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Straightforward e-bag resource

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TheStraightforward Beginner Placement Test has been designed to help you decide whelher,
or hether they wou
he sfraightforward Streightforward Elementary Course. your students
for using the Beginner
course woutd be suitable for

Straightforward Test has 50 questions, each worth one point. The first
questions and the final 10 are vocabulary questions. The conversion chart 40 are gra
below has
esigned to a8ssist you In making your decision but please note, however, that these bandings
are a guide.

Total score Level

-35 Beginner
36-50 Elementary
This test can also be used to
diagnose the grammar of the Beginner level that your Suo
need clartfication on.

Grammar Wh ions
_s your name? Thomas Unit 1A
a HoW
b Who
d Where
2 This is Lucy and her brother, Dan. my friends. Unit 1B
a We're
b Im
3 ? I'm from Italy. Unit 1B
Where are you from?N
b Where you are from?
c Where from you are?
d From where you are?
4 I'm from Milan.. _is in Italy. Unit 1C
a They
5 Excuse me, how your last name? R--L-E-Y Unit 2A
you spell
do you spell
spell you
Unit 28
6 Oh, are my keysl
C That
Unit 2C
7 f'd ke omeletle, please.
d two

This page has been downloaded from wWw.macmilanengish Om/straiglhtorward.

Publishers Limited 2007.
s pholocopiable, but ell copies must be complete paaes, Macmilan
1. Nationalities territorio
o pertenencia a
propio del
Las palabras que o nombre
concreto se construyen a partir del topónimo
continente, región o pais correspondiente.

n a c i o n a l i d a d e s en inglés
2. Las
una cosa
de una persona o procedencia de
Para referirnos a la se tomará el
Para formar dicho adjetivo
generalmente se utiliza
un adjetivo.
añadirá un sufijo. Los sufijos
continente..., y se le
nombre del pais, región,
-ish, -ch o -i.
más c o m u n e s son: -an, -ese,

Adjetivos relacionados con los continentes

They are from America. They are American

They are from Asia They are Asian
Ellos son de América. Son americanos
Eltos son de Asia. Son asiáticos.

They arc from Europe. Thay are European They are from Africa. They are African
Eios son de Europa bon europeos. Elios son de Africa. Son africanos.
Possessive case

1. El saxon
Esaxen genirhve es una
construcción gramatical que
de algo la se utiliza
relación de
parentesco entre personas animales.para indicar posesión

Martha's sister is pregnant

Your dog's toy is broken.
La hermana de Martha está cmbarazada.
Eljuguete de tu perro estároto

Cómo se forma el saxon genitive?

En general, para construir el saxon genitive se añade la particula 's al poseedor (a

quién pertenece) seguido de la posesión (aquello quc se posee). La estructura básica
es la siguiente:

Poseedor + 's + posesión

s catser on ernonduz

1. Los cardinal numbers

Para contar en inglés y para indicar con exactitud una determinada cantidad
de elementos utilizaremos los cardinal numbers

Zero 123 Four


6 8 9 10
Six Sevon Elght Nine Ten

El número 0 puede ser denominado de distintas formas según el contexto.

Las principales son:

We are 3 degrees belo: zero.
ZERO Matemáticas, temperatura, etc.
Estames a 3grados bajo cero.

My number is; six-two-seven-five-oh-one-two-four

Núeros de teléfono, habitaciones. oh.
OH Mi numero es: el seis-dos-siete-cinco-cero-uno-dos
años, etc.

1 have six dogs.

vo) Tengo seis perros.
My lucky number is nin

Afi numero de fa suerte

9 es cl nueve.
You're married.)
So, Carmen, (No. I'm not.
(Now, youre) No, lin not. single.
youre Mexican. No, Im not. I'n thirty-five. m
(I'm not thirty-five.) (Andyou're
not Mexican. I'm a nurse.
I'm thirty
trom Argcntina.

Somy Gomy No, l'm not.

(Im not a nurse.
ma doctor

She's single.
She isn't married.
She isn't Mexican. She isn't thirty-five. She's a doctor.
She isn't a nurse.

She's from Argentina. She's thirty


Negative also possibie:

I These negative forms are

I'm not he's not, were not ...

am not

he Mexican. He isnt Mexican

from Mexico.
AYticle Cnlt1
is not from Mexico Sheisn't
she thirty-five.
thirty-fve. You aren't married.
af an
you maried.
are not
We aren't
They aren't a.cohsDhaynke

a/an+ occupation Im
You're a doctor.
with a person's occupation.
Use alan (indefinite article) anartist.
a consonant
sound: He's
U s e a before words
that start with She's
a doctor, a teacher

Use an before wordsthat start

with a vowel sound: We're doctorS.
an artist, an engineer.
You're artists.
.Don't use alan with plurals
Say doctors(don't say ardoctors) artists, engineers...
the singular: doctors, teachers,
M o s t plurals are formed by adding-sto

See page 233: Spelling rules

engineer,musician,nurse, student, teacher
Key vocabulary Occupations: artist, doctor,
National Geographic Learning
Practical Grammar 1
What's the time
Are you Italian

lr's one o'clock.)

Are you
( No, I'm not.
eighteen m Spanish

Yes, we are.


Short answers
Yes/No questions
'm not.
he she sn't
she S.
Is she
Yes, it No,
married? you
you arent.
you we are we
Are we they
(don't say Yes Pm. fes he's)
Say Yes, I am. Yes, he
is ...

TIP it's=it is
Key vocabulary Telling the time: 1

10 9

National Geographic Learning

Practical Grammar 1
Fnd triend Q

Hello. I'm Ernesto.

I'm from Brazil.
I'm twenty-three
and I'm single.



He's from Brazil.

He from Braz.
She's eighteen.
She eighteen
mamied. You're
We are
Theyre Use I'm, he's. you're for speaking.

not married)
anPersonal details: married, single (=

e Co

1 ch the sentencesin thebox to the pictures. e He's twelve.

d They're sixteen.
b He's fifty. CShestwo
a She's twenty-five.

1 2 3
ebe Ge National Geographic Leamn
Woman: Have you got your ticket?
Man: Yes, I have.
Woman: And your crerit card?
Man: Yes, of cOurse.
Woman: And your mobile?
Man: Yes, yes, I've got my mobile and l've got my keys and.
Woman: What about your passport?
Man: Oh, nol


Use possessive adjectives to talk about objects, people and places.

Subject Possesive
pronouns adjectives
Pr my T've got my ticket.

you your Have you got your passport?

he his His parents are ltalian.

she her Her father's from Argentina.

ts Venice is famous for its canals.

we Our Our camera's a Nikon.

they their Their daughter's a doctor

A possessive adjective has got one form for singular and plural: his brother, his parents.
Keyo Everyday objects: credit card, glasses, laptop, mobile (= mobile phone), passport, ticket
Adjectives: awftul, brilliant, fantastic, great, terrible
People in your life: mother, father, parents, son, daughter, children, husband, wife, brother, sister

1 Write sentences.
1 my keys Ive got my keys.
2 your laptopX You havent got your laptop.
3 our passports
we ye got 0ufPesspor
4 his glasses X
he asn sok 5 05s5a 7**

5 hercamera She hes. s0 hercaMs(a

6 our credit cards
we ouer o Ov Cet Cordo,
7 my mobile
e jot obsle
8 their tickets
eyve soheiiket3.
Practical Grammar 1
National Geographic Leaning
Man: Where's the phone?
Woman: t's on the chair.
Man: Oh, thanks. Where are the car keys?
Woman: Idon't know. Are they on the table?
Man: No, they aren't.


Yes/No questions Where questions Affirmative + preposition

Is it 's the phone?
the chair? It's
the table? Where on
the chaiw
Are they are the car keys? the table.
They re

2 Use the (definite article) with both singular and plural nouns: the phone, the keys.
Prepositions of place

in on next to under

Everyday objects: bag, book, camera, chair, keys, phone, pen, table, wallet

1 the
Read answers and look at the picture. Write the questions. Use Where's the ..?
Where are the..?

1 Where's the phone? It's on the table.

2 ihe e ne 2 It's next to the chair.
They're under the chair
t's next to the phone.
Theyre on the chair.
des he It's under the chair.
It's under the table.
AL h i oaks Theyre in the bag.
Practical Grammar 1
National Geographic Leaming

Man: Where are you from?

Woman: Fm from Spain but I lie in London I work in
a bank.
Man: Have yo got anry brothers and sisters?
Woman: l've got one brother, Alberto. He works in a
hospital and he lives in Madrid.
U'se the present simple to talk about
.routines: I walk to work every day.
permanent situations: She lives in New York.

Affirmative Third person (he/she/it) s: key spelling rules

Most verbs: live lives, start starts, work > works...
YCu five Verbs ending with -s, -sh or -ch: finish > finishes, watch watches ...
We work
Verbs ending with consonant + y: study > studies
They inLondon.
Irregular verbs:have > has, do > does..
He ives
See page 233: Spelling rules
She works

Conjunctions: and/but
Use and for extra information: He works in a hospital and he lives in Madrid.
Use but to show difference: I'mfrom Spain but I live in London.

Verbs: finish, have, live, start, study, walk, watch (television), work
Have: have lunch, have a break
Occupations: banker, chef, doctor, nurse, teacher, waiter


1 Write sentences about where they live,

1 London
I/ Spain / but / I' from Spain but! live in Lendon
2 Alberto/ Spain / and / Madrid Aiberto's from Spain and he livesin Madrid.
3 Tessa / Greece/ and/Athens ICSso5 from G(acAe.On src.lyeHtens
4 Jim and I/ the UK/ but / Tokyo
5 Yang and Li/ China/but / Paris
6 Dan/Australia / and/Melbourne bn 16 E(g (Oi O reuCS nct e

Practical Grammar 1 O National Geographie Leaming

Present simple

ti c n * e
teo yerhsl equiraiete wetense de imirsriv e kon
verh en puo ve
Eiee splr es m

S runvsy y


2. Estructum del present simple

La forma afimativa

la misma forma del verbo con todos los pronombres, a cxcepciún de he., shee iu
ED las oraciones afirmativas se manuene


wor t a fatry
tvoj Trabajo en una tabrea

Yt work in c TV
tul Trabafas en un3 1abrica

Ha werks a tatory

Trabaja er una fsorica.

S Woks 3 fuctor

She worts



Soosonel colderón ernóvsea o3//o12
Beginner Unit 7c

For $100.000... When do Americars celebrate

Independernce Day? Is it on May 1, June 14 or

July 47
Contestant: 1think it's July 4.
Host: That's correct. Now, for $175,000. What
are the colours of the Jamaican flag? Are they

black, gold and green, red, green and gold or

of red, green and black?
Contestant: I think it's black, gold and green.
Host: That's correct. Well done. Now, for S250,000
Where do tigers five? Is it in Africa, in Asia or
in Europe?
T Contestant: Er... is it Africa?


Verb to bbe Question words

Where do you live?
the capital Ecuador?
What When is your birthday?
are the colcurs of the Jamaican flag?
What is your name?
Which one do you like?
Other verbs
Why do you like the blue one?
tigers Who do you live with?
do you
they How do you spell your name?
Where What time do you start work?
does: she How long is this river?
it How high is Mount Everest?
How many do you want?

How often do you go to the cinema?

1 Choose the correctwords.

Where do/doesyou live? 6 How many do doeshe want?

2 Whatarethecapital of Sweden? 7 Howlong arethis film?
3 What timedo (doeshestartwork? 8Which one do (doesyour brother like?
4 Whats are your name? 9 Wheris are his birthday?
5 Who does they live with? 10 What do /doeshis sister do?
Jon odton ev6nlez o/N/291

Life Beginner Unit 8b

deth of iega

Woman: Mytubad and Iiove the cpea

Hoaly?How otter, do y go
Woman: Every mort What atst yo
Me7 Irever yo to the ogpers
Iprefer foott.ali
Woman: Then w'y are you
tree ticket. Do you
Man: On, ve got a
Ever watch footbail?
Woman: No, 1 dor't.


talk about how often you do something.

Tse adverbs of frequency to

Adverbs of frequency: phrases

one-word adverbs
Adverbs of frequency:
When the adverb is a phrase, it goes at the end
aliays of the sentence.
omer day.
3ometmes cnce a
nct otter twice a
three times a
He goes to the cpera
verb'. day.
acverbs go betore the
every month.
hen goss to he opera.
wates tootbal. yecar

after the verb to be: Questions

but one-word adserbs go
She is often late for work.
go to the opera?
Do you evor
Nitch tootoa?
How oltun do you
With not often,ue shonstarid doesn't.
go to the oers.

a ture relerene with ainay 1alwaysge to the cifema al the
the) cinena, thatre, oper
baskttha (go
Spotat SsT ifkiry.westhj frsADa, ters, gik, Sattrcay
ays e sry.Mv4y 1 y W cday, Thalay, rRiay.
ksen eroel

Josue a C e o n Uenn c2
Elementary Unit 3a

Mun loves sushi! Do you ike it? Giri: Do you lilke horror films?
Daughter. No, I don t I nate t, It s nornole Boy: INO, 1 0on t. vny
Girl: Evil Twin is on Karena Lars is in it.
Dad: Do you lhe Chinece load?
Boy: Oh. 1 fike her.
Daughter Yes, I do bul Ipreter Divza.


Affirmative and negative Yes/No questions

lidke SUshi you Sushi?

You Do
pizza. We pizza?
We don'tlike
they triey
him. him?
He ikes her Does
She doesn't like she

dont=do +not Chert answarS

uoesnt= aoes + i0
l /you/we/they do.
he/she does.

nui we theydon't
NO, -
he/she doesn't.

Subject and object pronouns

Subject pronouns We they

Object pronouns A US them

People in your Ife ioothes, gririend, parente, chiktren, father (dad),

Likes and
preferences. kovs, Wk. prefe, ckartt Bke, rare motiher (mun), triend
o Sarmu CSen NenonJez
Beginner Unit 8a

Life Preposltlons of time (n, on,



to my party
Jane: Jeftf and Sue are coming
Dan: Thats great. party
They're arriving at 6.30.
Jane: They're coming on Friday.
Dan: Jntte morning?
AT 830
Jane: No, in the evening9
Dan: When did we last see them?

Jane: On. years ago. in

2004 o r was it in
2005? It was
in the
summer. Don't you

Presentation (escs,añ csA@rioncs y_mornto2 deeldio)

in 2005, in spring, in
the afternoon.
.Use in with months, years,
seasons and times of day: in February,
28th November, on my birthday
days and dates: on Friday,
Use on with
at midnight.
U s e at with times: at 8.30,
at the weekend, at night.
Special uses of at:
Seasons: spring, summer, autumn,wirter October, November,
March, April, May, June, July, August, September,
Months: January, February, 3rd March, 25th May
for dates, eg. 1st January,
Use ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)

in the correct column.
Write the time expressions
1 the evenings
29th February 1999 half past ten
New years day the middle of winter
August midday summer

Friday of the month Sundays

the third the same time the
the early morning weekdays
night 5 p.m. the 1990s

h e S t t e on wie f fest e n
New Year's day
Ahe everirg3,The weteo4t een 1141. The 4 0 ire.
. The 1440,

Nationai Geographic Leaming
Practical Grarunar i
,mu a5//101

Fnrique Fscalante Herrera

Gmup 101


Name: Brian Harold May

Age: Seventy-five
Nationality: European
Occupation: Musician

Brian's Life

He is Brian May, he is seventy-five years old, he is European, he is a compoSer. an

astrophysicist and a musician, Brian's wife is Anita Dobson, Brian's mother is Ruth May,

Brian's father is Harold May, Brian's telephone number is two, double one, five. four, one.

seven, nine. zero. one

|Personal pronoura Naionalfties

Verbo To be Cardinal mLmbers

Posscssivc nouns Family

aNson emonlez

sles Coo




JoSveamuel calufon teres


Lección 5 Cómo trabajo con mis

07 0sCyoN o
EEl reto es aië TdeRtfiquen obsiacutos1ternbSy exterrtös para lograr sus metas.
tle ha pasado que tienes toda la voluntad de
yde pronto te das cuenta de entregar un trabajo importante a tiempo
que el plazo vence al otro día y no has hecho nada? Puede
pasarte también en otros
aspectos de tu vida: aunque tienes metas claras, parece que
algo te impide avanzar. Qué será4?
En esta lección
reflexionarás sobre lo anterior, pero además conocerás una estrategia
para lograr alcanzar tus metas a
pesar de los obstáculos. Se llama MEROP.
trabajar con ella! Seguro te será de mucha utilidad.
iVamos a

Actividad 1
a. Piensa en una situación en la que te hayas
mediano propuesto alcanzar una meta, ya sea a corto,
o largo plazo, pero cuando te diste cuenta, el
lograste. plazo se había vencido y no lo Para tu vida
Escribe aquí o en tu cuaderno cuál era tu meta. Escribe una nue-
va tarjeta MEROP
Habes-endtegodo los yeckos Reco no l0< nice pensando en una
meta que quieres
b.Escribe aquí o en tu cuaderno un obstáculo interno y uno externo que te
alcanzar tu meta. impidieronacanza en tu
materia o enotra
vida personal.
la Cloyera oloocul.o nde(no
Quieres saber
Actividad 2
iSabías que la
a.Observa y revisa con atención el ejemplo de la tarjeta
MEROP, estrategia de
incrementar tu motivacióny transformar tus hábitosestrategia
diseñada MEROP
para ayudarte a
metas. para alcanzar tus por sus siglas en
inglés) permitió
potenciar un se-
ME Mi meta es:
Aprobarel examen. senta por ciento
el esfuerzo de
RMimejor resultado:Sentirme.contento y aliviado. los estudiantes
de una escue-
la a la hora de
9Obstáculos: Quedarme.con dudas. presentar sus
exámenes? Para
conocer más, re-
levantar la mano a
visa el siguiente
tengo dudas en la
y preguntar hasta enlace
Si case de matemáticas,
Oostáclo, ndo y entonces voy a que me quede claro.
done Accion (panener el obstáculo)

Epresent continous
presen continnous es un tiempo verbal equivalente a las siguien construcciones del espa

esr cmnio, ti estas camanmo, él está cantando, cle.

am reading &magazine They are dancing Lindy Ho

Estovicvende un revit 0 Estan bailando wi O

En espanol dichas oraciones se forman con el verbo esiar seguido del verbo principal en gerundio. En ingles. a
estructura es exactamente la misma.

Para form:ar el gerundio, debemos añadir la terminación final -ing a la forma infinitiva del verbo. Sin
embargo, el resultado puede ser distinto según la raiz del verbo:

Resd Ruading Act ACting
ver termina en consonante n0 Lee Leyendo ACtua Actuarndo

mtamos a añadir la terminacion final

t ieeting Draw >Ding
Canocer Comocier1do Divusar

n termune en voca s t se suprime

Wtngi Sate kaunc
SSustituve por -ING Escrib scribrend Fatitna

t wOta donie csi

mantuene nt s 1


tarmt Y s manuenE

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