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Kyle P.

Suarez BEAM102/Sec123 Sep/8/2023


As you can see to the my photos, is an enjoyment photos of me and that is the title of this,
“Enjoyment”. The reason why I pick this photos, doing something that I like is giving me joy
that what I like doing. As you can see to my photos, I’m playing badminton and dancing
Doing this two activities makes me happy and enjoying this two things. This regard is really a
successful to me, having a joy doing this activities is enough for me to complete my day and I
will keep doing this because this is what I like doing this is how I create my enjoyment for
myself. Like I said, doing this two activities is giving me joy and expel my problems or stress in
my life and it’s the reason why I’m not giving up to my goals. Without enjoyment to my life,
how am I gonna move forward to my goal, without enjoyment on my journey of my life, I would
have to give up. Like what Eileen Caddy said to her enjoyment quotes is that “Live and work but
do not forget to play, to have fun in life and really enjoy it”. It means that, it’s okay to live and
work in life but we have to put some enjoyment to our life, because of that, we have the
encourage to go and moving forward to our goals. So that is what I’m doing in my life, having an
enjoyment in my life, is the reason why I keep moving forward to achieve what my goals is.

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