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Name : Ferdinanda Rahman

Nim : 41118010048





Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

On this occasion, allow me to make an introduction to who I am. My name is Ferdinanda

Rahman. I am the first of three children. I was born in Tangerang, February 28th 2000. Currently, I live in
Jalan mawar selatan number 40,Kota Bumi, Kabupaten Tangerang.

Speaking of a hobby, listening to music is one of my hobbies. But i cant play the musical
instrument . I have a dream to meet with Coldplay. Hopefully, my dream can come true.

I have 2 siblings who are still in elementary school, Andini and Medina. My father works for a
consultant company and my mother is a housewife. I guess that’s all I can say about this

One of my activity in leisure time is doing sport, i like

to do swimming and this current situation makes me
can't swim every month like usual and usually I do
swimming on Sunday at 10:00 o’clock, i do swimming
for thirty minutes until one hour and I do swimming
in perumahan permata because there is a good place
for running there the name is fun park water boom,I
like swimming sport because it is a fun sport and not
really difficult to do it and I think when you are
swimming the important thing you must do is control
your breathing and movement. swimming sport has
many benefits like improve your heart health, burn
calories, increase your stamina and endurance, and
many other benefits. Usually a risk because of
running sport is affected by diarrhea so you must use
the right technique and train just step by step so you
will get the benefits, don’t force your body and don’t take a risk because we want to be healthy
not to get sick.

Other activity what I

like and I do in my leisure time
is waching movies it is a the
easiest activities to do and
fun, in these circumstances I
can watch three films a day,
and better if you are watching
movies together with your friends or others because you will be more exciting and don’t get
bored on the way. Usually I am watching movies on Saturday and Sunday and i also like
watching tv series, lately I often watch a series called money heist or lacasadepapel in this
series has four seoson, but my favorite tv series is stranger things.

My other activity when I

need to stay at my house because
of covid 19 or coronavirus is doing
assignments, playing video games
and sometimes sunbathing not
only exercises now what we need
and, current situation we are
recommended to sunbathe at
9:00 o’clock until 11:00 o’clock, it
will help you to maintain the
immune and also get vitamin D so
we will not be infected with covid
19 virus, the exercises or sports
you can do are gymnastics and yoga to keep your health, you can do it anytime anywhere and
you can do physical exercise also to keep fitness your body. The frecuency of physical exercise
you can do 3-5 times a week and duration just for 30-45 minutes. I strive to do it in my leisure
time when i have not class for prevention from covid 19 virus what is danger virus and prevent
the further spread of COVID-19 by Wash your hands frequently for 20+ seconds with soap and
water, Stay at home and limit contact with others and Routinely clean frequently touched
spaces in your home Self-quarantining and social distancing is the best protocol we can follow
at this point, especially since many areas are enforcing lockdowns and shelter in place orders.
Stay clean, wash your hands, avoid touching your face and disinfect high-traffic areas around
your home as often as you can.

Finally my paper is done, these are the activities what I do in my leisure time and in
current situation too. It is as my major assignment 2 of English 2, i hope it can give you
information and inspiration to stay healthy lifestyle. Forgive me if this assignment is still not
perfect yet because I am still learning too and I have tried to do my best when I made this
assignment. The last, let us pray together the covid 19 virus will disappear quickly and will be
nothing in this world. Aamiin

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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