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The findings of the study were summarized according to the statement of the problem related
in Chapter 1.


This study focuses on the Level of parental support of intermediate pupils and emotional intelligence of
elementary teacher in selected school of Echague, Isabela. This study is sought to answer the following;
(1)What is the profile of the respondents in terms of; (a) Sex; (b) Grade level; (c) Socio economic status;
(d) Educational background; (2) Level of parental support of the respondents; (3) Difference (Parental
Support-Profile of pupils); (4) What is the profile of the teacher in terms of; (a) sex; (b)year of teaching;
(c) civil status; (5) Emotional intelligence of teacher-respondents; (6) Difference (emotional intelligence –
profile of teacher).

Summary of findings

1. What is the profile of the respondents.

Based on the findings of the study most of the students are female which comprises of 60.4%
with frequency of 136 and the male got the frequency of 89 with the percentage of 39.6. (b) In
terms of their grade level, grade 5 students got the highest frequency of 123 with 54.7% and
grade 6 got the frequency of 102 with 45.3%. (c)Meanwhile in socio economic status most of the
income of the parents is below 50, 000. The same findings reveals that in terms of father
occupation, employed got the highest frequency of 83 with the percentage of 36.9. followed by
laborer with 32%, 11.1% are farmer, 9.3% independent worker, 5.3% are OFW and lastly
unemployed got the lowest frequency of 7 with the percentage of 3.1. In mother occupation,
housekeeping got the highest frequency of 80 with the percentage of 35.6, followed closely by
employed with 31.1%, 18.2% are unemployed, 1.8 are laborer and lastly farmer got the lowest
frequency of 3 with percentage of 1.3. (d)Finally, in educational attainment of father, high
school got the highest frequency of 116 with the percentage of 51.6. while, elementary
graduate got the lowest frequency of 26 with the percentage of 11.6. in terms of educational
attainment of Mother high school got the highest frequency of 109 with the percentage of 48.4.
while, elementary graduate got the lowest frequency of 27 with the percentage of 12.

2. Level of parental support of the respondents

The statement which got the highest weighted mean Ang Strongly Agree is statement number 9
(My parents provide me with learning materials such as exercise book, pen, pencil and textbooks) having
a weighted mean of 3.62. it is followed by statement number 8 (My parents courage me to work harder
in school) with 3.55 as a weighted mean. Lastly statement number 11 (Bought you exercise books) with
3.40 mean weighted. Therefore, the grand mean of 3.32 to 2.89 reveals that the respondents Agree on
statement that was not mentioned.
3. Difference (Parental Support-Profile of pupils)

The difference of parental support and profile of the respondents showed that there is a significant
difference between different profiles concerning the amount of parental support. Higher levels of
parental support were associated to higher levels of education, higher household income and longer
duration of living in the country. Additionally, migrants from the same origin showed higher levels of
parental support compared to other migrant profiles.

4. Profile of the teacher

The study disclose that in terms of sex, 19.3% are male and 80.7% are female. In terms of year of
teaching 80.7% are 10 years below and 19.3% are 10 years above. When in terms of civil status of the
respondents 59.6% are married, 31.6% are single, 5.3% are windowed and 3.5% are separated.

5. Emotional intelligence of teacher-respondents.

The highest mean in self-awareness is 1.81 which the respondents Almost Always knows how own
feeling impact own performance, followed by rank 2 which the respondents Almost Always expresses
own feelings with mean average of 1.79. On the other hand the lowest mean of 1.54 which the
respondents Almost Always acknowledge own strengths and areas of weaknesses.

In terms of self-management the respondents Almost Always, confronts unethical action in others,
acts on own values even when there is an significant risk, anticipates obstacles to a goal in order to
overcome them, got a highest mean of 1.72. on the other hand seeks information in unusual ways or
from sources not typically used, initiates action to create possibilities for the future, sees obstacles as an
opportunity to learn and develop, which got the lowest mean of 1.54.

Hence, it can be also noted in the table that take personal responsibility for solving customer or
client problems non-defensively got the highest mean of 1.63 with the verbal description of Almost
Always. asks questions to understand other person, understand the underlying causes for someones
feelings, behavior or concerns got the lowest mean of 1.40 with the verbal description of Always.

Finally, in relationships management. Uses factual arguments to persuade and influence others
(e.g. appeals to reason or use of data), Gains the buy-in of influential parties and enlists their help in
convincing others got the highest mean of 1.63 with the verbal description of Almost Always. While,
Expresses an explicit vision for change to those effected, got the lowest mean of 1.46 with the verbal
description of Always.

6. Difference (emotional intelligence –profile of teacher)

The study reveals that there is no significant difference in the emotional intelligence of the teacher-
respondents in terms of EI domains; self management when grouped according to the sex.

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