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Bautista, Angelica O.

My Philosophy in Life
Make your philosophy in life and explain why you chose that.

 Don’t compare your success with others, wait for yours.

I believe that we have different success in life in different ways that is why we you
should wait for our turn. I chose this philosophy in life because I myself always
comparing mine to others. I always see myself that I have no direction in life. I know
what I want, I know what I want to pursue in life but also I know that my capacity and
ability is not enough to reach my goals and to be successful in life. I see many people
whose reaching their goals without even experiencing difficulty and that is what I want. I
know in reaching our goals there is always obstacles, hardships and problems that we
will encounter as we desire to be successful in life. There is no easy way we just need
to pass and survive the hard part. We waste our precious energy focusing on other
peoples' lives rather than our own and by that we deprive our joy because we keep on
comparing ourselves to others instead of be happy for them and do what they are doing
too because that is a step to be a successful in life. When we compare ourselves to
others, we look at their strengths and focus on our weaknesses, or we focus on their
achievements and our lack of achievements. This is not a fair comparison and will often
lead to doubt and loss of self-confidence. To stop comparing yourself to others you
should celebrate their success, focus on your strengths, unlock the power of
contentment, and learn to compete with yourself instead of others. Start focusing in your
life and create your own success so your family, friends and others will be proud of you
especially yourself.

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