separated them. "Yes Alpha please," she whined, helplessly grinding herself against him. Junho
groaned, his head falling back against the seat, eyes darkening when she went to yank up her dress,
his hand blocking hers before she could pull it up further.

"No," he warned, grabbing her by her waist and depositing her back into her seat, the disappointed
whine that left her lips making him feel guilty for a second.

You disappointed your omega, his mind screamed at him but he chose to ignore it for now. He
reached over, nudging the side of her face with his nose as she tilted her head willingly, baring her
neck to him and the sound that left her lips as soon as his hot, warm tongue laved over her had him
tighten his grip on the willing omega and he pulled her closer, feeling her body go lax in his arms
after a few moments.

"Good girl,” he mumbled, lips brushing against her gland briefly while he sucked on her skin
lightly for the last time, moving away to turn his attention back to the more important task at hand
- get her somewhere safe. He knew it was useless to keep prodding her for her address considering
how wrung out she was and he decided that his apartment was the next best place for her till she
could get someone to pick her up. He hastily buckled his belt, starting the car and he was soon on
the road, speeding through the city and trying not to lose his control with the stifling scent of her

He barely made it to his apartment, practically slamming the car into park and jumping out, going
over to help her out as well, steadying her when her legs gave way and she slumped against him,
breaths uneven.
"Jesus," he muttered, his hand going under her knees, one hand supporting her back as he lifted her
up easily into his arms, not missing the way she sighed and pressed her face to his shoulder. He
took the stairs, not wanting to risk coming across someone in the elevator, opening the door to his
apartment and stepping inside, carefully placing her on the sofa before going to close the door. He
fished out his phone, searching and pulling up a familiar contact, the phone ringing while he
stepped inside the berdoom, his attention still on the restless omega out in his living room.


"Suyeon I actually- there's something I need your help with."

"Right now? Are you okay? Should I come over?"

"Ani- ani its okay. There's this girl- she didn't take her suppressants and she went into heat in the

"Is she with you?"


"Did you call anyone to get her?"

"She said her roommate is out of town and she was really scared, I- brought her home."

There was a long pause, Junho's ears catching a barely mumbled Alpha from outside as he closed
the bedroom door more than halfway, leaving a slight crack so he could still keep an eye on her.

"Okay- that's the next best thing I guess," Suyeon agreed, although Junho could sense the hint of
hesitation in her voice and he didn't blame her.

"Just tell me if I can do anything to help."

"You can't really do anything. A knot will help ease it faster but thats about it.


"I am just telling you the facts Junho."

"I can't-"

"That's between you and her. As long as you keep yourself in check and dont hurt her or bite her
without her consent because if you do, I'll come there and hunt you down," she threatened.
The line cut off, Junho exhaling heavily before he opened the door and stepped outside, walking
over to where the girl was curled up, the moan that left her lips at that moment traveling straight to
his cock.

The little thing was a mess, her dress bunched up around her waist while her small hand clumsily
worked between her legs and he could see the copious amounts of slick coating her bare thighs.
She scrambled up as soon as he came into her field of vision, yanking him closer by his belt and he
barely caught himself, falling onto the sofa with her with his forearms supporting almost all of his

"Alpha please," she pleaded deliriously, trying to tug him closer with one hand, her other hand
slipping back into her underwear.

"Please I need- I need- so hot- its-" she tried to explain, Junho sensing she was working herself up.
"Hush, hush little one," he mumbled, pressing his lips to her jaw, the girl turning her head to seek
him, her lips pressing against his the next second. He tightened his grip on her when she moaned
into his mouth, her lips soft and pliant against his.

"Hot," she whined, finally pulling back for air, her wide hazed eyes glancing up into his own and
the confusion on her face had him pause, breathing heavy before he pushed himself away from
over her, stumbling a few steps back.

What was he doing? She was not his omega that he could touch her in this state, heck he didn't
even know her name. But the way she was whining for him was really testing his self control, not to
mention her scent-

"Alpha please- hurts," the pained whimper snapped him out of his daze, Junho turning his attention
to her. "Please- I need-"

"I can't-"

"Please ," she whimpered again, rocking her hips desperately against her hand but Junho could
sense it was not enough from the way her eyebrows furrowed and she made a frustrated noise.
"Please Alpha," she mumbled, tears pricking her eyes, not understanding why her alpha wasnt
fucking her senseless when all that she could think of was how heavenly his large warm hands felt
against her flushed skin.

Help your omega. She is in pain.

The next noise that left her lips had his resolve crumble, Junho stepping forward to gather her in his
arms, carrying her inside the bedroom and depositing her in the middle of his bed, the girl's eyes
trained on him as he climbed over her.


"Tell me where little one, tell Alpha where," he coaxed, the omega grabbing one of his hands in
hers and pressing it between her legs without hesitation. A relieved moan left her lips when his deft
fingers hooked in the crotch of her damp underwear and pulled the material down her legs, finding
her hot and swollen and slick for him.

"Ahhhh " she cried out, feeling two of his long thick fingers slide into her without any resistance,
the stretch delicious as her walls clenched around his digits, a growl leaving his mouth when she
spread her legs more, opening herself up for him.
"Thats it little one, get yourself off for me," he praised as her own hand resumed to fumble against
her clit, pressing and rubbing against the bundle of nerves just while he pressed another finger into
her, seeing her roll her hips against his hand.

He curled his fingers in her, the action making her cry out and beg for more, Junho leaning down to
tug aside the collar of her dress with his teeth, his lips closing around one of her sensitive nipples
and he sucked , the action enough to tip her over the edge. He waited until she had calmed down,
her body slumping back against the mattress but her gaze was still intent on him, wantonly eyeing
the rock hard bulge in his jeans.

"Alpha ," she cooed, reaching out to palm him through the thick material, Junho cursing under his
breath but he couldn't help press himself into her hand. She sat up, hands deftly unbuckling his belt
and shoving down his jeans and boxers, eyes widening when she saw his huge hard cock spring

"This is what you want hm?" he asked, the omega gasping when he pushed her back to lie down on
the sheets, his hand pumping over the thick length of his cock and she nodded, her thighs clenching
together at the sight. "Spread them for me," he growled, her legs falling open at the command,
Junho bracing himself on his forearms as he ran his length over her soaked folds, open mouth
dropping to her neck to her scent gland, the action making her gasp and jerk under him.

"You are going to take my knot, yes little one? Lie there like a good girl and take it for me, that's
what you want right? Want Alpha to stretch you open for him?"

"Yes Alpha," she lilted out, dazed and naked and wanting as she lay below him, making a content
noise when she felt him start to press into her, his hand squeezing her breast.
"Have you taken a knot before?" he asked, the question making her shake her head after a moment
and he paused, his hand cupping her jaw to make her look at him.

"Never?" he asked hoarsely.

"Ani- I- am a virgin."

The statement made his cock throb in his hand, a bolt of arousal running through him as he stared
at her. He hadn't suspected that answer, knowing he would have to be extra careful with her now
but the fact that he would be the first person to watch her being penetrated for the first time had
him give himself another squeeze, the image making him groan and drop his head to her shoulder.

She bucked her hips against him, the action making him slide in a bit more into her and she gasped,
throwing her head back, her hand fisting into the bedsheets. "Easy," he soothed, one hand rubbing
slow circles on her clit as he pushed in further.

"Big," she whimpered out and he could sense the hesitation in her voice. "Don't worry you can take
it, little one, such a good girl for me," he breathed out. "I can take it," she repeated, blinking at


"More," she finally replied, Junho's hips bucking forward at her words, the feeling of being buried
inside her hot, wet cunt almost making him come, her walls fluttering around him and he felt her
squirm a bit when he paused, not yet working in his knot, giving her time to adjust to him.
He drew back, starting to slowly move in and out of her, knowing he was going to have to work her
up well in order for her to take his knot. "F-feel so full Alpha," she sighed, Junho's lips pressing
against her forehead reassuringly. "I know little one, you are going to take my knot though yes?"

"I- don't- I can't- you are so big-" she gasped and Junho couldn't help smirk at her confession. He
rolled his hips against hers, slowly starting to push in deeper, feeling her stretch to accomodate his
length and she cried out incoherently when she felt his knot finally ease into her, her walls giving
way as he started to fuck her deeper, pressing in all the way into her tight cunt and groaning at the
way she gripped him.

"Good omega, taking me so well," he muttered, feeling the sweat build along his hairline, wanting
to tell her that she felt so incredible around him but he stayed quiet, reveling in her soft gasps and
moans and the way her little hands tugged on the hair at the nape of his neck. "Are you close hm?
Going to come for Alpha?"

"I- yes Alpha- I-"

"Thats right, you are going to come for me, take my knot like a good omega, come on," he urged,
squeezing her ass in time with the rocking of his hips, feeling himself ready to explode but he held
back, he held back focusing on the way her back arched, desperate fingers clawing at his arm and
then she was gone, a sharp cry leaving her lips as she came around him, her body shuddering with
the orgasm that wracked through her, Junho spilling into her with a similar cry, her high pitched
whimpers of Alpha sounding blissful to his ears.

He eased himself down beside her after he caught his breath, shifting her carefully so they both lay
on their sides. She was so small, he could practically move her anyway he wanted, noticing the
way her body fit so perfectly in his arms.
His fingers carded back her now tousled hair, rubbing his thumb gently along the gland on her
neck, the touch making her arch into him, her face pressed to his chest, breathing in his scent as he
breathed in hers, the burnt edge to it now long disappeared.

Junho could feel her body go limp in his arms, him gathering her closer and pulling the duvet over
their bodies. He buried his nose in her neck, scenting her lightly, trying to bury the urge to sink his
teeth into her, knowing he could never do that and he had no business to. He felt his knot go down
after a while, making it easy for him to slip out of her.

A quiet whine left her lips in her half asleep state, bleary eyes glancing up at Junho who shushed
her, ignoring the way she protested again when he got up, getting out of bed. He hastily cleaned
himself up, donning on a pair of sweatpants before proceeding to clean her up with a wet
washcloth, pulling one of his shirts over her head to cover up her bare body. She practically
drowned in it, appearing so small in his clothes as she curled up under the blankets, her face buried
in one of his pillows. He got in besides her, his arm resting on her waist, an overwhelming sense to
be close, to keep her safe and to protect her still strong in his brain. Junho couldn't place if it was
instinct or his possessiveness and he was too tired to think anymore, choosing to focus on the the
way her body rose and fell with her breaths till he could no longer keep his eyes open.

He didn't know how long he had slept but the next time he opened his eyes, the space next to him
on the bed was bare, although her faint scent still lingered in the room. Scrambling up, he hurried
outside, dread overcoming him when he realised she was no longer in the apartment.

She had left, just like that , without even leaving anything for him to contact her. He didn't even
know her name and he didn't know if it made the situation better or worse. Granted he could just
forget that it happened but his mind and heart didn't agree. Slumping onto the sofa, he threw his
head back, rubbing at his forehead with his fingers, worry gnawing at his insides. Even if he knew
she had got home safe he would be okay with it but he didn't even have a way of knowing that. He
felt like cursing himself, knowing he should have been better but now what was done was done and
he just had to accept the fact that maybe he would never see her again.

But now here she was, right in front of him in his classroom, the same wide eyes back to darting
across the floor, refusing to make eye contact with him.
"Woo Youngwoo," he repeated, her gaze snapping up to his as soon as her name left his lips.

Woo Youngwoo. So that was her name. Two months later, still the same, the same pretty eyes and
the same soft voice that had once desperately begged for his touch. Woo Youngwoo, his new
transfer student, the omega that had never left his mind ever since that night. Fate, it was fate,
giving him a second chance and this time, this time he was not going to let her go.
Chapter 2
Chapter Notes

a bit from yw's pov :)

Youngwoo weaved her way through the hallway, her hands itching to fly to her ears at every small
rise in the noise around her, a relieved breath escaping her lips when she finally managed to locate
her classroom. She had literature and law before break, although Geurami was only with her for
literature class but Youngwoo figured she would be okay on her own once she got settled down.
Stepping into the classroom after counting to three, she glanced around, her gaze immediately
finding Geurami's who waved from where she was sitting, Youngwoo going over to drop into the
seat besides her.

"I thought you were going to be late," Geurami hissed, just as the next professor stepped in
moments later through the door, Youngwoo shaking her head in retaliation.

"Animida, I got a bit confused finding my way. There's still two minutes left to start."

"Whatever. How was your first class?"


"New transfer student, if you could introduce yourself please," a pleasant voice called out after
everyone had settled down, Youngwoo glancing over at the man in front who was looking
expectantly at the class. She raised her hand hesitantly, standing up and shifting a bit on her feet,
her gaze intent on her desk as she quickly rattled off her introduction, earning a light slap on her
hand from Geurami and a collective snicker from the class.
"That's very interesting Miss Woo. I am Jung Myeong Seok, I'll be taking literature this year and
please feel free to approach me if you have any difficulties with respect to anything considering
you are still not familiar with the campus."

"Yes Professor, thank you," she mumbled gratefully, slumping back down into her seat, fishing out
her books, Geurami quickly pointing out where they were currently. The lecture went better than
Youngwoo thought it would, her finding Myeong Seok interactive enough with the class and she
liked the way the man was patient with his explanations and she could see he was indeed
passionate about his subject.

"I wish he was there for law. He would be great," Youngwoo mumbled once class had ended,
Geurami getting up to grab her bag since she wasn't taking law which was the next class.

"Yah, everyone has the hots for the law professor, he is the most popular faculty on campus. I am
sure you'll like him too and if you don't, atleast you got eye candy," Geurami shrugged. "You wait
outside class for me after you are done okay? Dont go wandering off on your own," her friend
instructed further, Youngwoo waving her off dismissively, throwing her a last glance when she
disappeared through the door.

She felt everyone fall silent after a few moments, Youngwoo busy tracing the pattern of a whale
with her finger on her desk, frowning when she heard someone ask everyone to settle down so they
could start.

Where had she heard that voice?

"I hear we have a new transfer student today, if they could introduce themselves please."
Oh .

It- it couldn't be him right?

"My name is Woo Youngwoo," she mumbled, standing up in her place, not daring to look up at the
man who she was replying to, her gaze boring holes into the desk.

"Whether read straight or flipped, its still Woo Youngwoo. Kayak, deed, noon, rotator, racecar,
Woo Youngwoo," she blurted out, wincing after at herself, earning a repeated snicker from the
class which made her shuffle uncomfortably, her eyes slowly raising to lock with the professor's
across the room and she froze, her eyes widening in surprise.

It was him.


Two months earlier

Youngwoo's eyes fluttered open to a pitch dark room as she shifted on the mattress, pausing when
she felt someone's presence beside her, a heavy arm draped across her waist. There was still a
thrum of heat beneath her skin although it felt less overwhelming now, the events of last night
slowly coming back to her and she sat up with a start, her fingers curling into the blanket covering
her half naked frame.
She got down from the bed with shaky legs, almost tripping on her way out into the living room,
relief washing over her when she felt her purse still where she had left it on the sofa, trembling
hands fishing out her phone and dialing Geurami's number. "Youngwoo?" a sleepy voice came over
the phone.

"Rami- I- I need to get home."

"Get home? Where the fuck are you right now then? I thought you were home already!"

"A-ani, please-"

"Are you hurt? Where are you?"

"Ani, I- forgot my suppressants and-"

"Woo Youngwoo, I swear to god- yah just send me your location, I'll get Minwoo to pick you up

"Okay, hurry please," she whimpered in discomfort, her fingers rubbing across her now throbbing
gland as she placed the phone back in her purse, padding back into the bedroom.
Wake up your Alpha, her brain urged her, Youngwoo swallowing hard as she stared at the fast
asleep man. Not your Alpha, she admonished herself. She could still feel his touch on her flushed
skin, warm and soothing, his scent making her heady, Youngwoo now aware of the slick starting to
pool in between her legs, an unconscious shiver passing through her.

She shook herself out of her daze, hurriedly grabbing her discarded clothes and putting them back
on, pausing for a moment before picking up the now discarded shirt she was clad in before,
burying her nose in it and inhaling, her omega purring happily at the Alpha's scent. She almost got
into bed again, wanting nothing more than to wake him up and for him to pin her to the bed with
those strong arms of his and let him make it better, that low deep voice of his praising her - good
girl, that it, going to let me fuck you like the good omega you are, arent you?

Gasping at her train of thought, Youngwoo shook her head, running out into the living room and
slipping her feet into her heels, fumbling with the lock on the door which she managed to open
without much sound, stepping outside and closing it behind her, just as Minwoo called, informing
he had arrived downstairs, Youngwoo taking the stairs two at a time and almost colliding with the
Alpha waiting for her downstairs.

"Easy, are you alright? What were you doing upstairs?" he asked worriedly, Youngwoo letting him
guide her into the car, choosing to ignore his questions and curling up into herself, the shirt
clutched to her chest as she closed her eyes, letting the scent calm the overwhelming feelings
coursing through her body.

She had regretted her decision days later when her heat had passed, knowing ver well that she had
imagined the Alpha's voice whispering in her ear everytime she came with her own hand buried in
between her legs, her voice hoarse from crying out for him, imagining it was him filling her up
with those sinfully long fingers of his or his thick knot, his scent enveloping the air around until she
fell into fitful sleep, the same thoughts plaguing her dreams as well.

She never thought she would see him again, but now here he was standing in front of her, the same
voice that somehow found its way into her blissfully illicit thoughts everytime, now apparently
addressing her.
"Woo Youngwoo," he repeated, sounding almost as dazed as she felt, Youngwoo gulping and
nodding meekly, sitting back down in her seat. He didn't ask her any further questions, proceeding
to continue with his lecture, informing them to get the additional material issued from the library
after he had signed their slips.

Youngwoo did steal a few glances when she thought he wasn't looking, catching his eye once and
didn't dare look up after that, her eyes trained on the page of her book as she read the same line
over and over again in her mind, trying to drown out his voice. She was the first person to scramble
up when the class ended, dumping her books into her bag and proceeding to make her way out,
only for Junho to step in between her and the door.

"Aren't you in a hurry now?" he asked, tilting his head slightly in question, Youngwoo's hands
clenching and unclenching nervously by her sides, her eyes darting across the floor.

"I want to go," she mumbled with a frown, Junho sensing her restless behavior and moving aside
after a moment to let her pass, watching as she practically threw open the door and ran down the
hallway to disappear around the corner.

"She is one weird specimen," he heard the guy behind comment while handing his slip to Junho
who signed it, an uneasy feeling settling somewhere within him. Why did she appear so terrified?
Had the turn of events scared her that much?

Outside, Youngwoo barely made it to the bathroom, hurriedly locking herself inside one of the
stalls and sliding down against the door, her heart thudding in her chest as she tried to catch her
breath, starting to rock back and forth. She had been utterly terrified when he had stepped in her
way, wondering for a moment whether he would demand an explanation from her for what she had
done in front of the class.
"She literally dashed as soon as class ended I am telling you, she didn't even wait for Sir to sign her
library slip," a voice reached Youngwoo's ears from outside making her pause her rocking.

"I heard she is a genius. Maybe she doesn't need the additional material."

Oh, oh. She had totally forgotten about that. Oh- thats why he had stopped her. Wait, he wasnt
going to question her? But now she had to go get it signed from him. What if he asked her then?

"I dont know, she just seemed really scared. I told Geurami she disappeared somewhere down the
hallway. Maybe the poor thing was just overwhelmed."

"Yeah a new campus can be overwhelming."

The loud ring of Youngwoo's phone interrupted the conversation, Youngwoo hurriedly reaching
for it just to hear a loud slam followed by heavy footsteps.

"Yah Woo Youngwoo, get out here, why are you hiding in there?!" she heard Geurami yell,
Youngwoo wincing at the tone, slowly pushing the door open only for her friend to appear in the

"Why did you run away? I told you to wait for me right? Did someone do something to you?"

"A-Ani I am fine," she answered, Geurami hauling her up, the other two girls coming over to check
if she was okay, Youngwoo nodding in answer, grateful for their concern just as Geurami placed
her headphones on her head, the familiar weight over her ears calming her down further.

"I need to-"

"You need to get outside and quieten down that overloaded brain of yours," Geurami interrupted,
thanking the girls before guiding her outside and down the stairs into the open, sitting her down on
one of the benches where a few students were mulling around.

"Now tell me what you were saying." Youngwoo turned to Geurami, her hand tugging her
headphones down before drawing out the library slip from her bag and handing it out to her friend.

"I forgot to get this signed."

"Go then, I'll wait here."

"You- aren't coming?"

"You'll need to go to his office now since its break time. Fifth floor, last room down the hallway.
Also too many stairs. I am tired from trackfield practice as it is. Go on, I'll wait, ain't running away
like you did," Geurami mumbled, slumping down in her place, Youngwoo begrudgingly getting up
and making her way inside and upstairs.
She found the office easily, pausing outside the closed door and raising her hand to knock,
gnawing at her lip nervously. "Miss Woo," she heard a familiar voice from behind, the girl
jumping in her place and turning around with wide eyes, gasping softly when she collided with
Junho who was standing right behind her.

"Careful," he hissed, steading her by her arm, the touch making her let out yet another noise,
Youngwoo yanking her hand away from his grip. "I am not going to bite you, little one. No need to
be so jumpy. What were you here for?"

She didn't reply although she felt her stomach do those familiar flips at the nickname, just pushing
the paper into his face, Junho sighing and plucking it out of her hand, signing it quickly before
handing it back to her.

"That's all?"


"Okay," he answered, stepping around her and pushing open the door, going to close it just as
Youngwoo jammed her foot into the space, preventing the action.

"I- I wanted to-" she started, Junho moving aside to let her in, eyes intent on her once she closed the
door, her back pressed against it. "I wanted to-"

"Apologize? You should," Junho interrupted, depositing his books onto his desk, turning to face
her. "You could have at least left something with which I could contact you to make sure you got
home safe."
"I didn't- I didn't mean to- I was just scared-"

"Do you know how scared I was Miss Woo? An unmated omega in heat outside without an Alpha
in the middle of the night on her own is another word for disaster you know that right? What made
you think it was a good idea to do that?"

"S-sorry-" she mumbled, curling up a bit into herself, her gaze turned downward as she heard him
sigh heavily from across the room.

"Its fine. Now that I have seen you are okay I guess. I am glad to know you didn't just forget about
the entire thing."

"I didn't just forget about the entire thing," she repeated back, his footsteps coming closer and the
next thing she knew she was pushed up against the door, his hands on either side of her body, face
merely inches from her own.

"You didn't hm?"


"Was I so memorable little one? Did you think about me after?"

"Yes s-sometimes," she gasped out, nodding her head, her soft breaths ghosting across his face.

"Only sometimes?" he asked, earning another jerky nod from her.

"That's disappointing little one, because you never left my mind since then." The confession had
her gasp, timid fingers curling into the material of his shirt. Alpha didnt forget about us, her omega
preened. She tugged onto the material, wanting him closer, wanting him to press her into the door
with his body, strong hands pinning her to it while he buried himself into her, praising her- good
omega, such a good omega-

"Shit," he mumbled, making a move to step away at the sudden spike in her scent, Youngwoo
making a noise of protest and pulling him closer frantically. "No- no," she whined softly, her head
spinning, anxiety thrumming in her veins at the thought of the Alpha leaving her again- her Alpha-

"Okay, okay its okay," he coaxed, arm wrapping around her shaking frame while he pulled her
closer, rubbing his hand over her back to try soothe her, Youngwoo pressing her face into his chest,
trying to even out her breaths, hand clawing unconsciously at her neck with how uneasy she still

"Don't do that," he instructed, prying away her hand and trapping it between their bodies, holding
her close until he felt her calm down completely.

"I am probably using up your break time, you should go, your friends must be waiting," he finally
said, Youngwoo looking up at him before reluctantly prying himself away from his embrace,
knowing he was right.
"Right- I am sorry," she replied, rubbing at her wrist with her thumb as she turned, taking a step
towards the door, her breath hitching when she felt him step closer, his hand going around her
waist from behind before she felt him nudge the side of her face, carding away her hair to lightly
run his nose across her neck, earning a high pitched whimper from her.

"One day I'll have you pressed against my door like before hm? Going to bury myself in that tight
little cunt and you are going to beg me for more. But this time, you'll come willingly to me on your
own, well aware of what you want, yes little one? Alpha's going to be waiting," Junho whispered,
giving her waist a light squeeze before he left his hold on her, Youngwoo glancing up at him with
wide eyes, well aware of the sudden dampness in her underwear, her heart pounding as she
squeaked out in response. Shaking her head to try clear the daze in her mind, her hand reached out
the yank open the door, Youngwoo stepping out, the door closing behind her moments later,
although the words uttered by Junho still rang in her mind all the way back downstairs.

"Did you get it signed?" Geurami asked just as she reached the bench, Youngwoo sitting down
meekly and nodding, Geurami frowning and leaning in to sniff at her. "You- smell of him," she

"Must be the enclosed space, he has a strong scent," Youngwoo muttered, relieved when Geurami
just shrugged, her hand coming to touch the nape of her neck where she could still feel the touch of
his lips.

He wanted her. Wanted her to come to him. Her Alpha. Was she going to make sure he kept his
word? Oh she definitely was.
Chapter 3
Chapter Notes

hello to anyone who is

still reading, hope y'all are having a good day/afternoon/evening/night ❤

Junho was sitting at his desk, busy marking papers of the test that had been held yesterday, sighing
exasperatedly at the answers some students had penned down. Till now, the only satisfactory ones
had been written by barely a handful of students, Sang-hoon, Youngwoo and Jin-hee's papers
actually being better than he had expected. Kim Sang-hoon had a lazy scrawl which made it a bit
hard to read but his interpretations were right on point while Youngwoo's handwriting was small
and neat and he could see she had quoted the sections right of the book word for word in many
places which was admirable. Jin-hee was kind of a mix of both of their styles, Junho not actually
being able to pinpoint anything unique but she had performed well and that was what really

A knock on the door had him utter a distracted ' come in ', Junho expecting it to be Myeong Seok
asking him what he wanted for lunch since it was probably a good 15 minutes into break, ready to
tell him he wasn't really hungry and he would eat later between his classes only for the door to open
softly, Junho looking up to see Youngwoo half peeking through the crack the door.

"Miss Woo?" he asked in surprise, sitting up straighter in his chair as she timidly stepped inside
and closed the door, turning around to face him, Junho frowning at what appeared to be fresh food
stains on her previously yellow blouse. "How did you manage to do that to yourself?" he asked,
getting up, Youngwoo sighing quietly at the statement.

"I didn't do it, the others managed to."

"What do you mean?"

"Geurami didn't come to university today due to her track and field competitions. Doesn't take
others much to pick on me. They leave me alone when I am with her but otherwise-" she trailed
off, shrugging, depositing her bag on one of the chairs.

"You are going to need to change that," Junho pointed out, stepping closer, fingers tugging the
stained material away from where it stuck to her skin, Youngwoo grimacing at the action.

"I don't have a change of clothes Sir ," she replied with an unamused expression before rolling her
eyes, fishing out her lunchbox from her bag.

"Do you mind if I have lunch here? I don't want to go back there, it's too noisy anyways."

"Suit yourself. I'll warn you, I am boring company though," Junho said, rummaging around in the
cupboard beside his desk, drawing out a plain black t-shirt and throwing it in her direction,
Youngwoo making a noise of protest when it fell upon her head. "Wear that."

"It's not going to fit me."

"Just tuck it in your jeans and wear your jacket over it. No one will notice."

Youngwoo looked at Junho for a moment, removing the shirt from over her face, carefully
untucking her blouse from her jeans and proceeding to drag it over her head, hearing a surprised
noise leave Junho’s mouth as he quickly turned around, making her smile in amusement. “Nothing
you haven’t seen before,” she stated, tugging his shirt over her head, the soft material comfortable
against her skin much to her relief although she felt the label still in place.
“The label is uncomfortable,” she blurted out with a frown, turning to Junho when he reached over
to yank open his drawer, taking out a pair of scissors before he cut away the label deftly,
Youngwoo tucking the t-shirt back in her jeans and buttoning them up. “Okay now?” he asked,
sitting back down in his chair, Youngwoo nodding gratefully, secretly happy that she could smell
his scent all over the shirt.

“Aren’t you going to have lunch?” she inquired, seeing that he was back to grading the tests, Junho
leaning back in his chair and crossing his leg over his knee, pushing his glasses up his nose with
his finger.

“I’ll eat later, I have free time between classes,” was all the explanation he gave, Youngwoo
popping a piece of gimbap into her mouth, glancing around the room, aware of Junho’s gaze on her
from across.

“What?” she asked, suddenly conscious of herself, shifting a bit in her place, not wanting to meet
his gaze.


“Your scent is off.”

“I am holding myself back from going downstairs and giving them a piece of my mind,” he simply
stated, Youngwoo shaking her head in response.
“They aren't worth the trouble. Plus it would look really weird if you caused a commotion for a
random student.”

“Not random. You are worth the trouble little one but I won’t cause I don’t think you would like
it.” Junho placed the paper he finished grading aside, reaching around the desk to tug her chair
closer, Youngwoo gasping as she almost collided with him.

“I’ll leave it for now but don’t let people walk over you okay? No one gets to do that to you. Be
confident about yourself.”

“I am easy to pick on Sir. I have autism so I have to constantly remind myself not to get fooled by
people, I don’t pick up on others intentions really well,” she muttered, leaning into Junho’s touch
when he cupped her cheek gently, thumb caressing her jaw.

“Don't worry your pretty little head over that now hm?” She nodded, teeth gnawing on her full lip,
Junho tugging it down and pressing his lips to the reddened skin making Youngwoo whimper, her
mouth opening obediently when his moved to press insistently against hers, lips soft and firm over
her own. A knock on the door had her gasp and push him away, Youngwoo turning to see who she
assumed was the sociology professor enter the room, the man pausing in the doorway when he saw
the duo in front of him.

“Well, well, I didn’t know Professor Lee gave extra classes in break time,” he pointed out,
Youngwoo making a move to get up, not wishing to stay in on their conversation, shooting Junho a
look when he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down.

“Students at the cafeteria weren’t accommodating to her so she asked if she could eat lunch here.
Would be rude of me to deny her now, yes Professor Jang?”
“I wouldn’t encourage it but suit yourself,” Jang retorted dryly, glancing at Youngwoo as he placed
a couple of books on Junho’s desk.

“A word later when you find yourself free.”

“I’ll be along,” Junho replied curtly, gaze following Jang who exited the room, closing the door
behind him.

“Sorry, I didn't expect him right now,” Junho apologized, Youngwoo shaking her head and taking a
bite of her gimbap, content with observing Junho who went back to his work, a comfortable silence
settling between them.

She could definitely get used to this.

◌ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

“We’ll go over the cases presented in the previously set papers and see if you can break it down in
a way everyone would be able to understand. You need to state the applicable law as well,” Junho
announced in the class, pausing to stand in front of the desk and face the students who were busy
reading through the material they were currently given, Junho giving them a few minutes to think.

“Ok so first case. A woman hit her husband with an iron after an argument which resulted in him
getting sent to the hospital. She was charged with attempted murder but pleaded not guilty. How
would you proceed as an attorney of the defendant with the case to ensure minimum damages to
your party?”
“She does seem guilty,” one student murmured, glancing over the material presented.

“Seeming and being are two different things Kang Dae.”

“Pleading not guilty on the charge would be the answer right? Although I don't see how it would
really work.”

“No, we aren’t here to argue over who is guilty or not guilty. The defendant is going to be given
probation regardless of what is done as already decided by the court.”

"I think its important to argue over who is guilty and not guilty here," a clear voice interrupted,
Youngwoo standing up in her place as she lifted her head to face Junho.

"And why is that Miss Woo?" Junho asked, crossing his arms.

"Its like a whale quiz! If a female sperm whale weighing 22 tonnes ate a giant squid of 500
kilograms and then laid an egg of 1.3 tonnes 6 months later how much does the sperm whale

The question earned a collective groan from the class, Youngwoo pulling a face at the noise but
didn't seem to deter, looking expectantly at Junho who tilted his head slightly in amusement.
"I- dont know."

"The answer is whales don't lay eggs," she said matter of factly, looking around at the class as
Junho pressed the back of his hand to his mouth to suppress his snort, motioning to Youngwoo to
continue. "We therefore need to look at the main point."

"Which is?" Junho prompted, stepping between the rows to come stand a few feet away from her,
Youngwoo thinking for a moment, her face screwed up in concentration before her eyes shot open
and she grinned at Junho.

"If you look at the case according to criminal law you wont get the answer because the key is in
civil law. Article 1004 of the Civil Act states that a person who has intentionally killed or
attempted to kill a lineal descendant, their inheritor, spouse or any other person who has majority
or in the same order of inheritance cannot become the inheritor. Therefore you can't inherit from a
person you have attempted to murder. Since the defendant's only source of income is the pension
of her husband and the rent collected from the building also in her husbands name if she is tried for
attempted murder she will face huge financial losses as she wont inherit anything. It is true that she
did hurt her husband so she will be found guilty on some charges. Therefore I will try to get her
probation for inflicting bodily injury instead of attempted murder. That will ensure minimum
damage to my party."

There was complete silence in the class after Youngwoo's monologue, everyone just blinking at her
in disbelief, Youngwoo smiling to herself before she sat back down demurely, tapping her fingers
against her desk. She ducked her head down in embarrassment, turning a deep shade of red when
Junho started to clap, the whole class soon joining in and someone whistled before everyone
laughed, the noise dying down when Junho waved his hand dismissively.

"Even I did not think of that, Miss Woo. Well done," Junho praised, Youngwoo giving him a small
smile in return.
The class continued, the handful of the case studies left easier than the previous ones, Junho
choosing to give the other students a chance to speak up instead of Youngwoo who just busied
herself in making out her notes in her book. Junho handed out the previously graded tests just as
class ended, Youngwoo getting the highest grade along with Sang-Hoon while the rest were close
behind although some had failed as well. She stayed put in her place, choosing to rearrange the
contents of her bag while waiting for the class to clear out, not wanting to get caught in the middle
of the noisy crowd of students who were making their way out of the door.

Just as she was about to follow everyone out now that the classroom was empty, she felt someone
grab her wrist and pull her back, the door closing shut behind her with a soft thud, looking back to
see Junho who swiftly picked her up and deposited her on his desk, clearing away the things with a
sweep of his hand. "What-" she started to say in surprise, the words dying out when she felt him
kiss her hungrily, coaxing her mouth open as his tongue slipped inside, caressing hers while his
rough hand slid down her waist to squeeze her bottom making Youngwoo squeak into his mouth.

"Sir we can't do this here," she protested after she had broken the kiss, trying to push him away,
feeling a little shiver run through her when he parted her knees and stepped in to stand in between
them, aware of his hands still firm on her behind. "Confidence appears very sexy on you little one,
I can't help it," Junho mumbled, Youngwoo feeling a flush rise up her cheeks at the words, her
wide eyes glancing up into his when his thumbs slipped under the hem of her jeans, resting on her
bare skin.

"My smart girl deserves a reward, hm? Did so good for alpha," Junho said in a low voice,
Youngwoo gulping harshly at his words but doing nothing to stop him, lifting her hips to help him
aid take off her jeans and underwear, leaving her bare to his hungry gaze.

The desk felt cold against her bottom but she felt so overheated that she almost welcomed it,
whimpering softly when his hands caressed her thighs as he knelt between her spread legs, lips
peppering kisses on her sensitive skin. She felt him pull her closer, pushing apart her thighs wider,
his mouth now dangerously close to her sex.
Part of her was terrified given they were in the classroom and anyone could walk in but the other
part of her couldn't stand the anticipation, watching his thumbs slide in between her legs and pull
her open before his lips sealed over her clit making her cry out and arch her back, hands coming to
rest in his hair as she tugged harshly on them. It felt glorious, his hot wet tongue sliding over her
slick folds, his strong hands holding her open for him, Junho proceeding to hook one of her legs
over his shoulder while his tongue dipped down to play at her entrance. He almost groaned at how
good she tasted, lapping at her hungrily as his hand slipped under his chin, two fingers pressing
into her and she bit on her lip harshly to keep from moaning out, a quiet whine of ' Alpha ' leaving
her lips.

"God you taste so fucking good little one," he hummed, the vibrations travelling straight through
her and she gasped, feeling the slick pool from her as she looked down to see the alpha's whole face
pressed between her legs and the sight had her buck up unconciously into his mouth, the arousal
coiling tighter in her belly. His tongue slipped inside her just as his fingers pressed down hard on
her clit and she felt her orgasm overtake her so suddenly that she could do nothing except cry out
helplessly, her whole body shuddering, Youngwoo's fingers tightening their grip in Junho's hair ,
her whole form slumping forward only for him to steady her deftly with his arm.

She saw him wipe his mouth with the back of his hand, the sheen of her arousal evident on his
face, Junho standing up to press his lips to hers, letting Youngwoo taste herself.

"Good girl," he praised, patting her bottom gently as he pressed her lips to the top of her head,
Youngwoo sighing happily at the closeness, content in the alpha's embrace.



"We should go have lunch before break ends," she mumbled, looking up at him, Junho raising his
eyebrow at the words.

"Wh-what are you-" she added, eyes widening when he sat down in the chair in front of her, fingers
dancing across the bare skin of her legs, a mischievous glint in eyes.

"Lunch," he replied huskily, Youngwoo throwing her head back with a silent moan when he dived
back in, letting herself get lost in the alpha's attention.
Chapter 4
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Youngwoo was browsing through the aisles, busily tossing packets of instant ramen and other
snacks into her cart, trying to remember the list Geurami had pinned onto the fridge for her before
she had fallen asleep after she had gotten back home, declaring she was too tired to go shop for

Youngwoo had begrudgingly agreed to go, given that she had been cooped up in the house all day
studying and it was a good opportunity to get some fresh air. Grocery stores made her
uncomfortable given the loud crowds and tiny aisles but the one down the corner of their street was
quite secluded which was why she preferred going there.

Noticing the packet of ginger tea that Geurami had listed down on one of the topmost shelves, she
stretched out her hand for it, huffing when her hand didn't quite reach, going to stand up on her
tiptoes and still missing the packet narrowly. Someone else reached for it a split second later,
Youngwoo hyper aware of the person's body pressing up against her back briefly before they
moved away, dropping the packet into her cart.

"Thank you," she started to say and went to turn around, the words dying in her mouth when she
saw Junho standing behind her, an equally surprised look on his face.

He looked different from the times she had seen him before, seeing he was dressed in jeans and a
plain black t-shirt which fit him quite snugly along with sneakers, his jacket slung over his arm
Youngwoo suddenly felt conscious of her threadbare shirt and shorts paired with her now well
worn slippers.

"I- didn't realise it was you," she blurted out, Junho moving forward when someone bumped into
him from behind, Youngwoo finding herself trapped between him and the shelves behind, her wide
eyes trained on the alpha in front of her. "Sorry," he apologized, moving back to give her space,
Youngwoo absentmindedly rubbing at her wrist with her fingers, giving him a small nod.

"Do you come here often?" she found herself asking, playing with the ends of her hair.

"Its close by and quiet so I prefer it," he replied with a shrug.

"Where- do you exactly live?"

"Four blocks away- you?"

"Just down the street," she said, waving her hand in the direction of the road for emphasis.

"You live closer than I thought," he admitted, eyes glancing over her small frame.

"Yes," she agreed, following him after a beat when he moved to grab a few things he needed before
they headed for the cash register, the girl quickly ringing up their items, although her gaze lingered
a bit too much on Junho for Youngwoo's liking.

"I see you around a lot, you live nearby?" she asked the alpha nonchalantly while batting her
eyelashes, Junho glancing up from his phone at the question.
"Yeah," he replied curtly, instructing her to ring up Youngwoo's items along with his as he pulled
out his card to pay, Youngwoo going to protest but he just shook his head at her in response.

"You know, we barely get any interesting customers here and I really bore myself to death in this
hole of a place. Do you like- want to" she leaned forward, pushing her breasts together and tilting
her head slightly, "go grab a drink or something?"

Youngwoo narrowed her eyes at the statement, ready to step in between and reply with some
snarky comment but hesitated for a moment, catching the brief look Junho threw her.

"Appreciate the offer Miss," he paused to glance at her name tag ,"-Kim but I don't think my girl
here would like that now would you darling?" he replied rather dryly, the girl looking at
Youngwoo in distaste at the said statement.

"Remind me next time not to let my alpha come around here alone," Youngwoo added after a beat,
grabbing Junho's outstretched hand in hers and returning the girl's look.

"I got it little one, lets go," Junho said when she went to pick up her stuff from the counter, hand
clasped firmly in her own as he dragged her out after himself, Youngwoo snatching away her hand
as soon as they were out of sight.

"Sorry- I-" she tried to explain, Junho looking at her in amusement, taking in the way her eyebrows
furrowed and her fingers writhed against her chest.

"I know, I know, hand holding can wait," he reassured quickly, Youngwoo releasing a strained
breath and nodding, her hand dropping to her side at the words. He noticed her shiver at the slight
chill in the night air, grabbing his jacket and tugging it around her shoulders much to her surprise,
Youngwoo's fingers curling into the soft material.

"Where did you get this jacket?" she asked as they walked down the street, finger tracing at the
logo of a dolphin jumping out of the water over the left side.

"I don't remember. Someone gifted it to me I guess. The dolphin does add a nice touch."

"The indo pacific bottlenose dolphin," she immediately corrected, pulling the jacket tighter around
herself and smiling when Junho repeated after her, pulling her closer by her arm to let someone
pass around them.



"In the store-"

"Ah yes I know sorry- I just-"

"I liked it."

He paused in his tracks at the words to see Youngwoo already looking at him with those wide eyes
of hers, her hands tangling together in front of her chest.

"You- liked it?"

"Yes, I- liked it when you called me yours," she admitted with a shy smile, rocking back and forth
on the balls of her feet and Junho leaned forward to press a kiss to her forehead in fondness.

"Well I like to call you mine too little one," he whispered, chuckling softly at the flush that grew
across her cheeks. "Come on lets get you home," he added, Youngwoo nodding and falling into
step beside him.

They found their way to his car, Junho dumping the bags into the backseat and going over to open
the door for Youngwoo, making sure she was buckled in securely before going over to the driver's
side and getting in. She told him the address, chewing absentmindedly on her lip as he started the
car, her eyes darting over his arms which were on display while he drove, his fingers wrapped
loosely around the steering wheel.

Youngwoo admitted to herself that he had nice arms, mentally chiding herself about not noticing
them before but she supposed she had been too focused somewhere else to really admire him
properly. She knew how his arms felt around her, pinning her down strongly below him while he
had her crying out his name or wrapped around her waist, firm and strong while he whispered utter
filth in her ear.

"Its rude to stare you know," she heard him say and it snapped her out of her daze, Youngwoo
tearing her gaze away reluctantly, earning a smirk from him.
"I was only teasing you little one," he said lightly, Youngwoo huffing and pressing her face to the
window, choosing to admire the outside sights. The roads were quiet at this time of the night, the
bright street lamps flooding the streets with that harsh yellow light although it was better than the
dark alleyways, a grimace on her face as her thoughts danced back to a few weeks before. She was
sure one of the alphas would have surely had his way with her somewhere in the back alley behind
the bar if not for Junho and that would have been-

"Youngwoo- your scent-" she heard Junho say, realising with a start that she smelled strongly of
distress, the scent overpowering in the closed space as she quickly opened the window.

"Sorry," she apologized, tugging the jacket tighter around herself and curling up on the seat,
tucking her legs beneath her and facing away from him. Junho sighed at her response, letting her
be, his eyes trained on the road in front.

They pulled up below her building in a few minutes, Junho shutting off the engine and leaning over
to click the button, the seat belt loosening as she tugged it off her frame, letting it slide back into

"Thank you for dropping me home," she said gratefully, going to unlock the door but paused,
shifting to look back at him, Junho seeing her think for a moment, eyes widening when she
clambered over the console and onto his lap. She pushed her face into his neck, sighing
contentedly when she felt herself calm down, his peppermint scent soothing enough to let her mind
silence itself for a few moments.

"Feeling better little one?" he mumbled, placing his hand gently on the back of her head, the other
hand wedged between her and the steering wheel to ensure it didnt dig into her back and she
nodded, Junho sucking in a breath when he felt her mouth close over the area just below his scent
gland, sucking lightly on the skin.
"My alpha," she mumbled, Junho almost groaning at the feeling of her tongue laving over him,
letting her mark him to her satisfaction, his alpha content with the attention from the omega.

"The next time you go to the store, make sure she sees it," Youngwoo added, finally pulling away,
Junho brushing his thumb over the quite impressive mark Youngwoo had left on him, watching as
she opened the door and jumped out onto the ground. She didn't realise he got out after her, gasping
in surprise when his lips found hers, Junho pinning her deftly against the car door while he kissed
her till she felt like couldn't breathe.

"Alpha," she whimpered out, pushing him away, panting heavily, squirming when Junho stooped a
bit to drive his hips into hers, Youngwoo gasping at the rock hard bulge of his cock pressing into
her and she swore she felt her cunt clench around nothing, feeling slick rush out of her when he did
again it, her eyes squeezing shut on their own accord.

"See what you do to me little one? Makes it hard to control myself around you," he breathed
against her neck, brushing his lips against her gland and she jolted slightly at the touch, curling her
fingers into his shirt.

"Go in now, its late." He pulled away and reached over behind his seat to grab her things, handing
them to her just as she went to remove the jacket from around her shoulders. "Keep it," he said,
Youngwoo smiling and leaning up on her tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek before she ran inside,
disappearing up the stairs.

Junho stared after her for a moment, shaking his head and getting back inside, pulling out of his
parked spot and onto the road, well aware of the painfully hard erection that strained against the
confines of his jeans. He practically slammed the car into park once he reached back home,
groaning and unzipping his jeans, shoving his hand inside and pulling out his cock, not able to wait
He leaned back in his seat, stroking himself to the thoughts that played behind his closed eyes. He
thought about her- how could he not? thinking about how good her mouth would feel wrapped
around his cock as she struggled to take all of him in, pretty lips stretched wide around his girth as
she gazed up at him with those dark eyes of hers, her hair falling over her face…

Or he could have her laid out on his desk like before, legs spread out wide as he buried his face
between her soft thighs and made her come again and again until she couldn't take it anymore…

Maybe he would get her on her hands and knees in his office this time, shoving his cock inside her
while she begged him for more in that beautiful little voice of hers, 'yes alpha please, use me, give
me your knot-'

Junho muffled a groan with the back of his hand, hastily grabbing a wad of tissues from the glove
compartment and coming into it to that thought, the scent of his arousal heavy in the air as he let
himself catch his breath. He cleaned up hastily, tucking himself back into his pants, the little
omega still on his mind all the way back to his apartment.

Fuck she was going to be the death of him.

Chapter End Notes

please do leave a comment if you have the time it motivates me a lot

Chapter 5
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Junho found Youngwoo sitting by herself in a secluded corner of the library after break, her
headphones on as she worked on some assignment, one foot tucked under herself. She flipped
busily through the pages of the book which was open in front of her, frowning at something which
was written, hand hovering hesitantly over the half filled page of her notebook before she seemed
to get whatever she was reaching for, resuming to write.

She didn’t notice him pass by, Junho tapping at her table gently so as not to startle her, her eyes
lifting over to look and an easy smile broke over her face when she saw him. Her hand went to tug
the headphones away from her ears, Junho stopping her with a shake of his head, looking around
quickly before leaning in to leave a quick kiss on the top of her head. She tipped her head back for
another kiss, Junho obliging her, thumb grazing her cheek softly as she sighed into his mouth. He
broke away after a moment, not wanting to risk being seen, pausing to pick up her book that had
fallen off the table before going on his way, aware of her eyes on him till the time he left the room.

◌ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

“I am not hearing a no from you. You need to get out of your house and socialize more," Myeong
Seok reprimanded Junho while they walked down the hallway after class, Junho suppressing an
eye roll at the statement. "Fine I'll be there," he muttered, raising his hand in farewell to Myeong
Seok who went on his way to his office, Junho having his next class in another building.

He chose to take a longer route through the campus, the students mulling around greeting him
politely, Junho nodding to them, although his eyes secretly hoped to catch a glimpse of the tiny
omega that always seemed to occupy his thoughts and who he hadn't seen since morning. He wasn't
in luck though, mentally making a note to ask her if she would be interested in coming to Myeong
Seok's later, wanting to tell the man about them before he found out himself which Junho knew
would result in a disaster.
"Dude, you think too much. What's not for her to say yes? The most popular guy on the campus
asking her out is something she wouldn't even dream of."

Junho paused, the careless whispers reaching his ears from just around the corner and he chose to
stay quiet, listening in with mild amusement. Kids .

"I mean I am definitely not in her league but only because y'all insisted."

"Yah Sang-hoon-ah, I am sure we are going to win the bet. You know what you need to do right?
Take her around for a few days and then get her into bed. Dump her after or whatever. No need to
give an explanation."

"It's been days since I have been seen with someone, it needs to change before word gets out."

"Just catch her after uni lets out and ask her, we have the last class for law together anyways and
her best friend won't be there right? She doesn't take law. Woo Youngwoo is totally in the bag."

◌ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Youngwoo washed her hands before drying them with a paper towel, steppimg out of the
bathroom, only to collide with a hard chest and an unfamiliar scent as she immediately took a step
back and looked up to see Sung Hoon. "Sorry" she said, turning to go around him when he caught
her arm, making her jerk it back, startled. "What-" she started to say as he let go, rubbing at his
neck, his eyes regarding her from top to bottom although he wasnt really discreet about it.
"I wanted to talk to you."

"Talk- to me?" she asked in surprise, her hand pointing to herself.


"Okay…what did you want to say?"

"Right, I wanted to ask whether you’d be interested in going out."

Youngwoo cleared her throat, not at all expecting the words that left his mouth as she tried to think
about what to say. Being asked out was not something she had very much experience with.

“That’s- thank you but I am not interested right now. Also if you forgot I am autistic, I dont think
you would want to date me if you really thought this through," she stammered.

"Do you really think you can keep this up?"

"What do you mean?" she asked in confusion, nervously wringing her hands in front of her chest.
"Be single. Are you forgetting you are an omega?"

The words had her frown, her gaze lifting to Sung Hoon's in confusion.

"You are deluding yourself if you think you can stay single being an omega."

"I am managing by myself for now but thank you for your concern," she said in a cold tone, not
liking what he was insinuating, feeling tension ripple across her shoulders, earning a snort from the
Alpha in front.

"You need to be marked by an Alpha if you want to stay away from trouble. Not to mention your
scent is really distracting. You omegas just roam around screaming sex like its an open invitation."

Youngwoo took a few seconds to process the crude words, suddenly feeling uncomfortable in his
presence, eyes darting around to see that they were alone in the hallway which led her to take a step
back towards the wall instinctively.

"My biology doesn't define me. I’m on suppressants like most other omegas and I am sorry if it
disappoints you Sung Hoon, but I’m not going to get into a relationship with you just because of
our biology or the way I smell. Now if you will please excuse me."

She pushed him away from her path angrily, going to walk away, hearing the Alpha make an
exasperated noise.

"No," she called over her shoulder.

"I said wait. "

The words had her stop in her tracks, her breathing picking up when she realised he was trying to
use an Alpha tone on her. She took a step forward, ignoring him only for him to snarl lowly and
grab her, his fingers brushing over the gland on her wrist, the touch making her jerk and turn to
look at him, her body suddenly feeling heavy at the unfamiliar sensations coursing through her.

She blinked dazedly, trying to push him away with her free hand but he had her shoved against the
wall in the next second, her head hitting back harshly against it and she winced, a whimper
escaping her parted lips.

"Let me go," she mumbled, struggling in his grip, trying to pull herself free and wanting to clear
her head of the fog that seemed to cloud her brain.

"I told you to wait. You didnt listen," he growled, his voice heavy and low which only seemed to
cloud her mind further, only one word clear in her head.

Where was her Alpha? Junho. She needed to get to him anyhow before Sung Hoon tried
something, her nails digging into his hands, trying to get him to loosen his grip.

"Stop struggling." The voice was even more forceful and she felt her body start to go slack in his
hold, a slight shiver passing through her when his thumbs caressed her scent glands, sliding over
her wrists repeatedly. The desire to obey Sung Hoon was heavy in her mind but at the same time
she was realizing that he was making her stay forcefully. He wasnt giving her any choice. He
wasn't safe. He was hurting her, he wasnt asking her consent, he was just forcing- just taking -

A sob crawled its way up her throat, Youngwoo squeezing her eyes shut and pressing herself
against the wall when he leaned in, his voice low and cajoling against her ear.

"Dont worry. You just have to say yes hm? Let me be your Alpha. You aren't going to need anyone
then," he coaxed, his free hand tilting her head to nuzzle at her neck, breathing in deeply and she
whined out, trying to push him away but she couldn't even make him budge from his place.

"Please no," she choked out, trying to slide away from his mouth hovering scarily close to her

"Stay quiet," he instructed and the fog in her mind thickened further, Youngwoo feeling herself slip
more by the second, her body feeling warmer and heavier and she was acutely aware of the
throbbing between her legs as Sung Hoon's tongue dragged over her neck.

"Please Alpha," she whimpered, arching into him, Sung Hoon mumbling against her skin and she
exposed her neck further, his body pinning hers to the wall with his pelvis pressing into her lower
"Thats a good omega," he praised and Youngwoo's omega preened at the words. Alpha was
pleased with her. He was going to take care of it. She just had to be obedient. But he hadnt asked -

She didnt want it no -

Suddenly the weight of Sung Hoon's body from over hers was gone, a crashing sound reaching her
ears which made her yelp and slide down against the wall, the girl curling up into herself and
pressing her hands to her ears, still too dazed to realise what was happening.

She felt someone's hand on her face, tilting her head slightly, a furious snarl reaching her ears and
the hand disappeared as soon as it came. She felt like crying, she wasnt sure if she already was, her
body feeling on the edge with everything that had just happened.

Gentle hands on her face again had her sigh, Youngwoo feeling herself being pulled into someone's
arms carefully and oh- oh she knew this scent. This was a familiar scent. Warm. Safe.

Junho .

Chapter End Notes

do leave a comment if you have time, i always love to know what yall think about the
Chapter 6
Chapter Notes

as you can see this prompt went out of hand. its going to be much much longer than
expected (again as you see the total chapter count disappeared) given i have a lot of
ideas but its a win win since yall like reading it and i like writing it, soo yay? i am
aiming for 20-25 chapters but then again as you saw i am hopeless at sticking to my
goals till now for this fic so that could go up as well, lets see
for now i give u whatever this chapter turned to be

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Youngwoo curled closer into the Alpha, her hands gripping his coat as she felt herself being lifted
up, choosing to bury her face in his shoulder and breathing in the nice warm scent that clung to

“You fucking bastard, you forced her into sub-space,” she heard him snarl, vaguely aware of
someone else speaking, her Alpha’s arms tightening around her boneless form. She could smell he
was enraged, very enraged, the way his scent was radiating off him in waves but she didn't find it
in her to be scared, knowing he wasn’t angry at her but at the other Alpha. The one who had been
hurting her.

“Youngwoo? Can you hear me?”

The voice shook faintly, Youngwoo blinking up dazedly into the dark, possessive eyes of the
Alpha as his fingers cradled her face gently.

“Come back to me,” he mumbled, his voice low, coaxing but her mind felt somewhere far away,
safe and warm and she knew she should obey him but she felt like she wasn’t supposed to come
back up, the faint words from before that told her to stay quiet still ringing in her mind.
“Come on,” she heard him say again but she just stayed quiet, reveling in the safety of his arms.
Her Alpha, he was so strong. He would protect her. She just had to keep quiet and listen to him like
a good omega. She tilted her head back to expose her neck to him, keening faintly and the noise he
made at the back of his throat had her almost melt into a puddle, Youngwoo whimpering softly
when she felt his nose graze against her neck, her hands tightening in the material of his coat.

She felt herself being put down soon enough, the surroundings darker and quieter than the hallway
and she felt like she had been here before. Something soft and warm covered her, trapping the
Alpha's scent around and she buried her nose in it happily, glancing up at the Alpha who sat beside
her and leaned over, worry evident in his eyes.

Why was he worried ? She was okay now. He had saved her, he shouldn't be worried. She leaned
up to press her lips against his jaw in reassurance, pulling herself closer to him until their bodies
were pressed together, Junho growling lowly against her neck when she continued to trail kisses
along his jaw and neck, finally finding his lips as she moaned into his mouth.

She felt him drag her onto his lap, her thighs resting on either side of his and she ground her hips
against his, her center pressing into his half hard cock, both of them groaning at the contact. She
tugged gently on his hair, deepening the kiss, feeling her Alpha's hands come to rest on her sides,
almost spanning her entire waist. They slid under her top, caressing her bare skin, Youngwoo
breaking away to run her nose along his neck, scenting him until she was satisfied with the way her
scent mixed with his, thick and potent in the closed confines of the room.

Junho pulled her impossibly closer, Youngwoo running her fingers over his torso, feeling his
defined muscles under her fingertips through his dress shirt. She loved this, her mind purring at the
thought of the strength her Alpha had and she knew he was only going to use it to protect her. Her
Alpha. She felt so safe here, right now in his arms, tiny even, a gasp escaping her lips when his
thumb slipped under the thin cotton of her bra, brushing across the swell of her breast before
sliding higher to pinch the tip of her aching nipple.

"Please Alpha," she panted, desperately pushing herself against him, her mind heavy with desire-
"Fuck," she heard him mutter, his hand wrenching away suddenly as he tugged her clothing back
into place and looked down at her in his lap.

"Jesus, little one," he said in a hoarse voice, Youngwoo blinking up at him in confusion. Why had
he stopped? Oh, maybe she was supposed to take her clothes off. Her hand went to tug her shirt up
again, Junho grabbing it in his larger one and pinning it aside and she felt disappointment well up
in her at the action.

"Was I not good?" she found herself asking, Junho simply staring at her in response.

"I'll be good for you Alpha," she tried again.

"You are such a good girl for me darling, I need you to come back to me now though. Can you do
that for Alpha?"

Come back up for him ? "I want to be here with you Alpha, its nice," she protested, nuzzling her
face into his shoulder.

"I know but first you need to listen to me yes? Come back up now," he coaxed, Youngwoo sighing
at the voice, her brain feeling fuzzy at the command and she just leaned forward to kiss him again,
Junho turning away his head but she grabbed at him, coaxing his lips back to hers and they kissed
until they were gasping for breath.
"Youngwoo-yah, please listen to me," he tried, rubbing his thumb against her scent gland and she
felt her body go slack in his arms at the pulsing sensation that coursed through her body at his
touch, feeling the heat pool in between her legs. Wanting him to do it again, she tilted her neck
willingly, feeling his breath so close to her gland and she just wanted him to sink his teeth into it so
he could mark her as his.

"Please Alpha," she whined, her gland throbbing almost painfully, anticipating his touch. His hot
wet tongue laving over her sent a shock of pleasure down her spine, the dampness in her underwear
now uncomfortable as she grinded against him helplessly, his heavy erection wedging up against
her core through his trousers.

This- this was what she wanted. Surely he would fuck her now. He would turn her around on her
hands and knees, his larger body covering hers as he drove that cock inside of her, praising her for
taking him so well, thats it little one, look at you taking alpha so well, going to let me knot you like
a good girl, thats what you are here for yes?


She waited, quivering with anticipation but he made no further move, her body tensing as he
slightly shifted beneath her. Her hand slipped into his trousers slowly, feeling him straining
through the thin cotton of his boxers, her cunt aching at the thought of it inside her, filling her up

"No- Youngwoo, look at me," he said, feeling a bit guilty when she complied instantly, her eyes
wide but still so hazed, a faraway look in them.

"Little one, come back up for me now there's a good girl." His voice was low, slightly
commanding and forceful and it somehow broke through the fog in her mind, Youngwoo blinking
at the sudden change as the pressure slipped off her mind, making her feel like she had reached the
surface after being held down somewhere forcefully for a long time. She felt Junho's hands slip off
her instantly when he sensed the faint golden glint in her eyes dull away, her vision clearing.

"Youngwoo?" he asked apprehensively, earning a nod from her, her eyes darting away from his to
look around the room. They were on the sofa in his office she realized, his throwaway blanket now
draped around her smaller frame.

"Do you- remember what happened?"

"S-Sung Hoon- he tried to-"

"Okay, okay its okay," Junho reassured quickly, hearing the wobble in her voice, pulling her closer
and wrapping his arms around her securely.

"I told him no- I tried to- I am sorry Alpha," she whimpered, her lower lip trembling as ready tears
gathered in her eyes, a sniffle escaping her when she felt Junho press his lips against her forehead.
"I am not mad at you. You dont have to be sorry, its not your fault."

She nodded weakly, somewhat relieved, although her body still shook in his arms, his hold on her
tightening instinctively. "Tighter," she pleaded, clutching onto him like he was her anchor, Junho
doing as she asked, rocking back and forth slowly in an attempt to soothe her frantic thoughts.

"Thank you for saving me," she finally whispered when she felt in control of herself enough to
"I am not going to let anyone hurt you again little one," he replied instantly, hand cradling the back
of her hand so gently like she would break if he used any more force.

She tucked her head under his chin and closed her eyes, trying to familiarize herself with his
heartbeat, the soft thump thump thump letting her focus onto something other than their heavy

The door to the office opening had her jump, Junho turning her away in an instant from the door,
growling lowly when Myeong Seok stepped inside with Geurami.

"Junho let go off her," Myeong Seok instructed, Youngwoo shaking her head and clinging onto her
alpha tighter at the words, her scent spiking with distress at the thought of him leaving her alone
right now. Junho's mouth dropping to her neck had her distressed whimpers quieten down, the
alpha's body curling around her protectively sensing her distress.

"Sir I dont think-"

"Lee Junho, let go off her right now ," Myeong Seok ordered cutting Geurami off, Junho's hands
dropping to his sides at the older alpha's command, Youngwoo whining out softly when Geurami
pulled her away from him, shushing her gently while carding her hand through her hair.

"I'll take her home," she informed, Youngwoo trying to protest, her hand dragging the blanket off
the sofa with her but Geurami didnt remove it from her fist, wrapping it around her shoulders
instead and guiding her out through the door.

"Alpha," she mumbled out once her best friend had settled her inside the car, unaware of the look
Geurami threw Minwoo, Youngwoo finding peace in cocooning herself up in the blanket.
"Youngwoo-yah? Will you answer my question if you can?" Geurami finally asked, continuing
when she got no response.

"What- is going on between you and Mr. Lee? And don't tell me nothing because I know it was his
house Minwoo had picked you from two months ago. Are you sleeping with him or something?"

"Youngwoo?" she tried again, turning over to look, only to find the omega passed out in the back,
almost lost under the blanket with only the top of her head peeking out from underneath.

"Let's get her home for now, we can worry about the rest later," Minwoo added, Geurami nodding
half heartedly and turning her attention back to the front, still worried about what had happened but
she chose to let herself listen to her boyfriend, hoping whatever Youngwoo had gotten herself into
was worth the trouble that was surely going to come her way.

Chapter End Notes

thank you for ur response to the fic till now, m glad yall are liking the story so far
do tell me what you thought about today's chapter if you have the time to leave a
Chapter 7
Chapter Notes

lets take a break from the smut because kids plot is important, i love the pwp tag
though dont take me wrong ^_^

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"So you mean to say you have already slept with her?"

The question earned no answer from Junho who looked down at his hands, Myeong Seok turning
to look at Suyeon who was sitting besides on one of the dining table chairs.

"And you knew?"

"I didn't know it was her!" Suyeon protested indignantly, one hand resting on her protruding
stomach as she glanced at Junho who grimaced at her tone.

"You- Junho you know this is a huge mess right?"

"You are telling me," the younger man scoffed, leaning back against the sofa to throw his arm over
his eyes.

"Yes I am telling you because I don't think you are aware of the consequences. Sung Hoon will be
suspended or at the most he will be expelled but if word gets out that you are in a relationship with
a student of yours, you know you will be sacked right? You could be blacklisted even and that's
going to be the end of your career. Youngwoo is young, a student and an omega. No one is going to
question her or accuse her even if she is equally involved in this relationship. The only story people
are going to buy is a professor who is also an alpha coerced an oblivious and defenseless not to
mention autistic omega into a relationship. Its a pretty clear contract violation Lee Junho, its
unethical, its unprofessional and no, no one is going to care that you met before you realised she
was your student."

"I know that okay! But don't try to blame this situation on me or on Youngwoo because none of
this happened deliberately on either of our parts!"

"You could have stopped it from escalating once you realized the situation you both were in!"
Myeong Seok yelled back, slamming his hand on the table, Suyeon flinching at the sudden noise
and moving back a little, rubbing at her stomach absentmindedly.

"Sorry yeobo I didn't mean to startle you," he quickly apologized, having the decency to at least
look a bit guilty, Suyeon sighing and pressing her face into her hands.

"The situation had already escalated the night we met. I slept with her for God's sake hyung and I
was ready to bear its consequences if she came back at my door asking me to make it right. I still

"Yes, go and give in your resignation then," Myeong Seok muttered, Junho turning to glare at him.

"I will if I have to. I am not like you because I wont do with her what you did with Suyeon."

One could hear a pin drop after the words left Junho's mouth, Myeong Seok snapping his gaze upto
Junho's, blinking for a moment before he got up and walked inside the bedroom, slamming the
door behind him.

"You know it was not his fault," Suyeon whispered, looking at Junho with accusing eyes.

"Totally. You dropped out of university because he wouldn't resign when word started to get
around about you both and look at you now. Choi Suyeon, the topper of our batch who could have
easily been among the best lawyers in one of the biggest law firms of Korea now working a
litigation job at some small law firm that no one gives a damn about," Junho hissed, leaning
forward until his face was inches from hers, watching as ready tears gathered in her eyes, a lone
one slipping down her cheek.

The door opening had her look back to see her husband stalk out, an enraged look in his eyes as he
grabbed Junho by the collar and yanked him away from her, stepping in between them.

"Don't you dare talk to her like that. Apologize right now," he warned, Suyeon tugging on his shirt
to try and pull him back but he didn't budge, holding Junho's steady gaze until the younger alpha
swallowed hard and looked away, stepping around the older man and gently grabbing Suyeon's
hands in his.

"I didn't- I didn't mean that I am sorry Suyeon-ah," he apologized quietly, Suyeon sniffling and
removing her hands from his hold, hastily wiping at her damp eyes after taking a deep breath.

"I never regretted what I did Junho. Yes I could have had a big career and everything you just said
but you are forgetting I am an omega too. My dad would have married me off to the first rich alpha
that fit my status, he would never have agreed if I had told him I loved an alpha who taught
literature at a university. I am still doing what I like, working with law and yes my job is not what
was expected of me but at least this way I get to be with someone I love and who loves me back.
My family disowned me but I am still happy because I am living life on my own terms. Don't guilt
trip me on my choices ever again," she breathed out, firmness evident in her voice, Junho shifting
aside as she got down from the chair, pushing Myeong Seok's hand away when he went to help her
up and disappeared inside.

"Hyung I-"

"You are right. I did- ruin her career, I am to blame. We- shouldn't have fallen in love at that time
but we did and somehow she ended up taking the burden of it. And that's what is something," he
turned around to face Junho before continuing, "I don't want to happen to Youngwoo. That girl is
just brilliant Junho, have you seen her work? She can easily clear the bar and pass with top honors
even with her autism. Don't let yourself become a hurdle in her way. Its hard- its hard to live with
that guilt," he trailed off, exhaling heavily. Junho didn't find it in himself to reply, just staring at
him, a heavy feeling settling somewhere in his stomach. He knew the older alpha was right but he
somehow didn't want himself to believe his words.

He knew how hard of a time Youngwoo was already having with all the changes around her, trying
to adjust to a new university on top of her over sensitivity to her surroundings. Junho found himself
unable to control his alpha around the tiny wide eyed omega who had somehow managed to take
over every coherent thought of his, was it that hard for her to control herself around him too?
Myeong Seok was right, she didn't need a distraction right now but thats not what he had meant to

"I think you should sleep over it Junho-yah. I am sorry for yelling at you," Myeong Seok said,
cutting off his internal rambles, Junho managing a nod and walking over to the sofa to pick up his
coat and phone, pocketing it before he found his way out, shutting the door behind him.

Myeong Seok stood watching the closed door for a few moments, glancing at the half open
bedroom door and making up his mind, taking a few steps towards it and knocking hesitantly. "I
didn't close it," he heard Suyeon say as he walked inside to find her curled up on her side with her
arms around her bump, a blanket over her bare legs.

"You okay?" he asked softly, Suyeon nodding and sighing quietly when she felt him lie down and
pull her closer, his arms resting over her own.

"He didn't mean to say that." Suyeon turned to glance at her alpha, squeezing his hand reassuringly
in her own, gasping softly when she felt the baby kick at where their hands rested.

"Omo, did you feel that?" she asked excitedly, the alpha nodding and pressing a fond kiss to her

"You are happy right?" Suyeon heard him ask quietly after a while in the dark of the room.

"I am happy," she repeated, looking up at him. "I am really really happy right now alpha. I know
what- Junho said was hurtful but you know how hard he took it back then when I told him I was
not going to attend university anymore right? But he still stood up for me against my parents, stood
up for us both whenever we needed him to or not so he has a right to yell at us too. But that's his
opinion. Not mine or yours. We did what was best at that time and I- I won't take it back."

"I love you," he whispered, brushing his knuckles across her cheek, Suyeon smiling at the words
and closing her eyes, content in his embrace, Myeong Seok pressing his face into her hair.

Why did everything have to be so hard?

Chapter End Notes

i always love knowing what you think about each update so do drop a comment if you
have the time
Chapter 8
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Professor Lee, I would like to hear from you about what exactly happened.” The head of the
university, Han Seon Young said, looking at Junho expectantly as he cleared his throat quickly,
throwing Myeong Seok a look out of the corner of his eye.

“I was on my way upstairs after class ended when I came across Sung Hoon and Youngwoo in the
hallway. He had her pinned to the wall and she was trying to get away so I- intervened.”

“By intervened you mean threw him aside with such force that he broke his arm?”

Junho grimaced at the statement, refraining himself from giving a visible reply, Seon Young
sighing and leaning forward in her seat, resting her hands on the desk in front of her.

“You managed to get her away from the scene and I appreciate that but you forgot that you were an
equal threat to her as was Sung Hoon considering you were both unmated male alphas in contact
with an omega in sub-space. Do you get what I am saying, Professor Lee?”

“Yes Professor Han.”

“Were there no female beta or omega professors who you could have notified instead of trying to
deal with it yourself?”
“I didn’t- think about that.”

“So instincts. Instincts Professor,” Seon Young paused, getting up, “are half the cause of such

“I understand where you are coming from Professor Han but I promise I didn’t mean harm-”

“Is there a witness to the fact that you did not act further on your instincts and touch her
inappropriately once you got her away from Sung Hoon?”

“Why would I-”

“An omega in sub-space cannot consent Professor Lee so even if you did something none of us
would be aware of it. I am not saying you did anything, but I know alpha’s tend to lose control and
give in to their instincts in the presence of a willing omega.”

“He didn’t harm her, Professor Han, I got there barely a few minutes after with Miss Dong and we
were able to get her back safely without any inconvenience,” Myeong Seok interrupted from his

"Look, whatever happened could have escalated way worse if you both hadn't stepped up in time.
Youngwoo is also safe and that's the sole reason I am not taking you up to the management with
Sung Hoon even if things that happened after don't sit well with me," Seon Young clarified,
looking at the two of them.
"Come in," she added when a sharp knock sounded on the door only for it to open moments later,
Geurami stepping in and pausing when she saw the two Professor's.

"I can come back later," she started to say, Seon Young waving her inside, Geurami following and
closing the door behind her, looking expectantly at the older omega.

"Yes Miss Dong, I am glad you dropped by. How is Youngwoo now?"

"She is still quite unsettled Professor Han so she stayed at home today."

"Good, I prefer she doesnt come to university until she feels well enough to attend classes."

"Yes, that's what- I told her."

"Glad we are on the same page then. Professor Lee did brief me about what happened and I am
sure you have the same to say unless you want to add anything." Geurami shook her head at the
words, catching Junho's eye but turned her gaze away quickly, giving Seon Young a polite smile.

"Well then until she gets back, I believe you can get her notes and work back to her with you.
Youngwoo won't attend the law lectures of Professor Lee until I have spoken to her personally and
gotten out permission from her father. He is aware of the situation should I inform you just as a
follow up," Seon Young added pointedly, addressing Junho.
"Well then," she clapped her hands together, "you can go, I don't want to hold you up from your
lectures. Professors, you can take your leave too, if there's anything more you'll hear from me."

The three of them bowed, proceeding to leave the room, Junho turning to Geurami as soon as the
door closed behind them.

"I thought you wouldn't come today."

"Why would I not?" Geurami asked a bit coldly, raising her eyebrow at Junho in question.

"What do you mean why ? I have a better question. Why would you leave Youngwoo alone at
home to attend classes today?"

"She isn't alone," Geurami gritted out. "Minwoo is home with her."


"My alpha."

"You left her alone with an alpha ?" Junho hissed, stepping closer, Geurami standing firm and
glaring back at him.

"Yes, sorry to say Professor Lee but she trusts Minwoo more than you. And do you take me for a
fool to leave her alone with someone I wouldn't trust with her?"

"Still an alpha."

"A mated alpha," Geurami snapped, yanking down the collar of her shirt to expose her mating mark
to Junho who stared at her for a moment before he backed away from the now annoyed beta as she
tugged her shirt back into place.

"I don't know what's going on between you and Youngwoo but whatever it is, I suggest you break
it off when you still have time. Don't make things more difficult for her than they already are."

"You don't get to tell me what to do Miss Dong. I am not one of your peers," Junho replied in an
equally icy tone.

"I am not talking to you right now as my Professor, Mr. Lee. I am talking to you as an alpha who to
the best of my knowledge, slept with my best friend and now has her hooked around his finger.
Youngwoo is far too innocent to be caught in whatever you are trying to do okay? I dont know
what you want but please, please do me a favor and stay. away. from. her." Geurami punctuated
firmly, anger evident in her voice before she stalked away, leaving the two Professors staring after

Geurami avoided Junho after that, not even attending Myeong Seok's class to avoid the topic
altogether, checking up with Minwoo to see how Youngwoo was doing. He texted her that she was
still asleep so Geurami didn't bother disturbing him again between her breaks.
Checking her phone after the last class for the day, her eyes widened when she saw she had a good
number of missed calls and texts from Minwoo as she hastily pressed on his contact and hit dial,
the phone ringing for a few seconds before her boyfriend's voice sounded over the line.

"I just got out of class Minwoo what-" she started to say.

"Its Youngwoo," he said urgently, Geurami frowning at the tone of his voice. Why did he sound so

"What happened? Is she okay?"

"I think- I think she is in heat."

Chapter End Notes

comments are much appreciated, they make my day ☺

Chapter 9
Chapter Notes

happy sunday

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Youngwoo woke up to a familiar room, feeling too disoriented to put a finger on exactly where she
was but her body felt so heavy she didn't even feel like moving from her place. The blanket she was
buried under had effectively trapped the warmth around her but maybe it was too effective because
she felt so hot .

She could practically feel her body covered in a sheen of sweat, Youngwoo kicking the blanket
away and pulling herself up into a sitting position, groaning at the way her muscles protested the
movement. An intense cramp wracking through her belly after a few seconds had her groan and
double over, her hand clutching at her stomach as she scrambled up weakly and barely made it to
the bathroom before puking her guts out, coughing hoarsely while she clutched at the toilet.

"Hot," she whimpered out, her scent gland throbbing so painfully it made her want to claw it out of
her skin. Another cramp twisting through her had her legs give way, Youngwoo finding herself
meeting the floor with a muted thud, aware of the pulse between her legs as slick trickled out of
her. Even the sweatpants she wore were almost soaked through with the slick by the time she
managed to get herself out of the bathroom.

Grabbing at one of the towels, she slipped them off along with her now ruined underwear, dabbing
helplessly at the copious amounts of slick and a whimper escaped her when the rough material
made contact with her soaked, swollen folds.

"Geurami!" she managed to call out weakly, feeling panic arise within her when she received no
reply. Had they left her alone? God, what was she supposed to do ? She didn't know what was
happening to her, what was she supposed to do? It hurt- it hurt and she felt so hot, like someone
had lit a fire inside her body, the heat thrumming through her veins at an unbearable pace-

The voice had her look up from where she was huddled on the ground, a whimper escaping her
when she saw Minwoo standing in the half open door, a confused look on his face. "What-
Youngwoo-yah, what's happening?" he asked, stepping inside the room, Youngwoo shaking her
head and pressing herself against the bedframe, still out of view of the alpha who paused in his

"Hot- hot its so hot," she tried to tell him, feeling so swollen and oversensitive that she felt she
would combust with a single touch, her body feeling like it was on fire and she was about to die.
She felt empty, so empty, the hollowness was eating her out from within and a sob managed to
escape her dry lips, Minwoo going to reach out of her but he seemed to think the better of it,
moving back and exiting the room the next instant, the door closing behind him with a thud.

Why had he left? Why had he left her like this, in pain? She felt like screaming, she needed
something to relieve this- this heat-


She was in heat ?

How could she be in heat? She was on suppressants, she hadn't missed a single pill after what had
happened with Junho- then what was happening to her? She remembered the feeling though, the
intense throbbing and the uncomfortable sensations that prickled over her skin like someone had lit
her skin alight with a match, the wetness seeping out of her endlessly no matter what she tried to
ease herself, be it her fingers buried between her legs as she came around her hand or the friction
she desperately tried to seek against her pillow until it was soaked through with her release. But
nothing compared to Junho's touch, nothing even came close to it-


She needed him right now, she couldn't do this by herself again- yes, he would- he would make it
better. He had to make it better, he had promised to .

With this thought in mind, Youngwoo managed to scramble up from the floor, reaching for her bag
which was laying on her desk, blindly groping through it until her hand closed around her phone as
she drew it out in relief, frantically searching for his contact and hitting dial. She put it on speaker,
throwing the phone onto the bed before crawling in and tugged the strewn blanket around her
frame, burying her nose in it, the alpha's familiar smell surrounding her senses.

"Pick up," she whined, wanting to throw the phone away in frustration when it reached voicemail,
ending the call before she dialed once more only for the same thing to happen again.

The heat prickling through her skin had her shifting in distress, Youngwoo trying her best to ignore
it, to keep it down, to control it as she stared at the dimly lit screen of her phone.

It kept growing.

It was getting so hot. Too hot. Everything throbbed. Her neck. Her wrists. Somewhere low in her
abdomen, between her legs, everything felt so sensitive. She needed to- needed to relieve it.

Her hand slipped in between her thighs, fingers brushing against the burning flesh and she gasped
when they found her engorged clit, her knees spreading wide on their accord under the blanket as
she rubbed desperately at the swollen flesh.

It didn’t help, just making the ache grow as she cried out helplessly, her thighs clamping together
around her hand and she yelped when a knock sounded on the door, Geurami’s voice audible from

“Youngwoo-yah? Can I come in?”

Youngwoo barely got out a yes, pulling the duvet over herself hastily just as her friend entered,
closing the door behind her as she climbed into bed, hand pushing away the hair that stuck to the
omega’s forehead now damp with sweat, earning a pained whine from her.

“Please Rami- wh-what’s happening, it hurts so much,” she sniffled, Geurami rubbing her thumb
over her damp cheeks, her hand coming to rest over her forehead for a few seconds before she
moved it away. “You are burning up,” Geurami said worriedly. “Did you forget your

“Ani- I didn’t what’s happening?” Youngwoo asked again, her hand twisting into the duvet in an
attempt to ground herself, Geurami just staring blankly at her in response.

“Geurami, I have the doctor on the line,” Minwoo called out from outside, Geurami slipping off
the bed as Youngwoo reached for her instinctively, her heart pounding in her chest while she
unsuccessfully tried to hear the faint sounds from outside.

She didn’t even know how much time had passed before she heard her friend re-enter the room.
“Youngwoo? Yah Woo Youngwoo, answer me truthfully okay? Did Sung Hoon get his teeth
anywhere near your gland?”

“Just his mouth-”

“He didn’t break the skin, right?”


“And Professor Lee?”


“Junho-ssi! What did he do to get you back to your senses?”

Junho. What had he done? She remembered his low voice, coaxing her softly, his lips warm against
her gland and those large hands of his over her flushed skin as she rutted herself against him
desperately, trying to get him closer -

“Youngwoo focus!”
“I don’t know! I dont- I don’t know- I don’t know please I don’t know,” she sobbed, her voice
breaking, Geurami looking at her with frustration before leaning forward, trying to gather the
crying omega in her arms and pressing her face into her neck in an attempt to calm her down.
Youngwoo squirmed in her hold, the beta’s scent mixing with her own thick one, somewhat
familiar enough to calm her down a bit.

“Okay- okay I am sorry, I am sorry shh,” she apologized, turning her head when the phone lying on
the bed beside her started to ring, Youngwoo tensing up in her hold before she practically pushed
her away and reached over for her phone.


“Alpha!” she almost cried out with relief when Junho’s voice filtered over the speakers. “H-urts,
hurts so much- please I need- need you please-”

“What happened to you?” She could hear the worry evident in his voice, whining when Geurami
took the phone from her.

“What did you do to her?” her friend hissed into the phone.

“What did I do? I am telling you again, I have done nothing okay?! Will you tell me what’s
“You sent her into heat,” Geurami accused.

“Wh-what? What?! Wait a minute- she is in heat? I thought she was suppressants!”

“Look I am just as confused as you are Sir, I don’t know what’s happening nor did the doctor say
anything definitive. All I know is she is burning up like anything and it's not normal.”

“Please Rami- alpha, I need- please I can’t please,” Youngwoo begged, tears streaming down her
cheeks, resorting to dig her face into the pillow helplessly.

“How fast can you get here?” she heard her friend finally ask, Youngwoo tensing as she waited for
Junho’s reply.

“I am leaving right now, I’ll need some time to get there though. Youngwoo-yah, hold on for me,
okay little one?”


There was a pause after that, dread filling Youngwoo as soon as the words left her mouth. Her
alpha had told her to wait hadn’t he? Stupid omega, trust her to displease her alpha -

“Geurami leave us alone please,” she heard him say over the phone, Geurami throwing a glance at
Youngwoo before she sighed and got up, walking out and shutting the door behind her, informing
Youngwoo she was outside if she needed anything, leaving Youngwoo to focus on the phone call.

“Little one?” His voice helped quell the fire inside of her a little bit, not dispensing it off entirely,
but there was a little relief to be had.

“Alpha,” Youngwoo sobbed, reaching for the phone like it was his hand. “Feel- feels so hot- its

“I know baby, can you do something for me? Put on your video, let me see you,” Junho said softly
and who was she to deny him? Groaning, she reached for the device, fumbling with it for a few
moments before she managed to locate the video call button and press it after a few futile attempts.

“There you are sweetheart, aren’t you pretty,” Junho cooed and although she doubted it she didn’t
have it in her to argue. “Let me see you, are you hurt anywhere?”

Youngwoo shook her head weakly in response, letting her hand slip back between her legs, starting
to rub at herself, hips rocking against her hand, trying to bring herself to a release.

“Does it help?” she heard him ask and she shook her head again, ready to cry, not knowing why
she wasn’t able to get herself off when she felt so so worked up.

“Do you have anything that could help?”

Help? What was going to help her except his knot?

“Nothing helps,” she whimpered out. “I need- a knot.”

“I know little one. Do you have a toy or something that could help till alpha gets there?”

A toy? She remembered Geurami giving her a knotting dildo as a gag gift once which Youngwoo
had practically thrown into the back of her closet with a red face, the mere sight of it making her
want to dig a hole and bury herself into it.

“I- do.”

“Go then get it for me,” he instructed, watching as the omega got down from the bed with shaky
legs, going over to her closet and returning with the blue colored silicone toy which she dropped
onto the bed.

"Its not going to fit," she whimpered, gazing at him with wide eyes and Junho almost wanted to
laugh at her expression.

"Dont worry little one, its going to fit. You have taken my knot before haven't you? Its much
bigger than that toy," he hummed and Youngwoo felt a bolt of heat rush through her at the words,
squirming in place before she grabbed the toy hesitantly and moved to lie on her back.
"Thats a good girl, spread your legs for me." Youngwoo complied, running the tip of it over herself
a few times to let herself get used to the sensation.

"Alpha," she begged in a quiet voice, hearing Junho inhale sharply.

"Easy little one, press it in slowly," he mumbled hoarsely, Youngwoo bucking her hips up, aware
of his gaze on her, moaning out and opening her legs wider while she did what he asked. It slid in
so easily, wet with her slick and although it did feel slightly painful at first, she found the stretch
welcoming, the soft cool silicone a relief against her over heated body as it pressed up against her

"Thats a good girl, go on, fuck yourself deeper with it," he urged, Youngwoo crying out as she
pressed it deeper into herself, her toes curling into the mattress.


"I am here, little one."

"It- it feels-"

"I know baby, its okay, do you feel the knot there hm? Begging to ease you open? Press it all the
way in, thats a good omega," he coaxed, voice low and she twisted the toy in her hands, gasping out
when she felt herself slowly give way, stretching around the knot and oh- oh it felt so good, not as
good as Junho but it was okay for now.
"Alpha!" she cried out when the knot pressed against her with a consistent pressure resulting in a
fast, shuddering orgasm that wracked through her body, her back arching as she clenched around
the toy wildly.

Youngwoo heard the alpha groan at the sight of her now slumped form against the bedsheets, dried
tears on her face with the toy still buried inside her cunt. Slick stained her thighs and the bedsheets,
a large wet patch below her bottom but she didn't find it in herself to care, swallowing slowly and
turning to the screen.

The bed felt soft under her and coupled with the orgasm and her alpha's low voice in her ear, it
suddenly seemed to drain all the energy out from her body. Youngwoo felt the drowsiness
overcome her and the last thing she heard was Junho telling her to close her eyes and get some rest,
promising her he would be there the next time she opened them and she knew he would keep his
word, her brain too fuzzy to think about anything else as she let herself sink back into the darkness.

Chapter End Notes

hope you liked that! would love to know what you thought
Chapter 10
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Junho breathed heavily at what had just transpired, his eyes trained on the now still form of the
omega curled up on the blankets through the screen, as he hastily ended the call before he
somehow combusted on the spot.

He had been in his office, compiling questions for next week's tests, his phone on silent so as not to
disturb his work. He had checked it a while later after he had finished compiling two question sets,
noticing a few missed calls from Youngwoo and had resorted to call her back immediately.

Bewildered as he had been by the call at first, Youngwoo's pained voice had seemed to snap him
out of his confusion, all his instincts screaming at him to get to his omega. The logical part of his
brain said to get the situation clarified more from Geurami but he knew he wouldn't be able to
think properly until he had seen that the omega was okay and tried to relieve some of her pain but
the image of her writhing against the bedsheets while she cried out his name incoherently had
made him aware of how tightly he was straining against the confines of his jeans, his alpha telling
him that it should have been his knot buried inside her right now, her walls clenching around him
for all it was worth.

God- he couldn't deal with this right now - not when she needed him to be there with her. But he
knew he couldn't really get to her until he had dealt with it and whilst he could wait around for it to
go away on its own, it wasn't what the situation called for.

Taking a deep breath, he managed to shove his jeans and boxers down, his hand wrapping around
his length as he started to pump himself with steady strokes, the images of the omega from earlier
enough to fuel his thoughts. The way she had been begging for him with her tiny hand buried
between her legs and the obscene way in which her cunt took the toy in so deep while he coaxed
her to take the knot-
Junho muffled his hoarse cry against the back of his hand, quickly yanking out a couple of tissues
only to spill into them seconds later. He felt a bit dazed when he managed to clean himself up,
discarding the wad of tissues and making himself presentable, grabbing his phone and keys from
his desk before he practically dashed out of his office.

He didn’t even know how he managed to get to her apartment, the door flying open just as he went
to knock, revealing Geurami and Minwoo.

“Okay, I am going to stay at Minwoo’s for the night. Lock up after yourself and I swear if you do
try anything stupid I will not hesitate to come for you, instincts be damned,” Geurami warned,
dropping the keys into Junho’s palm before stepping around him. “I’ll drop by in the morning
before classes once. What- are you going to tell them though- if you cant make it?”

“I’ll cook up some lie,” Junho replied, Geurami nodding and pulling Minwoo out behind her, the
door closing behind them with a muted thud, leaving Junho alone in the living room. He locked the
door from inside, placing his things onto the kitchen counter and making his way to the closed
bedroom door, opened it slowly.

As soon as he stepped inside, he was slammed by the overwhelming scent of an omega in heat. It
was as though someone had bottled the thick caramel scent into a perfume and then drenched the
entire room with it, his hand flying to his mouth immediately in order to keep himself from getting
another lungful of it.

A pained whine reached his ears, Junho realizing it was Youngwoo, his instincts immediately on
alert as he scanned the room but there was no sign of her. The bathroom door was ajar, Junho
pushing it open all the way only for a faint cold mist to escape through, the noise of the running
shower audible to him mixed with continued sobs.

The crying suddenly ceased at the singular word, the shower curtain getting pushed open after a
few moments before Junho suddenly found himself with an armful of Youngwoo as she gasped in
relief and buried her nose in his neck.

She was naked, cold and dripping wet as he carried her back into the bedroom, sitting her on the
edge of the bed while he went to grab a towel from inside, coming back and proceeding to dry her
with the help of it.

“What were you doing?” he asked, gently caressing her cheek and earning a sniffle from her. “It
was so hot- I thought a shower would help,” she tried to explain, Junho noticing how warm her skin
was even with the cold. “I need to-” she whined, going to push him away, feeling the burning rise
within her yet again, the throbbing in her body on the verge of becoming unbearable only for the
alpha to push her back to lie on the bed, his larger frame over hers.

His hand gently slid down her now bare body- when had she removed her clothes - but the thought
seemed to vanish away somewhere the moment his lips closed over gland and she could feel the
heat in her body slowly ease out, coiling somewhere deep in her belly and flowing down between
her legs just as his lips found hers, kissing her deeply and she sighed, letting him soothe the tension
in her body.

Junho’s hand came to cup her breast gently, Youngwoo whimpering and arching into him when she
felt him graze her nipple before his lips sealed around it, sucking harshly and she thought she
would come right on the spot with the bolt of pleasure that shot through her spine.

“Please Alpha more,” she begged, feeling more slick flow from her when his hand reached down to
part her legs, those long thick fingers sliding through her soaking wet folds as she raised her hips to
try take him in.
“Jesus, you are so wet little one, is this all for me?” Junho groaned, sliding two of his fingers into
her and watching as her face went lax, starting to thrust them in and out of her slowly.

“Yes, I want- I-” Youngwoo said, gasping when she felt him ease another finger into her.

“What do you want, baby?”

“More- I want you alpha- please- please-”

Her body trembled when his touch left her, Youngwoo almost ready to cry out in frustration,
feeling empty, so empty it was agonizing-

“Sorry my love, such a good girl,” she heard the alpha mumble from somewhere beside her, trying
to turn her head to look at him but then he was over her again, his warm body pressing against hers
and she felt him between her legs, her breath hitching when the blunt tip of his cock pressed up
against hers, sliding through her folds a few times. “Are you sure, little one?” he asked, stroking
the hair which stuck to her forehead with sweat away from her face.

“Yes Alpha- please- please- I need you- please-” she babbled, needing to filled, he was so close to
her, she needed him to fill her up with that wonderful thick length of his, her legs spreading open
on their own accord. He leaned forward, bracing himself on his forearms as he began to press into
her and she felt she could cry in relief.

He kept sinking in deeper and deeper, his mouth pressing kisses across her breasts as she writhed
under him, trying to wrap her head around just how she had managed to take all of him in before,
he was so big . She panted, trying to will her body to relax into his touch, her fingers digging hard
into the bedsheets beside.
“Fuck you are tight,” he gritted out, feeling the way her walls gripped his cock, so hot and wet and
while he knew she was made to take him given she was so deep into her heat, he couldn’t help
restrain himself a bit, not wanting to hurt her, she was just so tiny .

A gasp escaped his lips when he finally buried himself within her to the hilt, his head dropping to
her shoulder with his hand gripping her hip so hard she knew it would leave bruises but Youngwoo
didn't find in herself to care, her entire body shaking with the effort it took to withhold herself from
moving and letting the both of them get used to the feeling of him inside her. “Alpha feels so full-”
she finally gasped out.

“My good girl, taking me so well,” he mumbled, Youngwoo keening at the praise. She felt him cup
her face in his hands to kiss her softly and she kissed him back happily.

He took hold of her leg and rested it on his shoulder, opening her up more for him as he slowly
started to move, thrusting in and out of her and she moved her hips with his, feeling her mind
completely go blank, only aware of her alpha- above her, inside her, around her - it was bliss. She
shifted her hips, urging him as he increased his pace, his hips snapping against hers hard with each

“God you are so fucking perfect- you have no idea-” he groaned out, Youngwoo’s nails digging
into his shoulder, leaving little indents on his skin. Junho could feel how her inner walls fluttered
around him, her cunt so slick and burning and he knew she was close by the way she was
incoherently mumbling “ alpha ” again and again.

His hand slipped over her clit, rubbing clumsily at the bundle of nerves and she gasped, trying to
bring him closer to her, the tightly coiled arousal in her belly ready to explode and a particular
thrust of his had her scream out, her orgasm washing over her with such intensity that she saw
nothing but white behind her closed eyes for a few moments, low sobs erupting from her mouth at
how good it felt.
"Shh, I got you, I got you little one, alpha's got you," she heard him reassure, Youngwoo
whimpering and clinging to him with all the strength she could muster as he resumed his pace,
already feeling the base of his cock swelling.

Youngwoo gasped at the overstimulation against her sensitive walls, letting out small gasps at the
way she felt herself stretch around him, his knot catching against her. His thrusts turned into little
jolts, Youngwoo bringing him closer and pressing her lips to his scent gland, making him jerk and
finally spill her into, another unsuspecting orgasm wracking through her own body at the sensation
of being filled up so completely.

When the intensity eased, Junho nearly collapsed on her but he managed to hold himself up,
running his nose along her jaw and peppering her face with kisses as he tried to catch his breath.
The room smelled of nothing but slick and sweat mixed with their own scents as he lowered
himself beside her, careful of his knot while proceeding to rearrange her over him so that her small
form was pressed to his chest with his arms wrapped around her tightly.

"So perfect for me baby, I love you so much, you were so good for alpha, so so perfect," he
whispered again and again against the top of her head while running his hand absentmindedly
across the bare expanse of her back.

She quivered around his cock with each word that left his lips, burrowing herself against him with
her nose pressed into his shoulder. Junho dragged the long discarded blanket over her frame,
draping it across her shoulders so that she wouldn't be cold. He felt her slowly go slack in his hold,
her half open her eyes glancing up dazedly at him from time to time but he figured she was too out
of it so he just resorted to brushing his lips against her forehead whenever she did look at him, his
way of letting her know that her alpha was there, earning a few noises of contentment in return
from her.

There was a strange kind of buzz in her body although Youngwoo was not being able to put a
finger on it. She felt like asking Junho about it but her tongue felt heavy and she felt so so tired and
Junho was so warm- she pushed the thought aside, a smile forming on her face when she felt her
alpha's lips press against her forehead- how many times had he done that? and she managed to
count atleast twenty five more kisses before she finally fell asleep in his arms.

Chapter End Notes

as always, comments are much welcome

Chapter 11
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Something nudging his shoulder lightly startled Junho awake, the alpha blinking dazedly for a
moment before his gaze settled on Youngwoo who was curled up by his side, her hands clutching
onto his arm while her head lay against his shoulder.

Making sure not to disturb her slumber, he reached for his phone lying on the bedside table,
squinting at the bright screen where the numbers read 5.47 am. He unlocked it, making sure to turn
off his alarm set for his usual time and quickly checked his messages.

He had two from Geurami and he replied to them first, informing her everything was okay for now
before he texted Myeong Seok that he wouldn't be coming in today. Sighing, he switched it off just
as the half asleep omega stirred beside him, Junho turning his attention to her, his hand coming to
rest gently on her forehead where her temperature seemed to be picking up again.

"Youngwoo-yah?" he mumbled, stroking his finger lightly across her fever red cheek, Youngwoo
frowning at the voice and tilting her neck in response. "Alpha," she mumbled with a furrow
between her eyebrows, her eyes slowly fluttering open to meet his and her face relaxed when she
saw him beside her. She scrambled up after a few moments, straddling the alpha who managed to
steady her, his large hand gripping her bare thigh. She tugged on the waistband of his sweatpants,
trying to tug them down only for Junho to grab her wrist lightly, Youngwoo watching curiously as
he sat up against the headboard and pulled her closer, rubbing his thumb lightly across her bottom

While Junho hadn't been with an omega who had been in heat before, he had realised something
was off when Youngwoo's next wave had seemed to hit barely some time after he had first knotted
her and he had figured giving in to her pleading was not the option after he had knotted her twice
more throughout the night.
He hadn't knotted her after that, making her come with just his fingers and she had managed to fall
asleep for a good few hours. Deducing as long as he could keep her distracted and refrain from
knotting her for a while, her next wave wouldn't hit so fast and she would be able to recover better,
Junho decided to do just that, parting her legs and observing how she shuddered at the slightest
brush of his fingers against her now heated skin.

"Alpha," she whined when she felt his fingers slide in between her legs, Junho finding her soft, wet
and warm from earlier and he caressed her gently, rubbing gentle circles on her swollen clit. "Look
at you already so wet hm? Pretty baby," he mumbled, withdrawing his slick soaked hand before
pushing his fingers back in as deep as they could go, earning a high pitched gasp from the omega.

"There, that's it, feels good, yeah? God, look how wet you are little one," he groaned, each thrust of
his fingers hitting a spot inside her that made her see stars.

"I- there- there- alpha !" she cried out, her whole body tensing as she threw her head back,
clenching hard around his fingers, her mouth wide open while she came again, her whole body
shuddering at the sensations that passed through her. His hand splayed across her back, pulling her
to his chest, watching her breath heavily while he wiped away the sheen of sweat on her forehead,
pressing a comforting kiss to the top of her head.

"Alpha please, please fuck me," he heard her whimper after a few moments, her hips rolling
against his and she gasped when she felt the outline of his now hard cock through the thin material
of his sweatpants, her eyes lifting to his expectantly.

"Not yet love," Junho said, kissing her gently, Youngwoo willingly kissing him back and rolling
her hips against his.

"Please alpha, please please please," she begged, grinding desperately against him and whimpering
at the sensation of the soft material against her slick folds. "Please," she said again, her movements
uncoordinated and clumsy as she continued to grind against him.
"Thats a good girl, get yourself off for alpha," Junho coaxed, watching her hand slip in between her
legs and rub frantically at the bundle of nerves, her movements soon slowing down before a long
low moan left her lips, her release soaking through the material of his pants. He tugged her hand
up, Youngwoo watching with wide eyes as he slowly sucked on each digit, cleaning them off her
slick and she swore she felt her cunt clench around nothing at his actions, more slick pooling from
her at the utterly filthy sight. "Arent you perfect?" he finally asked, letting go off her hand and she
just managed a nod, sighing when he nuzzled her neck lightly, his warm breath fanning across her
swollen gland. "Want to go back to sleep love?"

"Ani- you- you promised you would knot me alpha," she accused, gulping harshly when he flipped
them over in one swift movement and forced open her legs wider, settling down between them

"Bad alpha not giving you what you want hm? Tell me baby, is this what you want?" he asked,
slotting his hips against hers to press his covered cock right up against her aching pussy and she
gasped, just being able to nod, hoping her alpha would get what she was trying to say.

"Want me to fuck you hard yeah little one? Fill you up so full with my knot you are not going to be
able to think about anything else," he added, noticing how her eyes widened at the words and her
scent seemed to thicken, Junho leaning down to kiss her softly.

"Maybe I will if you listen to me hm? Will you listen to me?"

"Yes, yes alpha I'll be good," she promised, tilting her hips up eagerly while Junho's hands slid
under her bottom, caressing her ass and earning a content noise from her. "Please alpha- knot," she
mumbled deliriously, shifting under him.
"I know little one, can you come once again for me? It would feel good if you came again yeah?"

"Aga-in?" she asked faintly, her hair stuck to her forehead with sweat and with her flushed cheeks
and glossy eyes Junho hadn't ever seen a more pretty sight for sure.

"Yes, going to let me see how pretty you look when you come," he replied, pushing his face
between her legs to tongue at her, tongue lapping up the slick before sliding over her clit and her
back arched, her small hand finding purchase in his dark hair as she gripped him tightly, trying to
tug him closer to where she needed him the most. He moaned hotly against her and she felt the
vibrations travel up her entire body, her toes curling into the sheets below. His tongue dipped
slightly into her entrance, Junho placing light kisses on her swollen flesh and then sucking gently
on her clit and she felt so close, so close she was going to tip over the edge any moment-

And then he withdrew. She whined in complaint, trying to pull him back to her and he obliged after
a few seconds, Youngwoo almost ready to cry out in desperation when he did the same thing yet
again. And again. And again. She was aware of his lips trailing up her belly and between her
breasts before they wrapped around a pebbled nipple, sucking lightly on it while his hand
massaged her other breast lightly. She twitched at every brush of his tongue against her, her fingers
digging into the bedsheets in an attempt to ground herself. Every touch of his anywhere on her skin
seemed to send a rush of heat straight down between her legs and Youngwoo could feel herself get
more wet if that was even possible, sure that she could just come with his hot mouth wrapped
around her aching breast. He continued to roll one nipple between his fingers while flicking at the
other with his tongue, her body just growing tenser at each action.

"Good girl," he praised, brushing away the stray tear that slipped down her cheek, his mouth
leaving her breast, kissing her lower and lower, along the curve of her ass and along her inner
thighs, a light kiss being placed near her clit now and then.

"Please alpha," she finally begged, not being able to take it anymore, more tears sliding down her
cheeks at how worked up she was.
"I know baby, its okay," he cooed, resuming to continue what he had started, his tongue sliding
across her with a quicker pace and she was soon screaming out his name, yanking hard on his hair
with her thighs tightening around his head as she rode out her high against his face, slumping back
against the bedsheets when she stopped seeing stars across her vision.

"Good girl, such a good girl little one," he finally said, wiping the back of his hand across his
mouth hastily.

"M good," Youngwoo said with a barely there voice, blinking at Junho with wide, hazed eyes.

"The best. So perfect for alpha," he praised, kissing her nose and he could notice the small smile
fighting its way through her face.

"You'll- you'll knot me now?" she asked, still trying to catch her breath and Junho chuckled at the

"You thought alpha forgot yes baby? I didn't forget, you were so good for me," he mumbled,
caressing her hip lightly.

"Mean alpha," she huffed, going to sit up, Junho letting her clamber onto his lap, Youngwoo
pressing small kitten licks along his jaw, her nose brushing across his gland once or twice. "Now, I
want you," she commanded, tugging on his pants for emphasis and how was he to deny her?

"Hands and knees baby, come on," he instructed, Youngwoo instantly obliging, turning herself over
and crawling to the edge of the bed, her body buzzing with anticipation. She craned her neck back
to look at Junho who stared at her for a moment with those dark eyes of his, a shudder passing
through her and she unconsciously raised her ass higher, pressing her face into the pillow which
was still heavy on his scent. She felt him behind her after an agonizing few seconds, his hand
pressing down lightly between her shoulder blades to keep her steady and then his cock was
nudging against her center, Youngwoo pressing back against him eagerly as he sank into her with a
long low moan. She mewled and almost collapsed onto the bed, clenching hard around his thick
throbbing length, feeling every inch of him against her walls while she stretched around him.

He moved forward until his front was pressed against her back, his fingers yanking at her hair to
tilt her neck for him, his teeth scraping lightly across her neck before his lips found hers in a
bruising kiss as he continued to drive his hips against hers. "So perfect, good omega, you are meant
for this arent you? Meant for me, for taking my knot, taking everything I give you."

Youngwoo's brain turned to liquid mush at those words, her body surrendering to the alpha and she
just half lay there, getting fucked into oblivion, the pleasure just ramping up and up and up until
she was sure there was no way her body was going to contain it all. Feeling his hand snake its way
up her torso to tug at her sensitive nipple, she shrieked, feeling herself topple over the edge, her
body spasming wildly in his hold and around his cock. She was sobbing now, letting the alpha use
her however he liked to reach his own release, his fingers digging hard into her thigh before she felt
his warmth fill her up.

Junho could feel his knot stretch her slick walls, keeping his release in her. He wasn't sure how
long they stayed like that but when he felt his lungs weren't protesting anymore, he leaned down to
press a kiss to her scent gland in apology. He had a sudden urge to bite down into the raised skin,
the alpha in him wanting to desperately mark her as his and bound her to him completely but he
knew they hadn't talked about it yet and he wouldn't ever do something until she herself asked him
to provided she wanted him they way he wanted her. But just the thought of it not playing out that
way had him growl lowly against her neck, Junho absentmindedly scenting her until he was
satisfied, whispering a quietly uttered "mine," into her neck.

Very very gently, he moved them on his side, Youngwoo's body pliant in his hands and he
continued to rub his hand along her thigh in soothing motions, smiling at the way little content
sighs fell from her lips.

His eyes moved to the clock, watching the minutes tick away while Youngwoo slowly fell asleep.
She didnt even stir after his knot had finally gone down and he managed to slip out of her, tucking
the blanket around her carefully and making sure to place a pillow behind her so that she didn't
manage to roll off the bed given how much she moved around in her sleep. Leaning down to pick
up her fallen whale plushie off the bed, he tucked it in beside her too, covering her with his shirt
and hoping the scent would be enough to let her feel safe.

He quickly showered and changed into a clean set of clothes that didn't smell of slick or sweat,
making his way out into the living room to hunt for a charger given his phone was close to dying
out. He found one, plugging his phone in, proceeding to check Myeong Seok and Geurami's
replies. After placing it on the kitchen counter, he figured he needed to whip up some food till
Youngwoo woke up, knowing she hadn't eaten properly after last night.

He found ingredients for gimbap in the fridge and he managed to make it and roll it up decently,
setting it aside for later. Junho made coffee for himself, knowing it would help keep him awake
just when the doorbell rang, startling him out of his thoughts.

Probably Geurami , he mused, knowing the girl had told him she would drop by before classes as
he went over to open the door only to come face to face with an older unknown man, his instincts
on alert immediately as he took a step back in the direction of the bedroom door.

"Who- are you?" he asked, his hand clenched tightly around the edge of the door while the man
stared at him in utter astonishment, his mouth agape.

"I should be asking you this question. Who are you and what are you doing here?" the older alpha
growled, Junho trying to think about how to answer him just when he heard a soft patter of feet
from behind him as he turned to see Youngwoo standing behind him, dressed in his clothes, her
wide eyes trained on the pair of alphas by the door.

"Appa?" she squeaked out, Junho stiffening at the uttered word and turning back to face the now
furious man.
Shit .

Chapter End Notes

well- so that happened

comments are much appreciated, they keep me going

ok bye
Chapter 12
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Youngwoo-yah? What the hell is going on in here? Who is he?" Gwang Ho asked, stepping in
around Junho who was frozen by the door. Youngwoo clenched the hem of the shirt she was
wearing tightly in her hands, twisting the bunched up material around anxiously and trying to think
of a possible response that wouldn't get her father to go at Junho with one of the kitchen knives but
there was none she could possibly think of.

"Appa I-"

"Where's Geurami?" her father asked again, Youngwoo taking an unconscious step back at the
anger radiating from him, a sudden cramp wracking through her belly making her groan and bend
over. Gwang Ho's eyes immediately widened in realization, his nose picking up on the sudden
spiked up scent of his daughter as immediately moved back a few steps, covering his nose with his

"Are you in… heat?"

Youngwoo barely managed a nod, starting to feel the sweat build at the base of her neck- why was
it so hot again?

"You brought an alpha home during your heat? Do you know what a bad idea this is when you
aren't even in your senses right now? What were you thinking?!" her father demanded angrily and a
shiver ran up her spine at the heavy alpha tone in his voice, her breath hitching in her throat. She
didn't realize that her hands had flown upto her ears to block his yelling out but it was useless, her
knees buckling and she almost hit the ground if it weren't for Junho who stepped across the room
in a few strides to quickly steady her in place as she slumped back against him.
" Get away from her ," she heard Junho snarl when the older alpha moved closer, Junho gathering
the pliant omega closer in his arms just as Geurami appeared in the open doorway, her eyes
widening at the sight in front of her.

"Abeonim no move back!" she exclaimed, pulling Gwang Ho back by his arm as he whirled around
to face her.

"Will anyone tell me what the hell is going on in here?" he snapped, gaze trained on Junho who
growled lowly and curled his form around Youngwoo, his hand cradling the back of her head
against his shoulder.

"I'll tell you- I'll tell you everything, not here though," Geurami placated, shaking her head at
Gwang Ho when he went to retaliate. "Please not right now," she begged, pulling Gwang Ho
behind her and throwing Junho a pointed look before closing the door with a decisive thud behind

Youngwoo flinched in his arms at the noise that reverberated through the living room, Junho
turning his attention to her. "Little one? Look at me," he mumbled, Youngwoo's unfocused gaze
shifting to his as he pressed a kiss to her lips.

"Everything's okay, come back to me now," he coaxed, his gentle voice seeming to break through
the slowly thickening fog in her head and he sighed when her weight shifted in his arms, letting
him know she was with him again. He guided her to the sofa, going to lock the front door before he
came back with a glass of water, pressing it into her hand and making her drink half of it.

"I didn't know he was going to drop by," she confessed, her hands clenching and unclenching by
her sides and Junho could sense her distress, his hands catching hold of hers gently to bring them
"I know baby, we'll deal with that later. Do you want to eat something first?"

She shook her head, aware of the insistent cramps that were now back as she made him sit up
beside her, swinging her leg over his lap to effectively straddle him. "Knot first," she whimpered,
Junho's hands pushing up the shirt of his that she wore to find her bare beneath it.

"Like this? Or do you want to go inside?" he asked, Youngwoo shaking her head in answer.

"Here, now," she urged. She parted her legs wider when he didn't make a move, giving him a view
of her swollen, glistening pussy. His now hard cock pressed into her backside through the layers
separating them, ready to sink deep inside her and fill her up. She lifted herself on her knees when
he went to shove down his trousers and boxers, readjusting his cock underneath her dripping cunt
before she sank down on him, letting him fill her up to the hilt.

"Fuck," he groaned, his eyes squeezing shut at the sensations of her hot tight walls squeezing his
cock so well and it took everything in him to not switch their positions and fuck her into the couch,
his eyes flying open when she took hold of hand to place it on her breast.

A mewl left her lips when he pinched the tender nub between his fingers, a gush of slick rushing
out from where they were joined together and she rocked her hips experimentally, trying to find a
rhythm that felt good. She seemed to get a hang of it, her arms wrapping around his neck as she
tried to stabilize herself. Her mouth was close to his, hot breaths mingling with each others as she
gasped into his mouth, feeling him low in her belly.

"That's it little one, get yourself off on alpha's cock," he mumbled, hand finding its way down
between their bodies to play with her exposed clit.
"Want more alpha, harder," she begged, Junho relenting and grabbing hold of her hips to bring her
down on him, perfectly timing it with his upward thrusts. He drove into her again and again,
Youngwoo now a moaning mess above him, soft shuddering gasps leaving her lips as his tongue
dragged across her breasts, teeth scraping against her nipple lightly. Junho pulled open her thighs
wider to see how well she took him in, one hand pressed against her lower back to steady her.

"Feels good baby? Take what you need. Use me." He could sense she was getting tired, noting the
way her thighs shook with the efforts it took to hold herself up and he grabbed her by the waist,
pulling her off his cock and rearranging her on the sofa on her belly, his hand raising her hips up
before he slid back into her, Youngwoo moaning and letting her head fall forwards onto the

"Fuck you are so tight," he groaned, his knot breaching her without much resistance as he snapped
his hips harder against hers and her body gave a jolt when he smacked her ass lightly, the next
thrust of his hips sending her over, her cunt clenching around him so tightly his vision blackened
for a moment, drawing out his own climax as he came inside of her. He felt her cunt milk him of
everything he had to give her, his release shooting deep inside of her and filling her womb full of
his cum.

She slumped under him, panting heavily as he braced himself on his arms over her, trying to catch
his breath. His mouth closed over her gland, tongue laving over the swollen skin in an attempt to
soothe her still trembling form.

"Good girl, good omega," he praised, earning a dazed whimper from her. He shifted them on their
sides so they could lie comfortably, her post orgasm body pliant in his arms while he gathered her
close. She lay her head on his arm, a heavy sigh leaving her lips while she stared at the wall in
front of her. "What happened?" she heard her alpha ask, his fingers dancing absentmindedly over
the bare skin of her stomach.

"Nothing, its all just so- overwhelming. Sung Hoon, this heat and- and now Appa and-"
"I know love, its okay, let's just get through this and we'll try to figure out what's happening okay?"

"Is something wrong with me?" she asked in a small voice, turning her head to look at him.

"I don't think so. But we'll get it checked okay? I promise," he reassured, pressing a kiss to the top
of her head.


"Alpha?" her voice came again after a few moments.

"Yes little one?"

"Didn't we- have a test today?"

"What- oh oh yes. Someone will fill in for me dont worry, I just had to supervise anyways."

"I wasn't worried about you. I am talking about myself," she said matter of factly. "Who is going to
give my test?"
"You can give it later."

"But I had studied for today," she protested.

"Let's see how good your preparation is then."

"How are you going to check that? Test me?"

"If you want sure. Its not like I need anything to refer to."

"Same," she added, squealing when he smacked her thigh playfully.

"Smartass," he mumbled, nudging her cheek with his nose and she smiled, grabbing his arm to
place it across her waist.

"What do I get if I get everything right?"

"One kiss for every right answer and if you get everything right alpha is going to fuck you so good,
that brain of yours is going to forget everything except my name," he growled, squeezing her ass
hard and she bit her lip, taking in the way his eyes gazed at her hungrily.

Now this was a challenge she was definitely not going to back down from.

Chapter End Notes

do leave me a comment if you have the time

Chapter 13
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Youngwoo didn't know what exactly woke her up, her small form shifting her under the sheets as
she blindly reached beside her to find the bed empty although the space beside her was still warm.

The scent of her alpha still lingered on the whale plushie she clutched in her arms and the soft
blankets she was carefully tucked under and while it was enough for her to fall back asleep, she felt
the familiar heat and ache in her body which was inescapable. Although it was the fourth day of
her heat and it was finally easing out well enough for her to fall asleep for longer hours at a stretch,
she missed the warmth of her alpha beside her, Youngwoo finding it impossible to rest without him
holding her in his arms.

The pressure and slick between her thighs made her realise that she needed him right now, she
needed him to hold her and let him take care of her like he always did.

But where was he?

She got down from the bed, dressed in nothing but a shirt of his, the loose material shifting and
brushing against her now pebbled nipples, Youngwoo attentive of the wetness between her thighs
and the arousal thrumming through her body as she slowly made her way outside the bedroom,
rubbing at her eyes tiredly.

It was dark except for the faint glow of the lamp from the kitchen, Youngwoo's eyes falling on
Junho who was sitting on one of the dining table chairs, one leg tucked beneath him while he
worked on something on his laptop.
She knew he had been missing work cause he was home with her all day and while missing classes
didn't matter much to her overall performance it was clearly not the case with Junho and she felt a
twinge of guilt replace the low throbbing in her belly, taking in the way he tiredly rubbed at his
forehead with his fingers, pushing his glasses up his nose unconsciously as he read over something
on the screen.

She watched him for a few moments from where she was standing, hidden by the wall and
deciding it was best not to disturb him. Turning to go back, she took a step towards to the bedroom,
wincing when the floorboards creaked under her feet, her ears catching the way the clacking of
keys across the keyboard suddenly paused, leaving the house in utter silence.

"Youngwoo-yah?" she heard Junho tentatively call out from the kitchen, Youngwoo slowly
peeking out from behind the wall with an apologetic expression on her face.

"Sorry I just-"

"Couldn't sleep?" he asked, cutting her off and she just nodded, too tired to make excuses. "Come
here," he mumbled, extending a hand out to her and she stepped forward hesitantly to grab it, Junho
pulling her close to stand in between in his legs, his knees brushing along the outside of her bare

"Did I wake you up when I left the room?" he asked gently and Youngwoo shook her head. At that
moment she wanted nothing more than to burrow into his arms like she had done before they had
fallen asleep, satisfied and full of his knot, her body now craving the touch again, wanting him to
let her ride him slowly and yet she just wanted to be held in the safety of his arms until her body
had calmed down.

"Needed you," she said simply, gnawing on her full lip with her teeth when he slid back his chair a
bit, Youngwoo taking a peek at his laptop to find him working on some document with a number
of tabs open besides. "What are you working on?"
"Sorry love I can't tell you, its for class," he apologized, turning the laptop away as she nodded,
rubbing her thumb absentmindedly over the back of his hand.

"If you are busy I can-"

"What do you want?"

"You," Youngwoo admitted, Junho letting her clamber onto his lap, his hands going to slide under
her shirt, stroking over her bare thighs and hips, her eyes taking in the slight stubble across his jaw
and his warm eyes that glanced over her frame lovingly.

"Can I-? Just want you close," she trailed off, shifting over him slightly, her bare pussy pressing
over his covered and now half hard cock.

"Just want to warm my cock while I work sweetheart?" he asked softly and she nodded, a thrilled
tingle passing through her when he pulled out his cock from his sweats, Youngwoo seeing how
firm and stiff he was for her without a single tease or stroke.

She lined him up with her dripping core, sinking down on him with a soft whimper, letting herself
slowly adjust to his girth although she was wet enough to take him in easily. The feeling of her
alpha finally filling her upto the brim was euphoric, her omega delighted with the same, Junho
pulling her closer until she was laid up against his chest, her boneless form secure in his arms with
his length nestled deep inside of her hot, tight cunt. "Its okay, I got you hm? I got you baby," he
promised in a husky voice, his hand mindlessly stroking her back.
It was so good to just settle on his lap, Youngwoo's fingers curling up in the material of his thin
shirt while she pressed her face against his chest which rose and fell rhythmically with each breath
he took. Junho went back to his work after a few moments, eyes intent on the laptop in front of
him. She could feel his large warm hand resting on the small of her back, holding her still over him
and she let her eyes slowly slide close to the rhythmic noise of his fingers over the keyboard, her
ears taking in the faint mumbling as he read something out to himself, pausing from time to time to
drop a loving kiss to the top of her head.

She felt him shift slightly under her, the pressure of his pelvis insistent against her clit and she
wanted, needed more. A quiet whimper left her lips when his hand left her back to slide up her
torso, brushing against her sensitive nipple and she pushed her breast into his hand willingly,
sighing when he complied, squeezing the soft flesh gently in his hand.

"Needy little omega," he whispered, rocking his hips against hers and she too moved hers in
rhythm to his, soft and slow. Her hand slid between their joined bodies, rubbing slow circles over
the swollen nub while he gripped her ass lightly, finding her lips in a soft tender kiss. "So good for
me my love, always so warm and tight for alpha," he praised and she moaned out at the words,
feeling herself come closer and closer to the brink.

His mouth was soon on her breast, sucking on one impudent nipple while his fingers toyed with the
other, pinching and tugging lightly on it and she came with a low cry, feeling his thighs tense under
her before she felt the warmth of him fill her up. His knot inflated against her walls, a deep stretch
that ached wonderfully, her core clenching around him to take everything he gave her, her head
feeling floaty with all the sensations that gripped each of her senses in a slow, encompassing

" Sweetheart are you with me?" It took her a moment to realise that it was Junho's voice,
gentle fingers sweeping back her hair from her neck to brush lightly against her gland and she
keened softly, tightening her grip on him. "There you are," he whispered, pressing a fond kiss to
her forehead and earned a dazed smile from her. His face nuzzled her hair, his work forgotten and
while she felt bad about distracting him from it, she was happy held tight just as she liked, with so
much fondness and care.
"Tired," she mumbled sleepily, Junho humming and peering down at her through his glasses. "Get
some sleep yeah? I'll get you back to bed once my knot goes down," he reassured.

"Will you come back to bed with me?"

"I need to finish this by morning little one," he reasoned, Youngwoo sensing the faintest hint of
guilt in his voice.

"M sorry," she mumbled out after a few seconds of complete silence.

"For what?"

"I don't know- I seem to have made everything difficult for you. And I don't know how to help."

"You don't need to be sorry okay? I love you so we are together in this. It'll be fine, we'll be fine."
Youngwoo looked up at him at the words, feeling somewhat better at the reassurance. They would
be fine. As long as she had her alpha with her and he had her with him, they would be just fine.


"I love you too," she whispered and right here, right now, content being in his arms, there was
definitely no better place to be.

Chapter End Notes

do leave me a comment if you have the time i always love to

know what y'all think about the story
Chapter 14
Chapter Notes

m backity, thank the ao3 maintenance timeout today for this chapter

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The beta doctor looked across at the couple sitting across her, going over the file in her hand again
before she finally kept it aside, folding her hands on the table and leaning forward a bit. She had
been recommended by Suyeon and had a calm air to her and Youngwoo had felt at ease with her
immediately much to Junho’s relief.

"Have you ever heard of accidental mating?"

"A-ni. What is that?" Junho asked hesitantly, the two words going around in his head again and
again. Accidental mating? How the hell was that even a term?

"It's when an omega's body accepts an alpha as a mate without a mating bite from him or her. It
usually happens in cases where the alpha knots the omega during heat for the very first time but
the bond is half made as in your case where you spent only a part of her heat with her. Its really
very rare and I personally have only seen one such case in my whole life. Usually the omega's body
will force itself into a heat intermittently until the bond with the alpha is completed and that's why
Miss Woo, you had an unexpected heat even when you were on suppressants."

"B-but I didn't bite her during this heat-" Junho added weakly, glancing at Youngwoo who was
looking at the table with a blank look on her face, probably trying to process the information.

"Then I suggest you do it during her next heat whenever it hits. Her heats are only going to
intensify the more you prolong it and it's going to just worsen things for her," the doctor replied,
gazing at the couple with an apologetic look on her face.

"Should- I get off my suppressants?" Youngwoo asked timidly, chewing on her lip while she
waited for an answer.

"Yes. What's your current brand of contraceptives? I daresay we'll need to change it if you aren't
going to take your suppressants anymore."

"Contraceptives," Youngwoo echoed in a faint voice, swallowing heavily before she told the doctor
the name, earning a nod from the woman. “I’ll prescribe you a new one. Do you have any

“W-will everything go back to normal if- we complete the bond?”

“Yes. It may take a while for everything to get back on track but it will be less unpredictable and
intense for sure.”


The sudden faint buzzing of the phone placed on the table got her attention, Junho quickly
grabbing it and excusing himself with an apology, the door closing softly behind him as he exited
the room to take the call.

“Doctor Min?”

“I- what will happen if we don’t- complete the bond?”

“It can sever if you spend time apart but I don’t recommend you to put your body through that and I
am not sure if you will even be able to endure it. It will sever easily if you mate another alpha. I
don’t have any drugs to recommend for your…situation though since it's not safe.”

Another alpha . Youngwoo felt an uncomfortable feeling settle in her stomach at the mere thought
of someone other than Junho touching her, feeling her insides twist into a knot as she pondered
over the words. Definitely not happening . But- mating Junho? Was she even ready to be mated to
an alpha yet? And was Junho ready to be stuck with her for the rest of his life? Being with her
wasn’t something easy and she didn’t want Junho to be tied with her just because of an accidental

“Sorry, work call,” she heard his voice interrupt her thought process, turning around to see him
standing behind her.

“Its okay Mr. Lee. Please do contact me if any of you have more questions,” Dr. Min said, Junho
nodding as Youngwoo slowly got to her feet, bowing to the doctor before they left the room

“You okay?” Youngwoo heard the alpha ask once they reached the car. She barely managed a nod,
trying to turn away when Junho walked over to her side, cupping her face in his hands gently to
make her look at him.
“Then why are you crying?” he whispered softly and it was as if the dam broke, a sob crawling up
her throat as she moved forward to press her face to his chest, letting him wrap his arms firmly
around her shaking frame. “I never- intended for this to happen-” she sobbed, clutching at fistfuls
of his shirt.

“I never blamed you though, little one,” Junho replied, dropping a kiss to the top of her head. “Its
something neither of us can help now.”

“I don’t want- I don’t want you to be stuck with me forever just because of this. But- but I don’t
want another alpha,” she whimpered, sniffling and she felt his whole body tense up against her at
the words, Junho drawing away to gaze down at her with dark eyes.

“Another- alpha? What ?!”

“Doctor Min said that the bond could be severed if I mate another alpha,” Youngwoo explained,
wiping her hand clumsily across her eyes.

“As if I would let that happen,” Junho scoffed darkly in response, pulling her closer again to bury
his face in her soft sweet smelling hair. “We both know you are mine, hm? And your next heat, I
am going to take you back to my place, get you in my bed and you are going to take my knot and
my mark for me,” he mumbled hotly against her ear and she gasped, feeling a shudder pass through
her at the words.

“You- want to make me your mate?”

“There’s nothing more I want than that love. I am sorry things worked out this way but I promise I
am going to make everything right now like you deserve, yes?”
“I thought you- you- wouldn’t want this,” she mumbled, voice muffled by his coat.

“Why did you think that?”

“Because- I am not like other omegas. Loving me is…hard.”

“I know.”

“But- are you still going to?”

“Yes,” he breathed out, kissing her softly to let her know he meant it.

Chapter End Notes

i have had the worst week ever so good comments only plz
Chapter 15

“Do you think this looks done?” Youngwoo asked curiously, turning to Junho who was busy
chopping vegetables beside her. They had come back to her apartment after the doctor's
appointment, Youngwoo wanting to catch up on her work before she went back to university next
week. Junho was going to go home today too so Geurami could come back although Youngwoo
was pretty sure she was more than okay living with Minwoo.

"Its so nice here. We havent cleaned the apartment in days Youngwoo-yah and nor do I have to
wake up every other night because something or the other keeps disturbing your sleep," she had
said to her on the phone and Youngwoo had grimaced at the image.

"Cleaning is fun."

"No its not. And not when someone has a cleaning partner like you who obsessively cleans
invisible spots on every surface possible," Geurami had complained.

"I am the sole reason why this apartment is not a pigsty."

"I like living in a pigsty."

"Then you should move in with Minwoo-ssi."

"And leave you alone by yourself? Jesus that would be like…child endangerment."
"I am not a kid," Youngwoo huffed, holding the phone away from her ear and wincing when
Geurami snorted and started to laugh.

"Aigo my baby. Don't worry, I am going to come back by the weekend. I hope you two have
finished going at it by then so we can have some well deserved girl's time okay?"

"Girls time?"

"Of course! I want to know all the details about how good Professor Lee is in bed. Wait do you call
him sir when he fu-"

"I am keeping the phone!" Youngwoo squeaked out, ending the call and throwing the phone across
the bed, hands patting at her cheeks to calm herself down. Her best friend really really needed a

“It's…done five minutes before it starts looking like that love,” Junho now said sheepishly, leaning
over to peer into the pan and she huffed, pushing her hair out of her face before turning the gas off.

“I can’t cook to save my life,” she mumbled, letting him take over and a surprised squeak left her
lips when he hoisted her up onto the counter beside him.

“Then you can just sit here and observe,” he replied.

“I wanted to help though.”

“Peel it for me.” He handed her a hard boiled egg which she took from him, starting to peel it
slowly and methodically while he stirred the sauce. "I am surprised you wanted something else
than gimbap."

"I am so hungry I feel like I could eat anything," she admitted, placing the peeled egg in the bowl

"Figures. You haven't had much to eat in the last few days."

"Yes. Alpha?"


"Thank you for taking care of me," she mumbled shyly, cheeks growing pink when he pressed a
kiss to her brow in answer.

"You don't have to thank me for that. I'll always take care of you hm? Whatever you need."
She leaned in for another kiss eagerly, giggling when he obliged her, hands coming to rest on her
waist. They kissed for a while until Youngwoo’s stomach let out an embarrassing growl, Junho
chuckling and leaving his hold on her.

“Imma go wash this off,” he said, pointing to his stained shirt where he had somehow managed to
get sauce on himself, Youngwoo nodding and getting out the plates before settling at the table. He
walked inside the bathroom, turning on the tap and rubbing the stain off with a generous amount of
water until he was satisfied.

Junho removed the shirt after, placing it on the chair to let it dry off and walked to Youngwoo’s
closet where she had kept his things, hunting for another shirt of his. He didn’t need to look much
considering how organized her closet was, pulling it out and donning it on.

Just as he went to close the door he saw a blue colored file stashed away in the corner of the
cupboard as he reached for it. He opened the drawer, meaning to place it inside along with her
other paperwork and paused when he saw it was some kind of medical file. Curiosity got the better
of him, Junho quickly opening it to glance over the contents. He let his eyes run over it a few
times, growing dread filling him with each passing second and he felt like he couldn't breathe, the
file falling from his shaking hands to the ground with an audible thump.

"Junho-ssi?" he heard Youngwoo call out with uncertainty after a few seconds and he heard her
footsteps down the hallway and through the bedroom door. "Did something fall? I heard-" she
started to say and freezed when she saw the file lying at his feet.

They just stared at each other unmovingly for a few seconds, a tense silence between them before
Youngwoo managed to scramble for the file and hide it behind her back.

"Wh-what- how did you find that? Were you looking through my things?" she accused, more
harshly than intended, her hands clutching the file so tightly her knuckles had gone white.
"I- found it at the back of your closet," he finally managed to reply and Youngwoo felt a sick
churning in her stomach at the words. He had read through it. He had and now he knew-

"You- you had an abortion?"

Youngwoo felt like she was going to be sick, her heart thudding so loudly in her chest that she
actually thought he could hear it all the way across the room. She swallowed harshly, unable to
meet his gaze even for a second, her mouth opening to say something but nothing came out and she
could only nod weakly.

"You had an abortion," he repeated, almost sounding dazed as he managed to take a step back and
Youngwoo felt sudden tears threatening to spill over as she risked a glance at him.

"How- why did y-you- when-" he started to say but the words seemed to die out in his throat and
Junho didn't trust himself to speak further, moving closer and Youngwoo unconsciously moved a
step back only to realize he had stepped around her.


"Dont." The singular word had her silence herself, Junho turning to look at her and she could see
how hard his hands were shaking even with the vice grip he had on the doorknob. "I- need some
air," he said eventually, gaze trained on the floor at her feet. "Eat your food. Don't wait for me."
And with that he was gone, leaving her standing in the middle of the room with tears running down
her face.
Chapter 16
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Suyeon looked up from her book as Myeong Seok approached her, holding a huge bowl of ramen
and a jar of jam which he set down on the table in front of her and she got up eagerly, setting her
book aside. "How did you know I was hungry?" she exclaimed happily, turning to her husband
who had retreated back to his corner of the sofa with his comic book but not before tugging the
strewn blanket over her legs so that she wasn't cold.

"You are cranky only when you are hungry," he observed, Suyeon knowing he was referring to a
while back when she had thrown a fit over how the furniture of the house didn't match the walls
and that it hurt her eyes and it was all Myeong Seok's fault.

"It's still your fault," she mumbled, feeling somewhat guilty now and going to get a big mouthful of
noodles just when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it, you- please eat," he said hastily before she could react, jumping to his feet and walking
over to the door before he yanked it open, groaning when he saw Junho. "Not a good time," he
hissed, shaking his head frantically.

"Yeobo who is it?"

"Its Junho," Myeong Seok called out, stepping aside begrudgingly to let the younger alpha in while
he closed the door behind him.

"Yah do you want to break the front door?! Slam it louder!"

"I am sorry!" he apologized quickly, sensing she was working herself up and she huffed, glancing
at Junho who had slumped onto the sofa next to her.

"How come you show up every time I am eating? Don't even eye my food," she warned, sliding the
bowl away to the edge of the table and lifting the chopsticks to her mouth, she was so hungry and it
smelled so good she could practically inhale it-

"Youngwoo had an abortion."

She froze at the words, her hand unconsciously going to her belly while she let the words hang
around in the air for a moment, swallowing hard before turning to look at him slowly.

"H-how did…you get to know?"

He narrated the events from earlier in a clipped tone and she waited for Junho to finish,
absentmindedly toying with her wedding ring while she listened but her thoughts were somewhere
far away..

Two months earlier

"When do you know if it is a boy or a girl?" Myeong Seok asked in a petulant voice, Suyeon
smiling at how disappointed he sounded.
"Yeobo its barely been three months yet."

"I just really want to know."

"Me too," she giggled, pressing the phone to her ear as she sat in the waiting room of the clinic.
"But I really think its going to be a girl."

"Seung Jun and Junho said it will be a boy."

"Seung Jun oppa has been saying that since I remember. And Junho just wants someone to play
basketball with him since I can't anymore. They don't count."

"Fine fine as long as you are happy and the baby is healthy I don't care. I'll love them all the same."

"Yes, I know," she replied, leaning down to pick up the pen that had rolled off from the hand of the
person sitting beside and going to hand it over to them, pausing when the girl barely managed to
grab it with a shaking hand.

"Yeobo call me when you get here yes? I'll keep the phone now," she added, ending the call.
"Are you okay?" she asked the girl softly. "You want me to help fill that?"

She shook her head immediately, hand clenched hard around the pen as she chewed anxiously on
her lip, glancing over the form. "Where's- where's the bathroom?"

"Um, down the hall to the right."

"Thank you," the girl whispered, stumbling up from her seat and she practically rushed away,
leaving Suyeon staring after her in bewilderment. She glanced at the form which she had only
filled her name on till now in barely readable handwriting and given how badly her hand was
shaking, Suyeon wasn't surprised.

Woo Youngwoo. Woo Youngwoo. Oh it was a palindrome. Unique, she thought to herself, glancing
in the direction of the hallway.

Suyeon frowned when the girl Youngwoo didn't appear for quite some time, deciding she would go
check because she couldn't get that nagging feeling off her chest about something seeming wrong.
It was rude to pry but she figured she might as well go check once, no harm in that.

Making up her mind, she got up, grabbing her purse and grabbed the girl's bag too, figuring it
wouldn't be safe to leave it unattended and made her way to the bathroom, opening the door slowly
only to stop in her tracks when she heard someone crying.

"Youngwoo-ssi?" she called out hesitantly, placing the bags on the counter and walking over to one
of the stalls with a closed door. She lifted her hand and knocked quietly, stepping back when the
door clicked open and Youngwoo peered out, wiping her hand across her eyes clumsily.

"I really didn't mean to pry but I was worried. Are you okay?" the older girl asked in a careful

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to get you worried," Youngwoo mumbled hoarsely, stepping around to
the tap and turning it on to splash some water on her face.

"Its okay. You just seemed really scared of something. Is anyone else here with you?"

"A-ani I came alone."

"Oh." Suyeon's hand went to her stomach absentmindedly, thumb stroking at the slightly visible
bump over the thin material of her shirt. It was a habit she had gotten into since a while and it
seemed to offer her some sort of comfort, although right now she wasn't sure why she needed it.

She saw Youngwoo's gaze travel down, a strange look on her face. "Can I?" she asked softly,
Suyeon giving a nod. Trembling fingers reached over to touch her stomach and she watched as
Youngwoo suddenly drew back her hand like she had been burnt, swallowing hard and wrapping
her arms around her own midsection and Suyeon looked at her, a sudden realization hitting her
after a few moments.

"Are you pregnant too?"


Oh thats why. But what was she scared of then?

"Is the baby at risk? Is… that why you are scared?"

"I don't want it."

Oh .

"You- don't want it?"

Another headshake.

"Why?" Suyeon whispered, stepping closer, sensing the distress of the other girl which in turn
increased the discomfort within her.

"I- am new here, I mean to the city. I um got into one of the universities as a transfer student for
law. I- I slept with someone a while back…an alpha. He saved me at a bar, I..went into heat
because I forgot my suppresaants and he ended up having to take him back to his house. It- was- it
was a mistake. I don't know who he was- I mean I still don't know. And then I found out I was
"Did you try to…find him?"

"No. I don't even know his name."

There was silence after that, the two women staring at each other until Youngwoo found her voice

"Does- it make me a bad person unnie? If I don't want the baby?" she asked in a trembling voice.

"No it doesnt make you a bad person. Sometimes- sometimes putting yourself before anyone is the
best decision you can make for yourself and others. If you give birth to this child without fully
wanting it, the child is going to grow up thinking that it was a mistake. You don't want your child
to think they are a mistake right?"

"I dont. I don't but- but its not their fault," Youngwoo whimpered.

"Neither is it yours," Suyeon breathed out. placing her hand on her arm. "A child is a big
responsibility. And if you aren't ready for it…its better not to go ahead with it."

"I am not ready for it right now," she admitted in a small voice and Suyeon nodded.
"I thought so. Does anyone know about this?"

"No…I haven't told anyone yet. I was really scared since I found out."



"Will you- come with me? Inside I mean. If you can- I-don't know what I am supposed to do-"

"I'll go with you," Suyeon said with a reassuring smile, startled when Youngwoo stepped forward
to hesitantly wrap her arms around her shoulders briefly.

"Thank you," she mumbled gratefully. "Unnie?"


"Your baby is very lucky that they get to have you as their mother.".
◌ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-



"I think…you need to talk with her yourself about this. It wouldn't have been easy for her and I am
sure she has an explanation. I know you needed some time to get yourself together but I think she
needs you right now. Go back to her yes?"

"Go back to her," Junho echoed faintly, glancing at Myeong Seok who nodded and ruffled his hair
lightly as he stood up.

"Go, we'll be here if you need us," he reassured and Junho nodded, scrambling up and grabbing his
jacket off the back of the couch, putting his shoes on hurriedly before he was out of the front door.
He whipped out his phone, meaning to check the time (he had no idea how long had he been
outside for) and paused on the stairway, fingers tightening around the device in hand.
Chapter End Notes

sorry took a bit longer than usual

do leave a comment if u have the time ❤ always love to know what y'all thought
Chapter 17
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Minwoo," Geurami groaned, turning over in bed as she squinted up at her boyfriend who was
sitting at his desk, quietly working on some papers in the dim glow of the table lamp.

"Come back to bed its so late," she mumbled sleepily, holding out her arms and he glanced at her,
letting out a sigh and placing his pen aside.

"I thought you were asleep," he said, pulling back the covers and climbing in bed with her after
switching off the light, Geurami shaking her head as she snuggled into his arms sleepily.

"You work too much," she complained.

"Yeah cuz someone needs to pay bills here."

"Did you get a call from your parents again?" she asked worriedly, pushing herself up on one

"Yeah, its nothing to worry over though."

"Right, nothing to worry over my ass. Don't they feel at least a bit guilty about asking you for
money every week even when you send them enough every month to cover everything? And that
too for stupid expenses that they can very well live without."

"Geurami," she heard the alpha say, a hint of warning in his voice.

"Dont Geurami me. You know its true, you just dont want to admit it. And whenever I try to talk to
you about it you have excuses to make. Fine, slog away till you get sick, why do I care?" she
muttered angrily, grabbing the blanket and pulling it over her head before facing away.

"Please can we not fight right before we go to bed? I thought you called me back so we could

"Sorry, that was rude of me," she replied guiltily after a few moments, sensing how tired he
sounded. She let him pull the blanket away from her head, Minwoo sighing and gathering her
closer in his arms.

"Its okay. Go to sleep now, yes? You have an early class tomorrow." She hummed, feeling him
place a soft kiss to the side of her head in response, his hand absentmindedly drawing circles on her
bare leg under the duvet.


"Darling I thought I said sleep," he drawled in a low voice and she turned to look at him with a
sheepish smile. "What if I moved in with you?"
"You know we have been over this. And your parents threatened to sue me if I got you to move in
with me before we get married."

"How are they going to even sue an attorney? As if they even know where I am right now,"
Geurami grumbled. "Plus its no more fun living with Youngwoo given that she talks about nothing
else but that alpha of hers all the time. I can't believe he replaced the whale talk. Whale talk. She
even told me not to come home tonight so I am damn sure they are not done screwing yet. They
totally act like a married couple, its disgusting to watch."

"Someone would say you are jealous," Minwoo snickered into her ear, listening to her rant.

"I mean Professor Lee is hot okay? Have you ever seen the guy? Everyone is crazy about him and
to think Youngwoo bagged that fine ass, yes I am jealous," she grumbled, burying her face into the
pillow. Minwoo laughed, shaking his head at her and pulling her closer.

"Did you ever make a move on him?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Just curious," Minwoo shrugged, Geurami huffing and pushing back her messy hair from her

"I haven't. I just admired him from afar. Plus I already had a boyfriend when I got into university
you know."
"Oh you did, didn't you?" Minwoo muttered.

"Yeah just bad luck. Maybe if he wasn't in the picture I would totally have-" she started to say but
cut off with a shriek when Minwoo started to tickle her, Geurami squirming in his grip in an
attempt to get away.

"Stop- stop! Yah Kwon Minwoo stop!" she squealed, laughing and trying to free herself but he just
pinned her to the bed with a firm hand, leaning over her with a cocky expression on his face.

"I dare you to finish that sentence," he warned and she smirked, raising an eyebrow at him and
opened her mouth to speak only to have him kiss her roughly. "Look who's jealous now," she
teased, blinking up at him when he broke away, grazing a thumb over her cheek lightly. His hands
slipped under the hem of the shirt she was wearing, pausing when he found her bare underneath it.

"No underwear?" he rasped out against her neck and she just shrugged, earning a low groan from
him. "Mine," he whispered, pressing a kiss to her jaw and she nodded, wrapping her arms around
him and pulling him closer. "Show me 'm yours alpha," she breathed out against his lips and he was
glad to oblige, proceeding to show her exactly how she belonged to him until they both collapsed in
each others arms, spent, sated and content.

◌ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

"You think he would have talked to her?" Suyeon asked her husband who sat on the floor below
her, holding her swollen foot in his hand to massage it gently, knowing it always bothered her even
if she didn't say it out loud. Atleast she wasn't hungry anymore , he mused, Suyeon surprisingly
calm after the entire outburst of Junho's. "He was going to find out sometime, I didn't think it would
be so soon though," she had admitted after a few bites.
"He would have by now. They both are level headed enough even if Junho can be a bit short
tempered sometimes," Myeong Seok assured rubbing his thumb over the underside of her foot and
earning a content sigh from her.

"Yeah, I know. We'll talk with him tomorrow," she said, eyes starting to close with how
comfortable she felt right now.

"Don't fall asleep here," she heard her husband say but she felt too drowsy to actually listen to what
he was saying. A surprised squeak left her lips when she felt his hand slip under her knees while
one supported her back as he hauled her up in his arms, carrying her inside the bedroom to deposit
her carefully on the mattress, her usual blanket finding its way over to her.

"Sleep well my love," she heard Myeong Seok mumble against her forehead before he leaned down
to gently press a kiss to her swollen stomach. "I love you both."

"We love you too," she managed to whisper back sleepily, her eyes closing gradually as sleep soon
overtook her.

◌ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Youngwoo glanced at her phone for the hundredth time, feeling her heart sink deeper with every
second that passed without a reply from Junho. She had come over to his apartment after a few
hours of pacing around her own but he wasn’t home which left her with two choices - she could
either wait till he came back (which she didn’t know was when) or she could just give up and go
back home.
But she had decided she was not going to run away this time, whatever happened and that same
decision found her sitting on the steps leading up to his apartment building, her arms wrapped
around her knees.

The skies had darkened considerably, Youngwoo flinching when a single drop of rain hit her nose
and then she felt another slide down her cheek, her eyes gazing up at the sky. She felt tears prick
the corners of her eyes, sniffling softly as the rain began to pour harder, drenching her through but
she just sat there, waiting for Junho to come back home.

She suddenly felt the rain stop, glancing up to see an older couple around their late sixties holding
an open umbrella over her head. "You have been here since hours dear, who are you waiting for?"
the older woman asked gently and Youngwoo just stared at her for a few moments until she
realised she was supposed to answer.

"Lee J-Junho-ssi- my a-alpha," she managed to stammer out, her hands wringing nervously in her
lap, the material of her skirt fully damp from the rainwater and which now stuck uncomfortably to
her legs.

"Quite an alpha he is, making his omega wait here outside for hours," the older man muttered,
sounding displeased. "You come upstairs and wait inside if you want to. You are going to catch a
cold this way, the frail little thing that you are," he instructed and she blinked back her tears,
staying frozen to her spot and then concluding that they weren't going to leave until she had
complied. She stood up shakily, the woman guiding her inside and upstairs, Youngwoo realizing
with a start that the couple happened to live on the same floor as Junho.

"You don't have to," she whimpered, wrapping her arms around herself consciously while she stood
outside the door, waiting for them to unlock it.
"I know it's a bad thing to interfere between other's matters and we don't wish to but this is
unacceptable of that alpha of yours. I could have sworn he was a decent guy," the older man said
stepping inside.

"H-he didn't make me wait, I-"

"Whatever, just come inside and wait. And if he doesn't show up for another hour, we'll get you a
cab and send you home. Its dangerous to stay out alone at night like this by yourself."

Even through her tears, Youngwoo couldn't help feel glad about their concern when she knew they
had no business to care. The older woman wrapped a thick towel around her shivering frame once
she stepped inside their house, guiding her to the couch and handing her a steaming mug of tea
once she had stopped shaking.

"I-I wouldn't know if he came home," Youngwoo mumbled feebly, looking up at the woman. "Let
him wait for some time then," was all the reply she got.

"I dont think I have seen you here before. That girl that used to be with that alpha- she was different
yes yeobo? I could have sworn she was his girlfriend, the way she hung onto his arm all the time.
Aish my memory is so weak now."

"Yes she isn't her. I remember her well, that one had no manners whatsoever. I saw her last week
when I was out for a walk. She hasn't been around since then."

Youngwoo's phone rang just then, the omega scrambling for the device and accepting the call,
managing to hold it to her ear without spilling tea all over herself.
"Junho-ssi?" she whispered in relief.

"Youngwoo-yah where are you? Did you go home?" the alpha's worried voice came over the

"A-ani I am at the neighbor's place, they told me not to wait outside."

The doorbell rang the next second, the man going over to open it and Youngwoo could hear him
saying something as she got up to approach the door, feeling all of her senses flood with instant
relief when her eyes fell on Junho.

"Youngwoo," he breathed out in similar relief, barely managing to steady her as she ran into his
arms, starting to cry once she felt his familiar warmth surround her safely.

"You treat that omega of yours well you hear me? I better not find her like this next time," the
older man warned Junho. He nodded and apologised profusely, thanking the older couple for
taking care of Youngwoo in the meantime.

"I thought- I thought you wouldn't come," she whimpered, still crying and Junho just tightened his
hold on her, pressing his lips to her still damp hair. "I am sorry, I am so sorry little one, I was just- I
don't have any excuses-" he admitted.

"I am getting you all wet," she mumbled against his shoulder, trying to extract herself from his

"I don't care." Junho shrugged his coat off and wrapped it around her smaller frame, Youngwoo's
fingers curling up in the material to tug it closer.

"We need to talk," they both said at the same time.

"We'll talk yeah? Lets get you inside first. You'll catch a cold otherwise," he said while he led
them to his door. "Youngwoo-yah I-" he paused, keys still in hand and turned to her, "I am sorry. I
love you, whatever happened or happens I want you to know that yeah? Nothing is going to change
that for me."

Youngwoo just replied with a gentle kiss to his cheek and in that moment Junho somehow knew
that they were going to be okay after all.

Chapter End Notes

comments are always much welcome ❤

Chapter 18
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Youngwoo had found herself bundled up in a hoodie of Junho’s which was too large on her frame
and a warm blanket over her legs while Junho dried her hair with a towel, the deft motions of his
fingers over her scalp relaxing.

She felt him drop the towel over her head after he was done, Junho going over to sit on the couch
beside her as she grabbed the towel with a huff and placed it aside, pushing back her hair from over
her eyes with one hand.

Youngwoo glanced at him, the anxiety from the past few hours catching up with her and suddenly
the knots in her stomach seemed to twist up further into a tangle and she felt like she was going to
be sick. She flinched when she felt his hands cup her face gently, thumbs brushing over her cheeks
and she didn’t even realize a few unsuspecting tears had spilled over. “Don’t cry,” he mumbled.

“That- that was not how I wanted you to find out, I am sorry,” she said after a few moments, trying
not to let her voice tremble.

“I know, I- I am sorry I reacted like that too little one, I just- I didn’t know what to say.”

“I was so scared when you left- like that…I thought you wouldn’t come back,” she whimpered out,
trying not to cry further.

“ No , no sweetheart, no I wasn’t going to leave you, I…needed some time and I just…didn’t want
to say the wrong thing,” he reassured.
“I’m sorry,” she sobbed, “I really thought you were going to leave.”

“No I’ll never-” his breath hitched, Youngwoo pushing away the tears with her hand and shifting
closer on instinct, “I am never going to leave you ever nor am I going to let you leave me again,”
he breathed out.

"I…I didn't know what to do back then. It was so sudden and I wasn't prepared and I couldn't even
tell anyone about it. So I thought- I thought that was the best way out, I just had to go to the
doctor's and it would be done. I tried searching for you before that, I did I swear, I even went back
to the bar-"

" You went back to that bar by yourself ?" he interrupted, earning a nod from the omega.

"Youngwoo- that's dangerous, what were you even thinking?!"

"How else was I supposed to find out who you are?!" she snapped back defensively. "I thought if I
asked around I would get some information."

"Okay- okay I am sorry," he quickly placated, grabbing her hands in his and she exhaled heavily,
looking away.

"I didn't find out anything helpful though. So I went to…the clinic. I was almost not going to go
with it because I wasn't sure I could do it- but I did."
There was stiff silence after that, neither of them speaking and she unconsciously started to count
the tiles on the wall in an attempt to distract herself.

"Do you regret it?"

The question had her pause, Youngwoo whipping her head around to stare at him.

" No ," she finally answered with an unwavering voice, shaking her head. "No I…don't regret it."

"Okay then."

She shifted closer, Junho opening his arms to let her climb onto his lap with her head laying on his
chest. "Are you mad at me alpha?" he heard her ask in a small voice.

"No, I am not mad. I just…I was making sure no one forced you to do something you didn't want

"No one forced me," she echoed quietly. "I- it was my decision."
"Then it's okay." She felt his lips press against her forehead reassuringly and she hugged him
tighter, the tension from her body seeping out as her shoulder's relaxed a bit.

"I am sorry I wasn't there when you probably needed me the most. Was it really hard on you love?"

"Not…really no. Maybe for a few days but I guess that's because there weren't really any emotions
involved from my side. I was just really scared. It takes me time to understand emotions and the
baby…I didn't understand how to feel about it. I still can't even understand myself sometimes.
When I met you, I started feeling uneasy about what I did. I didn't understand why I felt bad about
a child that wasn't even this world anymore. Like you said, it could be regret. But I don't… regret
what I did because if I gave birth to that child it would have been unfair on both me and the baby
and I didn't want to raise it like that. Maybe I regret…the time and the situation. I wish it was

"Yeah, I know," he sighed, looking down at her, arms tightening around her smaller frame.

"At the clinic, I was almost going to back out of the whole thing. But there was this omega, she
talked to me about it. I felt bad about talking about not wanting my child in front of her because she
was pregnant as well. But she didn't judge me. She was really nice about it all. Understanding. And
she accompanied me inside too. And also later when I had to go back again. It made it easier for

"Oh, did you meet her after that?"

"Yes, a few times. She works at a law firm downtown with their litigation team. She is hmm,
probably around your age."
"What's her name?"

"Uh Suyeon. Choi Suyeon."

"Wait-" he drew back, startled at the name that left her mouth, the omega glancing at him in
bewilderment. "Suyeon? This Suyeon?" he asked, leaning over to grab his phone and unlocked it
before he turned to screen towards her a few moments later and she squinted at the picture on it.

"Yes- that's her but how do you-"

" Jesus , I could never- that's why she was so unfazed when I told her about this earlier!"

"You told her about what?" Youngwoo asked in confusion.

"This Suyeon," he emphasized, pointing to the screen, "just happens to be Professor Jung's wife and
my best friend from university."

"Huh? Really?" Youngwoo asked in shock, blinking at the screen where the screen showed a photo
of Junho and Suyeon together outside some restaurant.

"Really," Junho muttered under his breath, rubbing his hand over his forehead with his fingers,
pausing when he heard her snort under her breath before she started to laugh.
"She didn't let us get a single clue that she knew everything," Youngwoo laughed, Junho shaking
his head in disbelief and gathering her closer, burying his face into her hair.

"Such a small world," he mumbled softly.

"Yet it took us so much time to find each other. Alpha?"

"Yeah?" he asked.

"I love you. Please don't leave me again," she whispered, leaning up to press her lips to his and he
kissed her back lovingly like he was promising her the world.

◌ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Lips trailing over her bare shoulder woke her up, Youngwoo’s eyes fluttering open and she blinked
sleepily a few times, a quiet sigh leaving her lips when Junho’s hand trailed up her legs, pushing
up the hoodie she had worn to bed to splay across her ribs.

“Morning love,” he said huskily in her ear. “You were mumbling my name in your sleep.”
Youngwoo hummed in response, wiggling against him and he pulled her back firmly against
himself, letting her feel how hard he was and she whined softly, tongue darting out to wet her lips
as she turned to glance at him.

She pushed his hand already resting on her torso to bring it to her breast only to guide the other one
down between her legs. “I dreamt- of you,” she said quietly, Junho humming in response, hand
slipping down her underwear to circle her clit lazily.

“What was I doing to you hm?”

“Touching me like this,” she breathed out, gasping when two of his fingers slipped inside her with

“You are so wet little one, looks like you got a little too worked up,” he said in that low voice of
his that never failed to make her clench her thighs together. He rolled her onto her back, Youngwoo
barely registering that he had disappeared under the duvet. His warm breath against her bare thigh
had her shiver, a low moan sounding from her when she felt his hot, wet tongue slide over her

“ Alpha ,” she whimpered, hand finding purchase in his hair as he sucked hard on her clit, her body
jerking at the action and she heard him curse under his breath. “Please,” she begged, grinding
herself shamelessly against his face.

“God baby, you taste so fucking good,” he groaned, tongue circling her entrance before she felt it
push inside of her and then she was crying out loudly, her back arching as her body spasmed
around him. He didn’t let up, her body quivering with pleasure under him while he leaned over her,
the blunt tip of his cock nudging her entrance and she spread her legs wider obediently, Junho
pushing into her in one smooth stroke.
“Good girl,” he breathed out, dropping a kiss to her forehead. Her breath hitched at the feeling of
his cock stretching her open, body adjusting to his girth, hot slick seeping through where they were
joined together.

“Is this what I was doing to you?” he murmured, holding himself still, Youngwoo shaking her head
and pulling him closer with her arms.

“This is much better,” she admitted, Junho’s hand squeezing her breast in encouragement as she
rocked her hips against his. “Alpha,” she huffed, Junho chuckling in response and relenting, soon
finding a rhythm that had her reduced to incoherent moans and whimpers. It didn’t take her long to
reach her peak, a loud cry leaving her mouth and she felt the alpha follow soon after, muffling a cry
of her name against her shoulder.

He pulled out of her slowly, watching as his cum trickled out of her cunt while she still lay
sprawled out on the bed, trying to catch her breath. "Alpha," she said shyly, Junho pulling her open
gently with his thumb and she gasped and clenched her thighs together quickly, trapping his hand
in between.

"I should ger ready, we have to leave in an hour," she managed to stammer, scrambling up from the
bed and not sparing him a second glance. Her cheeks flushed red, Youngwoo closed the door
behind her with a thud, huffing to herself. She took a quick shower, putting back on yesterday's
clothes which were now thankfully dry, switching the shirt for one of Junho's plain ones which she
tucked into her jeans, donning her sweater over it.

"Breakfast? I don't have the ingredients for gimbap sorry," he apologized when she found her way
into the kitchen a little while later.

"Its okay, I'll just have coffee then. What are you making?"
"Just eggs and toast. Go sit, I'll bring it over," he said, Youngwoo nodding and sitting down at the
table. She scrolled through her phone while she waited, sending Geurami a thumbs up to her string
of eggplant and question mark emojis from last night. She was rewarded with a smiley with a
celebratory party hat and a few sparkles, rolling her eyes at the reply and keeping her phone aside.

The sound of the key turning in the front door had her jump, Youngwoo glancing up at Junho who
turned to face her, startled. "Does anyone have the keys to your house?" she asked in surprise. "No-
just my sister and the neighbours-" he mumbled, equally bewildered just as a woman appeared in
the doorway. Her hair was loose, falling over her shoulders and she had on a heavy coat over her
short dress, an expensive looking bag in hand.

She stared at the duo for a moment before walking over to the table and sitting down opposite
Youngwoo. "I didn't know you had company baby," she stated, looking up at Junho who set down
the plate he was holding on the table and turned to her.

"Whom did you get the house keys from?"

"Your sister of course. Just had to tell her that I hadn't heard from you in over a week and the keys
dropped straight into my palm," she explained, jingling them around in her hand.

"You know its rude to show up this early at someone's house right?" she said, turning to Youngwoo
who just blinked at her.

"Who- are you?" the omega finally asked, frowning, her eyes darting between Junho and the
unknown woman in front of her who threw her head back and laughed.
"You really shouldn't bring home random girls like this when you know I can drop around anytime
Junho-yah," she said, a dark hint to her voice before she turned to Youngwoo, painted lips
stretching into a smile.

"Sorry to blow your bubble sweetie but this alpha here is already mine. And as for who I am, I am
his fiance Bang Min-hee who he apparently forgot about for a little while till you both had your
fun. So" she clapped her hands together, leaning forward to rest her elbows on the table, her gaze
trained on Youngwoo, "who might you be?"

Chapter End Notes

to all those who guessed the woman to be his cousin, friend, sister, colleague, suyeon,
geurami and ex wife, cheers and happy weekend
Chapter 19
Chapter Notes

sorry this took so long, been busy dealing with irl stuff, m slowly getting back onto the
au updates tho hope u like this one

“Bang Min-hee…as in Bang Sorang’s daughter? The conglomerate heir? You frequent the news a
lot,” Youngwoo observed, glancing at the food Junho had placed in front of her.

"I didn't know you read the news. Are you one of those nerdy types?" Min-hee asked, looking at
Youngwoo in distaste.

"Its sole purpose is to keep you up to date. Otherwise how would I have recognized Lee Junho-ssi's
lovely fiance?" Youngwoo said, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

“She is not my fiance,” the alpha retorted immediately, turning to Youngwoo who nodded,
bringing the mug of coffee to her lips to take a sip.

“I know.”

“What? You know ?” Min-hee sneered, eyes trained on the smaller omega’s unusually calm form.

“I mean he isn't wearing a ring like you are wearing right now and I have never seen him wearing
one. Secondly, if he was cheating on you with me, I don’t think he would care so much about me,
considering I am just a fling. Also no one around us has ever mentioned you as far as I know. They
are good people and I think they would have drawn the line and told me about him already having
a fiance if he would have stooped so low."

"Care about you? Why would he-" Min-hee started to scoff only to be cut off by Youngwoo.

"Then of course yes the main question- why would he cheat on you with me? Or better…why
would he be seen around with me when he could be seen with you ? You appear much better than
me in all aspects. You are much better than me in all aspects. If you didn't know, I am autistic and
I am hard to be around with so no one usually bothers having me around unless they genuinely care
for me. So then why keep relations with me? Just for sex? And why would he risk his job at that,
getting into an affair with a student? Not to mention that for an alpha caught between his fiance and
the woman he was cheating on her with, he looks really unbothered right now. And my alpha is not
good at hiding emotions."

" Your alpha? He is my fiance."

"Well we are mated. Guess that does make him my alpha," Youngwoo shrugged, leaning back,
watching the anger on the woman's face change to an expression of utter shock.

" Mated ?! How-"

"I don't think…I really need to explain to you the details," Youngwoo said with a grimace and set
down the cup of coffee before turning to Junho. "We are late alpha, should we get going?"

"H-huh? Yeah-yeah let me get the car keys," Junho managed to stammer out, grabbing his coat and
keys from the table as Youngwoo pushed the chair back and stood up, picking up her bag and
making her way to the door.
"Don't leave without having breakfast. It'll get cold. And make sure to close the door on your way
out when you are done," Youngwoo said pointedly, dragging Junho out of the door with her and
slamming it shut.

They made their way to the parking, Youngwoo getting into the car beside Junho but she didn’t say
anything more, gaze trained outside the window and he didn’t try to talk to her, choosing to drive in
silence. She jumped out of the car without another word once they reached the campus and Junho
saw her pause for a moment before she turned to him, directly gazing into his eyes.

“I want an explanation from you Lee Junho-ssi. And it better be a good one. Also save it for after
you get the locks changed because I am not going to see your face until I am sure no one has access
to your apartment apart from you yourself. Goodbye.” And with that she slammed the door shut,
pulling her scarf tighter around herself and turned on her heel, making her way inside without
sparing him another glance.

◌ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

"What?! Fiance?! Gosh that bastard-" Geurami exclaimed, slamming her hand loudly against the
bench they were sitting on and earned a few stares from the students mulling around.

"Good you held your ground in front of that bitch. Jesus, I was telling you Youngwoo that alpha is
bad news. Yet you had to go fall in love with him. You know its not too late you can still-"

"I can't," Youngwoo whispered in a small voice, pushing around the gimbap in Geurami's
lunchbox with her chopsticks.
"Why not?" Geurami demanded.

"Because- uhm-"

"What? Did he threaten you or something?"

"No! No- no he didn't threaten me no. He is not like that."

"Sure. Then why-"

"We are mated."

Youngwoo flinched as Geurami choked on her lunch at the words, gaze darting away when she
saw her best friend looking at her, eyes wide with shock and mouth half open. "Y-you are mated ?"

"Y-yes. We went to the clinic…yesterday. To get answers about my heat. The doctor said it was an
accidental mating."

"What the fuck is that?"

Youngwoo proceeded to tell her the details, Geurami leaning in closer and closer until she was sure
the girl was going to fall off her seat.

"Wah, very good Woo Youngwoo. And you didn't feel like telling me any of this till today?" she
finally asked, moving her finger around in circles.

"Sorry," the omega whispered guiltily, fiddling with her hands in her lap, tears pricking the corners
of her eyes as Geurami sighed and leaned over to wrap her arms around her best friend.

"You are going to be alright. I am there for you okay? That alpha of yours… better be ready with a
really good explanation. And I am going to come with you to be the judge of that. No arguments."

"Thank you," Youngwoo whispered gratefully, pressing her face into Geurami's shoulder.

"Don't mention it. Also," she drew back, hands still firm on Youngwoo's shoulders, "don't be
alarmed but Sung-hoon got his suspension canceled."

"Canceled?" Youngwoo echoed, frowning.

"Yeah I think his father has some connections with the management. I saw him this morning in the
cafeteria with his bunch of loser buddies. So, don't roam around alone alright? Wait after class
today till I come get you so we can go home together."
"Okay," Youngwoo sighed, pushing back her hair from her face with one hand, already starting to
feel tired with everything happening around her. First Min-hee and now Sung-hoon. Could the day
get any more worse?
Chapter 20

Turns out the day could get much worse.

Youngwoo had been milling around in the passageway, waiting for Geurami after classes had
ended when she felt a sudden tap on her shoulder, flinching and whipping her head around to see a
beta she shared one of her classes with, looking at her with a bored expression. "Professor Lee
wants to see you in class 7 about some project."

"What project?" she asked curiously, wondering if this was some ruse of Junho to get her to talk
with him.

"No idea. Look, one of my friends told me to give you the message and I did. My job's done," he
said, raising his hand in farewell and she nodded, bowing quickly to him.

She sighed, texting Geurami that she would be back and to wait for her near the steps before she
swung her bag over her shoulders and made her way back upstairs. The classroom was not one of
his usual ones, located around the corner from the locker and storage rooms as she approached it,
pushing the door open and stepping inside, expecting to find Junho there only to come face to face

Sung-hoon .

She blinked for a second, hand reaching back for the half open door but the alpha was faster,
yanking her forward and locking the door behind her. "Not so fast," he growled, pinning her to the
wall with her front pressed up against it, twisting her arm painfully behind her back and she let out
a cry, struggling in his grip.

"You made me go through a lot of trouble, little omega. And I don't appreciate it, at all," he said,
voice low against her ear and she craned her neck to glare at him. "You should have been kicked
out right there and then from the campus," she hissed, wincing when his elbow dug into her lower

"Shut your mouth. Tell me, what's going on between you and that professor of ours hm? Got him
wrapped around your finger? Or do you let him bend you over his desk for all those grades you get
to show off? Nice arrangement you got there. Now imagine if this spreads around the school. You
wouldn't have to worry about me then because you would get kicked out for sure and so will that
alpha of yours," he added and she could sense the underlying threat in his voice.

"Let me go or I'll scream," she warned, breathing heavily when she felt his mouth hover scarily
close over her gland, grimacing when she felt him press his nose against her neck to inhale her
scent. "Fuck you smell good. Makes sense why he would keep you for himself," Sung-hoon said
and she could feel his hardness pressing into her back, her skin crawling at the unwanted touch.
"Should I mark you up and send you to him hm? Make it worth the trouble I went through."

"Sung-hoon let me go," she whimpered, trying to twist her hands out of his hold just as she heard a
loud bang against the door and Geurami's muffled voice sounded through to the other side.

"Youngwoo? Youngwoo open the door!" she heard her friend yell, hitting on the door loudly and
she felt Sung-hoon's hand clamp over her mouth to shut her off but she was faster, biting down hard
on the skin and he let go with a shout.

“Geurami help!” she yelled as loudly as she could, taking advantage of Sung-hoon’s momentary
disorientation to knee him hard in the crotch, gasping when he crashed into the desks behind him,
crumpling over with a groan. Youngwoo didn’t waste a moment, running to the door to unlock it
with shaking hands, mumbling frantically under her breath. It was yanked open a second later and
she lost her balance, falling to her knees as she tried to scramble away from the door, crying.

“You sick freak how dare you!” she heard Geurami yell, her friend storming in as she grabbed
Sung-hoon by the collar, dragging him upright and delivered a swift punch to his face, eliciting a
yell from the alpha.

“Stop, stop,” Youngwoo whimpered, vision swimming as she tried to make sense of what was
happening and her hands pressed to ears repeatedly as she wailed the same words over and over
again, trying to block the yells and noises out.

A strong pair of hands closing over both her wrists to pull them back from over her ears had her sob
and shake her head, the familiar scent of alpha filling her senses a moment later and she felt she
could cry with relief. “Alpha,” she whimpered out, clutching onto fistfuls of his shirt frantically.
“Okay you are okay little one, you are okay I promise you are okay, I am here," she heard him
reassure, voice low but she could feel him shaking as hard as her, his arms wrapped tightly around
her smaller frame.

“What the hell is happening here?!” she heard Myeong Seok say sharply and she flinched, glancing
up at the other professor through her blurry vision just as Geurami dragged Sung-hoon out through
the door by his hair, depositing him at Youngwoo’s feet. “Worthless piece of shit," her friend said
angrily, brushing her hands against her jeans and Youngwoo felt Junho leave his hold on her,
stepping in between her and the half unconscious alpha.

By now a small crowd had gathered near the classroom and Youngwoo could hear the hushed
whispers around her but she chose to block them out, letting Geurami wrap her own coat around

“I shouldn’t have let you walk free for the first time,” she heard Junho say, voice hard, followed by
a sharp sound as he slaps the younger alpha hard, his head whipping to the side with the force of
the slap. “If you ever think of laying your hands on my omega again,” and Youngwoo’s breath
hitched at the openly declared words, the murmur of voices around growing louder at the same,
“I’ll make sure not to leave a single intact bone in your body,” he snarled, a sickening crunch
resounding in the air when his fist makes contact with Sung-hoon's jaw. “Stay the fuck away from
her if you value your life. ” A furious warning growl left his mouth with the threat and it scared her
for a moment but then her alpha was helping her up to her feet, quick eyes checking to see if she
was hurt anywhere before he guided her away from the scene and she let him, clutching onto his
arm to keep herself from stumbling.

They made their way out over to his car, Junho opening the door for her and she climbed into the
passenger seat, dropping her bag down to curl up into herself, arms wrapped around her knees. He
got in beside her, handing her a bottle of water and she accepted it gratefully, taking a few sips as
she felt her breathing slowly start to even out, no longer feeling like she was going to faint with
how much her head was spinning.

“I-” she started to say but he shook his head, taking the bottle from her when she was done.

“You said you didn’t want to talk to me and I do owe you an explanation-”

“Shut up,” she whimpered, clambering over the console onto his lap and buried her face in his
neck, hands clenched tightly into the front of his coat. “Just shut up,” she repeated again and he did
as she asked, hand resting on the small of her back. She finally leaned back to glance at him, eyes
red rimmed and cheeks still damp with tears as his hand reached up to brush away a few stray ones,
caressing her cheek lightly.

“I was scared. Right now. I really thought Sung-hoon would- he would mark me-” her voice
trembled and she broke off with a muted sob, letting Junho pull her closer and press his lips to her
hair. “I know, I- he won’t touch you again,” was what he finally settled for.

“Y-you said- in front of everyone that- that…”

“What? That you are my omega?”

“Yes,” she whispered, absentmindedly playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.

“You are baby, there’s no point in hiding it anymore,” he replied with a wry smile.

“Then what is Min-hee to you?” Youngwoo asked quietly, eyes darting across his face and she
heard him sigh at the question, fingers rubbing at his forehead.

“Youngwoo-yah, that-”

“No, I want an explanation. Now . I could think of nothing else all day and it's- it’s been driving me

“Hush, I know little one,” he placated quickly, rubbing up and down her arm in a gentle motion. “I
need you to calm down though. Please let me get you home first okay?”

“Okay. And then- then we talk.”

“Then we talk,” Junho echoed, leaning forward to press his forehead to hers.

End Notes

my first abo so do tell me what y'all thought if you have the time to drop a comment, would
mean the world to me

follow me on my tumblr and twitter for more updates :)

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