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Teks Diskusi Presentasi Bahasa Inggris

Narator (NAYLA)

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

The Honorable ma’am Devina and all of my beloved friends.

First of all, let us thanks to the Almighty Allah SWT, because of His Blessing we are able to come here,
to join in this English meeting.

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Presentation to day is about Recount Text

Now, I will read one by one our agenda today, that are :

-The 1st session is Opening

-The 2nd session is Introduction

-The 3th session is Presentation Time

-The 4th session is Question and Answer Session

-The 5th session is Closing

Let’s open our meeting by saying basmallah together: “Bismillahirrahmanirrahim”

Thank you, for the next agenda is introducing our team

(Memperkenalkan diri satu-satu)

for the next agenda is presentation session, for the first turn will be given by the first presenter,
please welcome IRGI

Definition ()

Do you already know about recount text ?

If don’t let’s find out together!

Whats is recount text ?

A recount text is a text which tells an event or an experience in the past

Categories ()

What will we learn from recount text?

1. Definition
2. Social Function
3. Type of Recount text
4. Example Recount text
5. Structure text
6. Languages Feature
Social Function ()
Can you guess what social function of recount text?
1. To entertains the listerens or readers about the past event or experience
2. To give an information to the listeners or readers about the past event or experience

Types ()

Recount text doesn’t only have one type, but is decided into several types

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Structure ()

There are 3 structures of recount text !

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Language Feature ()

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Thank you for all of the presenters. Well, ladies and gentlemen. Now, we are come to the Opinions,
Questions and Answer Session.

There will be two sessions and each session is for two questions.

Please raise your hand, stand up and don’t forget to mention your name before giving opinion,
question or answer. Any questions maybe?

(Tanya jawab)

Well ladies and gentlemen!

Finally, we are come to the last agenda. We would like to say thanks again for the presenters and all
of the audiences for active participation.

The conclusion of presentation to day is Recount text is text which tells an event or an experience in
the past

Hopefully the presentation will give benefit for us. Thank you for your attention. See you later!

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