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Animal tourism

Problems and Solutions

David Alexander Pinilla Tolosa ID: 749783
Valentina Coy Pirela ID:815067
Wulgember Sebastian Galindo Chaparro ID: 838677
What is animal tourism?
The use of animals as lures for entertainment causes
serious problems both for animal welfare and, in some
cases, for the conservation of species. In the case of the
most extreme forms of entertainment - such as captivity
situations - the suffering that animals face is continuous
and on many occasions ends with their lives.
Problem: Animals are often mistreated and kept in poor
conditions for entertainment purposes in the tourism
Solution: Tourists can help by choosing to support responsible and ethical
tourism companies. They can avoid activities that involve animals, such as riding
elephants or taking selfies with tigers. Instead, they can choose animal-friendly
options and support organizations that work to protect animals and promote
sustainable tourism. By making informed and responsible choices, tourists can
help reduce animal cruelty and promote a more compassionate and sustainable
tourism industry
Problem:The people who are killing wild animals in their avidity to
be able to take the young and take them, from captivity and show
them to other people but they do not know the harm that they are
physically doing to those animals and the vaccinia and visus
Solution:There are foundations and people from competitions
who are doing everything possible to rehabilitate these
animals and return them to the natural life in which they live.
No to tourism with animals!!!

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