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Choose only my files if you are not sure about the changes in each file.

files together from multiple creators can cause crashes to the game, duplicates or
other problems. It�s recommended to avoid using files from different creators.

Q : Where do I extract the files?

A : Move the files into the "Editor Data" folder which can be found in this
location :
PC � My Documents -> Sports Interactive -> Football Manager 2023 -> editor data
MAC � Documents -> Sports Interactive -> Football Manager 2023 -> editor data

If the "Editor Data" folder is not there, you have to create it, ONLY with this
name, or else the game won�t recognize the files and won't work properly.

Q : How do I load the files into my game?

A : Open the game, "start a new game" and choose "career".

Select the "Football Manager 2023" database and select all my files.

Click "confirm" & "advanced setup" to setup your game. You are now ready to create
a new game with all the latest transfers & things that have been missed from the
official latest patch.

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