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Marymount Academy International

History of Québec and Canada

January 2018 Midterm Review Questions

► Refer to Chapter 1 (pages 24 to 109) and Chapter 2 (pages 110 to 199) of your Reflections textbook and to
your PowerPoints / class notes when answering the following questions.

► You can write your answers on loose-leaf paper, or access this review online and type up your answers.

The Formation of the Canadian Federal System (1840-1896)

1. What changes occurred as a result of the Act of Union, 1840? Name and explain: one territorial
change, and one political change.
2. What was the Baldwin-Lafontaine Alliance (a.k.a. Alliance of Reformers)? What demand did they
make to Great Britain?
3. What economic system did the United Kingdom abolish in 1846? Which economic system was it
replaced by? How did this affect the Province of Canada?
4. In 1848, there was a change in the political structure of the Province of Canada. What was this
change? How did it affect the Legislative Assembly?
5. What was the Rebellion Losses Bill, 1849?
6. What were Britain’s territorial possessions in North American around 1850?
7. What was the two-party system?
8. Why did the Province of Canada create Indian reserves in 1861?
9. There were many causes that led towards the creation of the Dominion of Canada (i.e.
Confederation) in 1867. Explain the three following causes, and how they relate to the creation of
the Canadian federal system.
a. Ministerial instability (political cause).
b. Free trade and the nonrenewal of the Reciprocity Treaty (economic cause).
c. Threat of an American invasion (territorial cause).
10. Place the following statements regarding Confederation in chronological order (and add the dates to
each one as well):
a. A conference was held in Quebec.
b. Macdonald, Cartier, and Brown formed the Great Coalition.
c. London adopted the BNA Act.
d. The delegates of the British North American Colonies gathered in London to draft a bill,
which they then submitted to the British Parliament.
e. A conference was held in Charlottetown.
f. The creation of the Dominion of Canada as a result of Confederation.
11. When the Dominion of Canada was created, it adopted federalism, rather than confederalism. What
was federalism?
12. Who was John A. Macdonald?

History of Québec and Canada; January 2018 Midterm Review Questions Created by D. Kregar

13. What were the first four provinces that joined the Dominion of Canada in 1867? Which two colonies
did not join?
14. When the Dominion of Canada was created, the areas of jurisdiction between the federal
government, the provincial government, as well as the powers they shared, became clear. Name two
areas of jurisdiction of the federal government, two areas of jurisdiction of the provincial
government, and two areas of jurisdiction that were shared between the federal and provincial
15. What does the term industrialization mean? When did the first phase of industrialization take place
in the Dominion of Canada?
16. In regards to the first phase of industrialization:
a. Where was the capital for investment coming from?
b. Was the market primarily domestic, or foreign?
c. What were the main industries that developed?
d. What was the main source of energy?
e. What were the regions that developed?
f. What were two modes of transportation?
17. What was industrial capitalism? How do banks relate to industrial capitalism?
18. How did industrialization affect forestry? How did industrialization affect farming?
19. What social class emerged as a result of industrialization? Who primarily made up this social class?
20. What were the consequences of industrialization of the working conditions? What were the
consequences of industrialization on the living conditions in the cities?
21. What were the demands of the union associations that emerged in the second half of the 19 th
century? What actions were taken to make these demands?
22. What was the first union in Canada called?
23. What was urbanization?
24. Determine the causal connection between:
a. Overpopulation in rural areas.
b. Thriving industries in the United States.
c. The opening of new regions of colonization.
25. What institution provided a framework for social life in Canadian society? What services were
managed by this institution?
26. What was the difference between Ultramontanism and Anticlericalism?
27. What were some of the demands made by feminists in the second half of the 19th century?
28. What was the name of one of the first feminist groups in Montreal?
29. During the second half of the 19 th century, there was an increase in patriotic literature. What group
sought to distance itself from the themes of patriotic literature and promote free style writing
30. What provinces joined the Dominion of Canada between 1867 and 1873?
31. The western expansion of the Dominion of Canada had consequences on the Métis population.
Briefly describe the reactions of the Métis to Canadian western expansion, as well as the response of
the Canadian government to these reactions.
32. What was consequences of the Indian Act, 1876, on the Indigenous populations?
33. Amendments to the Indian Act of 1876 made it a requirement for Indigenous populations to attend
residential schools. What was the residential school system?
34. During the 1870s, the Dominion of Canada suffered an economic crisis. What was the name of John
A. Macdonald’s solution to this economic crisis? What are the three main components of this

History of Québec and Canada; January 2018 Midterm Review Questions Created by D. Kregar

35. Where were immigrants arriving from between 1840 and 1867?
36. Why did political tensions exist between the federal and provincial governments towards the end of
the 19th century? What did Honoré Mercier (Premier of Québec) organize as a result of these

Nationalisms and the Autonomy of Canada (1896-1945)

37. Who was Wilfred Laurier?

38. What was the difference between British Imperialism and French Canadian Nationalism?
39. Who was Henri Bourassa?
40. What was Laurier’s policy of compromise?
41. At the Colonial Conference in London, 1897, Laurier rejected proposals for an imperial council. Why
did he reject these proposals?
42. How did the Boer War, 1899-1902, impact the Dominion of Canada? How did Laurier compromise in
this situation?
43. Why was the Canadian Navy created in 1910?
44. What provinces joined the Dominion of Canada between 1898 and 1905?
45. What was Laurier’s immigration policy? What strategies did he use to encourage immigration?
46. Where were immigrants arriving from between 1867 and 1914?
47. Why did the government impose restrictive immigration measures? What are some examples of
these measures?
48. What occurred to the demographic weight of Francophones in the Dominion of Canada as a result of
the immigration policies?
49. Describe the living conditions in the residential schools.
50. When did the second phase of industrialization take place in the Dominion of Canada?
51. In regards to the second phase of industrialization:
a. Where was the capital for investment coming from?
b. Was the market primarily domestic, or foreign?
c. What were the main industries that developed?
d. What natural resources were exploited?
e. What was the main source of energy?
f. What were the regions that developed?
g. What were three modes of transportation?
52. What was economic liberalism?
53. What was monopoly capitalism? Give an example of a company that had a monopoly in the early 20 th
54. Although unions began to take root during the first half of industrialization, many employers did not
see unions as legitimate. Nevertheless, unions continued to strike. Did the government react to
these strikes positively or negatively?
55. The Catholic Church for a long time had great influence over the social sphere; it ran hospitals,
schools, charities, etc. In the early 20 th century, the Catholic Church continued to be influential and
significant in French Canadian life. For each of the following statements concerning the Catholic
Church in the early 20th century, indicate which aspect it affected: social, economic, or religious.
a. The number of priests and members of religious communities tripled from 1901 to 1931.
b. The Catholic Church promoted the creation of cooperatives/caisse populaire, such as the
Desjardins Group.

History of Québec and Canada; January 2018 Midterm Review Questions Created by D. Kregar

c. Believing that American unions were gaining authority at its own expense, the Catholic
Church created Catholic unions, such as the Confédération des travailleurs catholiques du
Canada (CTCC) (in English, the Catholic Workers Confederation of Canada (CCCL)).
56. What was the École sociale populaire?
57. In the early 20th century, there was an attempt to improve the conditions in urban areas.
a. What was done to address the issue of bad hygiene and the spread of epidemics?
b. How was water treated?
c. Why were Goutte de lait clinics created?
58. How did the government try to make urban life more pleasant?
59. What was one of the most significant shortcomings of the Québec school system in the early 20 th
60. What improved agricultural practices in the early 20th century?
61. What were the demands of feminist groups, such as the Federation nationale Saint-Jean-Baptiste
and the Montreal Suffrage Association, in the early 20th century?
62. When did women receive the federal right to vote?
63. How did women assert their feminism during the 1920s?
64. What were the two major alliances that formed prior to the First World War, 1914-1918?
a. Which alliance was the Dominion of Canada part of by default?
65. What was the War Measures Act, 1914?
66. How was immigration in the Dominion of Canada affected by the First World War?
a. What were internment camps?
67. How was production in the Dominion of Canada affected by the First World War?
68. How many Canadians were recruited into the Canadian Expeditionary Force?
69. How did the Dominion of Canada finance the war?
70. Determine the causal connection between:
a. Men’s contribution to WWI.
b. Women’s contribution to WWI.
c. The federal right to vote for women in 1918.
71. In 1917, the federal government adopted the Military Service Act. This resulted in the Conscription
Crisis. What was the Conscription Crisis?
72. How did Canada achieve greater autonomy in the aftermath of WWI?
73. Describe the connection between the development of mass culture during the interwar period
(1920-1939) and:
a. The radio.
b. Nightclubs.
c. Films
d. Professional sports.
74. In the 1920s, economic growth led to an increase in purchasing power. What did this mean? Which
consumer good had a growing presence?
75. The end of the 1920s was marked by the beginning of a serious economic crisis. What was the name
given to this economic crisis?
76. What was the Stock Market Crash, 1929?
77. How were Canadian businesses harmed by this severe economic crisis? How were workers affected
by this?
78. What measures did religious communities put in place to address the consequences of the Great

History of Québec and Canada; January 2018 Midterm Review Questions Created by D. Kregar

79. What measures did the federal and provincial governments put in place to address the consequences
of the Great Depression?
80. Who was Richard B. Bennet?
81. Describe how the Great Depression resulted in support for new political parties that challenged
capitalism, such as:
a. Communism.
b. Socialism.
c. Fascism.
d. Populism.
82. What did Keynesianism promote?
83. Who was Maurice Duplessis? What political party was he associated with?
84. What were Duplessis’ views on:
a. Rural way of life.
b. The Catholic Church.
c. Unions.
85. What was the Padlock Act, 1937?
86. What was clerico-nationalism? How did it differ from French Canadian nationalism?
87. Who was Abbé Lionel Groulx?
88. What were the two major alliances that formed at the beginning of the Second World War, 1939-
89. What was Nazism?
90. What was the Holocaust?
91. In 1939, the federal government once again implemented the War Measures Act. Specifically,
rationing took place. What was rationing?
92. How was immigration in Canada affected by the Second World War?
93. How was production in Canada affected by the Second World War?
94. How did Canada finance the war?
95. In 1942, the federal government organized a plebiscite. What is a plebiscite? What was the question
asked? What were the results of this plebiscite?
96. What was the Conscription Crisis, 1944?
97. How did women contribute to WWII?
a. When did they achieve the provincial right to vote in Québec?
98. Who was Adélard Godbout? Which political party was he associated with? When was his
government in power? What was his opinion on conscription? Did he follow through with this
99. How did Godbout’s government democratize and modernize Québec society?
100. How did the federal government intervene in provincial jurisdictions during WWII?

History of Québec and Canada; January 2018 Midterm Review Questions Created by D. Kregar

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