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21st century technology is the focus of this group report.

And its included topics like genetic

engineering, nanotechnology and robotics, made me pay attention that day. They discussed
that these topics have the potential to significantly extend the average human lifespan, but
they are so powerful that in them also lurk grave dangers. And that Joy locates these dangers
in the potential ability of robots, engineered organisms and nanobots to self - replicate. If
these technologies go out of control, this implying factor can lead to substantial damage in the
physical world, not unlike the potential of computer viruses to do harm.

There is a good reason to believe that at many points in world history, good sense and the
human spirit have prevailed. But even if extreme possibilities are unlikely to come to pass, we
should still proceed the caution and a sense of moderation. At any rate, it is not too early to
start pondering strategies, policies and legislation, because the future is almost here.

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