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Nama : Indah Suci Sumantri

NIM : 2007010089
Class : Elementary 28

Intensive English Assignment (Unit 4, Activity 4)

“Writing about my favorite meal”

My favorite meal is chicken satay, because of its unique taste. Chicken satay is made of
chicken meat which is cut into small pieces and skewered in such a way with a stick of bone,
coconut leaves or bamboo. Satay is cooked by grilling using charcoal and served with a choice of
peanut sauce or soy sauce seasoning. I usually eat it together with lontong or ketupat. I don't eat
satay very often, only eat when I want it and it must be brought home, I don't eat on the spot. I
usually eat a lot of satay at home during Eid.
But to be honest the meal that I love the most is the food my mother cooks, except for
vegetables of course  it’s always be the first winner. Mother's cooking has its own and special
taste. That's why I don't like to buy food outside, because the taste doesn't suit my taste.

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