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Step 1: During this term it is necessary to study the entire e-book which is a

great compliment for this course and will help you to exercise your communication
skills. The E-Book is in the learning environment.
The specific modules for this task are:
Module 1, Module 2, Module 3
After you study the suggested modules, select and complete three (3) exercises
(One per module).
Share the screenshots directly on the forum (click here to learn how to do it Make sure not to choose an exercise previously selected
by another course mate.

Student’s name:
Screenshot Module 1
Screenshot Module 2

Screenshot Module 3

Step 2: Participation in the Students’ Talking Time (STT). Each student must participate in at least
three (3) STT (Tuesdays and Saturdays), take a screenshot of your participation and fill the chart as
evidence (debe verse su nombre):

Student 1- Name: Jairo Fragoso

Date: Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?
Tuesday 21 February Angie Lorena Ramírez Gaviria Importance of english as a
second language, I learned that
English is very important in our
lives because with it job
opportunities will multiply, I
have more tourism options, it
strengthens my brain and helps
me a lot to empathize
Date: Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?
Saturday 4 March Ruby Alejandra Cuellar Steps to write in english, I
Gutierrez learned to write a text in both
Spanish and English because
any letter can change
Date: Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?
Tuesday March 7 Alcides Javier hoyos Paraphrasing and the type of
sentences., I learned to grasp
the central idea of a paragraph
Paraphrase and recognize the
types of sentences

Step 3: Frequency Adverbs and Routines a. Watch the video:

the-morningadverbs-of-frequency/59356 then select and answer 2 questions using the frequency
Selected Question Student’s name
What time do you get up in the morning? A/: I Jairo Fragoso
usually get up at 6:00 am
How often do you make the bed in the Jairo Fragoso
morning? A/: I always make the bed
How often do you go for a run in the morning? Jairo Fragoso
A/: I never go running
How often do you take a shower in the Jairo Fragoso
morning? A/: sometimes i do
How often do you brush your teeth in the Jairo Fragoso
morning? A/: I always do it
How often do you make coffee in the morning? Jairo Fragoso
A/: usually makes coffee
How often do you read the newspaper in the Jairo Fragoso
morning? A/: I never read the newspaper
How often do you check your email in the Jairo Fragoso
morning? A/: usually check my email
What time do you leave for work in the Jairo Fragoso
morning? A/: I usually leave at 8:00 am
How often do you practice a hobby? A/: Jairo Fragoso
sometimes played soccer

b. Watch the video above and each student will write 2 sentences with frequency adverbs. Underline
the frequency adverb: Example: I am always very busy in the morning. (Leidy Diana)

1. you are always working

2. I usually cook for my family
3. Jairo sometimes plays the piano
4. A circus never comes to San Ángel
5. it hardly ever rains in san angel
6. Jairo sometimes plays video games
7. I often watch TV at night.
8. Normally I spend three to four hours studying in the day.
9. I always liked learning English
10. I never leave home alone

c. Each student selects a frequency adverb and writes a sentence, remember the
correct verb use for the third person: Example: Always (Leidy Diana) My father
always jogs in the morning.

• Never _ My older sister never visits me _

• Usually _ Juan, Carlos and Miguel They usually sail in calm waters. _
• Sometimes _My brother sometimes goes to the gym _
• Often _ My car often passes in the workshop _
• Hardly ever _ Tom is hardly ever late for appointments. _

Step 4: Countable and uncountable nouns Each student writes 5 countable and 5
uncountable nouns (25 in total of each), check before writing your nouns, you
cannot repeat them.

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns Student’s name

Chairs Sand Tutor Leidy Diana
Ball Love Jairo Fragoso
Tree Wood Jairo Fragoso
Car Sugar Jairo Fragoso
Table Wáter Jairo Fragoso
Dog Milk Jairo Fragoso
City Juice Jairo Fragoso
Apple Iron Jairo Fragoso
Coin Wine Jairo Fragoso
Cat Leather Jairo Fragoso
Pencil Intelligence Jairo Fragoso
Book Happiness Jairo Fragoso
Onion Strength Jairo Fragoso
Idea Rice Jairo Fragoso
Orange Money Jairo Fragoso
Elephant Bread Jairo Fragoso
Windows Snow Jairo Fragoso
Men Furniture Jairo Fragoso
Hectares Flour Jairo Fragoso
Family Rain Jairo Fragoso
Grams Luggaje Jairo Fragoso
Leaves Tea Jairo Fragoso
Tear Oil Jairo Fragoso
Photography Air Jairo Fragoso
Songs Glow Jairo Fragoso
Chickens Energy Jairo Fragoso

Step 5: Write a Story in simple past and past progressive. You will find a story
about a frightened day, and each student has to continue the story.

• Each student must write at least 5 lines of the story.
• In each paragraph, the student must write sentences in past progressive and past
• Has to be coherence among the paragraphs.

The scariest day...

Last year my friend Melissa was planning her vacation, she was very happy
because she was planning to go with her fiancée, she was planning to have a big
time there, she bought the plane tickets, made the reservation in a very nice place
and everything was ready.

They got on their plane with that great illusion of being very calm and at peace,
they arrived at their destination and found a wonderful spectacle that fascinated
them. They were received by Mr. Freddy the guardian of the summer house. He did
not seem very happy to see them: without greeting them, he said with a serious and
arrogant air: «There is only one rule that must be respected... It is forbidden to enter
the basement!

They went to his room to store his luggage and after dinner they sat in front of the
fireplace to share stories. Curious, they asked Mr. Freddy to tell them one. Begin:

What I am going to tell you is the story of this summer house. A long time ago,
around 1950, a family came to this summer house. Juan (Paula's boyfriend), Paula
(Juan's girlfriend), María (Paula's mother) and Pedro (Paula's father), Pedro and
María did not want their daughter to marry the boy, so one night they decided to
kill him and hide him in the basement... says mr freddy "Nowadays, many people
swear they heard the screams of the ghost john."
After the terrifying legend, they went to his room to sleep. At one point he heard a
voice yelling, “Help! Aid! Help me"

At first they thought it was the wind, but then he heard the voice again: “Help! Aid!
Help me" and again. It's a whispery voice, weak and suspicious.

He began to cry, regretting having heard a loud thunder and jumped out of bed
terrified. It was dark and the lights didn't come on. Melissa and her fiancée went to
get a candle and matches to light it. Finally, when they found what they needed,
they went downstairs in great fear and followed the voice.

Before reaching the basement, she stopped for a moment, because Melissa and her
boyfriends are very scared and don't want to go down, so they hold hands and
continue. It gets colder, the darkness intensifies, and strange, piercing noises are
heard. There are many rooms and they decide to go into the first one… An icy wind
surprises us and blows the door. The door closed behind them. The candle went out,
the darkness is total.

The scary voice gets louder and Melissa says “it sounds like my eardrums are about
to explode”, they lean against the walls: they were wet, sticky. It smelled of blood
and they noticed that there is a stain on the wall. The wall falls and the body of Juan
is seen.

Melissa says “I feel a sharp pain in my heart”, terrified, they tried to find an escape
route, saw a door, opened it and went out into the garden.

Since Melissa's fiancé is a car expert, he managed to start the old car in the yard
and with that corpse they fled to Melissa's house. When she arrives, the fiancé
closes the door and says in an evil tone:

"I'm the guy! She took your fiancée! You won't see her again! Now I'm going to kill
you, because no one should be happy!"

Frightened, she begins to run across the room, but they are unable to escape Juan's

Juan returns to the castle and hides his body in a room.

Step 6: Reflection and personal growth

Jairo Fragoso

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