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● Yessenia Ramón Méndez.
● Lizeth Guzmán Córdova.
Subject: English 2.
Professor: Tanya Martínez Ceballos.

Yessenia – hey, my girl, how was you childhood?, Im curious

Lizeth – My childhood?, mmm, my childhood was relatively calm, my parents took
good care of me.
Yessenia - oh really? what else?
Lizeth- I was very obedient as a child, I listened to my parents, so I never had any
problems with them
Yessenia- you were an obedient girl , what else did you do?
Lizeth- I played a lot of pokemon, video games, cards, etc. I loved it, and you? how was
your childhood?
Yessenia- I was a rebel, very naughty, it was fun to see my parents in trouble.
Lizeth- wow, really?
Yessenia- Yes, even though we were a good family, I didn't stop getting into trouble.
Lizeth- I see you've changed a bit
Yessenia- Yes, when I entered adolescence, the reality of things struck me, and I had to
Lizeth- Me too, when I became a teenager, my perception of the world changed, I was
so confused but I managed to assimilate it.
Yessenia- It was tough though, sometimes I miss being a kid.
Lizeth- I think the same, being an adult is not so fun anymore.

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