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The word wireless sensor networks (WSNs) manifest as result

of electrical and electronic system. An electrical system is a
network of electrical component developed to supply, transfer,
and use electrical power. The motion and energy of electrons
within the conducting wires and interconnected components is
primary to the device. An electrical circuit is made up of a
power supply (battery) a switch and a load (consumer). An
example of power system is the electrical grid that provide
power to home and industries within an extended area. The
electrical grid can be broadly divided into the generators that
supply the power, the transmission system that carries the
power from the generating centers to the load centers, and the
distribution system that feeds the power to nearby homes and

An electronic system is physical interconnection of

components, each having a special function. These components
transfer various signals from one to the other according to their
function. An electronic system include a device which supplies
electrical energy to all the system components. This device is
called the power supply. Besides the power supply, every
electronic system comprises three elementary part in the
following ways, input units, processing units, and output units.

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