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1. Simple present tense (thì hiện tại đơn )

a. Usage:
- Sự việc xảy ra ở hiện tại ( Today, this week , this / month )
- 1 chân lý
- Sự việc xảy ra theo thói quen (usually, often, always, rarely)
-Lịch trình ở tương lai

b. Form

BE : am, is , are
HAVE : have , has
DO : do , does
Reg. V :
- Affirmative : I, we, you, they + V
He, she , It + V + s/es

- Negative : I, we, you, they + don’t + V

He, she, It + doesn’t + V

- Interrogative: Do +I, we, you, they + V ?

Does + he, she, It + V?

2. Simple past tense (thì quá khứ đơn

a. Usage : Sự việc xảy ra trong quá khứ , biết rõ thời gian

(yesterday, last week / month / year, .ago )

b. Form :
-Aff. : S + V2/ed
- Neg: S+didn’t + V
- Int : Did + S+ V ?

3. Simple future tense (thì tương lai đơn )

a. Usage : diễn tả sự việc xảy ra trong tương lai
( tomorrow , next…… , in 2 days )
b. Form :
- S+ will +V ( I, we +shall/ will)
- S + won’t + V (I, we + shan’t/ won’t)
- Will + S + V ?
Notes: - mức độ chắc chắn 50%: will+V
- ……………………….75%: Be going to +V
-…………………………90% : Be+

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung 1

4. Present continuous tense (thì hiện tại tiếp diễn )
a. Usage :
- Sự việc xảy ra trong lúc nói
( now , at the moment , at present )
- Sự việc không thường xuyên ở hiện tại
( usually……..but today……..)
- Sự việc dự kiến trong tương lai
- sắp xếp công việc cho lịch trình tương lai
b. Form :
- S + am/ is / are +
- S+ am / is / are + not +
- Am / is / are + S+ V. ing ?

5. Past continuous tense (thì quá khứ tiếp diễn )

a. Usage :
- Sự việc xảy ra vào 1 thời điểm trong quá khứ
( at 8 am yesterday , at this time last week )
- Sự việc đang xảy ra thì 1 hành động khác xảy đến
(……….when…….., ……..while………..)
b. Form :
- S + was / were + V. ing
- S + was/ were + not + V. ing
- Was / Were + S+ V. ing ?

6. Future continuous tense : (thì tương lai tiếp diễn )

a. Usage : diễn tả 1 sự việc xảy ra vào 1 thời điểm trong tương lai
( at 8am tomorrow , at this time next week )
b. Form :
- S+ will +be + ( I, we + shall / will )
- S+ won’t + be +
- Will + S + be +

7. Present perfect tense ( thì hiện tại hoàn thành )

a. Usage :
- Sự việc bắt đầu ở quá khứ , tiếp tục đến hiện tại / tương lai
( since , for 3 days , up to now , so far , once/ twice / three times )
- Sự việc xảy ở quá khứ , không rõ thời gian
( already , yet , just , ever , recently )
b. Form :
- S + have / has + V3/ed
- S + haven’t / hasn’t + V3/ed
- Have / Has + S + V3/ ed

8. Present perfect continuous tense (thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn)

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung 2

a. Usage : giống cách dùng của thì hiện tại hoàn thành nhưng nhấn mạnh tính liên
tục của thời gian
b. Form :
- S+ have/ has + been + Ving
- S+ haven’t/ hasn’t + been + Ving
- Have / Has + S+ been + Ving ?

9. Past perfect tense (thì quá khứ hoàn thành )

a. Usage :
- Xảy ra trước 1 thời điểm trong quá khứ
- Xảy ra trước 1 hành động khác trong quá khứ
( before , after , by the time, by 7pm)
Note : Có 2 hành động trong quá khứ
- hành động xảy ra trước chia quá khứ hoàn thành
- hành động xảy ra sau chia quá khứ đơn
b. Form :
- S + had + V3/ed
- S + Hadn’t + V3/ ed
- Had + S + V3/ ed

10. Past perfect continuous tense ( thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn)
a. Usage : giống cách dùng của thì hiện tại hoàn thành nhưng nhấn mạnh tính
liên tục của thời gian
b. Form :
- S + had + been + Ving
- S+ hadn’t + been + Ving
- Had + S + Been + Ving ?

11. Future perfect tense ( thì tương lai hoàn thành )

a. Usage : xảy ra trước 1 thời điểm trong tương lai
( before / by 7pm tomorrow )
b. Form :
- S + will + have + V3/ ed
- S + won’t + have + V3/ ed
- Will + S + have + V3/ ed ?

12. Future perfect continuous ( thì tương lai hoàn thành tiếp diễn )
a. Usage : nhấn mạnh tính liên tục của thời gian
b. Form :
- S + will + have + been + Ving
- S + won’t + have + been + Ving
- Will + S + have + been + Ving ?

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung 3

1. Spring …………………..winter
a. follows b. is following c. will follow d. has followed
2. The nurse………………her parents every day
a. visits visiting c. will visit d. visited
3. The meeting ………………….at 7.30
a. has begun b. begins c. is going to begin beginning
4. They ………………..tomorrow at 12.30
a. will leave b. are leaving c. leave d. are going to leave
5. Someone……………… the door. Can you answer it ?
a. knocks knocking c. has knocked d. knocked
6. John ……………… the moment, so he can’t answer the telephone
a. works b. is working c. has worked d. will work
7. The river ……………….fast after last night’s rain
a. flowed b. flows c. is flowing d. will flow
8. He …………….for Chelsea this season
a. played b. is playing c. would play d. has played
9. She ……………..English at RMIT these days
a. studies b. is studying c. will study d. is going to study
10. She’s at her best when she ………………..big decision
a. is making b. makes c. has made d. will make
11. We………… vacation in London
a. spend b. are spending c. will spend d. are going to spend
12. Robert …………….tomorrow morning on the 10.30 train
a. arrived b. is arriving c. has arrived d. would arrive
13. Look ! The bus …………..
a. left b. has left c. leaves d. is leaving
14. Mike ………………one hour ago
a. phoned b. was phoning c. had phoned d. has phoned
15, Micheal………………..a word with Lisa this morning
a. has b. had c. has had d. had had
16. Old Ted………………..twenty cigarettes a day till he gave up
a. had smoked b. has smoked c. smoked d. smokes
17. Stephen ………………..on the phone when I came in
a. talked b. was talking c. has talked d. has been talking
18.I……………….TV at 8.30 last night
a. watched b. was watching c. has talked d. has been talking
19. While I was working in the garden , my son ……………… games
a. was playing b. played c. has played d. has been playing
20. When he worked here, Simon …………………mistakes
a. always made b. made always c. has watched d. had watched
21. This film is the best one I …………………..

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung 4

a. ever see b. ever saw c. have ever seen d. am seeing
22. They …………………………the bridge by the end of 2028
a. will finish b. will be finishing c. will have finished d. have finished
23. He ………………in London before he…………………abroad last year
a. lived/ went b. had lived/ went c. lived/ had gone d. would live/went
24. Now he ………………..two houses
a. possesses b. is possessing c. possess d. is possess
25. Water ……………….at 100 centigrade degree
a. boils b. boil c. is boiling d. will boil
26. Mr Nam ……………….English since he ……………..the company in 1990
a. taught/has left b. has taught/ left c. taught / left d. has taught/has left
27. I ……………a lot of homework this week
a. do b. did c. has done d. am doing
28. He ……………car to go to work since he ………………
a. dives / bought b. drove / bought
c. has driven/ bought d. drove/ has bought
29. So far you ……………..many mistakes on this exercise
a. make b. made c. have made d. are making
30. He discovered that he ………………….a fly
a. eats b. ate c. has eaten d. had eaten
31. Mrs. Green ……………..Alice to the dentist many times
a. takes b. took c. has taken d. is taking
32. My sister always …………..her hands before meals
a. washes b. washed c. had washed d. is washing
33. You ………………..many things by the time you die
a. witness b. will witness c. had witnessed d. has witnessed
34. All of them ………………when I came
a. sing b. sang c. are singing d. were singing
35. Why didn’t you listen while I ……………… you ?
a. spoke b. am speaking c. was speaking d. speak
36. They ………………all the books when I …………….there
a. sold/came b. had sold /came c . sold /had come d. sold/was coming
37. She constantly ………….me to lunch and diner with her once or twice a year
a. invites b. invited c. will invite d. is inviting
38. Where is he ? – He’s upstairs. He ……………….a bath
a. has b. is having c. had d. will have
39. Please tell me what you………………since you left University
a. do b. did c. had done d. will do
40. He ………………nothing before he saw me
a. does b. did c. had done d. has done
41. He’ll be a millionaire by the time she………………………40 years old
a. will be b. was c. is d. is going to
42. Yesterday before I went to work, I ………………. breakfast with my friend
a. have b. had c. had had d. was having
43. Tomorrow before I ………………to work, I will have breakfast with my family.
a. will go b. go c. am going d. will have gone

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung 5

44. Next week we ………………..a picnic
a. have b. are having c. had d. have had
45. By this time tomorrow I ………………………….the report
a. will finish b. will be finishing c. will have finished d. finish
46. After she ………………………..her work, she went out.
a. finishes b. will finish c. finished d. had finished
47. I ……………………………him before
a. never see b. never saw c. have never seen d. never meet
48. This is the second time I ……………………..the film
a. see b. saw c. have seen d. am seeing
49. Before I came here, I …………………………….for you for nearly half an hour
a. waited b. had waited c. had been waiting d. wait
50. At 9am tomorrow, I ………………….my customers
a. will meet b. will be meeting c. meet d. am meeting
51. At 9am tomorrow, I ……………………..a chairman of a meeting
a. am b. will be c. will be being d. am being
52. While I was working in the garden , my son ………………… games
a. played b. has been playing c. has played d. was playing
53. Stephen ………………..on the phone when I came
a. talked b. was talking c. has talked d. has been talking
54. Michael ……………….a word with Lisa this morning
a. has b. had c. has had d. had had
55. She ……………..English at RMIT these days
a. studies b. is studying c. will study d. is going to study
56. I’ve lived here …………………..1990
a. from b. since c. to d. for
57. Paulo has learned English ……………five years
a. since b. from c. to d. for
58. My sister ………………..the film several times
a. watches b. is watching c. has watched d. watched
59. I ……………….If you could give me a hand
a. wonder b. am wondering c. was wondering d. wondered
60. Paulo ………………….in HCM city for five years now
a. lives b. is living c. has lived d. lived
61. The secretary…………………the report by 10am yesterday
a. finished b . has finished c. had finished d. would finish
62. It …………………..tomorrow
a. will rain b. is going to rain c. is raining d. rains
63. Jane’s eyes are red. She ……………………
a. cried b. has cried c. has been crying d. had cried
64. The concert …………………at 7.15
a. is starting b. starts c. is going to start d. has started
65. We did not go out because it…………………..
a. would rain b. was raining c. had rained d. has rained
66. I ……………….’’Chicken soup for Soul’’ but I haven’t finished yet
a. read b. am reading c. have been reading d. was reading

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung 6

67. I …………….my key . Can you help me look for it ?
a. lose b. lost c. had lost d. have lost
68. Last night Tina ……………….in bed when suddenly she heard a scream
a. read b. was reading c. has read d. had read
69. Sorry I’m late.- That’s OK . I …………………long
a. don’t wait b. am not waiting c. haven’t waited d. haven’t been waiting
70. How many languages ………………..John speak ?
a. do b. does c. did d. will
71.We cleaned up the room as soon as the guests………………..
a. left b. has left c. had left d. were leaving
72. The child ………………before the doctor arrived
a. died b. has died c. had died d. was dying
73. I’m sure that you……………married by the time I come back in five years
a. get b. have got c. will get d. will have got
74. The Red river ………………….very fast today- much faster than other days
a. flows b. is flowing c. will flow d. was flowing
75. Hurry up , The train………………… . I don’t want to miss it
a. comes b. is coming c. will come d. came
76. I ………………..four chairs so far this morning
a. painted b. paint c. have painted d. am painting
77. Frank ………………..home since he was a boy
a. isn’t b. wasn’t c. hasn’t been d. hadn’t been
78. Spring ………………..winter
a. will follow b. has followed c. follows d. is following
79. The river …………………vary fast after last night’s rain
a. flowed b. flows c. is flowing d. will flow
80. Someone ……………….at the door. Can you answer it ?
a. knocks b. is knocking c. has knocked d. knocked
81. The exhibition …………with some introduction on the last day of next month.
a. will start b. will start c. starts d. starts
82. The annual celebration ……with some music from 7.30am next Saturday.
a. will begin b. will begin c. begins d. begins
83. My family always ………….breakfast home.
a. eat b. eating c. have d. has
84.It………… 15 minutes to walk to school everyday.
a. take b. took c. takes d. taking
85. Classes …………..6.30 am and ………… 9.40 am.
a. start/end b. begins/finishes c. starting/end d. are/finishing
86. Look! Mary and her husband _______a film on TV.
a. are watching   b. is watching watching     d. watch                    
87. Oil________ if you pour it on water
a. floated b. floats c. will be floated d. float
88. Look! That man……… open the door of your car.
a. try b. tried c. is trying d. has tried
89. I will come and see you before I……..for America.

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung 7

a. leave b. will leave c. have left d. shall leave

90. She usually …………to class early , but today she ………….to school late.
a. come/is coming b. comes/is coming
c. is coming/comes d. comes/comes
91.At the moment I …….very sleepy because the lesson today ………….boring.
a. am feeling/is b. feel/ is being c. feel/is d. am feeling/isn’t
92. They …………..two houses , so they ……………rather rich now.
a. have/are b. are having/are c. are having/being d. are having/aren’t
93. The meeting ……at 8:00 tomorrow and …..for 2 hours.
a. will start/ will last b. will start/ lasts
c. starts/ is lasting d. starts/ lasts
94. Do you know when the meeting ………...? No, I’m afraid I …………
a. will start/ am not b. started/ don’t
c. starts/ don’t d. is starting/ can’t
95. The conference …………..on the last day of next month, and we …...…..dinner
a. will be/ will have b. is/ will have
c. is/ are having d. is being/ are having
96. My Dad usually ………to work, but today his colleague …………him in a car.
a. drives/is taking b. drives/takes c. is driving/takes driving/take
97. After having a break, ……….…you……….better now? –Yes, I……….
a. do/feel/do b. are/feel/am c. are/feeling/am d. do/feel/am
98. He……….playing tennis and………….every weekend when he is at home.
a. enjoys/playing b. enjoy/plays c. enjoys/plays d. enjoying/playing
99. ……… you ……… your report yet? – No, I……… at the moment.
a. do/ finish / write b. are/ finishing/ am writing
c. have/ finished/ am writing d. did/ finish/ do writing
100. We ………..….Ms Chan at the airport tomorrow and we ……….….in a nice
hotel near the airport.
a. will meet/ will stay b. meet/ will stay
c. are meeting/ are staying d. are meeting/ will stay
101. I …….Louisiana state University.
a- am attending        b-attend           c-was attending          d-attended
102. He has been selling motorcycles……………
a- ten years ago b-since ten years  
c-for ten years ago   d-for ten years
103. Columbus…….America more than 400 years ago.
a- discovered b-has discovered   c-had discovered     d-he has gone
104. He fell down when he ……towards the church.
a-run                  b-runs                   c-was running             d-had run
105. We …….there when our father died.
a-still lived         b-lived still         c-was still living           d-were still living
106. They …….ping pong when their father comes back home.
a- will play         b-will be playing     c-play                   d-would play
107. By Christmas, I……..for you for 6 months.

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung 8

a-Shall have been working              b-shall work
c-have been working                       d-shall be working
108. I…….in the room now.
a-am being          b-was being         c-have been being        d-am
109. I…… New york three times this year.
a-have been       b-was                  c-were                         d-had been
110. I will come and see you before I……..for America.
a- leave             b-will leave            c-have left                    d-shall leave
111. The little girl asked what… her friend.
a-has happened         b-happened         
c-had happened         d-would have been happened
112. John ……a book when I saw him.
a-is reading         b-read              c-was reading                d-reading
113. He said he…….return later.
a-will                 b-would                  c-can                         d-would be
114. Jack …..the door.
a-has just opened            b-open      c-will have opened         d-opening
115. I have been waiting for you……….
a-since early morning           b-since 9 a.m.        
c-for two hours                   d-all are correct
116. My sister…….for you since yesterday.
a- is looking          b-was looking        c-has been looking            d-looked
117. Jack……the door.
a-has just painted           b-paint         c-will have painted             d-painting
118. The train ………half an hour.
a-has been leaving         b-left             c-has left                d-had left
119. We ………Doris since last Sunday.
a-don’t see             b-haven’t seen        c-didn’t see       d-hadn’t seen
120. When I last saw him, he…….in London.
a-has lived           b-is living               c-was living         d-has been living
121. John ................... reading. (not, like)
122. ................... any of you ................... sports regularly? (play)
123. I rarely ................... newspapers. (read)
124. Yesterday I ................... you talking to a stranger. (see)
125. Tonight we ................... to the opera. (go)
126. Right now he ................... on the phone. (talk).
127. You are late, the lesson ................... fifteen minutes ago. (start)
128. When ................... the Beatles ................... their first album? (record)
129. On Friday I ................... to the boss about a rise. (talk)
130. These days we ................... a lot. (work)
131. My father ................... Maths at a secondary school. (teach)

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung 9

132. I ................... any book now. (not, read)
133. ................... you ................... anything yesterday? (buy)
134. When I ................... (go) home, I ................... (meet) John.
135. At this moment he should ................... his final exam. (write)
136. Jane ................... to Washington tomorrow. (fly)
137. Don't disturb me while I ................... (work).
138. Holidays ................... last Friday. (begin)
139. At midnight I ................... still ................... home. (drive)
140. Every Sunday we ................... to church. (go)
141. When I ................ (wake up), the sun .............. (shine) and the birds ................... (sing).
142. Look, the sun ................... (set)
143. In summer the sun ................... about nine o'clock PM. (set)
144. While I ................... (sleep), he ............. (clean) the house and ................ (prepare) dinner.
145. What ................... you ................... yesterday at 11 AM? (do)
146. I ................... never ................... to Australia. (be)
147. ................... you already ................... your car? (wash)
148. He ................... just ................... back. (come)
149. She ................... not yet ................... doing her homework. (finish)
150. I ...................(love) her since I ................... (see) her for the first time.
151. A strange thing ................... (happen) while I ................... a letter. (write)
152. John ................... his garden every two days. (water)
153. We ................... each other for ten years. (know)
154. My grandfather ................... all those trees before the war. (plant)
155. As I ................... dishes (wash), the phone ................... (ring)
156. Be quiet, I ................... to concentrate. (try)
157. Jane ................... many books about Chinese culture. (write)
158. She ................... her first book in 1990. (write).
159. She ................... currently ................. a book about Chinese painting. (write)
160. My parents ................... married 20 years ago. (get)
161. My best friend ................... married next Saturday. (get)
162. We ................... (watch) a football match on the TV when the electricity ...............out. (go)

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung 10

163. Last night he ................... back at 2 o'clock. (come)
164. It ................... all night. (rain)
165. When I .............. (enter) the classroom, everybody ............... (write) the test.
166. I ............ (not, hear) anything he said, because I ................ about something else.(think)
167. I ................... (call) you when I ................... (arrive) in London.
168. Since I last .............. (see) him, he ............ (lose) much weight and ........... (grow) a beard.
169. Somebody ................... (knock) on the door. - I ................... (open)!
170. ................... you ................... me a favour? (do)
171- After I…………… lunch, I looked for my bag.
A-had B-had had C-have has D-have had
172- By the end of next year, George ……………English for 2 years.
A- will have learned B-will learn C-has learned D-would learn
173- The man got out the car ……….. round to the back and opened the boot.
A-walking B-walked C-walks D-walk
174- For several years he ………….his ambition to be a pilot.
A-is B-has been C-was D-had been
175- Henry ………….. into the restaurant when the writer was having dinner.
A-was going B-went C-has gone D-did go
176- He will take the dog out for a walk as soon as he…………. dinner.
A-finish B-finishes C-will finish D-shall have finished
177-Before you asked, the letter .………
A- was written B-had been written C-had written D-has been written
178- Ask her to come and see me when she ………… her work.
A-finish B-has finished C-finished D-finishing
179- Oil ……… if you pour it on water.
A-floated B-floats C-will be floated D-float
180- The dancing club ………… the north of the city.
A-lays B-lies C-located D-lain
181- Almost everyone …………for home by the time we arrived.
A-leave B-left C-leaves D-had left
182- By the age of 25, he ………two famous novels.

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung 11

A- wrote B-writes C-has written D-had written
183- While her husband was in the army, Janet ………... to him twice a week
A-was writing B-wrote C-was written D-had written
184- I couldn’t cut the grass because the machine ….. a few days previously.
A-broke down B-has been broken C-had broken down D-breaks down
185- According to this newspaper, John is said a new record for the long jump.………
A-to have established B-establishing C-to establish D-established
186- I have never played badminton before. This is the first time I …… play
A-try B-tried C-have tried D-am trying
187- Since……. ,I have heard nothing from him.
A-he had left B-he left C-he has left D-he was left
188- I like looking at these pictures, but I ……….enough by lunch time
A-should have B-will have C-will have had D-have
189- I don’t understand this sentence. What . ……………………?
A-does mean this word B-have this word mean
C-means this word D-does this word mean
190- John ……… once or twice a week
A-usually play B-is usually playing C-usually plays D-have usually played
191- It was noisy next door. Our neighbors …………..a party.
A-had B-were having C-had had D-have had
192- It ………..dark. Shall I turn on the light?
A-is getting B-get C-got D-has got
193- I ………….. .for Christine. Do you know where she is?
A-look B-looked C-am looking D-looks
194- At 5 o’clock yesterday evening, I ………………my clothes.
A-am ironing B-have ironed C-ironed D-was ironing
195- “Are you ready ,Ann?” “Yes, I ……………”
A-am coming B-come C-came D-have came
196- Why ……… me like that? What’s the matter?
A-do you look B-have you looked C-did you look D-are you looking
197- I …………….along the street when I suddenly heard footsteps behind me.

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung 12

A-was walking B-am walking C-walk D-walked
198- She …………..German for two years.
A-has learnt B-is learning C-learn D-learns
199- I usually ……….. .away at weekends.
A-have gone B-goes C-am going D-go
200- The earth ……… round the sun.
A-go B-has gone C-went D-goes
201- I come from Canada. Where …… ….. ..from?
A-do/come B-did/ come C-are /coming D-have/come
202- When I last……….. Jane, she …… find a job.
A-see/was trying B-saw/was trying C-have seen/tried D-saw/tried
203- I ……… 8 o’clock every morning.
A-was getting up B-got up C-is getting up D-get up
204- ……… go to the dentist?
A-how often are B-how often do C-how often does D-how are
205-Ann ……....tea very often.
A-doesn’t drink B-don’t drink C-didn’t drink D-hasn’t drunken
206- The sun………… .in the East.
A- is rising B-rose C-has risen D-rises
207-It is a nice day. I ………...we ………… out for a walk.
A-suggested/went B-suggest/go C-is suggesting/will go D-are suggesting/going
208-Tim was tired. He …………….hard all day.
A-has been studying B-studies C-studied D-had been studying
209- Bad driving often …………...many accidents.
A-caused B-had caused C-causes D-has cause
210- The Olympic Games ……………..every four years.
A-take place B-takes place C-took place D-is taking place
211-What time ……..the banks ………….. in Britain?
A-do/close B-did/closed C-does/close D-can/be closed
212-Look! That man ………… open the door of your car.
A-try B-tried C-is trying D-has tried

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung 13

213- When I was young, I …………… to be a singer.
A-want B-was wanting C-wanted D-had wanted
214- They ………….me about it last week.
A-was telling B-told C-had told D-would tell
215- I ………….here at the end of the month.
A-will leave B-would leave C-would have left D-is leaving
216- My grandfather …………….many years ago.
A-had died B-has died C-died D-was dying
217- I ………… son the money for that last week.
A-gave B-given C-have given D-was given
218- Yesterday I ……….. by Peter’s house, but the front door was closed. He …..out
A-was pass/ went B-passed/ must have gone
C-passing/ has gone D. was passing/ could go
219- I ………….the dishwasher on when I …………. the shot.
A -am turning/ hear B-was turning/ heard C-was turning/ hearing D-turned/heard
220- There was a time when watching TV really………….family entertainment.
A-were B-was C-had been D-is
221- Last year, they ……….. .22 million TV sets.
A-were selling B-had sold C-has sold D-sold
223-At last the bus came. We …………..for half an hour.
A-waited B-was waiting C-have waited D-had been waiting
224- Daniel………….. the bus. It doesn’t run on Sundays.
A-did not catch B-have not caught C-had not caught D-couldn’t have caught
225- I’m feeling sick. I ………….so much chocolate last night.
A-needn’t to eat B-did not eat C-mustn’t eat D-shouldn’t have eaten
226- I’m going on holiday on Saturday. This time next week I ………..on a beach in the sea
A-will lie B-am lying C. will be lying D-should be lying
227- Ted and Amy ………….for 24 years.
A-have been married B-married C-were married D-has been married
228- Tomorrow I ………… grandparents
A-am going to visit B-will have visited C-have visited D-visit

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung 14

229- When the first child ……….., they ………..married for three years.
A-was born/ have been married B-born/ had been married
C-is born/ will been married D-will have been married
230- I think the weather ………...nice later.
A-will be B-be C-had D- has been

1.That’s the silliest question I have ever heard
I’ve never heard……………………………………………………..
2. Brian started keeping a diary three years ago
Brian has………………………………………………………………
3. How long is it since you got a letter from Paul ?
4. Edward and Rita have been married for three years
It’s three years……………………………………………………………
5. She hasn’t that dress since her sisters wedding
The last……………………………………………………………………
6. They haven’t seen their uncle for three years
 It’s …………………………………………………………………………
7. He wrote four best-sellers before he was twenty
By the age of twenty…………………………………………………….
8. He started to write the novel many years ago
He has……………………………………………………………………..
9. He has a lot of difficulties in his work
He works…………………………………………………….
10. John hasn’t been back to his native village for nearly 30 years now
It is…………………………………………………………………………
11. I’ve never been to Scotland before
12. Linda’s career as a television presenter began five years ago
Linda has………………………………………………………………
13. How long have Catherine and Henry been engaged ?
14. Mary rang hours ago
It’s hours……………………
15. He hasn’t written to his parents for two months
The last…………………………………………………………………
He last……………………………………………………………………
16. John has been learning English for seven years
John began………………………………………………………………
17. It’s twenty years since John and Mary moved to England
John and Mary moved……………………………………………………
18. We haven’t visited the museum before

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung 15

This is……………………………………………………………….
19. Last weekend I went to the zoo and saw real tigers for the first time
Before last weekend……………………………………………………
20. Before I went to bed, I had brushed my teeth
21. My mother did morning exercise, then she went to the market
22.He wrote three letters to his friends , then he went to the post office
23. He will finish her home work. He will go out
24. She will have money . She will buy the book
25. I will have free time. I will phone you
As soon as…………………………………………………….
26.I/ learn English / many years , but I / not succeed / yet
27. I / not see / her / since last week
28. Miss Snow / type / ten letters / before lunchtime / yesterday
29. The film / already / begin / when / we / get / to the cinema
30. You / stay at home / tonight ?
31. I/ be / twenty years old / next June
32. He / phone / me / after / he / know/ he / pass the exam / yesterday
33. They / leave for France / by 7 o’clock this morning
34. Mrs Green / take / Alice / to the dentist / many times
35. My young sister / always / wash / her hand/ before meals
36. I /hope / it / not rain / when / we / start/ early tomorrow
37. You/ must tell me/ what/ you / do / since / I / last saw / you
38. So far/ you/ make / no mistakes/ on this exercise
39. Where / you / spend / your holiday / last year?

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung 16

40. All of them / sing / when / I / come / last night
41. He / do nothing / before / he / see/ me / last weekend
42. Hurry up ! The train / come
43. What / you / do / 7pm yesterday ?
44.These students / study / French / four years now
45. John / do / his homework / already
46. When / I see / him / yesterday, he / sit /asleep in a chair
47. The light / go out / when / we / study / our lessons
48. My little sister / drink milk / everyday
49. Look! The bus / come
50. Something / smell good/ in the kitchen / now
51. He / write / a long novel / at present?
52. They / have lunch / in the cafeteria / now
53. It / not rain / in the dry season
54. The earth/ move / around / the sun
55. The old man / fall/ as / he / get/ into /the bus
56. His uncle / teach / English / in our school / five years ago
57. He / said that / he / see that man / before
58. Mr Nam / have / three houses / now
59. I / meet / them / already / but / now / I / forget / their names
60. After/ my young brother/ finish / his homework/ I / take / him/ to the zoo/
61.We haven’t been to a concert for over a year.
-The last time…………………………………
62.Your birthday party was the last time I really enjoyed myself.

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung 17

63.It’s nearly 20 years since my father saw his brother.
-My father………………………………………………
64.Tom went to Scotland last Friday and is still there.
-Tom has…………………………………………….
65.When did you last ride a bike?
-How long is it………………………………………?
66.The last time I went swimming was when I was in France.
-I haven’t……………………………………………………..
67.You haven’t tided up this room for weeks.
68. He was last in touch with me three weeks ago.
- He hasn’t………………………………………..
69. Mr John hasn’t visited France since 1990.
-Mr John last………………………………………..
70. It last rained three weeks ago.
71. I haven’t eaten this kind of food before.
This is the first………………………………..
72.What a pity you failed your driving test!
-I wish………………………………………
73.It’s a pity that you’re going away so soon.
-I wish…………………………………………
74.I’m sorry I didn’t phone him yesterday.
-I wish……………………………………..
75.She knows a lot more about it than I do.
-I don’t know………………………………..
76.Jane is a better cook than Betty.
-Betty can’t…………………………………..
77.Tom is younger than he looks.
-Tom isn’t………………………………………..
78.I didn’t spend as much money as my friend did.
-My friend…………………………………………
79.He doesn’t know them as well as I do.
-I know………………………………………..
80.It’s still cold but it was colder yesterday.
-It’s isn’t…………………………………………
81.The children couldn’t go swimming because the sea was very rough.
The sea was too………………………………………………………………
82. We didn’t have enough money, so we didn’t go on holiday.
-If we……………………………………………………………
83. We got lost because we didn’t have a map.
-If we……………………………………………………………..
84.The bridge was so low that the bus couldn’t go under it.
-It was…………………………………………………………..
85.It was so late that nothing could be done.

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung 18

-It was too………………………………………….
86.He couldn’t afford to buy a car.
-The car……………………………………………………..
87.That restaurant is so dirty that no one wants to eat there.
-It is such………………………………………………….
88.The test was too difficult for the pupils to do.
-The test………………………………………………………
89.Phone now or you will be late.
-You will……………………………………………………..
90.I advise you to put your money in a bank.
-You’d …………………………………………….
91.Why don’t you meet to discuss the price?
-I suggest…………………………………………
92.I would prefer you to deliver the package on Monday.
-I’d rather……………………………………………………
93. We haven’t been to a concert for over a year.
- The last time………………………………….....
94. Your birthday party was the last time I really enjoyed myself.
- I………………………………………………………………............
95. It’s nearly 20 years since my father saw his brother.
- My father………………………………………………...
96. Tom went to Scotland last Friday and is still there.
- Tom has……………………………………………......
97. When did you last ride a bike?
- How long is it………………………………………?
98. The last time I went swimming was when I was in France.
- I haven’t……………………………………………….......……..
99. You haven’t tided up this room for weeks.
- It’s…………………………………………....
100. He was last in touch with me three weeks ago.
- He hasn’t……………………………………....…..
101. Mr John hasn’t visited France since 1990.
- Mr John last………………………………………..
102. It last rained three weeks ago.
- It’s……………………………....
103. I haven’t eaten this kind of food before.
- This is the first………………………………..
104. What a pity you failed your driving test!
- I wish………………………………………
105. It’s a pity that you’re going away so soon.
- I wish…………………………………………


1. Sau buổi uống trà giải lao ngắn, họ lại tiếp tục là việc.

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung 19

2. Nước sôi ở 100°C và đông đá ở 0°C .

3. Cha tôi làm việc cho công ty này hơn 20 năm và dự định ở đó cho đến khi ông ấy
nghỉ hưu 3 năm nữa.

4. Năm nay chúng tôi kiếm ít tiền hơn những năm trước rất nhiều . Đại dịch toàn
cầu đã ảnh hưởng bất lợi nghiêm trọng đến mỗi người chúng ta.

5. Hai tấn gạo được gửi đến nạn nhân lũ lụt hôm qua

6. Dù nghề nông là 1 nghề vất vả nhưng tôi thích cuộc sống ở quê.

7. Sau khi đọc hướng dẫn dài và phức tạp, tôi thấy rối và không biết phải làm gì tiếp

8. Có nhiều người không bao giờ muốn nhận trách nhiệm về những gì họ làm.

9. Trời đang mưa. Tôi không thích mưa. Mùa mưa thường làm tôi bệnh và buồn.

10. Thỉnh thoảng tôi thăm ông bà ngoại tôi ở quê.

11. Trước khi máy bay cất cánh, hành khách luôn được nhắc cài dây an toàn.

12. Bạn có nghe tiếng ồn tối qua không ? - Có, hàng xóm có tiệc và vì thế họ làm ồn
khi tôi học online .

13. Máy này đã từng có ích nhất cho nhà nông, nhưng bây giờ nó đã lỗi thời.

14. Anh ta là 1 trong số những người chán nhất mà tôi từng gặp. Anh ta không nói
được điều gì thú vị cả.

15. Cả tháng qua tôi phải làm việc hơn 15 giờ mỗi ngày, và bây giờ tôi kiệt sức. Tôi
không thấy thích làm việc hay làm bất cứ thứ gì nữa.

16. Hôm qua tôi làm bài kiểm tra rất tệ. Tôi tiếc đã không chuẩn bị tốt cho bài kiểm

17. Trước khi tôi đến gặp họ hôm qua , tôi đã bàn bạc với gia đình tôi về vấn đề này
cả giờ .

18. Hôm qua tôi không tưới hoa tôi trồng trước nhà vì trời mưa . Thường chúng
được tưới vào sáng sớm và chiều tối.

19. Mấy ngày nay, Bệnh nhân này hồi phục nhanh hơn bác sĩ dự đoán.

20. Tối qua tôi không xem phim đó với gia đình tôi vì tôi đã xem nó trước đây.

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung 20

21. Anh ta tham gia vào đội của chúng tôi cách đây 5 năm, và giờ đây anh ta vẫn
đang làm việc rất hiệu quả cùng chúng tôi.

22. Đừng quá lo lắng! Mọi thứ chắc chắc sẽ thay đổi tích cực và được cải thiện .

23. Nhìn kìa ! Cô ấy mặc áo đầm giống bạn vậy.

24. Những người thất nghiệp có khoản trợ cấp thất nghiệp , nhưng dường như
không đủ cho họ sống .

25. Gía vàng thế giới và trong nước tăng cao 2 tháng qua làm cho các thương nhân
lo lắng .

26. Hôm qua anh ấy đã rời khỏi thành phố mà không nói lời nào. Chúng tôi không
có số điện thoại của anh ấy và người thân của anh ta , vì vậy thật khó liên lạc với
anh ta.

27. Dù laptop này được mua cách đây 5 năm , nhưng nó vẫn dùng tốt và chưa có sửa
chửa gì.

28. Việc thằng bé nhận học bổng từ trường đại học nổi tiếng làm cho cha mẹ nó
hãnh diện và hạnh phúc.

29. Anh ta đề nghị mua 1 máy tính mới nhưng cha của nó không tán thành. Ông ấy
muốn đem máy tính đi sửa.

30. Chúng tôi không liên lạc được với Mary từ khi chúng tôi rời bữa tiệc tối qua.

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung 21

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