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Plant minerals:

Waxy cuticle: Reduces water loss (insoluble)

Upper epidermis: Allows light to pass through (transparent & one cell thick)

Palisade mesophyll: Absorbs maximum amount of sunlight (many chloroplasts)

Spongy mesophyll: Allows gas to diffuse through (loosely packed)

Vascular bundle:

- Bundle Sheath (wraps around xylem & phloem)

- Xylem (transports water)
- Phloem (transports mineral)
- Guard cell & stomata: Control what goes in & out of the cell (can open & close to
reduce water loss)


Word equation - Carbon dioxide + water → glucose + oxygen

Chemical equation: 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2

Products of photosynthesis:

1. energy (glucose/sucrose/starch/cellulose)
2. fats/oils
3. oxygen

Minerals needed for plants:

1. Magnesium
- forms part of chlorophyll
- deficiency causes leaves to turn yellow
2. Nitrogen
- required for many food molecules (especially proteins: enzymes)
- deficiency causes stunted plant, weak steam, yellow & dying leaves

Factors affecting plant growth (photosynthesis):

1. Light intensity
2. Carbon dioxide concentration
3. Temperature

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