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Tertiary Skill semester presentation

I. Role:
- Design the presentation slide
- Receive, summarize, and select the group members’ opinions to make a suitable slide
- Help the team members in recording the presentation video
 The Technie of the group
- Present two ways to increase the employment opportunity of graduates. They are “take up
a hobby” and “Start an online short course”
II. Contributions and applied skills:
- Created a fantastic presentation slide base on the group’s members.
- Successfully recorded a video with as less mistakes as we could.
- Completed my parts in the general presentation.
- Found out and fixed the other members’ speech mistakes together.
 Applied skills:
- Teamwork skills: searched for information with team members, and listened to their
opinions and suggestions to complete the presentation video perfectly.
- Time-management skills: balancing the time between completing the group project and
other subject homework assignments
- Reading skills: found out the main ideas of the resources on the Internet and knew how to
make references for the slides.
- IT skills: used Word, PP, Google Drive, and some other features effectively
- Problem-solving skills: found out the best solution when team members have different
III. Difficulties and how they were solved:
- Members sent me their contents late  unable to complete the PPT on time.
 Help the members on completing their parts
Pre 2:
Project contents:
Our presentation has 3 main parts: the real situation, the basic tips, and the
evidence. In the first part, we showed some charts of the employment situation of
some countries, including Vietnam. The data we collected is the most general view
to see how the world labor market happens. Next, we gave some ways for students
to practice to increase their job opportunities after finishing university such as
taking up a hobby, starting an online short course, learning a new language, and so
on. This is the most important part of our project because it shows students what
they should do to make themselves better. In the last part, we offered the data of
the graduated students who had a job after completing college. Especially, this
information was evaluated by the Hanoi University of Industry for their students. It
also shows the students’ pay for each of their majors.
So, what are the results of the project? In my opinion, increasing job
opportunities after graduating from university is dependent not only on
qualifications but also on individual efforts. Learning and improving skills are
necessary activities, but don't forget to pay attention to them. Only when you are
passionate about something, you can put forth your best effort. Even though it will
take a long time, the result will be worthwhile.

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