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05 common
Kamarea Hall
6th period
• Dislocations are caused when
someone falls on a specific
joint or when trauma is caused
to the joint. A sudden and hard
force can cause the bones to be
dislocated from the normal
position. The ligaments that
are keeping the bones together
can loosen or be damaged,
which makes it easier to be
dislocated again in the future.
Unfortunate to some people
how have congenital
conditions, they are prone to
What causes a bone fracture dislocations.

• A dislocation, or luxation,
occurs when there is an
abnormal separation in the
joint, where two or more
bones meet. Dislocations can
occur in any joint. The most
common joint dislocation is
a shoulder dislocation.

What is the definition of

“Bone fracture” ?
• X-rays are first to confirm
the dislocation. The joint is
usually put back in place.
This can be a very painful
process. They use sedation or
anesthetic depending on how
bad the injury is. It's
important for this injury to
be treated as soon as possible
because of blood supply to
the joint. A shoulder
dislocation should be
followed up thorough

What is the best treatment physiotherapy.

for bone fractures

• For preventing injuries in children you
should keep a safe environment around
your home, pay careful attention to falls
and keeping windows closed and locked
and teach children how to be safe and
look out for themselves. For preventing
injuries in adults by avoiding falls by not
standing on unstable objects and wear
protective gear when participating in
contact sports. Always be careful with
whatever you are doing.

How do you prevent bone


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