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07 Heart Rate Worksheet

Name: _Kamarea Hall__________________

Age: 13_____________________

Part 1

Heart rate while dancing: 231___________ beats per minute

Heart rate while studying: 208___________ beats per minute

Heart rate while riding a bike: 248_____________ beats per minute

Compare these heart rates and explain why they are different.

My heart rate while dancing is 231 because dancing requires a lot of movement causing my heart to
beat faster. My heart rate while studying is 208 because I’m not really doing anything that makes my
heart beat fast. My heart rate while riding my bike is at 248 because I was racing my dad to the park and
racing means you must go fast so I had to pedal fast to beat a car. These heart rates are all different
because I’m doing different activities that require different paces

Your friend stopped jogging to take a 15 second quick count and counted 40 beats. Show or explain how
she would find her beats per minute.

Bro, I just realized you wanted us to use the little activity page and not do them in real life…but I’m not
doing this over. This thing was hard, who races a truck to a park on a bike?

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