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Republic of the Philippines


Sta. Elena, Marikina City


Subject: Educ 2: The Child and Adolescent Date: DECEMBER 1, 2022
Learners and Learning Principles
Year & Section: BTVTED 2C A&B Time: 2-3 PM
Major: GFD Duration: 1 hour

A. General Objective: The BTVTED students will be able to understand and appreciate
chapter 8- Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory of cognitive development

B. Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Explain the meaning of socio-cultural theory
2. Enumerate the different concept of Zone of Proximal Development
3. Appreciate the contribution of Vygotsky in the field of education and Psychology


Reference/s: EDITHA V. VILLAMOR,Ed.D. (2022) Learning Module chapter 8-
Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory of cognitive development
Materials: Virtual Meeting thru Google Meet
 Laptop/ Mobile phone
 PowerPoint Presentation
 Internet/Mobile data
 Google Meet

B. Values Integrated: Develop a sense of appreciation on the theory of Lev Vygotsky

Teacher’s activity Student’s activity
A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
The teacher will present the prayer slide using
Republic of the Philippines
Sta. Elena, Marikina City

PowerPoint Presentation and ask one of

them to lead the class in an opening prayer.

’Good morning class!

“Yes, Ma’am.”
“Before we start to our discussion let’s pray
first. Student A Can you please lead the
prayer for us?” Students A: “let’s bow our head and feel the
presence of our lord…….”



“Thank you, Student A for that beautiful


2. Greetings
The teacher will greet her students. Students B “Good morning, ma’am”
“Again, good morning class! Welcome back!
Students C: “Not yet ma’am” …
Did you have your lunch?”

Students D: “yes ma’am” ……

Republic of the Philippines
Sta. Elena, Marikina City

• Attendance
The teacher will then proceed to check
attendance by instructing her students to open
their cameras and take a screenshot

“For your attendance I call your president to

tell me who’s did not attend in our class
today.” And I take a screen shot for
documentation. Student president: ma’am we have 3 absent in
“Thank you, Ms./Mr. president, for that set A and 2 for set B.

The teacher will proceed to the next slide for

a classroom rule

“Class these are the classroom rules you

must be observe during, before and after our
discussion for today”

“1. Be on time, 2. Be prepared 3. Turn your

camera on 4. Do not eat 5. Dress
appropriately 6. Mute your mic if you’re not
talking 7. Raise your hand , 8. Have fun
Republic of the Philippines
Sta. Elena, Marikina City

during discussion.

4. Review / Recall
The teacher will ask her class about the
previous lesson that they have tackled last
meeting and call some of her students to
answer her questions

“Students in online meeting you can also

The students will pay attention and
answer, just raise your hand.” participate

“Last meeting, I tackled about the theory of

Kohlberg. Can you share what have you
learned about our past lesson?

“Yes, student A & C”

Students C: “Ma’am Last meeting we tackled

about the Kohlberg theory which is……”

“Thank you, student C. can you give me a Students C: “Thank you po”
clap emoji for the very good answer of your
classmate kindly type in our chat box”
Republic of the Philippines
Sta. Elena, Marikina City

Student A: Shearing her knowledge

“Thank you, student A. can you give me a
clap emoji for their shearing, kindly type in
Student A: “Thank you po”
our chat box again”

B. Motivation

The teacher will move on to the motivation

part that she has prepared using the
presentation in connection with her new

“Based on your responds I see that you’re

ready for our next topic.”

“Class, we have a game called “SCRAMBLE

LETTER” all you have to do is arrange
correctly the word. raised your hand before
unmute your mic”

Student responded: “Yes, Ma’am”

“Understand, class?”

“Now, anyone who can answer?”

Student G: “Scaffolding, Ma’am”

Republic of the Philippines
Sta. Elena, Marikina City

“Yes, Student G”

“Well see if that is correct”

“Correct! Very good!”

Next, who can guess?”

Students D: “Teacher po ma’am”

“Yes, student D?”

“Let’s check, Correct. Great answer!”

“Last, class”

Student M: “Experience po Ma’am”

“Yes, Student M?”

Republic of the Philippines
Sta. Elena, Marikina City

“Okay let’s check”

“Correct, very good!”
The students will pay attention

A. Lesson Proper

The teacher will go back to PowerPoint

presentation and proceed to the discussion of
her new lesson.

“We are now bound to our main discussion

for this day which is the Vygotsky socio-
cultural theory of cognitive development,

The teacher will proceed to the next slide to

introduced Vygotsky

“Do you have any idea who is this person?”

“Okay, so I know that you have an advance

Students responds: “Yes, Ma’am”
reading. Thank you for that”
“let’s get to know Vygotsky first”
“Name: Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky
Born:  November 17, 1896, 
Died:  June 11, 1934, 
Republic of the Philippines
Sta. Elena, Marikina City

Education:  Shaniavskii Moscow City

People's University 
Imperial Moscow University
Influenced by:  Jean Piaget, Alfred
Adler, Kurt Lewin, MORE
Spouse:  Roza Noevna Smekhova 

The teacher will proceed to the next slide.

Lev Vygotsky, a Russian psychologist,

develop theory of cognitive development
known as the ‘Social Cultural theory of
cognitive development” in the early twentieth
“So, as you can see here social interaction
was emphasized, because Vygotsky believe
that social interaction is important to develop
your cognitive aspect with the help of some
people who are more skilled.”

Major themes in this theory

• Role of social interaction in cognitive
• Zone of Proximal Development
• More knowledgeable others (MKO)
• Scaffolding
The teacher will present the next slide
To explain the major themes in this theory
one by one.

Role of social interaction in cognitive

Republic of the Philippines
Sta. Elena, Marikina City

“Language plays a central role in mental
development again using language is a tool
right! Language is a tool for us not only to
communicate with other people but it’s also
to learn from other people okay… and of
course throughout our development as we
grow older right, we communicate with other
people, we communicate with our friends, our
peers, our parents, teachers and so on and so
forth and as we communicate with them, we
absorb information and we learned skills
from these people. Therefore, it becomes a
very powerful tool for intellectual
“Do you understand why language is
important to Vygotsky?

The teacher proceeds to the next slide to

continue the second theme in this theory.
 Zone of Proximal Development

Student responds: “Yes, Ma’am”

“First, I can do these, even with help this

Republic of the Philippines
Sta. Elena, Marikina City

means that those tasks that are outside of the

learner’s zone of potential development are
those that cannot be completed even with the
help of an expert. Here it must be noted that if
the task is not within the learner’s zone of
potential development, then the expert may
opt to decrease the level of difficulty and find
tasks that are more appropriate given the
learner’s skill level.”
“Second is the tasks a learner can
accomplish with assistance when a learner is
close to mastering a skill set required to
complete a task but still needs the guidance of
an expert to do, so they are considered to be
in their zone of proximal development. “

“Third is a task a learner can accomplish

without assistance in this phase according to
Vygotsky the learner is able to complete tasks
independently and has mastered the skill set
required to do so hence the learner does not
need the help of an expert.”

The teacher proceeds to the next slide to

continue the third theme in this theory.
• More knowledgeable others (MKO)
“So, who are these more knowledgeable other
According to Vygotsky theory of cognitive
development, children learn through social
Republic of the Philippines
Sta. Elena, Marikina City

interaction that include collaborative and

cooperative dialogue with someone who is
more skilled in task they’re trying to learn.

“So, class who do you think are the more

knowledgeable others in school?
“Yes, student F
“Ok that’s correct thank you student F”

“So, you have teachers right so those are the

people who have the mastery of the
knowledgeable and skill, right in which we
learn from. And also, your parents and are
“If you remember your parents or your
mother always say papunta ka palang
pabalik nako So, in that quotation we all
know that our parents have a more
knowledgeable they know a lot.

The teacher proceeds to the next slide to

continue the last theme in this theory.
“Scaffolding refers to the temporary support
Student respond: “Ma’am I think the teacher”
given to a child by a more knowledgeable
others that enables the child to perform a task
until such time that the child can perform this
task independently.”
“Okay, so we need scaffolding all right. In
learning for example learning how to
Republic of the Philippines
Sta. Elena, Marikina City

drive/ride a bicycle.”

“Of course, if you want to learn how to drive

a bicycle you need a help of other people that
has more skilled and knowledgeable in terms
on driving a bicycle. they give you instruction
and guide you until such time that you
perform it independently.”

“So, that’s scaffolding there is a support that

we get from more knowledgeable others,
scaffolding entails changing the quality and
quantity of support provided to a child, that’s
the concept of scaffolding”

“Do you understand class?

D. Application
Choose one of the major themes of this theory
that we discuss and explain briefly using your
own words in three to five sentences only
I give you 5 minutes to do this activity, Then I
called 2 people to recite their work.

“Are we clear on that class?”

“You may start know “

“Okay times up, can you please read you

work student J, and student R you are next”

E. Generalization
Republic of the Philippines
Sta. Elena, Marikina City

“As a future teacher do you think the theory

of Vygotsky will help you in your teaching,
can you give me a scenario.

“How do you apply the theory of Vygotsky in

your daily life?”

“Thank you for that wonderful answer.”

Students respond: “Yes. Ma’am”

“Thank you so much class, I’m glad because
everyone will understand our lesson.

“Do you have any question or clarification if

none you may leave but again, thank you so
much for your actively participation, Thank

Students respond: “Yes. Ma’am”

Student J and R are reciting their work

Republic of the Philippines
Sta. Elena, Marikina City

“Everyone: thank you ma’am”

IV. Evaluation
The Link for your quiz will be posted in our Google classroom. The link automatically close
exactly 5:00 PM

V. Assignments

Direction: make a poster that explain the theory of Vygotsky, you can use a digital app or draw
in a short bond paper. Be creative!
Note: make sure that its your own work, not copy paste from the internet.

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