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Ex No 12


Flower biology

Chilli starts flowering at the axil of the first branching node, with subsequent flowers forming
at each additional node. Usually C. annuum has a solitary flower at the axil.

The Capsicum flower is bisexual, hypogynous and usually pentamerous. The calyx is broadly
campanulate, ribbed, about 2 mm long, and truncate or undulate to weakly or prominently
dentate with 5-7 teeth. The short-tubed corolla is rotate with usually 5 but sometimes 6-7 (-8)
petals in some species. The number of corolla lobes and stamens is equal. Typically the flowers
have 5 stamens; the filaments are white or violet depending on the species (or variety), with
the usually connivent to free anthers varying from bluish purplish to yellow and white. The
pistil comprises an ovary of 2-3 (-4) carpels, a style, and a capitate papillate stigma slightly
wider than the style. The style extends well beyond to just beyond the anthers or may be even
with them, or it may be slightly exceeded by the anthers.


The corolla typically opens within the first 3 hours after sunrise, and the petals remain open for
less than a day; there also can be a smaller peak of anthesis in the afternoon. Dehiscence of the
anthers occur late in the morning, between 10 am and noon. The anthers open lengthwise from
typically 1 hr after the flower opens to even 10 hrs afterward, but they frequently fail to dehisce
entirely, or may dehisce the next morning if the flower opens in late afternoon. The period of
receptivity of the stigma is 5-8 days, from several days before anthesis to fewer days
afterwards, with maximum fertility on the day of anthesis .

Emasculation and pollination

Flowers are emasculated in bud stage. Pollen is transferred to the stigma either from mature
undehisced anthers by scooping it out through the lateral sutures with the needle or by touching
a freshly dehisced anther to the stigma with the forceps. Hands and tools (a pair of sharp-
pointed forceps, a needle, a pair of scissors) are washed with 95% ethyl alcohol. A roll of
cheese cloth, some light weight cotton string and balls of different colours of thread are also
needed. Pollinated flowers are identified by loosely typing coloured thread around the delicate
pedicels, preferably enclosing a leaf petiole for protection. Different colours of string can be
used for different crosses on the same plant, and white for the selfs. Pollinated flowers are
protected from bees by a double layer of cheese cloth, loosely wrapped around the branch,
enclosing leaves and flowers, and securely fastened. Appropriately marked plastic labels
describing the cross, the date, are attached to a bamboo stake marking the chosen plant.
Pollinated flowers are periodically checked and the cheese cloth removed in 4-6 days. Fruits
normally mature in about 45 days.

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