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ENSC 20133

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I. Identify the following:

1. _____________ defined as surface statements about your product, such as what it can
do, its dimensions and specs and so on It is a simple entrepreneurship emerging with
the process of technology.
2. _____________show the end result of what a product can actually accomplish for the
3. ______________ enhancement a company gives its product or service before offering it to
4. ______________ sums the benefits of a situation or action and then subtracts the costs
associated with taking that action.

5. ______________ It would be direct labor involved in manufacturing, inventory, raw

materials, manufacturing expenses.

6. _______________ expense from electricity, overhead costs from management, rent,


7. ________________ cost from alternative investments.

8. ________________ is an individual or business that purchases another company's goods
or services.
9. ________________ those competitors who do the same thing that you and target the
same kinds of customers but aren’t selling in your market area and aren’t likely to do so.
10. ________________ businesses that are in the same category, but they sell different
products and services than you.

II. Identify the following if it is Benefits or Features

1. Cellphone dimension
2. Memory of CPU
3. Displacement of a Car
4. Relaxing feeling inside the expensive car
5. This Raw Honey reduce blood sugar level than sugar

III. What are the five types of market segmentation please explain each.
IV. What are the four basic types of Market structures and give examples not the meaning.
V. What are the benefits of Customer Profiling.
VI. What are the ways to add value, please cite an example.

1. ____________- Quality is finding out what customers want and giving it to them.
2.____________- the results of the aggregate costs and benefits should be compared
quantitatively to determine if the benefits outweigh the costs.
3. ____________- The advantage of a "lowest price" value proposition is that it's extremely easy
to explain to the customer.
4. ____________- consumers are defined as those who consume or use market goods and
5. ____________- competitors who do the same thing that you and target the same kinds of
customers but aren’t selling in your market area are potential competitors.

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