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UDL Lesson Plan #3

Teacher Candidate’s Name: Wyatt Tipping

Date Created: Spring 2022

Content Area: Social Studies/U.S. History

School: Siena Heights University

Grade Level: 9th-12th Grade

Lesson Title: The Cold War: Good Morning Vietnam

Time: One 50-Minute Class Lesson

Michigan Academic Standards:

● SS.9-12.USHG 8.1.2: Foreign Policy During the Cold War – compare the causes and
consequences of the American policy of containment including:
● • The development and growth of a U.S. national security establishment and
intelligence community.
● The direct and/or armed conflicts with Communism (for example, but not limited to:
Berlin, Korea, Cuba).
● U.S. involvement in Vietnam, and the foreign and domestic consequences of the war.
● Indirect (or proxy) confrontations within specific world regions.
● The arms race and its implications on science, technology, and education.

Performance Learning Based Objectives:

● Through analyzing primary and secondary resources, 80% of students will be able to
list and explain the key reasons as to why the U.S. was militarily involved in Vietnam
during the Cold War.
● Through small and whole group discussion, 80% of students will be able to explain the
various hardships the U.S. troops endured, alongside the various disadvantages they
faced in Vietnam
● Through utilizing web resources, 80% of students will be able to identify the results of
the war, and why the war is widely considered a defeat for the U.S.

Materials: (Low Tech, including number included)

Teacher: Whiteboard, Dry Erase Marker
Students: Pencil/Pen, Notebook, loose leaf paper

Technology: (High Tech, mark all that apply; indicate if no technology is being used)
● Teacher Laptop • Digital Camera
● SMART Board • Document Camera
● LCD Projector • Digital Microscope
● SMART Sentos (Class Set) • Video Camera
● Computers • Scanner
● iPad/tablet • Color Printer
● iPod/MP3 players • Calculators
● Early childhood learning tech. • FM Systems
● Webcam • Other: Slideshow

Bibliography/References: (in APA format)

● About the Author (2018, April 2). The violent legacies of the U.S. war in Vietnam. UC
Press Blog. Retrieved March 21, 2022, from
● Khan Academy. (n.d.). The Vietnam War (article) | 1960s America. Khan Academy.
Retrieved March 21, 2022, from
● Spector, R. H. (2020, March 13). Vietnam War. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved
March 21, 2022, from
● The Virtual Wall: Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Vietnam veterans Memorial Wall - the
virtual wall (tm). (n.d.). Retrieved March 21, 2022, from
● Webzwithaz. (2019, January 24). The Cold War - oversimplified (part 1). YouTube.
Retrieved March 21, 2022, from
● YouTube. (2014, July 27). Forrest Gump Vietnam. YouTube. Retrieved March 21,
2022, from

Prior Learning Connections: (Background Knowledge Support)

● This lesson serves as the 3rd lesson in my unit covering the Cold War, and covers the
Vietnam War in detail. We would have already discussed topics such as the Red Scare,
Arms Race, and other key events that occurred prior to the conflict itself, but this is the
first mentionings of the conflict in detail.

● Students will work collaboratively in small & whole groups to answer some questions
that may be unfamiliar to them
● Students will use personal technology to research key topics such as the Zimmerman
Telegram & the sinking of the Lusitania to build a better understanding of the content
● Students will be required to take written notes to ensure content is understood but also
an effort is being made on students' part to understand content.
● Students who may need to be seated closer to the front to see the lesson/presentation
better will be allowed to do so.
● All learning styles will be touched upon so each student learns effectively, regardless of
preferred learning style (Auditory, Visual, TK)
● Special Education accommodations will be given
● Students with IEPs will be accommodated accordingly
● Visual organizers will be provided for students during the lesson to ensure learning is
● Students will be allowed extra time to take notes/answer verbal questions.
● Students will be able to recap learnings at the end of class to ensure content is
understood fully.

Special Concerns: (including medical, behavioral, and/or environmental)

● None

● Students will be asked questions throughout lesson to ensure content is understood, and
to ensure all students are on same page (thumbs up, thumbs down)
● Students will utilize online resources and examine an online version of the Vietnam
Memorial where they will be able to search and see if they have any family members
who served during Vietnam and find more details about their family in the process.

During Lesson:
● Provide multiple instructional strategies for students (including technology)
○ Help students develop understanding of content
○ Help students build skills to apply to knowledge
● Ensure teacher (me) fully understands content before lesson and is able to provide
answers to students questions, and allow them to understand content in turn
● Provide students variety of ways to engage and understand content to ensure student
● Allow students extra time to answer questions & provide feedback to one another to
create a flowing discussion between students about the content being delivered.

Part 1: Engagement/Warm-Up: (5 mins)

● Welcome students for the day, give warm up prompts on board & verbally for students
to search for and answer to start class.
○ What do you all know about the Vietnam War?
● Have students discuss with one another what they know about Vietnam, share out loud
to the class to get into a learning mindset & have students engaged right away.

Transition: So now that we’ve had a chance to discuss some of the things we already know
about the Vietnam War, let’s go ahead and really dive into the Vietnam War, why the U.S. was
involved, and the hardships that U.S. troops endured during this war in particular that makes it
one of the cruelest in the history of our country.

Part 2: Instruction/Explanation (10-12 mins)

● Students will take notes through PowerPoint, ask questions for clarification throughout
and be asked about key points such as entry into the war, some of the hardships and
shortcomings of the U.S. military at the time, and how the war would conclude as a
○ Students will also watch videos that give an example of Vietnam and how it
was “hell” for many of the soldiers during their time in deployment.
● Next, students will take time to utilize an online Vietnam Memorial tool to research and
find if they had any family serving during Vietnam, and if they are related to them in
any way.
○ Students will be encouraged to explore the website and think back onto their
family tree to find out this information, and if they are comfortable enough, to
share with the class their findings.
● Finally, students will come back and discuss the end of the Vietnam War, and why it
was ultimately considered a defeat for the U.S. through analyzing various videos and
other online sources.

Transition: Now that we’ve looked at the Vietnam War in more detail and have even had a
chance to explore the Vietnam Memorial to some extent, let’s come back and review some of
the things that we learned today and get prepared for our next lesson.

Part 3: After Lesson (3-5 mins)

● As a class, we will review the content that we learned about from the lesson, and
students will be encouraged to ask any questions that they may have regarding the
content or any of the activities that were conducted today.

Notes/Reflections: (to be completed by the teacher candidate as reflection AFTER

implementation of the lesson)
● There is ample evidence on reflection of instructional effectiveness
● At least two pieces of evidence relative to reflection on instructional effectiveness are
present and accurately articulated

Strengths of Lesson:

Areas for Growth:

Focus for Next Lesson (should align with areas for growth):

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