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Javines, Jenmar Muriel L.

9-Thymine (01/18/2023)


Walking has fewer drawbacks and more advantages than other sports, as it is
low-impact and accessible to everyone. It's one of the sports that is easiest on the body
and your joints in particular, and your risk of injury is lowered.
I enjoy walking with my family early in the morning since it’s great to start a day
enjoying the fresh breeze of the wind and the beautiful sun hitting my face. Well to be
honest, since face-to-face started, me and my fam had no time to do morning walks but
every weekend, we give some time for us to walk in the park. This sport is very fun
because it’s not accident prone and also gives me time with myself and my family.

I love watching movies and dramas. I can spend my leisure time watching them.
It is a fun activity and on the other hand, it is informative. It is more enjoyable especially
when I do it with my family and friends. It provides me lots of happiness and makes my
mind relax.

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