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Sujeto+verbo to be+complemento


Sujeto+verbo to be+not+complemento


verbo to be+sujeto+complemento+?

Afirmativas Negativas  Interrogativas

I am in the school I am not in the school Am I in the school?

You are a student You are not a student am I in the school?

He is a Doctor He is not a doctor Is he a a doctor?

She is a teacher She is not a teacher Is she a teacher?

It is a pen It is not a pen Is it a pen?

They are in New York They are not in New York Are they in New York?

We are students We are not students Are we students?

Oraciones Afirmativas

Para realizar preguntas con el verbo to be tenemos que escribir el verbo antes que el sujeto o
pronombre personal

Am I…? (¿Soy yo…? o ¿Estoy yo…?)

Are you…? (¿Eres tú…? o ¿Estás tú…?)

Oraciones Negativas

Para formar el negativo del verbo to be se debe agregar not después del verboI

am not (Yo no soy o Yo no estoy)

You are not (Tú no eres o Tú no estás)

He is not (Él no es o Él no está)

oraciones interrogativas Interrogative-Interrovativas:

1. Is that your dog?

-¿Ese es tu perro?

2. Is your mother a nurse?

-¿Tu mamá es una enfermera?

3. Are you a student?

-¿Eres estudiante?

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