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5° ACTION TIME /correction

Lis ton WB p 29 : Get your party ready !

Souligne tout ce que tu comprends.

Obj : CO/ Comprendre des jeunes qui organisent une fête.

Lis l’encadré bleu sur le WB page 30 si tu ne connais pas un mot aide toi de ton livre p 34 « New words »
Ecris ci-dessous à coté de chaque photo le mot qui correspond et colle sur ton cahier cette fiche.

fork a knife a camera


a plate
Traduis. Retrouve dans les documents que tu viens de lire la traduction de ces mots :

prendre une photo = to take a photo faire un gâteau = to make a cake

Installer les lumières = to put up the lights nettoyer = to clean up
Donner un coup de main = to give a hand apporter= to bring
Before ≠ after I’m free [fri : ] ≠ I’m busy [bizi]
Attention à la prononciation de :
A knife [ naif] a plate [ pleit] camera (l’accent est sur la 1ere syllabe )

Des serviettes = napkins des verres= glasses

Puis écoute la vidéo dans ton manuel page 31 et complète la grille ci-dessous.

Name Luis Natalya Molly

What are they A bottle of coke Sweets/ chocolate Cheese and crackers
bringing ?(= apporter) A packet of crisps bars/ 2 bottles of
His camera lemonade

When are they free ? On Saturday morning On Sunday

When are they busy ? He’s busy before the

He can clean up after
Put up the lights the party
What can they do to He can take photos
help ?

Trace écrite . Complète les phrases:

Luis is bringing a bottle of coke and 2 packets of crisps. He can’t help before the party
because he is busy on Friday and Saturday but he can bring his camera and take photos. =

Natalya is free on Saturday morning so she can put up the lights and decorations.
She is bringing some sweets and 2 bottles of lemonade.

Molly is bringing cheese and crackers.

She is free on Sunday so she can clean up after the party.

Now imagine you are going to a party, write what you are bringing, when you are free and what you can do to
help .
I am going to [Logan’s party ] I’m bringing glasses and napkins and I’m making a chocolate

I’m busy before the party so I can’t put up the decorations but I’m free on Sunday so I can give
a hand to clean up after the party.

Voici le script de la video , entraînez vous à le lire et à le répéter avec le ton.

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