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(double period lesson - minimum)

1. Show SS the words* (see below number of words)
2. Have SS identify new words. In order to promote independence, ask SS to
look up the new words (you can assign to each SS / table group, an X number
of words).
3. Elicit the meaning of the words – if necessary write the meaning (or a more
familiar synonym) on the board.
*You can do step 3 first (checking for previous knowledge) and then step 2.
4. Have SS pronounce the words (individually and/or as a class) - whether they
know how to or not – this will help you have an idea of who needs more
help/practice when it comes to pronunciation.
5. T reads the words out loud and/or play the corresponding track – have SS (as
a class) repeat each word 3 times.
6. T writes SS names on the board – feel free to start with the best SS, so they
can read first the words and the others can catch the correct pronunciation.
7. Have SS read the words (individually). As each SS reads the words, T writes
next to the SS name, the number of right answers (writing the number of
mistakes may be a lot easier; however, we should focus on the positive and
good things the SS does, not the negative ones).
8. Have all SS – as a class – read the words one more time or have one SS read
one of the words so the rest can repeat. This is an opportunity for the T to
correct any mistakes or clarify doubts.
9. T erases the words from the board/freezes screen/turns off projector.
10. Dictation: T repeats each word 3 times.
11. Peer correction: SS swap exercise books. T gives all SS a handout/worksheet
with all the words. Using the worksheet as answer key, SS correct each
other’s work using another color.
12. SS rewrite every word they did not get right 5 times. As SS do this, T calls
each SS to her/his desk (this is to make sure corrections were accurate/fair). T
writes down, on SS notebook, the number of words he/she got right. T signs
13. Have SS choose 5 words from the list (or a X number you consider
appropriate) or T chooses words she/he considers SS need more practice
with. SS are to write a sentence with each of these words.

Grade *Recommended number

of words for each grade
1st 10
2nd 10 - 15
3rd 20
4th 20-25
5th 20-25
6th 20-30

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