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A cikk lényege, hogy beszámol 4 olyan esetről, ahol a macskák teljesen más okból kerültek

vizsgálatra, de a fizikális vizsgálat részeként fény derült arra, hogy bizonyos talppárnákon
cornu cutenaeum figyelhető meg. Nagyon okosan tesztelték a macskákat, mind FeLV/FIV
negative let tés néztek még FIP ellenanyag szintet is (gondolom corona ELISA).
Az első macska egy európai rsz, 8 éves, hányás hasmenés miatt jöttek. A job első láb 5ös
ujjánál volt egy kicsi fekete kinövés.
A második esetben ismeretlen korú, hybrid macska, krónikus szájfekély miatt jöttek, a bal
első láb 3. Ujjánál kis fekete kinövést volt található.
A harmadik esetben 3 éves egzotikus rsz, a job mellső láb 2. Ujjánál kinövés. A tulajdonos
észrevette ezt a macska kölyökkorában, akkor a jobb mellső láb 1-es é s 2-es ujjánál volt
kinövés, de az 1-esről eltűnt, a 2-es ujjról a tulajdonos levágta, de visszanőtt.
Az negyedik esetben egy 1 éves Maine Coon általános vizsgálatra érkezett, itt a tulajdonos
észrevette és emlitést tett a kinövésekről. Mindkét első láb 2-5. Ujj alatt és job hátsó láb 4.
Ujjnál kinövések a talppárnából. Kölyök kora óta jelen vannak az elváltozások. A fekete
talppárnábólf ekete, a világosból világos kinövés nőtt ki.
Szövettani vizsgálat céljából az egyiket (bal első láb 4. Ujjnál)eltávolitották, amely később
nem is nőtt vissza.
In the stratum corneum, there was marked hyperkeratinization.
There were some sites where parakeratosis was observed. In addition, spinous cells were
slightly increased and the spinous layer was papillary thickened. No nuclear inclusion bodies
were found
Ennek a macskának a genetikai hátterét vissza tudtuk követni.

A 7-es számú macska a 4es számú esetben szereplő maine coon

A feketével jelölt nőstény (kör) és kandúr (négyzet) esetében szintén megtalálható volt a
kinövés. 1-eskéről nem ismert a státusz, 3-as és 6os elváltozás nélküli.
4. macska hátsó láb 1-es ujj kivételével minden ujjon volt elváltozás, 5. Macska mindkét
hátsó láb 4.ujján, 8-as macska Ujjain összesen 8 elváltozást találtak. Mindegyik macskánál
másfél éves korig jelentkeztek a kinövések.

Ez alapján felmerül a genetikai prediszpozició valamint az extrinsic faktorok hozzájárulása,

mivel a vizsgált esetekből 2 fajtatiszta macska.

Több helyen is emlitik, hogy FeLV fertőzéssel kapcsolatba hozták ezeket az elváltozásokat.
Voltak tanulmányok, ahol a kinövés alapjából vet mintában kimutatható volt a FeLV virus.
Ezen esetek kissé eltérnek a bizonyitottan FeLV + macskák eseteitől, melyeknél a
talppárnákon és a lábon (fejen) bárhol megjelenhetnek a kinövések, melyek inkább
világosszinűek, ezzel szemben itt kizárólag a karmok alatti kis talppárnákből eredeztethetőek
és a szinűk a talppárna pigmentjével megegyezően világos vagy fekete.
Cornu cutaneum egy gyűjtőfogalom, mely elváltozás hátterében számos dolog állhat, pl.
tumor. Azonban a szövettani vizsgálat és a klinikum nem támasztotta alá, hogy ebben az
irányban kéne gondolkodni és igy végül abban maradtak, hogy kezelés sem szükséges.
Emberek esetében a hasonló elváltozásoknak sokszor áll a hátterében valamilyen daganatos
elváltozás, mely lehet alapvetően jóindulatú, az évek során rosszindulatúvá válhat.
SCC és bazálsejtes epithelioma kialakulhat a hegek mentén, discoid lupus erythematosus,
plaque radiation dermatitis, ahogy a fehér szőrű és világos pigmentű részeken idővel
kialakulhat az SCC.

Nem sok szakirodalmat találni erről a cornu cutaneumról

Cutaneous horns may arise from viral papillomas, actinic keratoses, Bowenoid in situ carcinoma or squamous cell
carcinomas. FeLV associated paw pad horns occur in the centers of digital, central or metacarpal/metatarsal paw
pads whereas non FeLV associated horns tend to grow on the digital pads, just below the nails. The lesions are
histopathologically distinctive.

Histopathology reveals severe, compact orthokeratotic keratosis and in some cases, dyskeratosis
and epidermal multinucleate giant cells. These horns resemble other keratinisation disorders such
as acquired ichthyosis or Reiter's syndrome seen in human AIDS patients [3]. These
hyperproliferative dermatoses might be the consequence of the same pathophysiological
mechanism. It is unknown whether stimulation of keratinocytes is caused directly by the virus or
by cytokines released by monocytes or T lymphocytes infected by teh HIV virus.

Differential diagnosis would include giant cell dermatosis.

The cutaneous horn is a condition in which the horny mass does not fall off on the surface of
the skin and is localized like a triangular or cylindrical cutaneous horn. [6, 12, 17, 18].
Cutaneous horns have been reported in dogs and cats so far, but the frequency of
occurrence by age, gender, and site is clear. There is no clear difference, and the cause of
occurrence is not clear [1, 12, 15, 18, 19]. Cutaneous dermal papilla, basal follicular tumor,
squamous epithelial cancer, It has also been suggested that it may occur in connection with
other keratinosis, etc. [1, 5, 6, 12, 15, 17, 18]. It is more important to properly diagnose
whether it is related to the tumor than to consider the physical disorder.
Cutaneous horns have been reported to occur frequently on the foot pad, especially in cats
[5, 12, 17, 19].
Relationship between cutaneous horn and feline leukemia virus (FeLV)
It suggests sex [2]. However, the cutaneous horn of the cat's foot pad occurs less frequently,
and its pathophysiology and pathology occur.
Not fully explained.
We have four cats at the tip of the ball or toe
These cats experienced a negative cutaneous horn on FeLV, and one had familial cutaneous

Case 1: An 8-year-old female American Shorthair cat weighing 4.2 kg. The main complaints at
the time of admission were vomiting and diarrhea, and FeLV immunodeficiency (- ), Feline
immunodeficiency virus (FIV) antibody (-), Soilus (FIP) antibody 1: 200
Infectious peritoneal inflammation in cats. Black on the 5th finger of the right forelimb.
A small, hard protrusion with a black color similar to that of the nail was observed at the tip
of the colored fingernail and under the nail, but the owner was unaware of the presence of
this protrusion.
Case 2: A castrated male hybrid cat of unknown age. The main complaint was chronic mouth
ulcer, and serological examination at the time of visit showed FeLV (-), FIV (-), and It was FIP
1: 800.
A small black protrusion on the tip of the black fingernail of the third finger of the left
forelimb, similar in shape to the nail under the nail, was observed, but the owner was
unaware of the presence of this protrusion.
Case 3: A 3-year-old male exotic short-haired cat weighing 4.8 kg. The reason for the visit
was a medical examination, but no abnormalities were found in general health. A blood clear
examination at the time of visit showed FeLV (-), FIV (-), and FIP 1: 400. The tip of the pink
finger ball of the second finger of the right forefoot, and the claw under the claw. A small,
stiff protrusion with a white color similar to that of the above was observed. The owner
noticed the presence of this protrusion on the 1st and 2nd fingers of the right forefoot when
he was a kitten, and the right front. The protrusion of the first finger of the limb
disappeared, although the time was unknown, and the protrusion of the second finger of the
right forefoot was taken by the owner, but it was formed again after that. It was.
Case 4: A 1-year-old female Maine Coon cat weighing 4.2 kg. The main complaint was a
protrusion on the tip of the finger and toe, and no abnormalities were observed in general
health. The blood clear examination at the time of visit was FeLV (-), FIV (-), and FIP 1: 3200.
The small stiff protrusions were the second to fifth of both forefoot. It is located under the
finger ball of the 4th finger of the finger and the right hind limb or the tip of the toe, and has
a shape similar to that of the nail. The toe ball was black (Fig. 1-a, b). The owner had been
aware of this protrusion since he was a kitten.
Treatment and course: In cases 1-3, the presence of this protrusion was clinically acceptable
at the time of examination, and he was left untreated because his owner did not wish to be
In case 4, the protrusion on the 5th finger of the left forelimb was resected for the purpose
of diagnosis.
No recurrence was observed.
Pathological search: A white protrusion on a pink finger ball excised from the 5th finger of
the left forelimb of disease case 4, histologically
In the stratum corneum, there was marked hyperkeratinization.
There were some sites where parakeratosis was observed. In addition, spinous cells were
slightly increased and the spinous layer was papillary thickened. No nuclear inclusion bodies
were found (Figs. 2 and 3).
Family Survey: It was unclear whether any cats in the families of Symptoms 1-3 had such
stiff, small protrusions. The family of Symptom 4 had a finger or toeball. There were multiple
individuals with this stiff small protrusion at the tip. In this family, the stiff small protrusion
at the tip of the finger or toe ball was found in the visiting cat (7), as shown in Fig. 4. Parents
occurred in both females (4) and males (5), and grandparents occurred in males (2) but not
in females (3), and the occurrence of females (1) was unknown. The site of occurrence was
that the female parent (4) occurred on all fingers except the first finger of both hind limbs,
and the male parent (5) occurred only on the fourth finger of both hind limbs. A total of
eight protrusions were also found in the male parent (5) of 7) and the male cat (8) whose
parents were normal females (Fig. 4). The outbreak occurred within one and a half years
after birth, and the outbreak was limited to under the nail at the tip of the finger or toe.

In addition to the macroscopic findings, the stiff and small protrusions under the claws
observed this time showed a high degree of hyperkeratinization in the tissue examination,
and there was no neoplastic change. It was concluded that the cutaneous horns occur on the
pads. The cutaneous horns on the footpads of cats are a rare disease, but there have been
reports of cases of multiple footpads in FeLV positive cats so far. [2,5,12,17,19]. Although
there are few descriptions about the effects of FeLV on the skin, it is reported that FeLV was
proved on the cutaneous horn generated on the pad of cats using an electron beam [2,5]. ],
And Clark et al. Reported that immunochemical tests proved a viral antigen present in
epidermal cells [3]. These reports indicate that FeLV forms the skin cells. Although the
mechanism of cutaneous horn development in FeLV positive cats has not been clarified, virus
infection causes self-regulation such as epidermal cell division and proliferation. As one of
the consequences of the change, it seems possible that the clinical symptom of cutaneous
horn may develop.
However, the cutaneous horn of the toe that was experienced this time was considered to
have some differences from the cutaneous horn related to FeLV reported so far. That is, it
has been reported so far. The cutaneous horn occurs in all parts of the foot pad, but the
cutaneous horn experienced this time occurs at the tips of the finger and toe balls, under the
nails, and in the palm, sole and carpal balls. It was not observed, and it occurred early, and it
is highly possible that it had already occurred 1 to 2 years after birth. Also, are the cutaneous
horns reported so far macroscopically light gray? Although it was pale brown keratinized, the
cutaneous horn experienced this time showed the same color tone as the ball of the finger
or the ball of the toe, and the cutaneous horn was familial in the family survey in Case 4. The
possibility was suggested. The involvement of the extrinsic factors was also suggested by the
fact that 3 out of 4 cases were purebred. In addition, the feline footpads reported so far It
has been suggested that FeLV is involved in the frequent cutaneous horns [2], but the results
of the FeLV test were negative in the 4 cases in which the cutaneous horns occurred this
time, and the skin found in FeLV-sensitive cats. In the horn, the appearance of
multinucleated cutaneous horn giant cells was reported in the textured image [12], but it
was not observed in this histological examination.
Cutaneous horn is a clinical symptom name with various causes, but the cutaneous horn at
the toes experienced this time may have a different cause from the cutaneous horns
reported so far. It was suggested.
Since this cutaneous horn occurs at the tip of the finger ball or toe ball, it is unlikely that it
will be a physical disorder during movement, and the histopathological examination this
time showed a negative association with the tumor. Therefore, it was considered that there
was no need to actively treat the cutaneous horn. However, the cutaneous horn should
always be treated while considering the relationship with the tumor. In humans, the
underlying disease of the cutaneous horn. Cancer precursors such as senile keratomas and
vulgaris vulgaris and benign tumors, which are one of the above, may become cancerous
over the years [6,13,14,16], and fever. Spinous cell carcinoma and basal cell epithelioma may
occur over many years in scars, vulgaris vulgaris, discoid erythema erythema lesions, and
plaque radiation dermatitis [7-9, 14]. In the same way, even in cats with a white hair region,
sunlight dermatitis may develop into squamous epithelial cancer over the years [4,11].
Considering these facts Since the cause and prognosis of the cutaneous horn of the toes
experienced this time have not been clarified, it is necessary to observe how these cats
change as they age. So I thought.

皮膚表面 で角質塊 が脱落せず限局性 に三 角形 あ るいは 円筒形の獣角様に突出した状

態が皮角と呼ばれ,単 発性 あ るいは多発性 に体 のいずれ の部位の皮膚 にも発生 す る
[6, 12, 17, 18].こ れ まで に皮 角 の発 生 は犬 や猫 で も報 告 されてい るが,年 齢 性別,そ
して部位 による発生頻度 に明 らかな差異 はな く,発 生原因 も明確 には判明 してい な い
[1, 12, 15, 18, 19].し か し皮 膚 乳 頭 腫,基 底 細 胞 腫, 扁平上皮癌,そ の他の角化症など
に関連して発生する可 能 性 も 示 唆 さ れ て い る[1, 5, 6, 12, 15, 17, 18].臨 床 的 に は皮
角による物理的な障害を考慮するより,腫 瘍に関連 してい るか どうかを適切 に診断す るこ
とが重要であ る.
猫では特に,フ ットパッドに多発する皮角が報告され て いる[5, 12, 17, 19].そ して Center ら
はフ ッ トパ ッ ド
に多発 す る皮角 とネコ白血病 ウイルス(FeLV)と の関連
性 を示唆 している[2].し かしなが ら,猫 のフットパ ッ ドの皮角の発生頻度は低く,そ の病態
十 分に解 明 されて はいない.
われわれは 4 例 の猫で指球あるいは趾球の先端におけ
る皮角の発生を経験した.こ れらの猫の, FeLV 抗 原検 査は陰性であり, 1 例 は家族性に皮

症例 1:8 歳 齢,雌 のアメリカンショートヘァー猫で, 体 重 は 4.2kg で あ った.来 院時 の主訴

は嘔吐 と下痢で あ り,血 清学 的検査で は FeLV 抗 原(-),ネ コ免疫 不全ウイルス(FIV)抗 体
(-),そ イルス(FIP)抗 体 1:200 で
して ネコ伝染性腹膜 炎 ウ あ った.右 前肢第 5 指 の黒
色の指球先端,爪 の下に爪に類似した形状の黒色を呈す る堅い小さな突出物が認められ
たが,飼 主はこの突出物の存在 に気 付 いていなか った.
症例 2:去 勢雄 の雑種猫 で,年 齢 は不詳 であ った.主訴 は慢性の口内炎であり,来 院時の
血清学的検査では FeLV(-), FIV(-),そ し て FIP1:800 で あ っ た.
左前肢第 3 指 の黒色の指球先端,爪 の下の爪に類似した 形状 の黒色 を呈す る堅い小 さ
な突 出物 が認 め られたが, 飼主 は この突出物の存在 に気付 いていなか った.
症例 3:3 歳 齢,雄 のエキゾチックショートヘァー猫 で,体 重 は 4.8kg で あ った.来 院理 由は
健康診断 であ っ たが,一 般健康状態に異常は認められなかった.来 院時 の血 清 学 的検
査 で は FeLV(-), FIV(-),そ して FIP1:400 で あった.右 前肢第 2 指 のピンク色の指球 先端,爪
の下 に爪 に類似 した形 状の白色 を呈す る堅 い小 さな突出物が認められた.飼 主は子猫
の時に右前肢第 1, 2 指 にこの突出物が存在することに気付いており,右 前 肢第 1 指 の突
出物は,時 期は不明であるが消失し,右 前 肢第 2 指 の突 出物 は表面 に突出 してい る部
分 を飼主 が取 ったが,その後また形成されたとのことであった.
症例 4:1 歳 齢,雌 のメインクーン猫で,体 重は 4.2 kg で あった.主 訴 は指球および趾球先
端の突出物であ り,一 般健康状態には異常は認められなかった.来 院時 の血 清 学 的 検
査 で は FeLV(-), FIV(-),そ して FIP 1:3200 で あった.堅 い小さな突出物は両前肢の第 2 か ら
第 5 指 および右後肢第 4 指 の指球あるいは趾球先 端の爪の下に存在し爪に類似した形
状であり,ピ ンク色 の指球 および趾球で は白色 を,黒 色 の指球 および趾球では黒色 を呈
していた(図 1-a, b).飼 主 は子猫 の時か ら この突 出物 の存在 に気付 いていた.

治療および経過:症 例 1~3 で は,診 察が行われた時 点で臨床的に,こ の突出物の存在には

問題がなく,ま た 飼主 も治療 を希望 しなか った ので無処 置 とした.
症例 4 に 関しては,診 断を兼ねて左前肢第 5 指 に発生 した突出物を切除した.1 年後の検
査では,除 去部位に
再発 は認め られなか った.
病理学的検索:症 例 4 の 左前肢第 5 指 から切除したピ ンク色の指球に発生した白色の突
出物を,病 理組織学的
に検査した.角 質層では著しい角化亢進がおこっており,
不全角化がみられる部位も存在した.ま た,有 棘細胞が 軽度に増加し有棘層は乳頭状に肥
厚していた.核 内封入 体 はみ られ なか った(図 2, 3).家系調査:症 例 1~3 の 家系 内の猫で
このような堅 い小さな突出物が発生した個体があるかどうかは不明であ った.症 例 4 の 家
の家系 内では指球 あるいは趾球先端 の堅 い小 さな突出物 は図 4 に示すように,来 院猫
(7)の親は雌(4)と雄(5)両方に,祖父母は雄(2)に発生していたが雌(3)には発生しておらず, 雌
(1)の発生は不明であった.ま た発生部位は雌親(4)が両 後肢の第 1 指 以外すべての指に,
そ して雄親(5)では両後 肢の第 4 指 にのみ発生していた.来 院猫(7)の雄親(5)と正 常な雌
を両親に持つ雄猫(8)にも合計で8 個 の突出物が発 生 していた(図 4).こ の家系 内で確認
で きた突 出物 の 発生時期は,生 後 1 年 半以内であった.そ して発生は指 球あるいは趾球

今回観察した爪の下に発生した堅く小さな突出物は, 肉眼所見に加えて,組 織検査では高

度な角化亢進がみら れ腫瘍性の変化は存在しなかったことなどから,猫 のフットパッドに発
生した皮角であると結論された. 猫のフットパッドに発生する皮角はまれな疾患である が,こ
れまでに FeLV 陽 性猫で複数のフットパッドに発生した例が報告されている[2,5,12,17,19].
FeLV の 皮膚に対する影響に関する記載は少ないが,電 顕を用い て猫のパッドに発生した
皮角に FeLV を 証明したとい う報告[2,5]がある他, Clark ら は免疫化学的試験によ って表皮
細胞に存在するウイルス抗原を証明したと報告 してい る[3].こ れ らの報 告 は FeLV が 皮膚
を形成 す る 細胞に感染する可能性を示唆している. FeLV 陽 性猫の 皮角発生機序は明確
にされている訳ではないが,ウ イル ス感染によって表皮細胞の分裂,増 殖などの自己調節
能 に変化が生じた結果の 1 つ として,皮 角という臨床症状 が発現する可能性はあるものと
しかし,今 回経験した趾端の皮角はこれまでに報告されている FeLV に 関連す る皮角 とは
いくつかの異なる点を持つと考えられた.す なわち,こ れまで報告された皮角はフットパッド
のどの部位にも発生しているが,今 回経験した皮角は指球および趾球の先端,爪 の下に発
生し,掌 球,足 底球および手根球にはみられなかったこと, さらに,発生時期は早く,生後 1~2
年 ですでに発生している可能性が高いこと,ま た,こ れまでに報告された皮角 は肉眼 的に
淡灰色 か ら淡褐色 の角化物様 であ ったが, 今回経験した皮角は指球あるいは趾球と同
じ色調を呈したこと,そ して症例 4 で の家系調査において家族性に皮 角が発生する可能性
が示唆されたことである.遺 伝的要 因の関与は 4 例 中 3 例 が純血種であることからも示唆
された.さ らに,こ れまで報告された猫のフットパッドに 多発する皮角は FeLV の 関与が示唆
されているが[2], 今回皮角が発生 した 4 例 は FeLV 検 査の結果は陰性で あったこと,ま た
FeLV 感 染猫 に見 られ る皮角では組 織像で多核 の表皮 巨細胞の出現が報告 されている
が[12], 今回の組織検査では認められなかったことなどである.
皮 角 とはさまざまな発生要 因を持 つ臨床的 な症状名で あるが,今 回経験した趾端の皮
角はこれまでに報告され ている皮角とは異なる発生原因を持つ可能性が示唆され た.
この皮角は指球あるいは趾球の先端に発生するため運 動時物理的な障害になるとは考え
難く,ま た今回の病理 組織検査で腫瘍との関連性は否定的であった.こ のため 積極的に治
療対象とする必要性はないと考えられた.し かし,皮 角は常に腫瘍との関連性を考慮しなが
ら対処す べ き状態 であ る.人 では皮角 の基礎疾患 の 1 つ であ る老 人性角化腫や尋常
性疣贅などの癌前駆症や良性腫瘍は年 月を経ると癌化する可能性があり[6,13,14,16],ま
た熱 傷瘢痕部,尋 常性狼瘡や円板状紅斑性狼瘡病変部,慢 性 放射線皮膚炎部 などに長
年月を経 て有棘細胞癌 や基底細胞上皮腫が生じる場合がある[7-9,14].同 じように白毛 領
域 を持 つ猫で も日光皮膚炎 が年月 を経 て扁平上皮癌 に 移行する可能性がある[4,11].
こ のような事実から考え ると今回経験した趾端の皮角は原因や予後が明確にされ ていな
いこともあって,今 後これらの猫が老齢化してゆ くにつれどのように変化してゆくか観察して
ゆく必要が あると思われた.

Hifu hyōmente ゙ kakushitsukai ka ゙datsuraku se su ゙ genkyoku-sei ni san kakugata a rui

wa entōgata no kemono Sumi-sama ni tosshutsu shita jōtai ka ゙ hikaku to ko wa ゙ re, tan
hatsu-sei a rui wa tahatsu-sei ni karada no isu r゙ e no bui no hifu ni mo hassei suru [6 ,
12, 17, 18]. Ko re mate ゙ ni kawa-kaku no hatsu-sei wa inu ya nekote ゙ mo hō Tsuge sa
rete iru ka ゙ ,-toshi yowai seibetsu,-so shite bui ni yoru hassei hindo ni mei-ra ka na sai
wana ku,-hatsu-sei gen'in mo meikaku ni wa hanmei shite ina i [1 , 12, 15, 18, 19]. Shi ka
shi kawa hada chichi atama-shu, ki soko Hoso 胞-Shu, henpei jōhi gan,-so no ta no
kakkashō na to ゙ ni kanren shite hassei suru ka nō-sei mo 示 唆 Sa rete iru [1 , 5, 6, 12,
15, 17, 18]. Nozomu yuka-teki ni wa hikaku ni yoru butsuri-tekina shōgai o kōryo suru
yori,-shu 瘍 Ni kanren shite iru ka to ゙ u ka o tekisetsu ni shindan suru koto ka ゙ jūyōte ゙
aru. Nekote ゙ wa tokuni, fu ttopaddo ni tahatsu suru hikaku ka ゙ hōkoku sa rete iru [5 , 12,
17, 19]. So shite Center-ra wa fu ttopa ddo ni tahatsu suru hikaku to neko hakketsubyō
uirusu (FeLV) to no kanren-sei o shisa shite iru [2 ]. Shi kashi naka ゙ -ra, neko no futtopa
ddo no hikaku no hassei hindo wa hikuku,-so no byōdai o yo hi ゙ byōri hassei wa jū-bu ni
kai mei sa rete wa inai. Wareware wa 4-rei no nekote ゙ shikyū aruiwa shikyū no sentan ni
okeru kawa-kaku no hassei o keiken shita. Ko re-ra no neko no, FeLV kō gen ken 査 Wa
inseite ゙ ari, 1-rei wa kazoku-sei ni hikaku ka ゙ hassei shite ita. Shōrei 1: 8-Sai yowai,
mesu no amerikanshōtohe~ā nekote ゙ ,-tai jū wa 4. 2 Kgte ゙a tta. Ki-in-ji no shuso wa ōto
to gerite ゙ ari, chi Sei-gaku-teki kensate ゙ wa FeLV kō gen (-), ne ko men'eki fuzen uirusu
(FIV) kō karada (-),-so irusu (FIP) kō karada 1: 200Te ゙ shite neko densen-sei fukumaku-
en u a tta. Migi zenshi dai 5 yubi no kuro-iro no shikyū sentan, tsume no shita ni tsume ni
ruiji shita keijō no kokushoku o teisuru katai chīsana tosshutsu-mono ka ゙ mitome rareta
ka ゙ , 飼-Nushi wa kono tosshutsu-mono no sonzai ni ki-tsuki ite inaka tta. Shōrei 2: Sa
Seo no zasshu nekote ゙ ,-toshi yowai wa fushōte ゙ a tta. Shuso wa mansei no kōnaiente ゙
ari, ki-in-ji no kesseigakuteki kensate ゙ wa FeLV (-), FIV (-),-so shite FIP 1: 800Te ゙ a tta.
Hidari zenshi dai 3 yubi no kokushoku no shikyū sentan, tsume no shita no tsume ni ruiji
shita keijō no kokushoku o teisuru katai ko-sana 突 Demono ka ゙ Mitomu me rareta ka ゙ ,
kainushi wa kono tosshutsu-mono no sonzai ni kitsuke ite inaka tta. Shōrei 3: 3-Sai
yowai, osu no ekizochikkushōtohe~ā nekote ゙ ,-tai jū wa 4. 8 Kgte ゙ a tta. Ki-in Satoru Yū
wa kenkōshindate ゙ a tta ka ゙ , ichi 般 Kenkō jōtai ni ijō wa mitome rarenakatta. Ki-in-ji no
chi Sei-gaku-teki ken 査 Te ゙ wa FeLV (-), FIV (-),-so shite FIP 1: 400Te ゙ atta. Migi zenshi
dai 2 yubi no pinku-iro no shikyū sentan, tsume no shita ni tsume ni ruiji shita katachi-jō
no hakushoku o teisuru ken i ko-sana tosshutsu-mono ka ゙ mitome rareta. 飼-Nushi wa
koneko no toki ni migi zenshi dai 1, 2 yubi ni kono tosshutsu-mono ka ゙ sonzai suru koto
ni kidzuite ori, migi mae-shi dai 1 yubi no tosshutsu-mono wa,-ji-ki wa fumeite ゙ aru ka ゙
shōshitsu shi, migi mae-shi dai 2 yubi no 突 Demono wa hyōmen ni tosshutsu shite iru
bubun o kainushi ka ゙ to tta ka ゙ , sonogo mata keisei sa reta to no kotote ゙ atta. Shōrei 4:
1-Sai yowai, mesu no meinkūn nekote ゙ ,-tai jū wa 4. 2 Kgte ゙ atta. Shu 訴 Wa shikyū o yo
hi ゙ shikyū sentan no tosshutsu-monote ゙ ari, ichi 般 Kenkō jōtai ni wa ijō wa mitome
rarenakatta. Ki-in-ji no chi Sei-gaku-teki ken 査 Te ゙ wa FeLV (-), FIV (-),-so shite FIP 1:
3200Te ゙ atta. Ken i chīsana tosshutsu-mono wa ryō zenshi no dai 2 ka-ra dai 5 yubi o yo
hi ゙ migi kōshi dai 4 yubi no shikyū aruiwa shikyū-saki-tan no tsume no shita ni sonzai shi
tsume ni ruiji shita keijōte ゙ ari, pi nku-iro no shikyū o yo hi ゙ shikyūte ゙ wa hakushoku o,
kuro-iro no shikyū o yo hi ゙ shikyūte ゙ wa kokushoku o tei shite ita (zu 1 - a, b). 飼-Nushi
wa koneko no toki ka-ra kono 突 Demono no sonzai ni kitsuke ite ita. Chiryō o yo hi ゙
keika:-Shō rei 1 ~ 3te ゙ wa, mi sakka ゙ okonawa reta toki tate ゙ rinshō-teki ni, ko no
tosshutsu-mono no sonzai ni wa mondai ka ゙ naku, mata kainushi mo chiryō o kibō shi
naka tta note ゙ mu sho 置 To shita. Shōrei 4 ni kanshite wa, mi dan o kanete hidari zenshi
dai 5 yubi ni hassei shita tosshutsu-mono o setsujo shita. 1-Nen-go no kensate ゙ wa, jo
sa bui ni saihatsu wa mitome rare naka tta. Byōrigaku-teki kensaku:-Shō rei 4 no hidari
zenshi dai 5 yubi kara setsujo shita pi nku-iro no shikyū ni hassei shita hakushoku no
tosshutsu-mono o,-byō ri soshikigakuteki ni kensa shita. Sumi Tadashi-sōte ゙ wa
ichijirushii kakuka kōshin ka ゙ okotte ori, fuzenkakuka ka ゙ mi rareru bui mo sonzai shita.
Mata, yū kyokusaibō ka ゙ keido ni zōka shi yū kyokusō wa nyūtō-jō ni hikō shite ita. Kaku-
nai fūnyū-tai wa mi rare naka tta (zu 2, 3). Kakei chōsa:-Shō rei 1 ~ 3 no kakei-nai no
nekote ゙ kono yōna ken i chīsana tosshutsu-mono ka ゙ hassei shita kotai ka ゙ aru ka to ゙ u
ka wa fumeite ゙ a tta.-Shō rei 4 no kakei ni wa shikyū aruiwa shikyū sentan ni kono katai
chīsana tosshutsu-mono no hassei shita kotai ka ゙ fukusū sonzai shita. Ko no kakei-naite ゙
wa shikyū aruiwa shikyū sentan no ken i ko-sana tosshutsu-mono wa zu 4 ni shimesu yō
ni, ki-in neko (7 ) no oya wa mesu (4 ) to osu (5 ) ryōhō ni, sofubo wa osu (2 ) ni hassei
shite ita ka ゙ mesu (3 ) ni wa hassei shite ora su ゙ , mesu (1 ) no hassei wa fumeite ゙ atta.
Mata hassei bui wa mesu oya (4 ) ka ゙ ryō kōshi no dai 1 yubi igai su e ゙ te no yubi ni,-so
shite o oya (5 )te ゙ wa ryō ato-shi no dai 4 yubi ni nomi hassei shite ita. Ki-in neko (7 ) no
o oya (5 ) to sei tsunena mesu o ryōshin ni motsu osuneko (8 ) ni mo gōkeite ゙ 8-ko no
tosshutsu-mono ka ゙ -hatsu-sei shite ita (zu 4). Ko no kakei-naite ゙ kakuninte ゙ kita 突
Demono no hassei jiki wa,-sei-go 1-nen han inaite ゙ atta. So shite hassei wa yubi-kyū
aruiwa shikyū sentan no tsume no shita ni kagira rete ita. Konkai kansatsu shita tsume
no shita ni hassei shita kataku chīsana tosshutsu-mono wa, nikugan shoken ni kuwaete,-
gumi o kensate ゙ wa kōdona kakuka kōshin ka ゙ mi-rare shuyō-sei no henka wa sonzai
shinakatta koto na to ゙ kara, neko no futtopaddo ni hassei shita hikakute ゙ aru to ketsuron
sa reta. Neko no futtopaddo ni hassei suru hikaku wa marena shikkante ゙ aru ka ゙ , ko re
mate ゙ ni FeLV yō-sei nekote ゙ fukusū no futtopaddo ni hassei shita rei ka ゙ hōkoku sa rete
iru [2 , 5, 12, 17, 19]. FeLV no hifu ni taisuru eikyō ni kansuru kisai wa sukunai ka ゙ ,-den
arawa o mochiite neko no paddo ni hassei shita hikaku ni FeLV o shōmei shita to iu
hōkoku [2 , 5] ka ゙ aru ta, kurāku-ra wa men'ekikagaku-teki shiken ni yo tte hyōhi saibō ni
sonzai suru uirusu kōgen o shōmei shita to hōkoku shite iru [3 ]. Ko re-ra no hō Tsuge
wa FeLV ka ゙ hifu o keisei suru saibō ni kansen suru kanōsei o shisa shite iru. FeLV yō-
sei neko no hikaku hasseikijo wa meikaku ni sa rete iru wakete ゙ wanai ka ゙ , u iru su
kansen ni yotte hyōhi saibō no bunretsu,-zō 殖 Na to ゙ no jiko chōsetsu nō ni henka ka ゙
nashi t゙ a kekka no 1tsu to shite,-gawa-kaku to iu rinshō shōjō ka ゙ hatsugen suru kanōsei
wa aru mono to omowa reta. Shikashi, ima-kai keiken shita 趾端 No hikaku wa kore mate
゙ni hōkoku sa rete iru FeLV ni kanren suru hikaku to wa ikutsu ka no kotonaru ten o
motsu to kangae rareta. Su na wa chi, ko re mate ゙ hōkoku sa reta hikaku wa futtopaddo
no to ゙ no bui ni mo hassei shite iru ka ゙ , ima-kai keiken shita hikaku wa shikyū o yo hi ゙
shikyū no sentan, tsume no shita ni hassei shi, tenohira-kyū, ashi soko-kyū o yo hi ゙
shukonkyū ni wa mi rarenakatta koto, sarani, hassei jiki wa hayaku, seigo 1 ~ 2-nente ゙
sute ゙ ni hassei shite iru kanōsei ka ゙ takai koto, mata, ko re mate ゙ ni hōkoku sa reta
hikaku wa nikugan-teki ni tankaishoku ka-ra tankasshoku no kakuka-mono-samate ゙ a tta
ka ゙ , konkai keiken shita hikaku wa shikyū aruiwa shikyū to dō shi ゙ shikichō o teishita
koto,-so shite shōrei 4te ゙ no kakei chōsa ni oite kazoku-sei ni kawa-kaku ka ゙ hassei suru
kanōsei ka ゙ shisa sa reta kotote ゙ aru. Noko-den-teki yō in no kan'yo wa 4-rei-chū 3-rei
ka ゙ junkesshute ゙ aru koto kara mo shisa sa reta.-Sa-ra ni, ko re mate ゙ hōkoku sa reta
neko no futtopaddo ni tahatsu suru hikaku wa FeLV no kan'yo ka ゙ shisa sa rete iru ka ゙
[2 ], konkai hikaku ka ゙ hassei shita 4-rei wa FeLV ken 査 No kekka wa inseite ゙ atta koto,
mata FeLV-kan some neko ni mi rare ru kawa-kakute ゙ wa kumi o-zōte ゙ takaku no hyōhi
kyosai 胞 No shutsugen ka ゙ hōkoku sa rete iru ka ゙ [12], konkai no soshiki kensate ゙ wa
mitome rarenakatta koto na to t゙ e ゙aru. Kawa-kaku to hasama-sa ゙ ma na hassei yō in o
jitsu rinshō-tekina shōjō-meite ゙ aru ka ゙ , ima-kai keiken shita 趾端 No hikaku wa kore
mate ゙ ni hōkoku sa rete iru hikaku to wa kotonaru hassei gen'in o motsu kanōsei ka ゙
shisa sa reta. Kono kawa-kaku wa shikyū aruiwa shikyū no sentan ni hassei suru tame
un dō-ji butsuri-tekina shōgai ni naru to wa kangae kataku, mata konkai no byōri soshiki
kensate ゙ shuyō to no kanren-sei wa hitei-tekite ゙ atta. Ko no tame sekkyokutekini chiryō
taishō to suru hitsuyō-sei wa nai to kangae rareta. Shi kashi,-gawa-kaku wa tsuneni
shuyō to no kanren-sei o kōryo shi naka -゙ ra taisho su e k゙i jōtaite ゙aru. Hitote ゙wa hikaku
no kiso shikkan no 1tsute ゙ aru rō hito-sei kakukashu ya jinjōseiyūzei na to ゙ no
ganzenkushō ya ryōsei shuyō wa toshi tsuki o heru to ganka suru kanōsei ka ゙ ari [6 , 13,
14, 16], mata netsu kizu hankon-bu, hiro tsunedachi ōkami kasa ya en itajō kōhanseirōsō
byōhen-bu, 慢-Sei hōshasen hifu-en-bu na to ゙ ni chōnengetsu o hete yūkyokusaibōgan
ya kitei saibō jōhi-shu ka ゙ nashi r゙u baai ka ゙ aru [7 - 9, 14]. Dō shi ゙-yō ni shirage ryōiki o
jitsu nekote ゙ mo nikkōhifuen ka ゙ nengetsu o hete henpei jōhi gan ni ikō suru kanōsei ka ゙
aru [4 , 11]. Ko no yōna jijitsu kara kangaeruto konkai keiken shita 趾端 No hikaku wa
gen'in ya yogo ka ゙ meikaku ni sa rete inai koto moatte, ima ato korera no neko ka ゙ rōrei-
ka shite yu kuni tsure to ゙ no yō ni henka shite yuku ka kansatsu shite yuku hitsuyō ka ゙
aru to omowa reta.

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