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Research Article Analysis GUIDE

Complete Name ______________ Course ___________

Research Article Title : _______________________________

Proponents/authors : ________________________________
Name of Journal : ________________________


Introduction/Background of the Study

1. Read the Introduction part of the Research article What is/are the issue/gap/problems which prompted the
researcher to conduct the study/research?
2. In the Introduction part, were the cited/reviewed literatures enough to establish the background of the
How many literatures were significantly reviewed and presented as evidence? (the minimum number
of citations in this section is at least 5)
Were the literatures cited relevant and updated to the present study? How? ( the acceptable time line
of citations is 10 years back from the date of publication of the article)

3. What evidence/citations were provided to present the theory/ies, or the general statement of the research?
4. What is/are the objective/s of the research?
Were the objectives properly presented? Are they stated as research questions or as statement of the

5. What research design is used in the study? What are indicators of the research design used?
6. What are the methods used to facilitate the research design? What are the indicators of these methods?
What data is/are gathered to answer the researcher’s statement of the problem or objectives?

What procedure/s is/ are used to gather the data?

7. What sampling method, if any, is used? How many were treated as samples for this study?
8. What method of analysis is/are used to treat/analyze the gathered data? What are the indicators of these

Results and Discussions

9. What were the results for each statement of the problems/objectives raised in the study? (Consider your
answers in Number 4.) If there were three objectives/problems, then there should be three results.
Results for Objective/Problem 1. ______________________________________________________________
Results for Objective/Problem 2 . _____________________________________________________________
Results for Objective/Problem 3. _______________________________________________________________

10. Were the tables presented, if any, enough to summarize the results? How?

11. What was/were hypothesis presented ? Was/were they answered ? What was /were the answer/s?
Ho 1. _______________________________________________
Answer : _____________________________________________
Ho 2. _________________________________________________
Answer : __________________________________________________

Your Comments
1. Which part or portion of the research needs improvement? (Those which for you are not very clear or
missing) How can it/they be improved?
2. Would you consider replicating the study? If yes, which part/s would you replicate? The Theory/ies? The
Process? or The Methods?
If yes, what would be your proposed title/concept?

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