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Per AISC 9th Edition Manual (ASD) and "Design of Monopole Bases"
based on the Complete Circular Base Plate Method
Job Name: ANTENA SATELITAL 9.40 m Job No.: 2017-05-04
Subject: Column Base Plate Originator: M.ARRAJ Checker: E.O.R.S.

Input Data:

Column Loadings: PL bearing

Axial Load, P = 10.42 kips
Axial Load, P(DL) = 0.00 kips
Shear Load, V = 2.70 kips e = 18.43 in
Moment @ Base, M = 192.00 in-kips y = 26.5 in

Design Parameters:
Mod./High seismic risk region? Yes
Is a grout pad present? Yes yo = 0 in
Column Outer Dia., OD(col) = 47.000 in di = 43 in
Column wall thick, tcol = 0.500 in
Column Yield stress, Fy(col) = 36.000 ksi
Base Plate O.D., B = 53.000 in
Base Plate I.D., di = 43.000 in
Base Plate thick, t(PL) = 1.500 in
Plate Yield Stress, Fy = 36.00 ksi
Baseplate gussets present? Yes
Gusset Plate thick, tg = 0.500 in
Gusset Plate height, hg = 5.000 in
No. of Gusset Plates, Ng = 15 BC = 50 in
Concrete Strength, f 'c = 4.500 ksi B = 53 in
Coef. of Friction, μ = 0.55
Conc. Ped. diameter, OD(ped) = 60.00 in
ACI load factor, LF = 1.38

Anchor Bolt/Rod Data:

Total No. of Bolts, Nb = 15 bolts
Bolt Circle Dia, BC = 50.00 in
Bolt Diameter, db = 1 in
Anchor Bolt Material = A 193 Gr B7

q(start) = 18.4250 in Start value should approx. equal eccentricity
q(calc) = 18.4300 in
Delta = -0.0050 Change q(start) until Delta = 0.


Calculate the area of the outer circle:

r= 26.50 in = B/2
y = lo = 26.50 in = r-e+q
yo = 0.00 in = r-lo
A1 = 1103.03 in^2 = r^2*p/2-yo*√(r^2-yo^2)-r^2*asin(yo/r)


Complete Method
Per AISC 9th Edition Manual (ASD) and "Design of Monopole Bases"
based on the Complete Circular Base Plate Method
Job Name: ANTENA SATELITAL 9.40 m Job No.: 2017-05-04
Subject: Column Base Plate Originator: M.ARRAJ Checker: E.O.R.S.
Results (continued):

Calculate the area of the inner circle

ri = 21.50 in = di/2
l= 21.50 in = ri-e+q
yc = 0.00 in = max(ri-l or -ri), or 0 if l<0
Ac = -726.05 in^2 = -ri^2*p/2+yc*√(ri^2-yc^2)+ri^2*asin(yc/ri), or 0 if l<0
AT = 441.64 in^2 = A1+Ac+Σ(n-1)*Ab+Σn*Ab
y1 = 11.25 in = [2*(r^2-yo^2)^1.5]/3*A1
Q1 = 7,918 in^3 = A1*(e-y1)
y1c = 9.13 in = 0 if l<0, or [-2*(ri^2-yc^2)^1.5]/(3*Ac)
Qc = -6,753 in^3 =Ac*(e-y1c), or 0 if l<0
QT = 2,429 in^3 = Q1 + Qbolt + Qc

Calculate the moments of inertia

I1 = 110,961 in^4
Ic = -86,253 in^4
Ibolt = 44,743 in^4
IT = 69,451 in^4 = I1+Ic+Ibolt
q(calc) = 28.59 in = IT/QT

Concrete Results:

Eccentricity, e = 18.43 in = ABS(M/P)

Min. Eccentricity, e(min) = 10.99 in = (B^4-di^4)/(8*B*(B^2-di^2))
Method Valid

ACI load factor, LF = 1.38

Conc bearing stress, fc(max) = 0.03 ksi = P*y/(q*AT-QT)
Factored bear stress, fc(max,f) = 0.04 ksi = LF*fc(max)
ybc = 35.17 in = BC/2-e+q(calc)
Conc bearing stress, fbc = 0.04 ksi @ bolt circle = P*ybc/(q*AT-QT)
Factored bearing stress, fbc,f = 0.00 ksi @ bolt circle = LF*fbc
Strength reduction factor, Φ = 0.65
PL to ped edge dist, d1a = 3.50 in = [OD(ped)-di]/2
Min. bear length, d1 = 3.50 in = min[ d1a , r(col) ]
Conc bear area O.D., OD(bear) = 60.00 in = B+2*d1
Conc bear area I.D., ID(bear) = 36.00 in = di-2*d1
Baseplate bearing area, APL = 753.98 in^2 = p/4*(B^2-di^2)
Concrete bearing area, Aconc = 1809.56 in^2 = p/4*[OD(bear)^2-ID(bear)^2]
√(Aconc/APL) = 1.55
Allow. bear. stress, fc(allow) = 3.85 ksi = Φ*0.85*(f 'c)*√(Aconc/APL)
fc(max,f) ≤ fc(allow), O.K.
Steel Results:

beff = 9.84 in = p*B/Nb

y= 33.67 in = B/2-e+q(calc)
fpole = 0.03 ksi = P*y/[q(calc)*AT-QT]


Steel Results (continued):

Complete Method
Per AISC 9th Edition Manual (ASD) and "Design of Monopole Bases"
based on the Complete Circular Base Plate Method
Job Name: ANTENA SATELITAL 9.40 m Job No.: 2017-05-04
Subject: Column Base Plate Originator: M.ARRAJ Checker: E.O.R.S.

Compression Side:
No. of Gusset Plates, Ng = 15.00 plates
Gusset spacing, b = 10.47 in = 2*p*([r+r(col)]/2)/Ng
Baseplate Length, L = 3.00 in = 0.5[B-OD(col)]
L/b = 0.29

L/b Mx My This table is taken from

Theory Of Plates And
x = b/2 y = L1 x = b/2 y=0
Shells (Timoshenko)
0 0 -0.500 fc*L^2
0.333 0.0078 fc*b^2 -0.428 fc*L^2
0.5 0.0293 fc*b^2 -0.319 fc*L^2
0.667 0.0558 fc*b^2 -0.227 fc*L^2
1 0.0972 fc*b^2 -0.119 fc*L^2
1.5 0.1230 fc*b^2 -0.124 fc*b^2
2 0.1310 fc*b^2 -0.125 fc*b^2
3 0.1330 fc*b^2 -0.125 fc*b^2
∞ 0.1330 fc*b^2 -0.125 fc*b^2

Conc bearing stress, fc(max) = 0.03 ksi = P*y/(q*AT-QT)

Cx = 0.0067
Mx = 0.020 in-kips/in = Cx*fc*b^2
Cy = -0.4381
My = -0.107 in-kips/in = Cy*fc*L^2
M(max) = 0.11 in-kips
f(max) = 0.03 ksi = [6*M(max)]/t(PL)^2
f(all) = 27.00 ksi = 0.75*Fy f(max) ≤ f(all), O.K.

Tension Side:
M(max) = 0.10 in-kips = Pten*[BC-OD(col)]/2
f(max) = 0.03 ksi = 6*M*(max)/[beff*t(PL)^2]
f(all) = 27.00 ksi = 0.75*Fy f(max) ≤ f(all), O.K.

Column Wall:

Gusset spacing, b = 10.47 in = 2*p*([r+r(col)]/2)/Ng

Rcol = 23.50 in = OD(col)/2
m= 1.50 in = t(PL)
a= 2.00 in = 2*(tg+t)
Z= 0.42 = 1/[ (0.177*a*m/sqrt(Rcol*t))(m/tcol)^2+1.0]
Vg = 0.85 kips = fc*b*L
Mg = 1.28 in-kips = ½*fc*b*L^2
fb(pole wall) = 0.28 ksi
fb(allow) = 21.60 ksi = 0.6*Fy(col) fb(pole wall) ≤ fb(allow), O.K.

Column to Baseplate Weld:

Sweld = 1734.94 in^2 =(p/4)*OD(col)^2 Weld design assumes 70

Weld force, fwm = kips/in = M/Sweld ksi electrodes
Allowable weld stress, σw = 14.85 ksi = 0.7071*0.3*(70 ksi)
Req'd weld size, ωh = 0.007 in = fwm/σw

Steel Results (continued):

Complete Method
Per AISC 9th Edition Manual (ASD) and "Design of Monopole Bases"
based on the Complete Circular Base Plate Method
Job Name: ANTENA SATELITAL 9.40 m Job No.: 2017-05-04
Subject: Column Base Plate Originator: M.ARRAJ Checker: E.O.R.S.
Gusset / Column / Baseplate Weld:

tg = 0.5 in
hg = 5 in

Weld design assumes 70

ksi electrodes

t(PL) = 1.5 in

b1 = 9.84 in

Determine moment of inertia of gusset/baseplate section

Item b h y A A*y A*y^2 Io

1 9.84 1.50 0.75 14.77 11.07 8.31 2.77
2 0.50 5.00 4.00 2.50 10.00 40.00 5.21
Totals 6.50 17.27 21.07 48.31 7.98

Baseplate effective width, b1 = 9.84 in = p*OD(col)/Ng

Location of gusset/basepl neutral axis, ybar = 1.22 in = ΣA*y/ΣA
Gusset/basepl moment of inertia, I1 = 30.56 in^4 = ΣIo+Σ(A*y^2)-Σ[(A*y)*ybar]
# of welds, Nw = 2.00 welds
Allowable weld stress, σw = 14.85 ksi = 0.7071*0.3*(70 ksi)
Bending stress @ t.o. gusset, σt = 0.22 ksi
Bending stress @ b.o. gusset, σb = 0.05 ksi
Shear force @ face of baseplate, fv = 0.19 kips/in = Vg*[(b1)*t(PL)]*[ybar-½*t(PL)]/I1
Horizontal weld force, fvw = 0.10 kips/in = fv/Nw
Horizontal req'd weld size, ωh = 0.01 in = fvw/σw

Bending force on vert. weld, fbw = 0.06 k/in = σt*tg/Nw

Vertical shear on weld, fsw = 0.09 k/in = Vg/(hg*Nw)
Resultant weld force, frw = 0.10 k/in = SQRT(fbw^2+fsw^2)
Req'd weld size, ωv = 0.01 in = frw/σw


Anchor Bolt/Rod Steel Tension and Shear (Per ACI 318-02):

Tensile strength reduction factor, Φ = 0.75

Complete Method
Per AISC 9th Edition Manual (ASD) and "Design of Monopole Bases"
based on the Complete Circular Base Plate Method
Job Name: ANTENA SATELITAL 9.40 m Job No.: 2017-05-04
Subject: Column Base Plate Originator: M.ARRAJ Checker: E.O.R.S.
Shear strength reduction factor, Φ = 0.65
ACI load factor, LF = 1.38
A.B. Spacing, s = 10.47 in = p*BC/Nb
Max. bolt tension, Pten = Tb = N = 0.07 kips (See following page)
Max. factored bolt tension, Nu = 0.10 kips = LF*N
Bolt Shear, V(bolts) = 2.70 kips = V(total)-1/2*μ*P(DL)
Bolt Shear, Vb = Vu = 0.25 kips/bolt = V(bolts)/Nb
Ase = 0.61 in^2
Fy(bolt) = 105.00 ksi
Fut(bolt) = 125.00 ksi
ΦNs = 42.61 kips/bolt = 0.75*Φ*Ase*Fut(bolt)
ΦVs = 17.73 kips/bolt = 0.75*0.8*Φ*0.6*Ase*Fut(bolt)
Tension interaction = 0.002 = Nu/(ΦNs) S.R. ≤ 1.00, O.K.!
Shear interaction = 0.011 = Vu/(ΦVs) S.R. ≤ 1.00, O.K.!
Interaction check = 0.016 = Nu/(ΦNs) + Vu/(ΦVs) S.R. ≤ 1.20, O.K.!

Steel anchor strength is OKAY!

* Shear strength of anchors with grout pads shall be multiplied by 0.8 ACI 318-02, Sect. D.6.1.3
* Anchor strength reduced by 75% due to seismic region ACI 318-02, Sect. D3.3.3


Individual Anchor Bolt Forces:

Bolt # ybolt n Abt n*Abolt Qbolt Ibolt Pbolt

1 0.00 7.58 0.606 4.59 84.64 1561.26 -0.05

Complete Method
Per AISC 9th Edition Manual (ASD) and "Design of Monopole Bases"
based on the Complete Circular Base Plate Method
Job Name: ANTENA SATELITAL 9.40 m Job No.: 2017-05-04
Subject: Column Base Plate Originator: M.ARRAJ Checker: E.O.R.S.
2 10.17 6.58 0.606 3.99 32.93 273.17 -0.08
3 18.58 6.58 0.606 3.99 -0.61 1.36 -0.12
4 23.78 6.58 0.606 3.99 -21.33 115.41 -0.14
5 24.86 6.58 0.606 3.99 -25.67 166.48 -0.14
6 21.65 6.58 0.606 3.99 -12.86 42.73 -0.13
7 14.69 6.58 0.61 3.99 14.88 56.79 -0.10
8 5.20 6.58 0.61 3.99 52.75 699.03 -0.06
9 -5.20 7.58 0.61 4.59 108.52 2565.25 -0.02
10 -14.69 7.58 0.61 4.59 152.14 5040.65 0.02
11 -21.65 7.58 0.61 4.59 184.09 7379.47 0.05
12 -24.86 7.58 0.61 4.59 198.85 8609.63 0.07
13 -23.78 7.58 0.61 4.59 193.86 8182.91 0.06
14 -18.58 7.58 0.61 4.59 169.98 6291.76 0.04
15 -10.17 7.58 0.61 4.59 131.35 3757.52 0.00

Totals 64.66 1264 44,743

Max bolt tension, N = 0.07 kips

1. Tension (uplift) load = positive (+)
2. Compression (downward) load = negative (-)
3. Qbolt = Σ n*Abolt*(e-ybolt)
4. n*Abolt = n*Abt (tension zone)
5. n*Abolt = (n-1)*Abt (compression zone)
6. Ibolt = Σ[ n*Abt^2/(4p) + n*Abt*(e-ybolt)^2]
7. Pbolt = P*[e-ybolt-q(calc)]/(q(calc)*AT-QT)*[n*Abt]

1. Controlling strength design load case was 1.2*[Ds+Do+AF]+1.0*E(+Z) where Mx = 1340 in-kips.
2. Controlling service load case was Ds+Do+AF+0.7*E(+Z) where Mx = 974 in-kips.
3. ACI concrete load factor used for design = (1340 in-k)/(974 in-k) = 1.376, say 1.38.

Complete Method

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