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Activity 2.

Make a poster for climate change mitigation or effects of climate change to

The poster tackles climate mitigation and how climate affects us. Environment and ecology
are collapsing. Climate change causes severe weather and natural disasters. Typhoons become more
intense, and drought becomes more drastic. Our world is in turmoil, and life is threatened. So how
can we mitigate? First, water and energy conservation: reducing energy usage reduces the
demand for fossil fuels and, in turn, lowers carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Second,
drive less and drive smart: less driving means fewer emissions. Besides saving gasoline, walking
and biking are great forms of exercise. These are just few of many small actions that we can do.
Our simple act like driving a vehicle (or even just turning on the light switch) has worldwide
effects that affect everything from farmers and fishers in the ocean to tourists and ourselves.
Every action we take has a corresponding response. These demonstrate that the acts that we take
are tied to occurrences that might have an impact on the entire globe. These simple actions of
mitigation (planting trees, segregating our garbage, and recycling wastes) will not only leave a
fruitful legacy for today's generation but also for the generation that comes after us. Everything
is interconnected with one another; thus, it is time for us to become more conscientious of our
activities and

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