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Invitation to Prayer:
My brothers and sisters,
to God who dispels our blindness to sin and enlightens us with the Holy
Spirit, let us pray for deepening of our faith this Lent for those preparing for
the Sacraments of Initiation, and for the needs of the whole Church

Deacon or Reader: The response is: “Lord, have mercy.”

1. For the Church, called to radiate God’s love to the world by the Spirit’s
guidance in its proclamation of the Gospel.
From the Lord let us seek mercy  LORD. HAVE MERCY

2. For the deepening of our faith to see God’s goodness and love among us;
and for those who long for spiritual insight and strength in Christ’s teaching.
From the Lord let us seek mercy  LORD. HAVE MERCY

3. For the restoration of peace for refugees in Syria, Jordan and throughout the
world; and for the people of Ukraine and those affected by storms, famine or
From the Lord let us seek mercy  LORD. HAVE MERCY

5. For the Christians who are persecuted for their faith; and for the lonely, the
sick and the recovering.
From the Lord let us seek mercy  LORD. HAVE MERCY

6. For the spiritual and physical well-being of all parishioners; for all who
have died recently; and for those who must work this Sunday.
From the Lord let us seek mercy  LORD. HAVE MERCY

Concluding Prayer:
Hear our prayers, O God of mercy, and show forth your mighty arm to
enkindle a new hope in the lives of your people, and deepen our faith in your
presence among us. Through Christ our Lord.

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