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Name: Sophia Ivy E.


Course: BEED- Generalist 1st Year

EDUC 124: Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

Research an educational technologies and explain in your own words how it works as well as its benefits
to the teacher and students.

Schoology is a technological platform for education that was developed to enhance communication and
cooperation between parents, teachers, and students. Anyone with an internet connection can access
the Schoology platform because it is cloud-based. The teacher must first set up courses on Schoology
and add educational resources like tests, homework, readings, reviewers, and other academic work.
Students, on the other hand, have access to their courses and assignments. Additionally, they can
submit their work and participate in online discussions. Schoology also enables teachers to provide
feedback to students on their academic work and track their progress, as well as for students to keep
track of their grades and overall development.

The advantages of Schoology for the teacher include making it simple to monitor the students' progress
in relation to the content and learning objectives in order to spot any learning gaps. Additionally, it
offers a productive way for them to manage their workflow so that they can spend more time with their
students and less time running their classroom. While Schoology has advantages for students, such as
giving them access to their course materials and assignments, keeping track of deadlines, and staying
organized are just a few. Also, it makes it simpler for students to interact with their teacher and fellow

Overall, Schoology can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching and learning by offering a
centralized platform for communication, education delivery and assessments.

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