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1.Anatomy and physiology

a) Skeletal and muscular system

-fuctions of the skeleton

- Skeleton

-Joint types

- Joint structure and function

-Movement at joints

- Muscles

-Antagonstic muscles actions

-Muscle fibre types

b) Respiratory system

*Pathway of air

*Gaseous exchange at the alveoli

*Mechanism of breathing

*Breathing volumes and minutes ventilation

C) Circulatory system

* Components of blood


*Blood vessels

*Heart stuture and function

*Cardiac output

D) Energy supply and the effects of the energy on the body

*Aerobic and anaerobic respiration


*Short term exercise

*Long term exercise

D. Simple biomechanics

* Principles of forces
*Application of forces


2) Heath and fitness

3) skill acquisition and psychology

4) social cultural and ethinal influences

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