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Muscles of Breathing: Development, Function,

and Patterns of Activation

Jason Q. Pilarski,1 James C. Leiter,2 and Ralph F. Fregosi*3

This review is a comprehensive description of all muscles that assist lung inflation or deflation in
any way. The developmental origin, anatomical orientation, mechanical action, innervation, and
pattern of activation are described for each respiratory muscle fulfilling this broad definition. In
addition, the circumstances in which each muscle is called upon to assist ventilation are discussed.
The number of “respiratory” muscles is large, and the coordination of respiratory muscles with
“nonrespiratory” muscles and in nonrespiratory activities is complex—commensurate with the di-
versity of activities that humans pursue, including sleep (27). The capacity for speech and adoption
of the bipedal posture in human evolution has resulted in patterns of respiratory muscle activation
that differ significantly from most other animals. A disproportionate number of respiratory muscles
affect the nose, mouth, pharynx, and larynx, reflecting the vital importance of coordinated muscle
activity to control upper airway patency during both wakefulness and sleep. The upright posture
has freed the hands from locomotor functions, but the evolutionary history and ontogeny of fore-
limb muscles pervades the patterns of activation and the forces generated by these muscles during
breathing. The distinction between respiratory and nonrespiratory muscles is artificial, as many
“nonrespiratory” muscles can augment breathing under conditions of high ventilator demand. Un-
derstanding the ontogeny, innervation, activation patterns, and functions of respiratory muscles
is clinically useful, particularly in sleep medicine. Detailed explorations of how the nervous sys-
tem controls the multiple muscles required for successful completion of respiratory behaviors will
continue to be a fruitful area of investigation. © 2019 American Physiological Society. Compr
Physiol 9:1025-1080, 2019.

Didactic synopsis 6. Studying the development, function, and neural control of

the breathing muscles forms the basis for understanding
Major teaching points breathing disorders.
1. Before brainstem respiratory neurons make contact with
developing respiratory muscle motor neurons, the CNS
generates rhythmic spontaneous neural activity (rSNA),
which may underpin development of the circuits respon- Introduction
sible for rhythmic activation of the motor neurons, and The purpose of this review is to provide a single source
hence the breathing muscles. of information on every muscle with a documented role in
breathing. We also hope that the information provided will
2. In fully developed humans, there are approximately 63 allow those outside the field to appreciate the complexity and
muscles (most paired bilaterally) with a documented role richness of this unique motor system, and perhaps encour-
in breathing, representing roughly 20% of the 320 pairs of age them to work with this system. We have emphasized
human skeletal muscles. the neural innervation and respiration-related actions of each
3. Contraction of breathing muscles generates force, leading
to changes in the size of the rib cage, lungs, and upper * Correspondence to
airway. 1 Department of Biological and Dental Sciences, Idaho State
University Pocatello, Idaho, USA
4. Though breathing occurs with little awareness, it involves 2 Department of Molecular and Systems Biology, The Geisel School of

highly complex and poorly understood neural circuits that Medicine at Dartmouth, Lebanon, New Hampshire, USA
are largely located in the medulla oblongata. 3 Departments of Physiology and Neuroscience, The University of

Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA

5. The recruitment, timing, and intensity of breathing muscle Published online, July 2019 (
contractions is adjusted automatically in activities ranging DOI: 10.1002/cphy.c180008
from sleep to maximal exercise. Copyright © American Physiological Society.

Volume 9, July 2019 1025

The Muscles of Breathing Comprehensive Physiology

“respiratory” muscle, and we have emphasized the coordina- Embryonic Development of the Breathing
tion with other “nonrespiratory” muscles and nonrespiratory
activities. We will show that the distinction between respi- Musculature
ratory and nonrespiratory muscles is slightly artificial and All skeletal muscle, and therefore all breathing-related skele-
depends on the physiological context in which the activity tal muscle, originates from mesoderm. Mesoderm initially
takes place so that many nonrespiratory muscles augment appears in humans during gastrulation near the start of the
or support respiration and many nominally respiratory mus- third week of gestation. The early mesoderm is unsegmented
cles (even the diaphragm) are required to perform nonres- along its entire length and can be initially observed as a flat-
piratory functions (27). We have considered how the neural tened lateral strip relative to the midline (see Gasser et al.
innervation and activation patterns of the respiratory muscles (163) for a detailed description of the human embryo). As
develop; we have reviewed their anatomy and discharge pat- Figure 1A (left panel) shows, the mesoderm layer can be
terns in detail; and we have addressed their function during further divided (rostro-caudally) into prechordal, cranial, and
sleep, as an example of how changing central nervous sys- trunk mesoderm. Prechordal mesoderm lies anterior to the
tem state can alter the activity of the muscles. The focus is notochord as well as beneath it. Over time, the prechordal
mainly on mammals, as the comparative physiology of the mesoderm will be displaced and integrated with the cranial
breathing musculature is complex and beyond the scope of mesoderm to form several extraocular muscles with distinc-
this review. We write this from an admittedly neurocentric tive muscle fiber-type characters (81,473). Cranial mesoderm
point of view in which our main focus is on the neural control produces most of the muscles of the head and some of the
of respiratory motor output; thus, information on the detailed skull base. Some textbooks additionally refer to this special-
structure and mechanical properties of the muscle fibers will ized head mesoderm as preotic mesoderm, using the otic vesi-
not be considered here, as many excellent reviews are avail- cle as a convenient, but imprecise anatomical landmark (258).
able (12, 173, 249, 350, 406). Information regarding the differentiation of cranial mesoderm
How does one define a “muscle of breathing”? The sim- has historically suffered from the absence of clear morpholog-
plest definition, and the one that drives this review, is that ical boundaries. However, recent biochemical and molecular
any muscle that assists lung inflation or deflation qualifies. data reveal some of the cellular elements that identify unique
This includes a primary role, such as expansion of the tho- craniofacial muscle groups produced during early head and
rax by the external intercostal muscles; a supportive role, neck development (45, 147) [and for reviews, see (322, 382)].
such as stabilization of the thorax by the quadratus lumbo- This area of research continues to advance using a variety
rum; or a valving function that regulates airflow resistance, of clever phylogenetic and developmental techniques [see
such as laryngeal, pharyngeal, or facial muscles. For certain (210,265,382)]. Nonetheless, the so-called preotic mesoderm
activities, we have expanded the definition of “respiratory” remains more or less anatomically irregular, and embryol-
as nonrespiratory muscles are recruited to support or regu- ogists have previously described this tissue as subdivided
late respiratory function. We have presented the respiratory into unique quasi-segmented structures called somitomeres
muscles in anatomical groupings rather than grouping them (71, 258). Somitomeres are loosely organized into discs of
as pump muscles (the main respiratory muscles of the tho- mesoderm situated bilaterally and beneath the neural tube
rax), accessory muscles (generally upper airway muscles and (Fig. 1A). Importantly, cranial somitomeres contribute to the
muscles connected to the shoulder girdle), and then a group developing pharyngeal arch structures by distributing region-
of muscles that lack activity during eupnea but are called specific streams of migrating mesoderm toward the endoderm
upon to increase respiratory output when respiratory drive is of the pharynx, which is shown in Figure 1A (right panel).
increased. Nevertheless, we do use the more functional clas- While the ontogenetic details of cranial mesodermal pop-
sifications (i.e., pump, accessory, and upper airway) when it ulations continue to be elucidated, they clearly differ from
is necessary for clarity or emphasis. Understanding how the the mesoderm located in the neck (immediately postotic) and
neural innervation develops and ultimately organizes respi- in the trunk where the developing mesodermal layer is fur-
ratory muscle activity into a mature, functional system is ther organized into clearly identifiable epithelialized segments
important for understanding how neuromuscular disorders called somites. A model representation of somite positions,
will affect the function of respiratory muscles, and thus pul- their internal compartments, and some of the muscles they
monary ventilation and regulation of blood gases and pH. produce is shown in Figure 1A to C (84). Due to the collec-
We also hope that a better understanding of the innervation tive involvement of cranial, neck, and trunk musculature in
and mechanical contribution of all the breathing muscles to breathing behaviors, the embryological development of the
pulmonary ventilation will provide a framework to under- ventilatory apparatus is a diverse and complex association
stand adaptations that restore altered function, or to train a derived from both cranial and trunk mesoderm, each with dis-
muscle that normally plays only a minor role in breathing tinct organizational programs (282, 302, 479). Additionally,
to play a more prominent role (e.g., following spinal cord ectodermal germ layer derivatives contribute to the assembly
injury). of the respiratory musculoskeletal system as they generate

1026 Volume 9, July 2019

Caudal Rostral
(A) Prechordal plate and (B) Epaxial
prechordal mesoderm Somites
Cranial and (future mouth region)
Cardiogenic Cranial
pharyngeal mesoderm 5 4 3 2 1 Unsegmented cranial, prechordal
33.... bones
mesoderm (a.k.a., and pharyngeal mesoderm

Volume 9, July 2019

unsegmented Trunk, limbs,
Tongue Extraocular
somitomeres) diaphragm, etc.
muscles; muscles;
Comprehensive Physiology

1 1 1 cranial nerves 3, 4, and 6

2 2 2 1st arch
nerve X
and Xll (jaw muscles; cranial nerve 5)
3 3 2nd arch
Cell migration Neck muscles;
4 4 (facial muscles; cranial nerve Vll)
Truck paraxial cranial nerve Xl

Neural tube
5 5 and cervical spinal nerves
6 6 3rd and 4th arch (pharynx and larynx and soft palate;
7 7 (C) cranial nerves lX and X)
placodes 1
2 Amnion

Pharyngeal arches
3 Neural tube

Primitive streak
(gastrulation) 4 Ectoderm

N S im
Rostral s
Early 3rd week 4th week Somatic Co
and Endoderm elo
Cut edge of amnion Week 4 Yolk sac


Figure 1 Embryological origin of the muscles of breathing in vertebrates. Panel A shows the development of cranial and trunk mesoderm in a conceptualized embryo. The embryo is shown
in a superior view with the amnion cut away and the overlying ectoderm removed, except for the neural tube in the right panel. The primordial myoblasts are shown in black (cranial and
pharyngeal mesoderm) and red (trunk mesoderm), which collectively contribute to the head, neck, and trunk musculature during the third and fourth week of development. This panel also shows
relative positions of the prechordal plate and associated mesoderm and the cardiogenic mesoderm, as well as structures involved in the events of gastrulation, such as the primitive streak.
The thick arrow pointing caudally (right side of Panel A) depicts the regression of the primitive streak as somites are being added and the notochord is lengthening toward the tail end. Note
that the neural tube is forming simultaneously and lies over the notochord dorsoventrally. The notochord extends rostrally to approximately the prechordal plate. The otic placodes (yellow oval)
contribute to the developing ear as a thickening of the ectoderm and are gross anatomical characters separating the head mesoderm (a.k.a. somitomeres) from the rostral somites. The pharyngeal
mesoderm is shown in gray as it is forming pharyngeal arches from migratory myoblasts coursing ventrally from the cranial mesoderm (black arrows) and neural crest cells (not shown). (B) Lateral
view of developing muscles from unsegmented cranial and segmented trunk mesoderm near embryonic week 4. Arrows indicate movements of myoblasts and cranial nerve associations from
pharyngeal mesoderm and neural crest cell-derived ectomesenchyme. (C) Cross section of the postgastrulation trilaminal disc near embryonic week 4. The approximate rostrocaudal plane
is shown with broken black lines near the second somite in A. At this stage, the neural tube has begun to fold and will meet in the sagittal plane while the mesoderm is differentiating into
region-specific structures laterally. The dorsal aspect of the somite or dermomyotome (d, m) will produce the connective tissue of the dermis (d) and skeletal muscles (m), and the ventral somite or
sclerotome (s) will produce most of the axial skeleton. The derivatives of the muscles and connective tissues of the head are a combination of cranial mesoderm and ectomesenchyme that create
the pharyngeal arches (gray overlapping circles), as well as occipital somites (not shown). Human embryos have approximately 33 somite pairs. N = notochord; S = somite; NCC = neural crest
cells; im = intermediate mesoderm; d = dermomyotome; m = myotome; s = sclerotome. Modified, with permission, from (72). See text for more detail.

The Muscles of Breathing
The Muscles of Breathing Comprehensive Physiology

most of the connective tissues of the head, including some of see) (353). As Figure 1B depicts, this contrasts with most other
the bone (296, 297). skeletal muscles of the cranium, such as the muscles of the
By far the largest myogenic source for the developing jaw and face, which are derived from the pharyngeal arch and
breathing apparatus is the segmented paraxial mesoderm (seg- cranial mesoderm (322). The myoblast cells from the occipital
mented = somites; paraxial = beside the long axis). Beginning myotomes are thought to express Pax-3 transcription factor,
near the level of the otic vesicle, paraxial mesoderm is posi- similar to migrating trunk (limb) myoblasts, but distinct from
tioned on both sides of the developing notochord and neural cranial mesoderm (see the following text). These myoblast
tube and differentiates in a rostro-caudal orientation as com- cells move bilaterally from the anterior caudal hindbrain to
pact blocks of somite mesoderm surrounded by columnar the floor of the developing pharynx to form a mesenchymal
epithelial cells (Fig. 1). Somites contain several mesoder- band called the “hypoglossal chord” (285). The formation of
mal cell populations, including the sclerotome and dermomy- the hypoglossal chord occurs from embryonic weeks 5 to 7 in
otome (dermatome + myotome; shown in panel Fig. 1C). Fate humans (325). Most of the extrinsic tongue muscles, which
mapping studies have revealed that the dermatome contributes are involved in the control of pharyngeal resistance and com-
tissue to the dermis, and the myotome will become the epax- pliance (see Table 1), are similarly derived from infiltration
ial (e.g., back muscles) and hypaxial (e.g., muscles ventral by migratory myoblasts of the occipital myotomes (197). A
to the vertebral axis) muscle groups depending on the spe- possible exception to this pattern of occipital developmental
cific somite territory within the myotome (59, 222). Unlike origin may be the palatoglossus muscle, a palatal and extrin-
epaxial muscle development, the myoblasts of the hypaxial sic tongue muscle, which is innervated by the vagus nerve,
somites often migrate, and they will establish limb muscula- instead of the hypoglossal nerve, and thus is likely of pharyn-
ture and the primary pump musculature for breathing, includ- geal arch origin.
ing the intercostal, abdominal, and diaphragm muscles (see Perhaps the most enigmatic and irregular mesodermal
the following text for more detail on the development of the components of the breathing apparatus are the cranial parax-
diaphragm and Fig. 1B for a fate mapping schematic). ial mesoderm (also known as preotic paraxial mesoderm),
Within this arrangement, the most rostral somites, which which are responsible for the development of facial, jaw, and
are immediately caudal to the otic vesicle (i.e., postotic), are pharyngeal muscles, which, like tongue muscles, stiffen and
unique and are referred to as the occipital somites. The occip- widen the upper airway when activated (discussed below).
ital somites abandoned their previous role in stabilization of These cranial muscle groups are products of the head meso-
the axial skeleton and are instead incorporated into the head derm that do not epithelialize to form proper somites as shown
and neck of the craniates (162). From a phylogenetic perspec- in Figure 1B (184). Instead, this population of mesodermal
tive, these somites have been adapted as accessory breathing cells produces myogenic precursors in the form of diminutive
muscles of the neck (e.g., sternocleidomastoid and trapezius), discs that seem to originate adjacent to the developing brain
and streams of myoblastic stem cells from this area also invade and the prechordal plate [see Fig. 1A and (302)]. Some of
the caudal pharyngeal arches generating accessory respiratory these founder myoblastic cells infiltrate the pharyngeal arches
muscles of the pharynx and larynx (222). However, recent evi- near embryonic day eight in the mouse embryo (184,316) and
dence suggests that the lateral plate mesoderm, which lies next during the third week of gestation in humans (300).
to these anterior somites (Fig. 1C), may also help generate the The final source of progenitor cells for the breathing-
neck muscles (436). These data are consistent with the posi- related musculoskeletal apparatus is ectoderm. Typically,
tion of the occipital myotomes between the head and trunk ectoderm forms the nervous system, including both central
mesoderm, and possibly represent an evolutionary transition and peripheral components, but plays no role in the genesis
in which the rostral trunk somites were incorporated into the of musculoskeletal derivatives. However, the ectodermally
head and neck to form a hybrid tissue with features attributable derived cranial neural crest cells that invade the pharyngeal
to the trunk and cranium. In the chick embryo, for example, arches are unique pluripotent cells, known as neural crest
the neck musculature exhibits both trunk specific and cranial mesenchyme or ectomesenchyme, and these cells possess a
specific genetic markers (436). special phenotypic repertoire in that they generate the cran-
The occipital somites are responsible for generating the iofacial connective tissues and bones of the viscerocranium
striated muscle of the tongue (90,197,222,319). The tongue is [for a review, see (322)]. Cranial neural crest cells migrate to
a muscular organ composed of four intrinsic and four extrinsic the pharyngeal arches in a path originating from the develop-
skeletal muscles (see Table 1). Recent work in rodent models ing hindbrain and mix with the resident cranial and occipital
(16-21,150,151,153,155,156,235,236,239,351,364,378,395, paraxial mesoderm discussed above. These neural crest cells
455, 485) and now human subjects (128, 288, 329) indicates will create the connective tissue (e.g., tendons, epimysium,
that several tongue muscles are recruited during breathing to etc.) for the craniofacial and hypobranchial musculature. Neu-
dilate and stiffen the pharyngeal airway. While the tongue is ral crest cells also contribute to the migration, pattern, and
regionally a part of the head and enclosed within the oral cav- shape of these muscle primordia (142, 290, 320, 321, 368).
ity (anterior 2/3) and the oropharynx (posterior 1/3), all the Cooperation between the migrating neural crest cells and
tongue musculature is derived from mesoderm from the paired migrating cranial mesoderm is also observed in the details
occipital somites and not the cranial somitomeres (for a review of cranial nerve innervation of the breathing-related muscles.

1028 Volume 9, July 2019

Comprehensive Physiology The Muscles of Breathing

Table 1 Skeletal Muscles with a Documented Role in Breathing, as Discussed in the Text

Active during
Location of Active Eupnea in
Region Muscle Origin Insertion Innervation motoneurons phase humans

Procerus Nasal bones Cartilage, skin or Buccal branch of Caudal ventrolateral Inspiration Minimal to no
and/or cartilage connective tissue of facial nerve (VII) pontine tegmentum activity
(see text) external nose, and (VII nucleus)
or other nasal
Alar nasalis muscles (see text) Buccal branch of Caudal ventrolateral Inspiration Minimal to no
(dilator naris)∗ facial nerve (VII) pontine tegmentum activity
(VII nucleus)
Transverse Buccal branch of Caudal ventrolateral Inspiration Minimal to no
nasalis facial nerve (VII) pontine tegmentum activity
(VII nucleus)
Depressor Buccal branch of Caudal ventrolateral Expiration Minimal to no
septi nasi facial nerve (VII) pontine tegmentum activity
(VII nucleus)
Levator labii Buccal branch of Caudal ventrolateral Inspiration Minimal to no
superioris facial nerve (VII) pontine tegmentum activity
alaeque nasi (VII nucleus)
Apicis nasi Buccal branch of Caudal ventrolateral Inspiration Minimal to no
facial nerve (VII) pontine tegmentum activity
(VII nucleus)
Head and neck
Masseter Superficial head, Lateral and inferior Mandibular Mid pons Inspiration No
zygomatic bone surface of mandible division of
Deep head, Mandibular ramus Nerve (V)
zygomatic arch
Upper Occipital bone, Spine of scapula; Spinal accessory Nucleus ambiguuus Inspiration Some tonic
trapezius% spinous processes clavicle nerve (XI) and and C3-C4 and or phasic
of C7-C12 spinal nerves C3 activity
vertebrae; nuchal and C4
Sternocleid- Manubrium of Mastoid process Spinal accessory Nucleus ambiguuus Inspiration Rarely
omastoid% sternum; clavicle nerve (XI), ventral and C1-C2
ramus of C2
and C3
Scalenes Transverse First or second ribs Ventral rami of C3-C8 Inspiration Yes, but
processes of C3-C8 spinal inconsistent
cervical vertebrae nerves
Medial Deep head, lateral Medial surface of Mandibular Mid pons Inspiration No
pterygoid pterygoid plate the mandible division of
trigeminal nerve
Superficial head,
tuberosity of the
maxilla and
pyramidal process
of the palatine bone
Lateral Superior head, Cartilage of Mandibular Mid pons Inspiration No
pterygoid infratemporal temporomandibular division of
surface of the joint trigeminal nerve
sphenoid bone
Inferior head, Condyloid process
lateral pterygoid of mandible

(Continued )

Volume 9, July 2019 1029

The Muscles of Breathing Comprehensive Physiology

Table 1 (Continued )

Active during
Location of Active Eupnea in
Region Muscle Origin Insertion Innervation motoneurons phase humans

Genioglossus Mental surface of Base of tongue; Medial branch of Lateral division of Inspiration, Some tonic
the mandible hyoid bone; and hypoglossal nerve the ventromedial XII some activity;
connective tissue (XII) nucleus expiration phasic
(see text) activity rare
Hyoglossus Hyoid bone Lateral edges of Lateral branch of Dorsolateral Inspiration No
tongue blade hypoglossal nerve compartment of XII
(XII) nucleus
Styloglossus Anterior and Ipsilateral Lateral branch of Dorsolateral Inspiration No
lateral surfaces of hyoglossus; Hypoglossal nerve compartment of XII
styloid process; inferior (XII) nucleus
stylomandibular longitudinalis
Palatoglossus# Palatine Lateral edges of Vagus nerve (X) Nucleus ambiguus, Inspiration Yes
aponeurosis tongue blade dorsolateral XII (1)
Inferior ∗ ∗ Lateral branch of Widely distributed Inspiration No
longitudinalis hypoglossal nerve throughout XII
(XII) nucleus
Superior ∗ ∗ Lateral branch of Widely distributed Inspiration No
longitudinalis hypoglossal nerve throughout XII
(XII) nucleus
Transversus ∗ ∗ Medial branch of Widely distributed Inspiration No
hypoglossal nerve throughout XII
(XII) nucleus
Verticalis ∗ Complex—see ∗ Complex—see Medial branch of Widely distributed Inspiration No
text text hypoglossal nerve throughout XII
(XII) nucleus
Soft palate
Levator veli Temporal bone Midline of velum Vagus Nerve (X) Nucleus ambiguus Inspiration Inconsistent
palatini and cartilage of (2, 3) and retrofacial and
auditory tube nucleus expiration
Tensor veli medial pterygoid Palatine Mandibular branch rostral ventromedial Inspiration Yes
palatini plate; auditory aponeurosis and of trigeminal nerve division of V motor
tube bone (V) nucleus (4)
Musculus Fibers are Within uvula Vagus nerve (X)∗∗ Nucleus ambiguus Inspiration No
uvulae contained within and retrofacial
uvula nucleus
Digastric Mandible Hyoid Mylohyoid branch Dorsomedial Inspiration Unknown
(anterior belly) of the trigeminal trigeminal nucleus (6)
nerve (V) (5), pons
Digastric Mastoid process Hyoid Auricular branch of Facial nucleus (VII), ? Unknown
(posterior belly) facial nerve (VII) pons
Geniohyoid Mandible Anterior surface Hypoglossal nerve Ventral division of Inspiration Yes
of hyoid (XII) the ventromedial XII
nucleus, C1
Mylohyoid Mandible Hyoid Mylohyoid branch Trigeminal nucleus Inspiration Yes
of the trigeminal (V), pons
nerve (V)
Stylohyoid Styloid process Hyoid Mandibular branch Dorsomedial VII Inspiration Unknown
of facial nerve (VII) nucleus, pons (7)

1030 Volume 9, July 2019

Comprehensive Physiology The Muscles of Breathing

Table 1 (Continued )

Active during
Location of Active Eupnea in
Region Muscle Origin Insertion Innervation motoneurons phase humans

Sternothyroid Posterior Thyroid cartilage Ansa Cervicalis C1-C2 Inspiration, Unknown
manubrium of some
sternum and first rib expiration
Sternohyoid medial, posterior Hyoid Ansa Cervicalis C1-C2 Inspiratory Unknown
surface of clavicle; (9)
manubrium of
Thyrohyoid Thyroid cartilage Greater horn of the Hypoglossal nerve XII nucleus, C1 Inconsistent Unknown
hyoid bone and Ansa cervicalis (10)
Omohyoid (inferior Upper border of clavicle Ansa cervicalis, C1-C2 Inspiration Unknown
belly) scapula including the (11)
superior ramus of
ansa cervicalis
(superior belly) Clavicle Hyoid
Superior pharyngeal Medial pterygoid Pharyngeal raphe Vagus (X), via Nucleus ambiguus Tonic, Yes
constrictor plate, and occiput pharyngeal plexus expiratory
raphe, and
Middle pharyngeal Hyoid and Medial portion of Vagus (X), via Nucleus ambiguus Expiratory Minimal
constrictor stylohyoid ligament posterior pharyngeal plexus
pharyngeal raphe
Inferior pharyngeal Superior parts, Pharyngeal raphe Vagus (X), via Nucleus ambiguus Tonic, Minimal
constrictor thyroid cartilage; pharyngeal plexus∗ expiratory
inferior parts,
cricoid cartilage
Palatopharyngeus Posterior fascicle, Posterior border of Vagus (X), via Nucleus ambiguus Inspiration Yes
posterior soft thyroid cartilage pharyngeal plexus,
palate; anterior and accessory
fascicle, posterior nerve (XI)
surface of hard
Stylopharangeus Styloid process Posterior edge of Glossopharyngeal Nucleus ambiguus Inspiration Unknown
thyroid cartilage; nerve (IX) (14)
fibers of
and constrictors
Salpingopharyngeus Medial, Posterior fascicle of Vagus (X), via Nucleus ambiguus Inspiration Unknown
cartilaginous palatopharyngeus pharyngeal plexus (13)
section of
Eustachian tube
Posterior Posterior surface of Lateral belly, Vagus (X), via Caudal nucleus Inspiration Yes
cricoarytenoid cricoid cartilage ipsilateral arytenoid recurrent laryngeal ambiguus and lesser
muscle; medial nerve role in
belly, ipsilateral expiration
arytenoid cartilage (16)

(Continued )

Volume 9, July 2019 1031

The Muscles of Breathing Comprehensive Physiology

Table 1 (Continued )

Active during
Location of Active Eupnea in
Region Muscle Origin Insertion Innervation motoneurons phase humans

Lateral Ipsilateral cricoid Muscular portion Vagus (X), via Caudal nucleus Inspiration No
cricoarytenoid cartilage of the arytenoid anterior terminal ambiguus
cartilage division of the
recurrent laryngeal
Transverse Lateral border of Lateral border of Vagus (X), via Caudal nucleus Expiration## Yes
arytenoid arytenoid contralateral recurrent laryngeal ambiguus
cartilage arytenoid nerve and internal
cartilage laryngeal nerve
Cricothyroid Anterolateral Inferior horn of Vagus (X), via the Rostral nucleus Inspiration Yes
aspect of cricoid thyroid cartilage external branch of ambiguus, dorsal and
cartilage superior laryngeal motor nucleus of X expiration
nerve (15)
Thyroarytenoid Lower half of Anterior surfaces Vagus (X), via Caudal nucleus Inspiration Yes
thyroid cartilage of arytenoid recurrent laryngeal ambiguus and
cartilage nerve expiration
Oblique arytenoid Base of arytenoid Apex of Vagus (X), via Caudal nucleus Expiration## Yes
cartilage contralateral recurrent laryngeal ambiguus
arytenoid nerve
Epiglottic Muscle Apex of arytenoid Lateral border of Vagus (X), via Caudal nucleus Unknown Unknown
(“aryepiglotticus”) cartilage epiglottis recurrent laryngeal ambiguus
External Ribs 1-11 Ribs 2-12 Intercostal nerves T1-T11 Inspiration Yes
Internal ribs 2-12 Ribs 1-11 Inntercostal nerves T1-T11 Expiration Yes
Transversus dorsal surface of Costal cartilages Intercostal nerve T8-T11 Expiration Yes (17)
Thoracis Xiphoid process, 2-6
(“Triangularis and caudal region
sterni”) of dorsal sternum
Innermost Inner surface of rib Inner surface of Intercostal nerves T1-T11 (Highly Unknown Unknown
intercostals a rib 1-3 spaces variable presence)
caudal to the rib
of origin
Pectoralis major Clavicular head, Bicipital groove Lateral and medial C5-T1 Inspiration No
anterior border of of anteromedial pectoral nerves
clavicle; humerus
sternocostal head,
anterior surface of
sternum, upper six
costal cartilages,
and aponeurosis
of external oblique
Pectoralis minor costochondral Medial and Lateral and medial C6-C8 Unknown Unknown
junction of ribs 3-5 superior surface pectoral nerves
of scapula
Serratus anterior ribs 1-8 or 9 medial border of Long thoracic nerve C5-C7 Inspiration, No
scapula and early
thoracic expiration

1032 Volume 9, July 2019

Comprehensive Physiology The Muscles of Breathing

Table 1 (Continued )

Active during
Location of Active Eupnea in
Region Muscle Origin Insertion Innervation motoneurons phase humans

Subclavius Inner surface of Subclavian Brachial plexus C5-C6 Unknown Unknown

first ribs groove of
Subcostalis inner surface of Inner surface of Intercostal nerves T1-T11 Unknown Unknown
ribs (when a rib 1-3 spaces (highly
present, see text) caudal variable
Diaphragm Costal region; Central tendon Phrenic nerve C3-C5 Inspiration Yes
lower six ribs
Vertebral region; Central tendon Phrenic nerve
crus of L1-L3 and
arcuate ligaments
sternal region; Central tendon Phrenic nerve
posterior surface
of xyphoid
process of sternum
External oblique Inferior margins of Bundles from Ventral spinal T5-T12 Expiration, Minimal,
ribs 5-12 lower ribs, iliac nerves T7-L1 early mostly in
crest rostral inspiratory standing
bundles, linea posture
Internal oblique Iliac crest; Ribs 10-12 and Ventral spinal T7-L1 Expiration, Minimal,
thoracolumbar linea alba nerves T6-L2 early mostly in
fascia, and inspiratory standing
inguinal ligament posture
Transverse Inguinal ligament; Ribs 10-12; linea Ventral spinal T7-L1 Expiration, Minimal,
abdominus iliac crest; alba nerves T6-L2 early mostly in
cartilage of lower inspiratory standing
6 ribs posture
Rectus abdominus Crest of pubic Xiphoid process; Ventral spinal T5-T12 Expiration, Minimal,
bone costal cartilages nerves T7-L1 early mostly in
of ribs 5-7 inspiratory standing
Quadratus Iliac crest and Inferior border of T12-L4 T7-L4 Inspiration Yes%
lumborum ilioloumbar lower-most rib (18)
Levatore costae Transverse Caudal rib, or Dorsal rami of T1-T12 Inspiration Yes, when
processes of ribs thoracic Spinal standing
T7-T11 nerves
Latissimus dorsi spinous processes Intertubercular Thoraco-dorsal C6-C8 Inspiration Minimal
of T7 to L5 groove of nerve, formed by (and forced
vertebrae; the humerus branches of expiration)
thoracolumbar C6-C8 spinal
fascia; iliac crest; nerves
bottom four ribs;
inferior angle of

(Continued )

Volume 9, July 2019 1033

The Muscles of Breathing Comprehensive Physiology

Table 1 (Continued )

Active during
Location of Active Eupnea in
Region Muscle Origin Insertion Innervation motoneurons phase humans

Erector spinae sacral crest; Ribs 3-12, but Posterior rami of T1-12, L1-L5, S1-S3 Inspiration No
spinous processes see text spinal nerve
of the T11-T12;
each of the lumbar

∗, Some authors consider these to be separate muscles

%, Whether or not the spinal innervation is sensory or both sensory and motor is unsettled
&, Anterior portion, C4-C6; medial portion, C3-C8; posterior portion, C6-C8
#, Sometimes considered to be a palatal muscle
∗∗, Cranial nerve IX may also supply some motor innervation
##, As described in text, whether recorded activity was from the transverse or oblique arytenoid could not be confirmed
%%, No data in human subjects
1. (413)
2. (450)
3. (157)
4. (244)
5. (298)
6. Anesthetized neonatal rats (380)
7. Anesthetized rabbits (373)
8. Anesthetized rabbit (372)
9. Various animal models (see text)
10. Anesthetized dogs (447)
11. Anesthetized monkeys (136)
12. Some evidence that there is also innervation via the recurrent laryngeal nerve and/or the superior laryngeal nerve (381)
13. Anesthetized rabbits (373)
14. Awake goats (144)
15. (340)
16. Expiratory activity in dogs (251)
17. Present in standing, but not supine human subjects (143)
18. Data from an anesthetized rabbit (47)
Note: The muscles are grouped by anatomical region. The nerve innervating each muscle, and the location of the motor neurons are also provided.
The active phase indicates whether the activity is primarily inspiratory or expiratory, and we also indicate whether or not the muscle is active in
eupnea. All anatomical data is, with permission, from the digital version of Gray’s Anatomy (421), or from references provided in the text. The
active phase and eupneic activity refer to observations in human subjects, unless indicated otherwise.

For example, the cranial nerves that innervate the larynx, phar- The thin dome-shaped muscular diaphragm develops dur-
ynx, and facial muscles, that is, cranial nerves X, IX, and VII, ing the fourth through the tenth week of human gestation as a
are directed to their targets by the neural crest cells in a pre- result of the union of three principal mesodermal sources
cise manner according to these muscle-arch relationships (88). (301). One of the most important early structures of the
Similarly, so-called circumpharyngeal neural crest cells may developing diaphragm is the septum transversum. The sep-
guide the hypoglossal nerve, as well as the lingual myoblasts, tum transversum first appears near human gestational day 22
to their final locations (266). However, this topic needs more and is composed of a layer of cranial and cardiogenic meso-
attention as Mackenzie et al., (285) showed, using chick/quail derm (see Fig. 1A). The septum, along with the heart pri-
chimeras, that myoblast migration was independent of neural mordia, is located at the extreme rostral tip of the embryo
crest cell influence. at this stage (131) and subsequently “descends” into the
Arguably, the most unusual anatomical aspect of mam- lower thorax during embryonic head folding (weeks 3-4 in
malian breathing is the distinct (autapomorphic), dome- humans). The septum transversum adheres to the ventral
shaped muscular diaphragm—the major respiratory pump and lateral body wall and extends in a shelf-like orienta-
muscle in most if not all mammals. The diaphragm is the tion, which is sandwiched between the liver and the heart
muscle most responsible for the large volume changes of primordia. In this way, the septum transversum incompletely
the abdominal and thoracic cavities and the lungs during divides the pleuro-pericardial cavity and likely contributes
inspiration, although many other body wall muscles also con- to the connective tissue framework that eventually directs
tribute to this pumping behavior (see Table 1). For this reason, muscle precursors from the hypaxial somitic buds to sites
the embryological origin of the diaphragm warrants special within the diaphragm. Complete separation of the pleural and
attention. Moreover, the diaphragm exhibits a number of peritoneal cavities occurs when additional mesodermal pro-
breathing-related birth defects that are a direct result of errors genitor cells penetrate and infiltrate the septum during late
in the course of its embryonic development. gestation.

1034 Volume 9, July 2019

Comprehensive Physiology The Muscles of Breathing

Near the ventral aspect of the septum transversum’s new somites known to provide mesoderm for the head and neck
location, between the pleural and the peritoneal cavities, two and the forelimbs, respectively.
so-called pleuroperitoneal folds also play an important role Finally, the newly muscularized diaphragm travels poste-
in diaphragm morphogenesis. These folds are a union of riorly and inferiorly from the cervical region as the embryo
the pleuropericardial and pleuroperitoneal membranes and elongates, and the diaphragm reaches a temporary position
appear to be an organizer for the proliferation and matu- near the thorax by the sixth week of human gestation. By
ration of myoblast cells that ultimately create the muscu- the eighth embryonic week, the dorsal connection of the
lar diaphragm. The pleuroperitoneal folds are derived from diaphragm lengthens to reach the lumbar vertebrae. The
mesoderm that originates bilaterally from the dorsolateral innervation of the muscular diaphragm reflects the travel-
body wall where they remain attached while the medial edges ing muscle primordia of this tissue in both space and time.
reach into the undivided coelomic cavity. In this way, the The phrenic axons seem to coalesce into ventral rami of the
pleuroperitoneal folds blend or fuse with the septum transver- mid-cervical spinal cord (C3-C5) and subsequently invest the
sum. In humans, this occurs between gestational weeks 4 pleuro-peritoneal folds as the embryo changes shape [see
to 6 (275). The pleuro-peritoneal structure eventually joins Table 1 and Greer et al. (176) for a review]. This anatom-
with the esophageal connective tissue medioventrally, and by ical scheme may explain the phenomenon of referred pain
gestational week 7, full separation of the thoracic and abdom- originating from the diaphragm (Kehr’s sign) that is felt in
inal cavity is finalized. It is this separation or rather lack the shoulders and neck (417). It may also explain the close
of separation that may lead to diaphragmatic birth defects coupling of rhythmic respiratory and muscular activities that
during early development. Several types of location-specific originate from the same muscular primordia and involve loco-
congenital, diaphragmatic hernias can occur at the sites of motion (39, 118, 126, 457) and especially upper extremity
pleuro-peritoneal closure, and each is associated with del- movements in bipedal mammals. This coordination likely
icate or thin regions of the muscle and/or connective tis- reflects shared patterns of descending activation and ascend-
sue [for a review, see (85) and (175)]. Congenital diaphrag- ing afferent inputs for breathing and locomotion (166, 167).
matic hernias affect about 1 in 2500 newborns (423) and
require prompt medical attention since adequate inspira-
tory pressures to achieve tidal breathing cannot be gener- Respiratory-related muscle activation patterns
ated without compete separation of thoracic and abdominal during embryonic and perinatal development
cavities (196). Fetal breathing movements (FBMs) are a ubiquitous feature
It is now well established that the myogenic lineage of all mammalian embryos and/or fetuses that have been
of the mammalian diaphragm is derived from hypaxial studied to date. These intrauterine body movements provide
(trunk) somites, but they are not simply somitic extensions information about fetal welfare, as well as details about the
of the thoracoabdominal body wall. Rather, diaphragmatic maturation of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems.
development is closely associated with forelimb development FBMs have received a fair amount of attention due to the phys-
and the ability of muscle precursors to migrate long dis- iological requirements for a seamless, yet prompt, conversion
tances from the limb buds (57, 123, 124) [for reviews, see from placental gas exchange (where FBMs play no role) to
(122, 208)]. Limb myoblasts multiply and depart from the aerial respiration at parturition (when breathing movements
somitic myotomes to make their way among the lateral plate are essential). Furthermore, FBMs are thought to be critically
mesoderm and invade the limb primordia. Similarly, diaphrag- important for the proper development and maturation of the
matic myoblasts, which are initially mixed with forelimb pulmonary circulation (348), as well as for normal growth
tissue, are thought to diverge and migrate from their posi- and differentiation of functional lung tissue [for a review,
tion at the ventral lip of the cervical dermomyotome (i.e., see (227)].
somites C3-5) to populate the developing pleuroperitoneal FBMs induce mechanical forces within lung tissue via
sheath (9, 14, 85, 285). This scenario is supported by studies cyclic stretch and strain, which in turn provide a suite of
that show the diaphragm, as well as the limb musculature, fail local cellular signals, including paracrine release of sero-
to develop in loss of function experiments that target migra- tonin from pulmonary neuroendocrine cells and surfactant-
tory muscle specific transcription factors for Pax3, formerly related release of membrane bound lipids (279, 336, 396).
called splotch, and c-Met (i.e., tyrosine receptor kinase), When FBMs are absent, either in vitro or in vivo, potentially
yet the dorsal and lateral body wall musculature develop as fatal pulmonary hypoplasia can result (228, 229, 248, 277).
expected (41, 123, 430, 440). These molecular signals reflect Pulmonary hypoplasia in this context seems to involve both
gene families that control epithelial to mesenchymal transi- decreased cell proliferation (228-230,444) and increased pro-
tions, differentiation, and target site identification, and may grammed cell death (456). It is likely, therefore, that FBM
lead to a unique developmental program that creates the mam- and the resultant mechanical forces are associated with spe-
malian diaphragm. Buchholtz et al. (62) suggest that Hox gene cific molecular differentiation instructions; for example, in the
expression in the midcervical region, where the muscle cells absence of FBMs, type I and type II pulmonary cells remain
of the diaphragm originate, is a specialized developmental immature and nonfunctional (229). FBMs seem to epitomize
module distinct from the more rostral and caudal cervical both a form of early training for aerial respiration and an

Volume 9, July 2019 1035

The Muscles of Breathing Comprehensive Physiology

important source of signaling for lung growth and maturation. diaphragm moving caudally as it contracts, which draws the
This is, of course, also true in adult motor systems in which sternum and thorax inward and pushes the abdomen outward,
the demand for increased respiratory activity increases motor and due to the high viscosity of fetal lung fluid compared to air
unit activity acutely while also activating signaling pathways and the high compliance of the fetal and neonatal chest wall
that lead to growth and hypertrophy of skeletal muscles. (317, 365). The result of this muscle activation pattern is a
Despite the evident importance of FBMs for the devel- small decrease in intrathoracic pressure and small tidal move-
opment of healthy lung tissue, the relationship between early ments of viscous amniotic fluid within the trachea and lung.
breathing-related rhythmicity and the normal development The latter has been shown directly via scanning ultrasound,
of the neuromuscular system remains unclear and relatively diaphragmatic and laryngeal electromyography (EMG), and
underexplored. It is important to note that the term FBMs tracheal pressure measurements in chronically instrumented
reflects the important role of aerial gas exchange in vertebrate sheep in utero (97).
physiology. However, because FBMs are produced by many Activity cycles of breathing movements in human infants
muscles acting together, and, not unlike the adult respiratory and other mammals adjust in concert with gestational age, cir-
system, they involve muscles that underlie a range of orofa- cadian oscillations, behavioral state, and maternal ingestion
cial and respiratory behaviors. The nerves and muscles that of foodstuffs. Although brief and intermittent at first, FBMs
produce FBMs overlap with primordial versions of chewing, become more consistent and steady and appear more often
suckling, and even neck movements. To review this topic, we after approximately 20 weeks gestation (443). After about 33
will necessarily focus on works from both in situ and in vivo to 34 weeks in utero, the rate of FBMs is about 40 breaths/min
investigations in a variety of vertebrate species, and we will and the overall incidence of FBMs continues to increase as
describe data from human subjects when it is available. We gestation progresses (253). However, FBMs going forward
will also discuss the potential relationship between so-called tend to occur more often as episodic bouts of activity, happen-
rhythmic spontaneous neural activity and FBMs proper [for a ing in complex clusters separated by embryonic apneas, rather
review, see Momose-Sato and Sato (299)]. than occurring singularly. FBMs are tightly correlated with
Information regarding the specific brainstem-derived low-voltage high-frequency electrocorticograms (LV-ECoG)
mechanism(s) of FBMs originates almost exclusively from (similar to the scenario during “active” or REM sleep), at least
non-human mammalian and avian species as mechanistic and in unanesthetized sheep in utero (46,371). FBMs occur rarely
reductionist studies of this sort are not possible in humans. during episodes of high voltage, low frequency electrocor-
Spontaneous neural activity produces a variety of muscu- ticogram activity (HV-ECoG). The presence of FBM during
lar movements in utero, but this wave of activity is generic LV-ECoG is further correlated with the inhibition of nuchal
and anatomically and functionally undifferentiated. It is cur- EMG and spinal reflexes, which may reflect the growth and
rently not clear how neural circuits that are widespread and maturation of caudally descending inputs cranial to the pon-
active during early embryonic development are transformed tine and medullary regions generating different behavioral
into brainstem circuits that are terminally differentiated and states and thereby influencing the breathing pattern. It is an
give rise to specific ventilatory and other motor behaviors, open question whether FBMs earlier in the developmental
although experimental animal models have the potential to process are associated with a behavioral state that resembles
shed more light on this subject (178, 459). the LV-ECoG state (which looks like the fetal equivalent of
At least as early as the late nineteenth century (141, 460), rapid eye movement sleep) because sleep states are defined
there was interest in the development and maturation of phenomenologically based largely on the cortical EEG. Dur-
FBMs, but the lack of methods to observe and record this phe- ing earlier stages of development, it may be that the fetus
nomenon directly precluded controlled experimental research lacks sufficient cortical development and tissue to generate
on this topic. It was not until the late twentieth century and the an EEG with enough complexity to allow ECoG scoring even
arrival of real-time 2D sonography, which allowed researchers though the brainstem manifestations of different behavioral
to observe previously concealed fetal activities that a common states may be present. Alternatively, the brainstem behav-
focus on this area returned and theories about the origin of iors associated with REM sleep may develop earlier than the
FBMs began to be tested more rigorously (116). FBMs can forebrain manifestations of REM sleep. The situation may be
now be observed in the human fetus as early as the tenth analogous to the definition of REM sleep in the echidna, an
week of gestation, although the most commonly described animal not originally thought to have REM sleep, but which
chronological age of onset of FBMs is around 12 weeks has been shown to have many of the brainstem manifestations
(43, 117, 174, 247). FBMs begin as irregular and inconsistent of REM sleep while simultaneously demonstrating relatively
episodes of breathing-like muscle activity separated by long high voltage cortical EEG activity (407). The relationship
pauses, that is, embryonic apnea. FBMs are first detected as between FBMs and behavioral state is further supported by
an enlargement of the abdominal region and a decrease is tho- evidence derived from surgical separation of the pons and
racic volume. This has been defined as paradoxical breathing, medulla from the midbrain, which eliminates the relation-
compared to the more symmetrical expansion of the thorax ship between behavioral state and FBMs (42, 98). By the last
and abdomen in mature animals. Paradoxical breathing in trimester in humans, FBMs are also altered by circadian oscil-
this context is likely due to the robust early influence of the lations linked to elevated maternal melatonin secretion (292),

1036 Volume 9, July 2019

Comprehensive Physiology The Muscles of Breathing

blood gases, and circulating maternal glucose concentrations animals suggest that GABA has a consistently inhibitory
[for a review, see Koos and Rajaee (253)]. FBMs tend to effect in neonatal animals. It is possible that the timing of
increase following a meal during the last 10 weeks of ges- the shift in chloride conductance as a function of age may
tation (195, 318). It is, therefore, no surprise that caffeine, be influenced by the isolated, in vitro, experimental prepa-
alcohol, nicotine, and many other pharmacological perturba- rations used to demonstrate it (52, 246, 445, 488) [also see
tions influence FBMs. Unfortunately, the manner in which (34)]. Clearly, further work will be needed to understand what
these fetal perturbations affect the development of breathing role the well-documented switch from excitatory to inhibitory
rhythm and pattern, both acutely and chronically, remains GABAergic transmission plays in the development of FBMs
a young, but critical area of investigation in which much and neonatal respiratory patterns.
remains to be discovered. A final topic related to the theme of FBMs concerns the
As parturition nears, the occurrence and rate of FBMs relationships between rhythmic spontaneous neural activity
tend to fall or disappear altogether (37). This is perhaps (rSNA) in vitro and whole animal FBMs that occur in utero,
due to the continued development of supraspinal neural cir- and the development of functional breathing circuits during
cuits that can actively engage inhibitory descending inputs to the embryonic and fetal periods. rSNA is defined as a con-
breathing-related circuitry, but the simple advent of inhibitory sistent large-scale depolarization wave produced by a rela-
neurotransmission is likely an oversimplification of this phe- tively undifferentiated nervous system when isolated in vitro.
nomenon. For example, while there is evidence that descend- In some vertebrate species, rSNA propagates widely within
ing inputs tonically inhibit breathing circuits near the end of the CNS and can be measured from cranial nerves that will
gestation, other conditional influences also have been impli- carry future (i.e., functional) respiratory-related motor out-
cated during this time. It is well known that hypoxia inhibits flow. In the embryonic chicken (Gallus gallus) for example,
FBMs (168,287,461) by purinergic (252) and/or opioid recep- Fortin et al. (148) showed that rSNA measured via cranial
tor activation because blocking endogenous adenosine recep- nerves V, VII, IX, X, and XII and spinal nerves C1-C5 all
tors and opioid receptors seems to enhance breathing behav- exhibited similar synchronized waveforms of rhythmic activ-
ior in newborn animals (205). There is also some evidence ity between stages 24 and 36 (embryonic days 4-8). These data
that the extra-embryonic placental membranes that surround suggest that early rhythmogenic neural circuits must undergo
the fetus may inhibit FBMs near birth. Several experimental considerable differentiation and specialization during gesta-
results point to the role of local prostaglandin biosynthesis tion to produce functional, behavior-specific circuits at birth.
and the role of allopregnanolone as factors that may enhance For example, studying synaptic activity during growth and
NREM sleep, sedate the fetus, and suppress FBM (10, 309). development can regulate programmed cell death in specific
It is a clever adaptation that allopregnanalone, which is an motor pools (23). Moreover, while some authors treat early
inhibitory pregnane neurosteroid derived from the placenta electrical oscillations and FBMs as independent developmen-
that binds to GABAA receptors and increases the channel open tal phenomena, there is evidence that rSNA and FBMs are
time, ceases to be a factor when the fetus is born and sepa- related. It is likely that rSNA and FBMs reflect early spon-
rated from the placenta. Thus, the respiratory inhibition from taneous network output in vitro and in vivo, respectively, as
allopregnanolone disappears at birth, and something similar primordial biorhythms transform and mature into well-known
may happen with adenosine since the newborn exists in a rela- functional neural circuits for aerial breathing, such as the pre-
tively well-oxygenated environment compared to the fetus. It Bötzinger complex and/or the parafacial respiratory group
is, therefore, important that future studies address the mech- (437, 438). For example, FBMs in utero begin around the
anisms of the inhibition of FBMs more directly, especially in same gestational age or immediately after the first sign of
the transition between the aquatic intrauterine environment rSNA in vitro, at least in species where both phenomena have
when FBMs are inhibited and the well-oxygenated, aerial been measured (174, 250, 267, 268). However, the develop-
environment of the newborn where regular respiratory activ- mental details of the earliest observed electrical oscillations
ity becomes essential. as they pertain to the normal and abnormal maturation of
An unresolved, and perhaps enigmatic, issue regarding breathing-related central pattern generators have received lim-
near-term inhibition of FBMs is how the developmental tim- ited attention and are largely unknown (439,458); for reviews
ing of inhibitory control of breathing matures when chloride with a genetic emphasis see (44, 79). This may stem from
conductance is switching from excitatory (outward) in the the relatively late appearance of rSNA and FBMs in rodents
prenatal embryo to inhibitory (inward) near the transition to compared to humans. rSNA and FBA appear during the fetal
aerial breathing (33). Understanding the nature and timing of period at approximately embryonic day 14.5 in rats and at 13
this switch may help explain the increased incidence of apnea days in mice or 75% and 65% of total gestation, respectively.
in preterm and near-term babies at parturition. Having said In humans FBMs are first detected between weeks 10 and 12
that, the entire issue of the developmental shift in GABAergic in utero (43, 191, 253), which is roughly 27% to 33% of total
signaling from an excitatory to an inhibitory influence has gestation. These differences in the manifestation of breathing-
been questioned recently, since most of the evidence support- related rhythmogenesis undoubtedly reflect differences in the
ing a role for a developmental shift in chloride conductance species-specific, altricial-precocial spectrum when compared
comes from reduced preparations, and several studies in intact to humans, and highlight the difficulty of directly comparing

Volume 9, July 2019 1037

The Muscles of Breathing Comprehensive Physiology

developmental trajectories among different animal groups. A Embryonic day 4: onset of spontaneous activity
newborn rat, for example, is relatively younger than a human
newborn. When the former is born, it is considered compara-
ble to a human at 24 to 26 weeks of gestation (94, 354). nerve Xl
The limited information about the early developmental
influences of rSNA on the respiratory system also reflects
100 s
the difficulty in studying embryonic circuit formation and/or
FBMs in placental mammals over the entirety of gesta- Embryonic day 7
tion, especially given the added complications of maternal
influences. Few experimental models can accommodate this
requirement, and therefore, the degree to which earlier spon-
taneous activity may determine proper breathing-related net-
work formation remains largely untested. This is in contrast 100 s
to information about the role of rSNA for the proper devel-
opment of spinal networks in which rSNA has been linked to
a number of maturational phenomena, including motoneuron Embryonic day 14: continuous breathing established
differentiation (481), axon pathfinding (190), neurotransmit-
ter phenotype (119), and the expression of ion channels (323).
In the context of the respiratory system, most current infor-
mation about the influence or rSNA has been descriptive. 100 s
For example, it is clear that the widespread rSNA become
restricted segmentally near the onset of pre-Bötzinger driven Figure 2 Example recordings of prenatal and perinatal breathing-
related neural activity from a developing zebra finch. Motor outflow is
inspiratory activity in rodents (335,439), when synaptic trans- shown as rectified and moving time averaged (time constant = 200 ms)
mission transforms from a largely cholinergic driven exci- cranial nerve XI (spinal accessory) activity. Cranial nerve XI motor out-
tation to one dominated by glutamate; a similar transition flow is considered inspiratory as it innervates the cucullaris muscle in
birds, which is thought to be homologous to the sternocleidomastoid
occurs in spinal cord motor circuits (362). However, the and trapezius in humans. The top panel shows the first observable neu-
role of rSNA in producing a healthy and functional breath- ral activity from cranial nerve XI at stage 22 or embryonic day 4 (E4)
ing network is still in its infancy. One relevant study indi- (310). Cranial nerve activity at this age is considered to be a generic
large-scale depolarization wave that spreads throughout the neuraxis.
cates that the release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor At this stage, most spinal and cranial nerves display synchronous dis-
(BDNF) was activity-dependent in the isolated brainstem- charges and a similar waveform. The middle panel shows a transitional
spinal cord preparation in that its concentration was propor- period where the underlying chemical communication and morphologi-
cal connectivity in the developing breathing network is being modified,
tionally increased or decreased in concert with increases and although the mechanisms for these changes are unknown. The lower
decreases of rhythmic cranial motor outflow in the rat fetus panel shows a cranial nerve XI recording from a hatchling bird (i.e.,
(13). These data show that activity-dependent BDNF signal- internally and externally pipped through the eggshell). This breathing-
related motor outflow achieves a high frequency and is critically depen-
ing could support the development and maturation of synaptic dent on AMPAergic neurotransmission (459).
signaling in brainstem breathing circuits. In other experi-
ments, BDNF knockout animals exhibit slower respiratory-
related motor burst rates, punctuated by long pauses (apneas), functional breathing-related activity must be established. This
and considerable cycle-to-cycle variation (22, 241). Interest- model provides an excellent opportunity to explore the funda-
ingly, synaptic deficits due to BDNF loss of function in neu- mental basis for the onset and organization of neural wiring
rons from other brain regions (i.e., not breathing-related neu- for rhythmic motor behaviors using a specific behavioral con-
ronal regions) can be reversed by exogenous BDNF (341). struct both in vitro and in vivo. The avian embryo can be
This subject has also inspired continued work in a variety accessed at any time during embryonic development without
of comparative model systems that provide tractable experi- the confounding influences of a maternal host. Avian species
ments by which to study the organization and maturation of also provide a developmental timeline that may be useful for
breathing-related neural networks from their onset through comparison to mammals, including humans, although some
birth. In birds, for example, Vincen-Brown et al. (459) have rhythmic motor behaviors that employ respiratory muscles in
shown that primordial breathing-related hindbrain circuits can mammals (e.g., suckling) do not have comparable behaviors
be continuously monitored without interruption in an altricial in birds. Nevertheless, rSNA via cranial motor outflow and
species from their inception to their functional maturation at associated spontaneous movements in birds, which are likely
hatching. Figure 2 shows an example of circuit maturation precursors of rhythmic respiratory motor activity, first appear
of breathing-related activity produced in vitro from the zebra near embryonic day 4, corresponding to 19% of total gesta-
finch hindbrain preparation. Note that primordial breathing- tion in chicks (Gallus gallus) and 28% of gestation in zebra
related activity via cranial motor axons commences on embry- finch (Taeniopygia gutatta). Assuming that early rSNA is a
onic day 4 (i.e., rSNA) and continues through external pip- precursor to FBMs, this temporal switch occurs much earlier
ping or hatching on embryonic day 14 when continuous and in birds and humans than in rodents.

1038 Volume 9, July 2019

Comprehensive Physiology The Muscles of Breathing

Functional neural innervation, and electromyogram (EMG) or the efferent muscle nerve activity.
respiration-related output of the muscles of It should be noted that an increase in neural drive to a muscle
breathing changes both the discharge rate of active motoneurons (rate
coding) as well as recruitment of motoneurons that were inac-
In humans, all breathing muscles are part of the cranial and tive before neural drive changed. Thus, increased amplitude
postcranial axial skeleton, though this is not true in all mam- of muscle EMG activity or motor nerve output reflects the
mals. In this section, we review all muscles with a documented interplay of these underlying changes in neural activity. We
role in breathing, with the muscles grouped as follows: nose, have chosen to confine the discussion to humans, though if
head and neck, tongue, soft palate, suprahyoid, infrahyoid, respiration-related activity of a given muscle has not been
pharyngeal, and laryngeal muscles—often described as acces- recorded in humans, we have used information from lower
sory and/or upper airway muscles; muscles of the thorax and mammals.
abdomen—often described as pump muscles; and muscles of
the back, which may lack regular respiratory-related activ-
Nasal muscles
ity, but can be recruited when respiratory drive is increased
(Table 1). In the following section, we consider the attach- The external nose is invested with several small muscles,
ments, mechanical action, neural innervation, and respiration- including the procerus, levator labii superioris alequae nasi,
related discharge pattern of each muscle. We also point out transverse nasalis, alar nasalis, dilator naris, apices nasi, and
if the muscles are active in quiet breathing (eupnea), or only depressor septi (Table 1 and Fig. 3). The nomenclature of
under conditions of increased respiratory drive. The final com- these small muscles varies somewhat from source to source.
mon output of the respiratory motoneurons supplying a par- The muscles are unique in that they originate on bone or carti-
ticular muscle is most commonly evaluated by recording the lage, and insert into cartilage, skin or connective tissue on the

(A) (B)

I 1 sec
1 Procerus (1) 1

Levator labii 2
alaeque nasi (2) 2
Nasallis (transverse) (3) 3

3 4

Apicis nasi (6)
7 (C) Quiet nasal breathing
60 Nasal breathing after exercise
Dilator naris (5)
Nasalis (alar) (4)
Depressor septi (7)
EMG (% max)



su rus




Ap aris


as ers
















Figure 3 Muscles of the external nose. (A) The numbers on the muscles in the schematic correspond to the like-numbered EMG recordings
shown in in Panel B. The EMG recordings were obtained during voluntary nasal flaring. Panel C shows nasal muscle activity during quiet
nasal breathing and immediately after exercise (“20 deep knee bends”), at which time subjects were instructed to breathe through the
nose. EMG activities are expressed as a percentage of maximal activity, which was evoked by a maximal voluntary “grimace.” All figures
adapted, with permission, from (60).

Volume 9, July 2019 1039

The Muscles of Breathing Comprehensive Physiology

external nose, and/or to adjacent nasal muscles (Table 1 and recorded from the dilator naris (211). Thus, the masseter can
Fig. 3) (180). However, the origins and insertions of the mus- assist inspiration by lowering upper airway resistance when
cles appear to vary widely, and the literature is filled with the resistance to airflow is very high.
conflicting descriptions, which may reflect intersubject vari- The trapezius muscle (Table 1 and Fig. 4B) has three func-
ability. Nonetheless, there is consensus that the zygomatic tional regions, with respiratory-related activity present mainly
branch of the facial nerve innervates all the nasal muscles, in the upper trapezius muscle, which receives its motor supply
with the motoneuron cell bodies in the facial motor nucleus. from the spinal accessory nerve (cranial nerve 11). Although
The muscles are grouped functionally as elevators (shorten the muscle’s main function is moving and/or stabilizing the
the nose while dilating the nostrils), depressors (lengthen scapula, it can rotate the clavicle and possibly elevate it, which
and dilate), compressors (lengthen and narrow), and dilators could augment inspiration; indeed, breathing-related activity
(dilate the external nares). Because the fibers are just beneath, has been recorded during voluntary deep breathing maneuvers
or a part of, the skin, EMG activity of these muscles is easily (see the following text). However, even when the scapula is
recorded with surface electrodes, though the muscles are so fixed, trapezius muscle contraction can move the spine, which
small that it is difficult to record from only a single nasal could influence rib cage dimensions and affect respiration,
muscle. Nonetheless, many studies of the respiration-related though the biomechanics of this have not been worked out.
activity of the nasal dilator group have been done, starting with There have been relatively few attempts to record
Hering and Breuer in the nineteenth century, who used nasal respiration-related activity of the upper trapezius muscle, and
muscle electrical activity as an index of inspiratory motor the majority of studies suggest that the activity is largely
output during their descriptions of the Hering-Breuer reflex tonic in quiet breathing. For example, tonic upper trapezius
(54, 203), which was confirmed much later (426). muscle activity has been observed in decerebrate cats (4), in
With the exception of the depressor septi, all nasal mus- nasal and mouth breathing adults (441), and in 1-week-old
cles assist in widening the nasal opening, especially during human infants (391). However, in mouth breathing children
labored breathing evoked by increased nasal airflow resis- (10-11 years old), some phasic, respiration-related activity
tance, hypoxia or hypercapnia (51, 55, 56, 60, 69, 70, 87, 92, was noted during quiet breathing, but trapezius activity was
152, 185, 278, 293, 403, 426, 428, 433, 452, 454, 468, 475). The reduced following a therapy program that targeted improved
location and orientation of the nasal muscles are shown in diaphragmatic breathing (89), consistent with an accessory
Figure 3, Panel A, and panel B shows representative EMG role that can support gas exchange when the diaphragm is
recordings from each of the nasal dilator muscles, which are not functioning optimally. In support of this, trapezius mus-
identified by the corresponding numbers in Panel A. The activ- cle activity can be evoked by vigorous, volitional inspiratory
ity is expressed as a percentage of the maximal activity evoked efforts (Fig. 4B) (93) or when performing maximal inspi-
by volitional flaring of the nostrils. As shown in Panel C, activ- ratory efforts against an occluded airway, with the latter
ity of these muscles during eupnea is minimal, but becomes study showing a significant correlation between EMG activ-
substantial immediately after a brief bout of exercise, and the ity and maximal inspiratory pressure (i.e., effort). This was
greatest increase in activity is recorded in the dilator naris true in both intact subjects and those with spinal cord injury
and apices nasi. The valving function of the nasal dilators (435). Although these maneuvers evoke peak muscle acti-
significantly reduces nasal resistance and dictates, in part, vation under isometric conditions, they provide important
the distribution of breathing between the nose and the mouth insight into the potential contribution of the muscle to rib cage
during exercise (152, 449). expansion. On the other hand, the upper trapezius was inac-
tive during normal speaking, but showed expiratory activity
during singing tasks that included prolonged periods of expi-
Muscles of the head, and head and neck
ratory airflow (343, 344), with the activity in phase with that
Muscles in this group in which we found examples of recorded in the internal intercostal and abdominal muscles.
respiration-related activity include the masseter, trapezius, Based on these findings, the upper trapezius contributes to
sternocleidomastoid, scalenes, and the medial and lateral compression of the upper thorax during singing (and likely
pterygoid muscles. The only muscles reported to be active other prolonged and forceful expiratory maneuvers), thereby
during eupnea is the scalene muscle group (Table 1 and Fig. 4). serving an expiratory function. There appears to be an impor-
The masseter muscle consists of a superficial and a deep tant task-dependent role for the upper trapezius muscles, such
head, (Fig. 4A and Table 1), with both heads innervated by the that they can either expand or compress the rib cage, though it
mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve. When the mas- is clear that we know little about the breathing-related function
seter contracts, the mandible is elevated, though mandibular of these muscles. Given that the motoneurons of the muscles
protrusion can occur as well and this would widen the upper are in the brainstem, the trapezius may be an important focus
(oral) airway. Perhaps this explains the respiration-related of rehabilitation in patients with high spinal cord injuries.
discharge that occurs under conditions of very high respi- The sternocleidomastoid muscle (“sternomastoid”) is a
ratory drive. The recordings in Figure 4A show that breathing superficial neck muscle, though it is much thicker than the
against a very high inspiratory resistance evoked inspiratory scalenes, is easily observed in human subjects, and is thus
activity of the masseter muscle, in phase with the activity amenable to study with EMG electrodes (Fig. 4B and Table 1).

1040 Volume 9, July 2019

Comprehensive Physiology The Muscles of Breathing

(A) (B)
SCM motor units
Trapezius A (cmH2O)
Mass Sternocl 2 Inspiratory
eter eidomastoid 0 flow (L/s)
EMG Trapezius
Alae nasi EMG

Pharyngeal Chest wall

pressure motion
(cmH2O) –50
(C) Lateral pterygoid, superior head scalene Middle
Lateral pterygoid, inferior head
Medial pterygoid, deep head
Medial pterygoid, superficial head
Tensor palatini Average
Medial pterygoid EMG
Nasal pressure rate
Chest wall

Figure 4 Muscles of the head and neck. Panel A shows the location of the human masseter muscle and masseter EMG activity
recorded in a human subject breathing against a large inspiratory resistance (see pharyngeal pressure trace). The dilator muscles of
the nose were recorded simultaneously. Adapted, with permission, from (211). Panel B shows the locations of the sternocleidomastoid
(SCM) and trapezius muscles, motor unit recordings from the SCM, and superimposed recordings of airway opening pressure and
airflow (6). Trapezius muscle EMG recording and associated chest wall motion (inspiration up) are displayed from a healthy human
subject who was asked to take deep breaths, from Daimon and Yamaguchi (93). Panel C is a schematic drawing of the lateral and
medial pterygoid muscles. The associated recordings show EMG activity of the medial pterygoid in an awake human subject instructed
to take deep inspirations; note the marked recruitment during inspiration, from Sauerland et al. (389). Panel D shows the location of
the anterior, middle, and posterior scalene muscles and recordings of motor unit discharge during tidal breathing in a healthy male
subject. Which of the three scalene muscles used for this recording was not indicated, but we presume the anterior head. Tracings
show (from top to bottom): raw and integrated EMG, instantaneous motor unit firing rate, and chest wall motion (inspiration up). The
inset to the right of the motor unit recording shows overlaid motor unit potentials from one of the identified motor units. Adapted, with
permission, from Saboisky et al. (379).

The sternocleidomastoid is innervated by the spinal accessory The breathing-related action of the sternocleidomastoid
nerve, so although high cervical spinal cord injuries result in has not been studied as extensively as the scalenes, and
denervation of the diaphragm, intercostals and scalenes, the the studies that have been done suggest that there is little
sternocleidomastoid innervation remains intact, which makes breathing-related activation until inspiratory drive is very high
the sternocleidomastoid muscle, like the trapezius, a target for or when the action of other rib cage muscles is absent after
training and respiratory rehabilitation in patients with cervical denervation. Adams et al. (6) showed that the sternomas-
spinal cord injury. Although the primary action of the mus- toid EMG was silent during eupnea in both control sub-
cle, when activated unilaterally, is contralateral head rotation jects and those with COPD, consistent with observations in
and neck flexion, simultaneous contraction of both sternoclei- supine, anesthetized dogs (103, 107). As shown in Figure 4B
domastoid muscles elevates the clavicle, consistent with an (“SCM motor units”), the muscle was recruited when subjects
accessory inspiratory function. Although the scalenes have breathed against an imposed resistance to inspiratory airflow
a much greater mechanical action on the rib cage than the (6, 53) and by intense volitional inspiratory efforts, though
sternocleidomastoid, the increased mass of the latter suggests the level of recruitment of the sternocleidomastoid was often
that maximal activation of the two muscles would result in less than that in the diaphragm and external intercostal mus-
the same change in thoracic volume (273). cles when recorded during the same maneuvers (161, 311).

Volume 9, July 2019 1041

The Muscles of Breathing Comprehensive Physiology

Similarly, sternomastoid activity was only recorded in three may mask scalene activity, which is clearly observed during
of seven subjects who were asked to perform a vigorous nasal quiet breathing in human subjects, especially when upright.
sniff, which caused intense activation of the diaphragm in all However, Warner et al. (464) showed that 6/6 supine sub-
subjects (240). In anesthetized rabbits, progressive asphyxia jects had phasic inspiratory activity in the scalenes while
failed to recruit the sternomastoid, though recruitment was under halothane anesthesia, while only 4/6 subjects had sca-
evoked when animals began gasping (284). Interestingly, 8 lene activity before anesthesia. By the same token, posture
of 11 patients who failed to wean from mechanical ventila- and increased respiratory drive can enhance activation of the
tion showed sternomastoid activity, compared to only 1 of 8 sternocleidomastoid and scalene muscles. These accessory
patients who successfully weaned (338), suggesting that the muscles play a significant role in augmenting respiration in
sternomastoid was compensating, ineffectively, for a weak- patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in whom
ened diaphragm in the former group of patients. the diaphragm is flattened and at a mechanical disadvantage.
Scalene muscles. There are three pairs of scalene muscles, Both sternocleidomastoid and scalene muscles tend to lift the
referred to as anterior, middle and posterior scalenes (Fig. 4D clavicle and the first two ribs and augment expansion of the
and Table 1). The scalenes are innervated by the fourth, fifth, chest, especially when the shoulder girdle is fixed by resting
and sixth cervical spinal nerves (C4-C6). Contraction of the the arms on a firm surface to increase the mechanical advan-
muscles elevates the first and second ribs, contributing to tage of these muscles (24). One can take advantage of this
rib cage expansion along the anterior-posterior axis, as well posture to provide some relief to COPD patients with severe
as the rostral-caudal axis. Campbell (67) reported that eup- dyspnea.
neic inspiratory activity in the scalenes was present in some Pterygoid muscles. There are two pterygoid muscles, the
supine subjects, and most subjects demonstrated respiratory- medial and lateral pterygoids, and both muscles are composed
related activity when asked to take large volitional inspiratory of a superior and an inferior head—two sites of origin that
efforts. In some subjects, the scalenes were also recruited dur- merge to form the body of the muscle (Fig. 4C and Table 1).
ing intense expiratory efforts, suggesting that they may play Both heads of the medial pterygoid assist the masseter in
a role in expulsive maneuvers such as coughing. Saboisky mandibular elevation. The muscle is innervated by an offshoot
et al. (379) found that discharge of scalene muscle motor of the main trunk of the mandibular branch of the trigeminal
units was largely confined to the inspiratory phase of the nerve; interestingly, this is the same branch that innervates the
breathing cycle, although a few units showed tonic or phase tensor veli palatini muscle. The lateral pterygoid muscles are
spanning activity (Fig. 4D). Interestingly, the motor unit dis- innervated by the lateral pterygoid nerve, which is a subdi-
charge rate increased by only 2 to 3 Hz from the beginning vision of the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve. The
to the end of inspiration, suggesting that drive to the muscle main function of the lateral pterygoid is mandibular protru-
may depend more on recruitment of additional motor units sion, though it also participates in mandibular depression and
rather than modulation of the firing rate of motor units that thus mouth opening. We were able to find only two exam-
are already active. This is consistent with earlier work from ples of respiration-related activity in the pterygoid muscles.
the same group (159) showing that increased respiratory drive Yoshida (486) recorded EMG activity of the lateral ptery-
evoked by dead space breathing was associated with increased goid in a sleeping subject and showed a small recruitment of
motor unit recruitment. Druz and Sharp (129) showed that the muscles a few seconds following a roughly 15 sec apnea.
scalene activity was greater in the upright than the supine The activity in the lateral pterygoid was temporally linked
posture, suggesting an increased contribution from rib cage with activity in the genioglossus muscle, though there was
expansion to the tidal volume when standing. Chiti et al. (83) more activity in the latter. In another study, Sauerland et al.
showed that the scalene EMG increased as a function of respi- (389) recorded large bursts of EMG activity in the medial
ratory drive and that the activity correlated with the severity of pterygoid in an awake human subject instructed to take deep
dyspnea. Fournier et al. (149) studied anesthetized hamsters inspirations, with the discharge of the muscle in phase with
and showed that scalene activity was absent during eupnea, that recorded from the simultaneously recorded tensor palatini
but increased consistently during hypercapnia, following ipsi- muscle (Fig. 4C).
lateral denervation of the phrenic nerve, and in response to Before leaving the topic of head and neck muscles, it
an imposed resistance to inspiratory flow (“resistive breath- is noteworthy that we were unable to find studies of the
ing”). The activity was always in phase with diaphragmatic breathing-related activity of the levator scapulae muscle. We
activity. These results suggest that the scalenes are accessory say this for two reasons: first, as the name suggests, con-
inspiratory muscles in this species. In contrast, eupneic sca- traction of the muscle elevates the scapula (and can also
lene activity was not observed in lightly anesthetized, supine cause slight rotation of the scapula), which could lengthen
baboons (107) or dogs (103); in the latter study, only four of and thus expand the thorax; and second, the levator scapulae
nine dogs had scalene activity during hypercapnia. Legrand motoneurons are in the C3 to C5 regions of the spinal cord,
et al. (272) studied anesthetized rabbits and found variable in close apposition to the phrenic motoneurons. In this con-
activity across animals, and when present, it was recorded in text, a detailed exploration of respiration-related activity of
the medial but not the lateral scalene. These findings in non- this muscle is warranted, especially during maximal inspira-
human, animal models suggest that posture and/or anesthesia tory efforts when other axial and thoracic muscles lengthen

1042 Volume 9, July 2019

Comprehensive Physiology The Muscles of Breathing

the thorax and arch the back to augment expansion of the second and third traces of Figure 5E (288). Note the absence
thorax. of activity under baseline (eupneic) conditions, but substan-
Tongue muscles. The tongue is composed of muscle fibers tial inspiration-related recruitment throughout a 4-min period
and connective tissue. The tongue has only one fixed inser- of combined hypercapnia and hypoxia. It is important to bear
tion on the midline of the backside of the lower jaw, and it in mind that the activity evoked even with very high respi-
functions as a muscular hydrostat; in this, tongues resemble ratory drive is but a small fraction of the muscle’s maximal
octopus tentacles and elephant trunks (245). Hydrostats are potential activity, which in this case was taken as the EMG
incompressible and as such can elongate, shorten and stiffen activity obtained during a voluntary maximal tongue protru-
without changing volume. For example, tongue protrusion is sion maneuver (recordings on the far right of each trace in
associated with elongation of the tongue along its anterior- Fig. 5E).
posterior axis, and this change in shape is offset by complex The lateral branches of the hypoglossal nerve innervate
changes along the medial-lateral axis. Thus, since tongue vol- the hyoglossus muscle. The almost horizontal orientation
ume does not change, the utility of tongue muscle contraction of the hyoglossal fibers explains its ability to retract and
in influencing upper airway patency is a function of tongue depress the tongue, acting as an antagonist to the genioglossus
size, position, shape, and stiffness. An important consequence muscle (Fig. 5A and Table 1). The hyoglossus is recruited as
of this in the context of breathing is that a high ratio of tongue respiratory drive increases, and in animal models, the magni-
volume to pharyngeal volume would result in a relatively tude and time course of the recruitment parallels that observed
compromised airway. in the genioglossus (reviewed in (153), presumably to depress
In humans, there are eight tongue muscles. Four of these and stiffen the tongue. This combined action appears to greatly
are extrinsic muscles, which originate on bony structures reduce the propensity for pharyngeal collapse (156). The
or connective tissue and insert into the tongue body (the hyoglossus muscle is clearly recruited during combined
genioglossus, hyoglossus, styloglossus, and palatoglossus), hypercapnia and hypoxia, as shown in Figure 5E (fourth and
and four are intrinsic muscles (inferior longitudinalis, supe- fifth traces) (288). Indeed, the drive to the hyoglossus appears
rior longitudinalis, transversus, and verticalis) in which the to exceed that to the genioglossus when expressed as a per-
fibers are wholly contained within the body or blade of the centage of the maximum activity. One caveat, however, is
tongue (17, 151, 410), though there is evidence that some that the electrode placement in this study was such that the
intrinsic fibers attach to the hyoid bone (158, 165). Most of recorded activity was likely a combination of hyoglossus and
the tongue muscles that have been studied show respiration- styloglossus muscle fibers, and isolated activity of the sty-
related activity, as described in a recent review (153). In the loglossus in human subjects has not been recorded.
following text, we consider the anatomy, innervation, and As can be discerned in Figure 5A, many of the styloglossus
mechanical action of each of the tongue muscles, and describe muscle fibers enter the tongue blade at about the same location
each muscle’s respiration-related activity, when known. The as fibers from the ipsilateral hyoglossus muscle, while other
origins and insertions of the extrinsic muscles are given in fibers insert into the inferior longitudinalis muscle (Table 1).
Table 1. Origins and insertions of the intrinsic muscles will Thus, recording styloglossus activity in isolation is very diffi-
be described briefly in the text, as even the basic anatomic cult, as the electrodes need to be placed as close to the styloid
features of these small muscles are poorly understood. process as possible to avoid contamination from the hyoglos-
In terms of respiration-related activity, the genioglossus sus. The lateral branch of the hypoglossal nerve innervates
is far and away the most extensively studied tongue mus- the styloglossus, and its action is elevation of the sides of
cle, in part because its location allows needle electrodes to the tongue, as well as tongue retraction. The combination of
be placed through the floor of the mouth (387) (see Fig. 5A lateral tongue elevation, which creates both retraction and a
and B, and Table 1). The medial branch of the hypoglos- trough in the tongue surface, underscore the muscle’s primary
sal nerve innervates the muscle. When both right and left role in swallowing.
genioglossus fibers are coactivated, the tongue protrudes and Although we were unable to find any studies reporting
its more posterior regions are depressed, thereby stiffening respiration-related activity of the styloglossus in human sub-
and dilating the pharynx. Contraction of the fibers on only jects, this has been examined in the anesthetized dog (483).
one side causes deviation toward the opposite side. This is As shown in the upper tracing of Figure 5F (483), there was
easily demonstrated by stimulating the medial branch of the no respiration-related styloglossus activity observed under
hypoglossal nerve unilaterally. Though typically not active baseline conditions (left hand panels), but intense recruitment
at rest in healthy subjects, increasing respiratory drive with occurred 10 to 15 s after injection of a 0.5% NaCN solu-
hypercapnia, hypoxia, or exercise recruits the genioglossus tion close to the carotid body (middle and right-hand panels),
muscle in nearly all species studied [for review, see (153)]. demonstrating that stimulation of peripheral chemoreceptors
Once recruited, the muscle is active during the inspiratory evoked a reflex increase in drive to the styloglossus. These
phase of the breathing cycle, though there is typically a observations support the concept that all tongue muscles are
background of tonic activity upon which the inspiratory activ- typically activated in all (or certainly most) tongue move-
ity is superimposed. An example of genioglossus muscle ments (245). It is clear that the role of the styloglossus in
activity recorded in an awake human subject is shown in the breathing warrants further investigation.

Volume 9, July 2019 1043

The Muscles of Breathing Comprehensive Physiology

(A) (B)





Figure 5 Muscles of the tongue. Panel A contains schematic diagrams of the human tongue muscles from an impressive
anatomic evaluation by Sanders and Mu (383). In brief, the authors used images from the Visible Human Project to create
three-dimensional reconstructions, and also used various sagittal images to provide a detailed description of the muscles
of the human tongue. The upper row shows the intrinsic muscles superior longitudinalis (SL), inferior ongitudinalis (IL), and
the transversus and verticalis (T/V) muscles, whose fibers are tightly intermingled (see text). The bottom row shows the
extrinsic muscles genioglossus (GG), styloglossus (SG), and hyoglossus (HG). In each diagram, the indicated muscle or
muscles is darker than the whole tongue (gray). Two important features emphasized by the authors that have significant
bearing on the interpretation of tongue muscle EMG recordings include: (i) the superior longitudinal (SL) muscle is the only
unpaired muscle, and it also spans the length of the entire tongue; (ii) although the muscles are presented as separate
structures, the fibers of individual muscles intermingle extensively with those from adjacent muscles. A particularly important
example is that the genioglossus (GG) becomes the verticalis (V), and see blue highlighted region in Panel C) muscle in
approximately the middle third of the tongue. Panel B is a midline saggital image of a human tongue, highlighting the
superior longitudinalis (SL), the transversus/verticalis bundle (TV), the geniohyoid (GH), and two bellies of the genioglossus,
including the oblique GG (oGG) and the horizontal GG belly (hGG). Note that the fiber bundles of the hGG are longer
than those of the oGG (white lines) that the fiber density of all muscles is greatest anteriorally and is reduced at the tongue
base. It is clear that the human tongue has considerable curvature, as opposed to much more linear tongues in most lower
mammals, especially rodents. Panel C shows extrinsic and intrinsic fibers of the human tongue using in vivo imaging with
tractography, and nicely highlights the unique fiber orientation of the verticalis (blue) (158). The transversus muscle is not
easily seen in sagittal section, so we have included a transverse section that nicely delineates the muscle (158). Panel D
shows the human palatoglossus muscle (yellow arrow), which can also be seen in Panel C (orange fibers). The red and blue
arrows in panel D identify the soft palate and hard palate, respectively. Adapted, with permission, from (257). Panel E is a
representative record of genioglossus (“protrudor”) and hyoglossus (“retractor”) EMG recordings during 4 min of combined
hypercapnia and hypoxia in a healthy human subject (288). Note that for both muscles the unprocessed EMG and the
rectified and integrated EMG (iEMG) are shown. The upper tracing is expired airflow, and close examination shows that
the tongue muscles discharge during inspiration. Panel F shows EMG recordings of genioglossus (GG) and styloglossus
(SG) muscles in response to peripheral chemoreceptor stimulation with close arterial injection of NaCN in an anesthetized
dog (483). (G) Recordings from human palatoglossal muscle moving time-averaged EMG (top trace) and inspiratory flow
(433). (H) The tracings represent intrinsic superior longitudinalis EMG activity and esophageal pressure (Pes) in a supine,
urethane-anesthetized rat (20). The left-hand traces were obtained during quiet breathing and those on the right during
hypercapnia. Clear inspiration-related discharge can be seen in both instances. Thus, inspiration-related activity has been
observed in every mammalian tongue muscle that has been studied. See text for detailed discussion.

1044 Volume 9, July 2019

Comprehensive Physiology The Muscles of Breathing

Maximum (G)
Baseline Min 1 Min 2 Min 3 Min 4 Recovery







(F) (H)
Intrinsic 0.025
EMG –0.025

Pes 0
GG EMG (cmH2O)

Flow (L/min) 0

P 0

(cmH2O) –40

Figure 5 (Continued )

The narrow, ribbon-like palatoglossus muscle originates are poorly understood, but it likely plays a role in controlling
on the palatine aponeurosis of the soft palate, where it meets the proportion of airflow going through the nose and mouth
the contralateral palatoglossal muscle (Fig. 5C & D). These (“upper airway flow partitioning”).
muscles define the palatoglossall arch, which is the border The fibers of the intrinsic tongue muscles are mostly con-
between the oral cavity and the pharynx. From the arch, the tained within the tongue body, though their exact origins and
muscles descend and insert into the side of the tongue; super- insertions have not been unambiguously defined. As a result,
ficial fibers lie on the dorsal surface of the tongue, while we did not include these data in Table 1, and instead briefly
others enter the tongue and extend all the way to the intrin- describe the complex fiber orientations of each of the intrinsic
sic transversus muscle (discussed below). The palatoglossus tongue muscles. All information is based on the meticulous
is the only tongue muscle not innervated by the hypoglossal dissections of the human tongue by Abd-El-Malek in 1939
nerve. The source of palatoglossal innervation remains some- (1) and more recently by Sanders and Mu (383).
what unsettled and is likely species-dependent; although the The role of the intrinsic tongue muscles is to shape and
consensus is that innervation is via the vagus nerve, there are stiffen, rather than move, the tongue. As a result of the sig-
some reports that innervation is derived from the spinal acces- nificant intermingling of fibers of all intrinsic muscles and
sory nerve or the glossopharyngeal nerve. The main action of their complex actions, the role of these muscles in breathing
the palatoglossus is elevation of the posterior portions of the has been largely ignored until recently. The easiest intrinsic
tongue and lowering of the soft palate, thereby closing the muscle to record from is the superior longitudinalis (Fig. 5A
oral opening to the pharynx. The palatoglossus is active dur- and B), as it is easily accessible from the tip of the tongue.
ing swallowing onset, and there are some examples of a role The muscle fibers lie just beneath the mucous membrane of
in breathing. For example, the upper recording in Figure 5G the tongue and extend longitudinally from submucosal fibrous
shows an example of inspiratory-related palatoglossal activ- tissue adjacent to the epiglottis all the way to the tongue tip.
ity in an awake, supine, male subject (433). The breathing- Although most of the fibers are arranged along the long axis
related mechanical consequences of palatoglossal contraction of the tongue, some are obliquely oriented. When the fibers

Volume 9, July 2019 1045

The Muscles of Breathing Comprehensive Physiology

contract, the body of the tongue shortens and thickens, thereby its fibers extend laterally from the midline to the sides of the
contributing both to tongue retraction and dorsiflexion of the tongue where they intermingle with the fibers of the other
tongue tip. As with all tongue muscles with a role in tongue muscles, including the genioglossus. The medial branch of
retraction, the lateral branch of the hypoglossal nerves inner- the hypoglossal nerve innervates the transversus, and when
vates the superior longitudinalis. A series of studies by Bailey the fibers contract, they narrow and elongate the tongue and
and colleagues demonstrated respiration-related superior lon- contribute to tongue protrusion.
gitudinalis activity in anesthetized, tracheotomized rats (15). Muscles of the soft palate. This group includes the tensor
As shown in Figure 5H, there is inspiratory-related activity of veli palatini, levator veli palatini and the musculus uvulae,
the superior longitudinalis (labeled “Intrinsic EMG”) under which is sometimes called the palatinus (Fig. 6A). We have
baseline conditions (left panels), as demonstrated by burst- chosen to define the palatopharyngeus as a pharyngeal muscle
ing in phase with negative swings in esophageal pressure as its main action is on the pharynx (see below). The tensor
(Pes). The right-hand panels show substantial recruitment of veli palatini lies slightly anterior and lateral to the levator veli
the muscle during hypoxia. Further experiments using careful palatini muscle. The points of origin and insertion of its fibers
denervation of extrinsic retractor muscles combined with MRI are given in Table 1. The muscle is innervated by the medial
showed that stimulation of the hypoglossal nerves increased pterygoid nerve, which is a small branch of the mandibular
velopharyngeal airway volume (19). When stimulation was division of the trigeminal nerve. As the name implies, the
repeated after selective denervation of the nerve branches muscle tenses the palate, allowing the levator veli palatini
supplying the intrinsic retractor muscles of the tongue, the to more easily elevate the palate. The main role of palatal
increase in velopharyngeal airway volume was significantly elevation is in swallowing, as elevation and stiffening of the
reduced, indicating that the intrinsic tongue muscles con- palatal walls prevents food from entering the nasopharynx.
tribute to pharyngeal airway stiffening and/or dilation, and However, the muscle is also active in breathing. Activation of
thus play a role in the control of airflow resistance. the tensor veli palatini likely plays a role in the switch from
To the best of our knowledge, studies of respiration- nasal to oronasal breathing and likely dilates and stiffens the
related activity of the other three intrinsic tongue muscles retropalatal airway. Figure 6B shows phasic discharge of the
has not been attempted. Nonetheless, we will briefly review tensor veli palatini in an anesthetized dog (448). The activ-
the anatomy and putative mechanical actions of each mus- ity is in phase with diaphragm activity, thus defining it as
cle so that hypotheses regarding their role in the control of an inspiratory muscle. Importantly, the activity of the tensor
pharyngeal airflow resistance can be constructed. The inferior veli palatini varied as a function of the breathing route: when
longitudinalis lies on the under surface of the tongue between the breathing route was switched from tracheotomy breathing
the genioglossus and hyoglossus muscles. Its fibers extend (TB, low resistance; horizontal arrows below recordings in
from the base to the tip of the tongue, and some reports sug- Fig. 6B) to nasal breathing (NB, increased resistance), sig-
gest that at least some of the fibers originate on the hyoid bone; nificant recruitment of both tonic and phasic activity of the
if correct, this would be an exception to the concept that all muscle occurred. Figure 6C shows phasic inspiratory activity
“intrinsic fibers” are wholly contained within the blade of the of the tensor veli palatini in an awake, healthy human subject
tongue. Careful examination of Figure 5A suggests that the during quiet breathing (466). Interestingly, though the activity
fibers of this muscle likely intermingle with fibers of the sty- of the nasal dilator muscles (AN) and the genioglossus (GG)
loglossus, verticalis, genioglossus and hyoglossus. The close waxed and waned, the tensor veli palatini activity was robust
proximity of these muscles increases the odds of mixed, con- and consistent.
taminated, EMG activity. Nonetheless, the inferior longitudi- The main action of the levator veli palatini (Fig. 6A, and
nalis is likely a strong candidate for EMG recordings, as it Table 1 for anatomical descriptions) is elevation of the soft
is reasonably accessible in most mammals, though humans palate during swallowing. Fine nerve branches arising from
are a notable exception as the fibers are difficult to discern in the pharyngeal branch of the vagus nerve innervate the mus-
transverse sections of the human tongue (383). Importantly, cle. In human subjects, the respiration-related activity of the
the potential for contamination from adjacent fibers could be levator veli palatini is inconsistent both within and between
problematic even in lower mammals. subjects, and it is active during both inspiration and expi-
The verticalis muscle (Fig. 5B, labeled “TV,” and depicted ration (Fig. 6D). The tracings in Figure 6D were obtained
in blue in Fig. 5D), originates just beneath the superior in awake human subjects during isocapnic hypoxia, at an
longitudinalis, and its fibers descend vertically where they arterial O2 saturation of 77% (270). In contrast, the activity
intermingle with the transversus and inferior longitudinalis of the levator veli palatini in anesthetized dogs was consis-
muscles. Contraction of the muscle appears to narrow the tently active during the inspiratory phase of the breathing
tongue mediolaterally, while also elongating it. The medial cycle, and EMG activity increased briskly when the breath-
branch of the hypoglossal nerve innervates the muscle. ing route was switched from tracheotomy breathing to nasal
Finally, the transversus muscle (seen in sagittal section in breathing (Fig. 6B). The precise role of this muscle in the
Fig. 5B and in cross section in the right-hand panel of Fig. 5D) context of ventilatory control and airway defense remains
originates on the fibrous septum of the tongue midline, and unsettled.

1046 Volume 9, July 2019

Comprehensive Physiology The Muscles of Breathing

(A) (B)
Hard palate
Musculus MTA EMG
uvulae levator
Tensor veli
Uvula palatini baseline
Soft palate MTA EMG
Levator veli tensor

1 sec

(C) (D)


EMG AN 10 sec
EMG TVP Airflow

Figure 6 Muscles of the soft palate. Panel A shows the roof of the mouth, beginning at the hard palate anteriorly, and extending dorsally
to show the soft palate, which has been transected in the schematic diagram. The main palatal muscles, the tensor and veli palatini and
musculus uvulae, are shown. Panel B shows moving time averaged EMG activities of musculus uvulae (here referred to as the palitinus),
levator and tensor palatini muscles, and the diaphragm in an anesthetized, tracheotomized dog are shown. When breathing through the
tracheotomy (left of the vertical arrow), there was a low level of inspiration-related activity in all palatal muscles, and both phasic and tonic
activities were recruited after the transition to nasal breathing, suggesting that receptors responding to airway negative pressure activate
palatal muscle motoneurons (448). Panel C shows airflow (inspiration downward) and moving time-averaged EMG activities (MTA) of the
genioglossus (GG), alae nasi (AN), and tensor veli palatini muscles (TVP) during quiet breathing in a healthy human subject; note that there is
consistent palatal muscle activity under these conditions (467). (D) Representative unprocessed and moving time-averaged EMG activity (MTA
EMG) of the levator veli palatini (LVP) in a healthy, awake human subject. The bottom trace is the airflow recording, with inspiration shown
as a downward deflection (270). Bursts of activity are observed during both inspiratory and expiratory phases of the respiratory cycle.

The fibers of the musculus uvulae (Fig. 6A and Table 1) apnea (OSA) has a more anaerobic metabolic profile com-
are wholly contained within the uvula. Contraction of the pared to age-matched snorers, which suggests that there is
muscle tends to shorten and widen the uvula, allowing the more high-intensity activation of the muscle in patients with
soft palate to adhere to the posterior pharyngeal wall during OSA (397).
swallowing, which helps to ensure that food does not enter
the nasopharynx. The pharyngeal branch of the vagus nerve
Hyoid muscles
innervates this muscle. We were unable to find examples of
EMG activity of this muscle in human subjects, but it is acti- This group is divided into two subcategories, the infrahyoid
vated similarly to the other two palatal muscles in the dog and suprahyoid muscles. The former group originates below
(448) (Fig. 6B, top trace, referred to as the palatinus). Since and the latter group originates above the hyoid bone, as the
contraction of the musculus uvulae can close the nasopharynx, names imply. It is worth noting that the hyoid is not fixed
intense activation would provoke mouth breathing, and under in humans; it is attached to other bones via muscles or lig-
these conditions dilation of the oropharynx would depend on aments. As a consequence, the hyoid muscles may be less
the action of tongue and other pharyngeal muscles. Interest- effective in dilating and/or stiffening the upper airways com-
ingly, the musculus uvulae in patients with obstructive sleep pared to rodents in which the hyoid is fixed to the mastoid

Volume 9, July 2019 1047

The Muscles of Breathing Comprehensive Physiology

(A) Digastric (B)

(anterior belly) Mylohyoid
Stylohyoid 21%
Geniohyoid O2 (%) 0%
a b c d
Digastric Resp. flow
Phase 1 Phase 2
(posterior belly)

diaEMG, int


dEMG, int 1 min

1.40 3.20 5.00 6.40 8.20 10.00 11.40 13.20 15.00 16.40

EMG Awake (D)
Rib cage AP

Flow Sternocleidomastoid

Awake Mylohyoid

1 sec



Control 6% CO2

Figure 7 The suprahyoid muscles. In Panel A, a schematic anatomical drawing illustrates the suprahyoid muscles, including both anterior
and posterior bellies of the digastric muscles. In Panel B, respiratory flow, EMG of the diaphragm (diaEMG) and digastric muscles (dEMG)
are shown during the transition from normoxia to anoxia in neonatal rats. Rectified and integrated versions (int) of the EMG activities are
also shown. Note the recruitment of the digastric near the end of the apnea (defined as the absence of diaEMG and flow), and continued
activation of the muscle during the autoresuscitation phase prior to a terminal apnea (380). Panel C shows the moving-time averaged
geniohyoid EMG activity, which discharged in phase with inspiratory airflow, in healthy human subjects during wakefulness (top two sets
of tracings), and NREM and REM sleep (third and fourth sets of tracings). Muscle activity was increased during NREM sleep, but declined
to waking levels or below during REM sleep. Also, note that the respiration-related activity of the geniohyoid was always much less than
that observed during a swallow, as indicated in the second set of tracings (472). Panel D shows EMG activities of the sternocleidomastoid
and mylohyoid muscles, which discharge in phase with rib cage expansion during quiet breathing in high tetraplegics, consistent with roles
for these muscle in generating inspiration (106). Panel E shows EMG activities from the middle pharyngeal constrictors, stylohyoid, and
diaphragm, together with the inspired tidal volume recording in an awake goat. The left-hand panel was recorded during quiet breathing,
and the right-hand panel was recorded during a hypercapnic challenge with 6% inspired CO2 . Note the increase in stylohyoid activity
during hypercapnia, and the pattern of expiratory discharges under both conditions (324). However, as discussed in text, stylohyoid activity
is inspiratory in the anesthetized rabbit (373).

process (220). The lack of fixation of the hyoid in humans mylohyoid, and stylohyoid muscles (see Fig. 7A and Table 1
may contribute to the generation of OSA, but also allows for anatomical considerations). Interestingly, the anterior and
greater manipulation of the supralaryngeal space to enhance posterior bellies of the digastric muscle meet in the middle and
vocalization and speech articulation (11, 130, 170, 276). connect to one another via a tendon that is, in turn, attached to
the hyoid bone (Fig. 7A). The two bellies of the muscle have
different embryological origins, and as a result, the mandibu-
Suprahyoid muscles
lar branch of the trigeminal nerve innervates the anterior belly,
As the name implies, these muscles are located rostral to the whereas the digastric branch of the facial nerve supplies the
hyoid bone and inferior to the tongue, forming the “floor of posterior belly. The main action of the digastric muscle is
mouth.” Suprahyoid muscles include the anterior and pos- to depress the mandible and open the mouth, but digastric
terior bellies of the digastric muscle and the geniohyoid, activation can also influence hyoid elevation. We were unable

1048 Volume 9, July 2019

Comprehensive Physiology The Muscles of Breathing

to identify recordings of respiration-related digastric muscle inhibited by afferent feedback from pulmonary stretch recep-
activity in human subjects, though recordings have been made tors. The mylohyoid muscle is also recruited in response to
in neonatal rats (380). As shown in Figure 7B, there was lit- elevated airflow resistance (415). These observations suggest
tle digastric activity (dEMG) under baseline conditions, but that the suprahyoid muscles support breathing by stiffening
the muscle was intensely recruited during anoxia. It seems the upper airway under conditions where airflow resistance is
likely that the digastric would be active in gasping, as periods increased, or when pulmonary ventilation rises.
of auto-resuscitation tend to recruit all available inspiratory The stylohyoid muscles are located in front of and above
muscles in an “all hands-on deck” fashion. the posterior bellies of the digastric muscles on either side
The right and left geniohyoid muscles lie in close appo- below the jaw (Fig. 7A and Table 1), and like the digastric
sition to one another (Fig. 7A). When activated, the muscles muscle, the stylohyoid is innervated by the facial nerve. Con-
pull the hyoid bone forward and slightly upward, which dilates traction elevates the hyoid bone, and the muscle is very active
the pharyngeal airway. The muscle also assists in swallow- in swallowing. We could not find examples of respiratory-
ing and can depress the mandible. The innervation of the related stylohyoid activity in human subjects. Rothstein et al.
geniohyoid is interesting, as it is supplied by motor axons (374) recorded inspiratory activity of the stylohyoid in anes-
of the first cervical nerve, but these axons travel in the ansa thetized rabbits. Although they did not show original record-
cervicalis, which lies immediately adjacent to the hypoglos- ings, they indicate that the muscle discharged in phase with
sal nerve. Given the muscle’s role in pharyngeal dilation, inspiration, and that the discharge pattern was similar to
its breathing-related activity has been studied extensively by EMG activity recorded from the genioglossus muscle. In
many groups of investigators. As shown in Figure 7C (traces contrast, stylohyoid activity discharged during the expira-
labeled EMG) the muscle is activated in phase with inspiration tory period in awake goats, and the activity was a mixture
in healthy subjects studied awake and in the supine position of phasic and tonic discharge at rest. The tonic discharge was
(472). Close examination of the recordings also shows that replaced with modest recruitment of phasic expiratory activ-
the onset of geniohyoid EMG activity precedes the onset of ity during exposure to hypercapnia (324) (Fig. 7E). Thus,
inspiratory airflow, suggesting that contractions are timed to although the breathing-related function of the stylohyoid is
dilate and stiffen the pharynx prior to the generation of sub- unsettled, the other suprahyoid muscles support breathing by
atmospheric pressure to the upper airway lumen, which in stiffening the upper airway under conditions where airflow
turn is the result of contraction of the diaphragm and other resistance is increased, or when the demand for pulmonary
respiratory pump muscles. Moreover, Figure 7C shows that ventilation rises.
the geniohyoid may be more active in NREM sleep than OSA is an exclusively human disorder, which arises from
in wakefulness, though the activity is even greater during a a combination of anatomical encroachment on the upper air-
swallow. way and reduced upper airway muscle activity (including
The mylohyoid muscles (Fig. 7A) originate on the suprahyoid muscles) during sleep (see the following text).
mandible and insert onto the hyoid bone (Table 1), and There is an English Bulldog model of OSA in REM sleep,
together they form the floor of mouth. The muscles are derived but it could be argued that the peculiar pushed in nose of the
from the first pharyngeal arches bilaterally and are innervated bulldog, which makes the breed susceptible to OSA because
by the alveolar branch of the mylohyoid nerves, which in of nasopharyngeal airway collapse, reflects the interventions
turn are branches of the mandibular division of the trigeminal of humans during selection of the breed’s traits (198). The
nerve. Contraction of the mylohyoid muscle elevates the hyoid susceptibility of humans to OSA has been attributed to the
and the tongue during swallowing, and it is also involved in comparatively low position of the larynx within the upper
mandibular depression and speech. De Troyer and colleagues airway, which facilitates sound production for speech, but
(106) recorded mylohyoid activity during quiet breathing creates a pharyngeal airway that is not supported by any rigid
in high tetraplegics and found that it discharged phasically structures. In addition, the hyoid is not fixed so the suprahy-
during inspiration, and the onset of mylohyoid inspiratory oid muscles lack a solid fixation against which to obtain a
activity preceded movement of the rib cage, which is simi- stable mechanical advantage. Since the suprahyoid muscles
lar to the pattern observed in the geniohyoid (Fig. 7D, bot- are attached to the hyoid, it is possible to test the role of a fixed
tom tracings). In animal models, the mylohyoid branch of hyoid in the pathogenesis of OSA by severing the connection
the trigeminal nerve sometimes has phasic respiration-related of suprahyoid muscles to the hyoid apparatus. When this was
activity during eupnea, though the activity often spans both done in rats, the effect on upper airway muscles of the tongue
inspiration and expiration depending on the details of the unexpectedly showed only a modest compensatory response,
experiment (221, 419, 420). Mylohyoid nerve activity and the most likely because there was no demonstrable compromise
corresponding activity of the mylohyoid EMG are activated of upper airway patency (377). These observations suggest
by hypoxia, or hypercapnia (415, 419, 420), or by prolonged that the relatively rigid, short, and more linear pharynx in ani-
airway occlusion leading to hypoxia and hypercapnia. With- mal models renders them less susceptible to sleep apnea, In
holding lung inflation for a single breath in ventilated and contrast, the floating hyoid, elongated pharynx, and relatively
paralyzed animals also increases activity in the mylohyoid high compliance of the human pharynx makes humans more
nerve (28,259), suggesting that the motoneurons are normally susceptible to OSA.

Volume 9, July 2019 1049

The Muscles of Breathing Comprehensive Physiology

(A) (B)

Omohyoid, superior Genioglossus

Omohyoid, inferior Sternothyroid


Before After
10 s






Omohyoid EMG

Figure 8 The infrahyoid muscles. Panel A is a schematic diagram showing the infrahyoid muscles. Panel B shows inspiratory-related
EMG activities of the genioglossus and sternothyroid muscle in the anesthetized rabbit; note the marked recruitment of these muscles
during a brief nasal occlusion (horizontal bar) (372). Since EMG activity increased before there was time for significant changes in
blood gases or pH, the increased activity is likely due reflex modulation of muscle activity by negative upper airway pressure or the
removal of lung volume feedback from pulmonary stretch receptors. In Panel C, the moving time averaged EMG activities of thyrohyoid,
sternohyoid, and diaphragm muscles in an anesthetized dog are shown before and after bilateral vagotomy (447). The thyrohyoid
activity was largely expiratory before vagotomy, but inspiratory after vagotomy; this pattern was not always observed—some animals
had consistent inspiratory activation both before and after vagotomy. The stylohyoid muscle discharges during the inspiratory phase under
both conditions, although the activity of this muscle was present in only two of six dogs before vagotomy, but in all dogs after vagotomy.
Panel D shows tracheal pressure, airflow, and the moving time averaged EMG of the omohyoid muscle (Omo EMG) in an anesthetized
monkey. There is minimal activity in quiet breathing, but tonic and phasic inspiratory activity is recruited during tracheal occlusion, as
denoted by the absence of flow and the large swings in tracheal pressure (136).

Infrahyoid muscles The sternothyroid muscle lies deep to the sternohyoid and
its main function is to depress the larynx, which is a key aspect
Also called the strap muscles owing to their flattened shape, of normal chewing, swallowing, and speech. Nonetheless,
the infrahyoid muscles originate or insert on the hyoid bone studies in animal models also show clear respiration-related
and include the sternothyroid, omohyoid, sternohyoid, and activity in the sternothyroid (Fig. 8B) (372). The recordings
thyrohyoid (Fig. 8A and Table 1). All of the infrahyoid mus- in Figure 8B are from an anesthetized rabbit, and though
cles are innervated by motoneurons in cervical spinal cord simultaneous recordings of thoracic expansion or airflow were
segments 1-3, with axons from cervical segment 1 traveling not provided, the activity of the sternothyroid was inspiratory,
in the ansa cervicalis and axons from cervical segments 2 and and paralleled that recorded from the genioglossus. Note that
3 in the descending cervical nerve. When these muscles con- the activity increased substantially in response to a brief nasal
tract, they depress the hyoid bone, so in a broad sense, they occlusion. The reflex response is too fast to be driven by
could be considered antagonists of the suprahyoid muscles. chemoreceptors, and is consistent with a mechanoreflex.

1050 Volume 9, July 2019

Comprehensive Physiology The Muscles of Breathing

The fibers of the sternohyoid muscle originate on the regulating upper airway resistance and may assist inspiration
medial, posterior portion of the clavicle, the sternoclavicu- by elevating the upper thorax.
lar ligament and the manubrium of the sternum (Fig. 8A). In species with a floating hyoid, such as humans, it is pos-
When activated, the sternohyoid results in strong depression sible that simultaneous activation of infrahyoid and suprahy-
of the hyoid bone under conditions where the mandible is oid muscles stabilizes the hyoid. As with tongue muscles, this
fixed. Importantly, at least in lower mammals the sternohyoid is another example of how coactivation of multiple muscles
can pull the ribs and sternum cranially if the hyoid bone is acting on and/or around a given upper airway structure can
fixed, consistent with thoracic expansion and hence an inspi- stiffen the airway. This is in keeping with the more general
ratory action (106). There are many examples of respiration- principle stating that co-activation of agonist and antagonist
related activity of the sternohyoid muscle in animal models muscles acting on arm and leg joints leads to joint stabiliza-
(289, 303, 372, 376, 402, 427, 446, 447, 451, 453). Although tion (179).
the activity is not always observed in eupnea, all studies
show increased activity with chemoreceptor stimulation or
Pharyngeal muscles
following removal of lung volume feedback by vagotomy. For
example, in the anesthetized dog (Fig. 8C), the sternohyoid Pharyngeal muscles include the superior, middle, and inferior
is active in phase with inspiration, though only in some ani- constrictor muscles, the stylopharyngeus, the palatopharyn-
mals. Animals with activity at baseline (Fig. 8C, traces labeled geus, and the salpingopharyngeus (Fig. 9, A & B). Contraction
“Before”) showed a marked increase after denervation of of these muscles alters the shape or the tone of the pharyngeal
pulmonary stretch receptors by bilateral cervical vagotomy airway, and since the pharynx is compliant, as it must be for
(Fig. 8C, “After”) (447); similar observations have been made effective swallowing, it is also a region prone to narrowing,
in other species (28, 259). In human subjects, both the ster- especially in humans, who have an unusually elongated phar-
nohyoid and sternothyroid were recruited when subjects made ynx due to the descent of the larynx (313). As a consequence,
large volitional inspiratory efforts (164). It seems clear that when intraluminal pressure falls below pharyngeal surround-
this muscle plays a significant role in maintaining upper air- ing pressure (i.e., negative pharyngeal transmural pressure),
way patency during great breathing efforts. the pharynx will narrow or collapse if pharyngeal stabilizing
The thyrohyoid muscle is relatively short and wide muscles are not recruited. Although respiration-related activ-
(Fig. 8A), and its main action is to depress and fix the hyoid ity of the pharyngeal constrictor muscles is often observed,
bone and larynx. However, when the hyoid bone is fixed, the functional consequences of the activity remain poorly
contraction also causes laryngeal elevation. In the anes- understood, as discussed in the following text.
thetized dog, breathing-related thyrohyoid activity is bipha- The superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle is flat and
sic, and the pattern can switch spontaneously from one with quite large and has both bony and soft tissue attachment
dominant discharge in inspiration to one with dominant dis- points (Fig. 9A and B, and Table 1). The motor supply to all
charge in expiration. The switch in the timing of activity could the pharyngeal constrictor muscles except the stylopharyn-
be provoked by changing head position, but also by with- geus is via the pharyngeal branch of the vagus nerve. Nerve
holding lung inflation at end-expiration or after denervation bundles of the pharyngeal plexus supply the superior con-
of pulmonary stretch receptors with bilateral cervical vago- strictor’s mucosal layer, blood vessels, and sensory receptors.
tomy, which resulted in an expiratory-to-inspiratory switch Although the muscle plays an essential role in swallowing
(Fig. 8C) (447). Importantly, simultaneous electrical stim- and in shaping the airway for speech by narrowing and stiff-
ulation of multiple infrahyoid muscles consistently reduces ening the pharynx, it is also active during deep breathing.
upper airway resistance (135, 447), as does ventral traction In human subjects, the muscle displays mostly tonic activity
applied to the hyoid arch (447). under baseline conditions, but is recruited during hypercapnia
The omohyoid muscle is composed of superior and infe- and hypoxia (Fig. 9C) (263, 270). However, when activity is
rior bellies, which are joined by a central tendon (Fig. 8A and present during eupnea, it is most often in phase with expira-
Table 1). The muscle’s attachments to the clavicle and hyoid tion, which seems surprising given that the pharynx is most
bone (as well as some fibers of the central tendon attaching to prone to collapse during inspiration. The expiratory pattern
the first rib) suggest a potential role in both thoracic expansion has also been observed in the dog (482), though in the rabbit
as well as pharyngeal dilation. The main function of the mus- the activity occurs in phase with inspiration (374) suggesting
cle is typically described as a hyoid bone stabilizer. There that airway shape may play a role in the discharge pattern.
are few examples of respiration-related omohyoid activity, The middle pharyngeal constrictor muscles lie caudal to
and we were unable to identify recordings from human sub- the superior constrictor and superficial to the stylopharyn-
jects. Figure 8D shows EMG recordings of the omohyoid in geus (Fig. 9A and Table 1). The main action of the muscle
an anesthetized monkey (136). There was some phasic inspi- is to constrict during swallowing to drive boluses of food or
ratory activity during quiet breathing, and tracheal occlusion drink toward the esophagus. However, there is ample evidence
strongly recruited the omohyoid motoneurons, with both pha- that, like the superior constrictor, the middle constrictor plays
sic inspiratory discharge and tonic activity increasing. Thus, an important role in breathing, both in animal models and
the infrahyoid muscles appear to play a significant role in human subjects. As shown in Figure 9C, the human middle

Volume 9, July 2019 1051

The Muscles of Breathing Comprehensive Physiology

(A) (B)
constrictor Stylopharyn
Palatophary Superigeus
ngeus or
Stylopharyngeus constrictor
Middle Salpingophary
constrictor ngeus Inferior

(C) (E)
Normocapnia 8% CO2 9% CO2
E Flow
I (L/s)

(D) SP
Levator palatini

10 s

Figure 9 The pharyngeal muscles. In Panel A, the sagittal schematic shows all the pharyngeal muscles except the salpingopharyngeus,
which is shown in the anterior view in Panel B. In Panel C, from the top down, representative traces of airflow (inspiration downward) and
moving-time averaged EMG activities (MTA EMG) of the superior (SPC), middle (MPC), and inferior (IPC) pharyngeal constrictor muscles
are shown (263). All three muscles were active during expiration, though only at high respiratory drive evoked by raising the inspired CO2
levels to 8% and then 9%. Panel D shows inspiratory-related activity of the palatopharyngeus muscle in an awake, upright, human subject
with obstructive sleep apnea (307). The activity of the levator palatini and a chest wall motion recording (respitrace, inspiration upward) are
also shown. The EMG activities are moving-time averages. Panel E shows inspiratory airflow and moving time averaged EMG activities of
thyropharyngeus (TP), stylopharyngeus (SP), and the diaphragm (Dia) in an awake goat. Note that stylopharyngeus activity occurs during
inspiration in eupnea and is abolished during a spontaneous apnea, which is defined as the absence of airflow and diaphragm EMG
activity (144).

pharyngeal constrictor is activated similarly to the supe- released other stimulatory influences that increased drive to
rior constrictor: both muscles are minimally active under the motoneurons (375).
baseline, eupneic conditions, and discharge phasically dur- The inferior pharyngeal constrictor is often considered to
ing expiration when hypercapnia is used to increase res- be two separate muscles: a more superior part that originates
piratory activity. Similar observations were made in the on the thyroid cartilage and a more inferior part that origi-
awake goat (324), though in the anesthetized rabbit (373) nates on the cricoid cartilage (Fig. 9A and B, and Table 1).
and monkey (375) middle pharyngeal constrictor activity was Thus, some anatomists consider the structure to be composed
in phase with inspiration. An interesting observation is that of a “thyropharyngeal” muscle and a “cricopharyngeal mus-
in ketamine-anesthetized monkeys, all three pharyngeal con- cle”. Both parts of the muscle extend from their respective
strictors showed respiration-related discharge when the ani- origins in a posterior-medial direction to insert on the pharyn-
mals were supine or seated, but when the monkeys were awake geal raphe. Like all pharyngeal constrictor muscles, the infe-
the activity was lost. This could indicate that the anesthesia rior constrictor is important for swallowing, but also shows
depressed alveolar ventilation, increased arterial CO2 partial respiration-related activity in humans (Fig. 9C) (263), anes-
pressure, and stimulated muscle activity or that anesthesia thetized monkeys (375), anesthetized rabbits (373), sleeping

1052 Volume 9, July 2019

Comprehensive Physiology The Muscles of Breathing

rats (402), awake goats (324), and awake lambs (120). The of the muscle. Contraction of the stylopharyngeus elevates
activity was expiratory in the humans, lambs, goats, rabbits, both the larynx and pharynx, which is consistent with an
and monkeys and inspiratory in the rat. In most species, the important role in swallowing. We could not find recordings
activity can be biphasic depending on the experimental con- of stylopharyngus activity in human subjects, but detailed
ditions and can also be altered by changes in posture. studies have been done in the awake goat model. As shown
Given the above, the breathing-related mechanical con- in Figure 9E, moving-time averaged EMG activities of thy-
sequences of pharyngeal constrictor muscle activity are not ropharyngeus (TP), stylopharyngeus (SP), and the diaphragm
entirely clear. Kuna and colleagues (264) stimulated the motor (DIA), stylopharyngeus activity is inspiratory-related during
nerve supply to the pharyngeal constrictors while measuring eupnea, and its activity is abolished during a spontaneous
pharyngeal luminal pressure in decerebrate, tracheotomized apnea, defined as the absence of airflow and diaphragm EMG
cats. They found that stimulation dilated the pharynx at low activity (144).
lung volumes but constricted it at higher volumes. Addi- The salpingopharyngeus muscle originates on the medial
tional experiments showed that the radial force produced cartilaginous section of the Eustachian tube, from where it
by the constrictors was outwardly directed at low lung descends to merge with the posterior fascicle of the palatopha-
volumes and inwardly directed at high volumes. From this, the ryngeus (Fig. 9B). The main action of the muscle is to raise
authors speculate that the expiratory activity of the muscles the lateral pharyngeal walls and the larynx during swallowing,
could provide a braking action on expiratory airflow when as well as opening the pharyngeal orifice of the Eustachian
lung volume is high but would dilate the pharynx when lung tubes to equalize pressure in the inner ear. The breathing-
volume is low. Obviously, more experiments—especially on related role of the muscle is poorly understood. We are aware
human volunteers—are needed for a full understanding of the of only one study, wherein inspiratory discharge was recorded
mechanical actions of the pharyngeal constrictor muscles, as in two spontaneously breathing anesthetized rabbits (373).
they may play an important role in protecting the pharynx in The breathing-related function of salpingopharyngeus mus-
persons with OSA. cle contraction is unknown, though it is possible that the
The palatopharyngeal muscles are covered with mucous inspiratory activity of the muscle observed in the rabbit helps
membrane and form the posterior tonsillar pillars. Each mus- to stiffen the pharyngeal walls.
cle is composed of two main fascicles: a posterior fascicle
originating at the mucous membrane on the posterior surface
Laryngeal muscles
of the soft palate approximately at the midline, and an ante-
rior fascicle that emerges from the posterior boundary of the The intrinsic muscles of the larynx are often considered as
hard palate and also meets its contralateral partner at the mid- three functional groups: those that can modify the size of the
line (Fig. 9B). The muscle then passes inferiorly and laterally rima glottidis (“glottis”), those that regulate tension in the
and inserts into the posterior border of the thyroid cartilage vocal ligaments, and those that alter the size of the laryngeal
adjacent to fibers of the stylopharyngeus. inlet. Because the laryngeal muscles can widen or narrow the
The muscle pulls the pharyngeal walls upward and glottal aperture, they play an important role in the regulation
medially during swallowing, but it also shows respiration- of airflow resistance and the coordination of breathing and
related discharge. Mortimore and Douglas described pha- swallowing. As a result, their breathing-related activity has
sic inspiratory-related palatopharyngeal activity in healthy, been studied extensively. Laryngeal muscles with a particu-
awake subjects (Fig. 9D) (308) and subjects with OSA larly well-documented role in breathing include the posterior
(306, 307). They also showed that the activity tended to be cricoarytenoid, thyroarytenoid, and the cricothyroid muscles.
highest when subjects were nose breathing in the supine All of the laryngeal muscles originate on one of the laryngeal
posture, and that the application of negative pressure lead cartilages (Fig. 10A and Table 1), and insert into cartilage
to increased activity within 100 ms, consistent with a reflex or other laryngeal muscles. Various branches of the recurrent
response to negative pharyngeal pressure. The palatopharyn- laryngeal nerve provide motor innervation to all the intrin-
geus was active in phase with inspiration in anesthetized sic laryngeal muscles, with the exception of the cricothyroid,
rabbits (373), but during the expiratory phase in exercising which is innervated by the external branch of the superior
horses (209). These data suggest that depending on the unique laryngeal nerve.
features of pharyngeal anatomy, the palatopharyngeus can The posterior cricoarytenoid muscles are each composed
modulate both inspiratory and expiratory flow resistance. of two bellies, one lateral and more rostral and one more
The stylopharyngeus is a long, thin cylindrical muscle medial and caudal, and they have different insertion points
that originates on the styloid process, and as it descends, it (Fig. 10B and C, and Table 1). The more rostral belly
passes between the superior and middle pharyngeal constric- rotates the arytenoid cartilage laterally and backward, which
tor muscles. The majority of the fibers insert into the pos- increases tension in the vocal ligaments. The more caudal
terior border of the thyroid cartilage, but some fibers merge belly draws the arytenoid cartilages laterally and widens the
with one of the constrictor muscles or the palatopharyngeus. glottis, producing a triangular shape that is noticeable dur-
The stylopharyngeus is innervated by the motor branch of the ing forced inspiratory efforts (61); thus, this belly is often
glossopharyngeal nerve, which passes over the lateral aspects considered the “true laryngeal dilator muscle.” The inferior

Volume 9, July 2019 1053

The Muscles of Breathing Comprehensive Physiology

(A) (B)

Epiglottis Posterior
Thyroid cartilage cricoarytenoid
Arytenoid cartilages muscle
Cricoid cartilage Lateral
Corniculate cartilages Thyroarytenoid cricoarytenoid
muscle muscle

(C) (D)

Oblique arytenoid

Transverse arytenoid
muscle Cricothyroid muscle
vertical belly

Cricothyroid muscle
oblique belly

Figure 10 The laryngeal muscles. For anatomical orientation, the laryngeal cartilages are shown from anterior (left) and posterior vantage points
in Panel A, a superior view in Panel B, and a dorsal view in Panel C. Panel D shows, from top down, tidal volume, airflow (inspiration down),
and raw and moving-time averaged EMG activities of the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle in healthy human subjects. As with the thyroarytenoid,
posterior cricoarytenoid activity during quiet breathing is brisk, and there is marked recruitment during progressive hypercapnia, as evoked with
7% and 9% CO2 in the inspired gas (260). Panel E shows EMG recordings of the levator veli palatini (LVP), the lateral cricoarytenoid (LCA), and
rib cage expansion in an anesthetized dog during the transition from eupnea to progressive hypercapnia. Note that the LCA was active during
expiration in eupnea, but was markedly reduced in hypercapnia—the opposite of the response of the LVP to hypercapnia (251). Panel F shows the
activity of the arytenoideus muscle in a healthy adult human subject that transitioned spontaneously from eupnea to rapid, shallow breathing. The
unprocessed and moving time averaged EMG recordings are shown, and the upper two traces are airflow (expiration upward) and tidal volume,
respectively. The muscle is active during eupnea, and discharges in phase with expiration (262). Drive to the muscle was reduced during the
period of rapid shallow breathing, and expiratory glottic area increased, consistent with a drop in expiratory flow resistance. As explained in the
text, it was not possible to determine whether the electrodes were located in the transverse or the oblique arytenoid, as the muscles are very small
and closely apposed to one another. Panel G shows representative recordings of unprocessed and moving time averaged EMGs of the lateral
cricoarytenoid (CT) muscle and tidal volume (inspiration upward) in a human subject studied during progressive hyperoxic hypercapnia. Segments
of the experiment at baseline and at two levels of increased ventilatory drive are shown. The rate of pulmonary ventilation in the three segments
was 8.0, 18.1, and 26.5 L/min. Note that the activity of the lateral cricoarytenoid occurs during inspiration in eupnea, and that both peak phasic
and tonic expiratory activities increase in hypercapnia (469). Panel H shows unprocessed and moving time averaged thyroarytenoid muscle EMG
recordings and airflow (inspiration down) in a young, healthy human subject breathing quietly (“nonloaded”) and against three successively larger
inspiratory resistive loads (232). Note the consistent, inspiration-related activity during quiet breathing and progressive recruitment as the resistive
load increased.

branch of the recurrent laryngeal nerve supplies the motor these observations have been made by many investigators, and
innervation to the muscle. in many species (5,25,38,48,51,80,82,140,192,231,251,254,
As shown in the EMG recordings in Figure 10E, the pos- 260, 261, 324, 349, 352, 384, 385, 401, 424, 425, 454, 480, 489).
terior cricoarytenoid is active in inspiration, and the pha- Further, voluntary sniffing maximally opened the vocal folds
sic activity increases with hypercapnia (260). Moreover, in as a result of rapid, phasic recruitment of both the pos-
human subjects, the higher the posterior cricoarytenoid activ- terior cricoarytenoid and the cricothyroid in humans. This
ity, the wider the glottis, which in turn leads to a reduction ‘sniff’ test is used clinically to test laryngeal abductor mus-
in airflow resistance (48, 50, 80, 82, 137-139). One or both of cle function (347). In anesthetized or decerebrate animal

1054 Volume 9, July 2019

Comprehensive Physiology The Muscles of Breathing

(E) Normocapnia 7% CO2 9% CO2




10 s
(F) EMG LVP 100 !V

EMG LCA 200 !V

Rib cage

(G) 0.8


10 s

Figure 10 (Continued )

models (25, 26), hypercapnia increased posterior cricoary- laryngeal muscles were recorded simultaneously (207).
tenoid activity and was associated with increased vocal cord Although the study was focused largely on voice produc-
abduction and a drop in upper airway resistance, and this tion, subjects were asked to voluntarily increase their rate and
was true both before and after denervation of sensory afferent depth of breathing. Both left and right lateral cricoarytenoid
feedback from pulmonary stretch receptors. muscles were recruited in 9 of 10 subjects under these con-
By adducting the vocal cords, activation of the glottic con- ditions. Koizumi et al. (251) reported, in anesthetized dogs,
strictor muscles elevates airflow resistance and reduces the that the lateral cricoarytenoid was active during eupnea but
rate of expiratory airflow (360). The paired lateral cricoary- markedly reduced in response to progressive hypercapnia,
tenoid muscles originate on the ipsilateral cricoid cartilage which was the opposite of the response in the levator veli
and insert onto the muscular portion of the arytenoid cartilage palatini (Fig. 10F). This is consistent with the muscle’s action
(Fig. 10A and B). The muscles rotate the arytenoid carti- as a laryngeal adductor, as a reduction in lateral cricoary-
lages medially and contribute to adduction of the vocal cords. tenoid activity during hypercapnia would widen the glottis
There are very few recordings of this muscle under condi- and promote expiratory airflow.
tions where breathing was also monitored. In an interesting The transverse arytenoid is an unpaired, thin sheet of
study in human subjects, EMG activities of seven intrinsic muscle that overlies the posterior surface of the arytenoid

Volume 9, July 2019 1055

The Muscles of Breathing Comprehensive Physiology



1L 5s

(I) Nonloaded Load 1 Load 2 Load 3




Figure 10 (Continued )

cartilages (Fig. 10B and C). It extends from the lateral border The sensory component of the reflex leading to the switch is
of one arytenoid cartilage to the lateral border of the con- unknown. Moreover, since the activity of the transverse and
tralateral arytenoid cartilage. When the muscle contracts it oblique arytenoid muscle could not be distinguished, firm con-
brings the arytenoid cartilages together, thereby narrowing clusions cannot be drawn and additional studies are needed.
or closing the glottis; thus, it is a glottic adductor. There are Muscles that regulate the tension in the vocal cords include
limited recordings of the transverse arytenoid muscle as it the cricothyroid, thyroarytenoid, and the posterior cricoary-
is extremely difficult to distinguish its activity from that of tenoid muscles. Since the breathing-related activity of the
the oblique arytenoids (see the following text). Kuna et al. posterior cricoarytenoid has been discussed above, we con-
(262) studied arytenoid activity in human subjects, though fine this discussion to the cricothyroid and the thyroarytenoid
they were “unable to determine whether the electrodes were muscles. The cricothyroid muscle originates on the anterolat-
located in the transverse arytenoideus and/or oblique ary- eral aspect of the cricoid cartilage and attaches to the inferior
tenoideus because of the very small size and intimate rela- horn of the thyroid cartilage (Fig. 10A and D). As indicated
tionship of these muscles.” As a result, they described their above, the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve
recordings as “arytenoideus EMG recordings” to reflect this innervates the muscle, making it the only intrinsic laryngeal
uncertainty. The muscle was active under eupneic conditions muscle that is not innervated by the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
in 11 of the 14 subjects studied, with recordings from one Contraction of the cricothyroid muscle stretches and stiffens
of these subjects shown in Figure 10G. In most subjects, the the vocal cords and may also widen the vocal cord opening by
onset of activity was in the latter half of the inspiratory phase, pulling the thyroid cartilage downward and over the cricoid
and it persisted throughout the expiratory phase. Figure 10G cartilage (291). This widening of the glottic opening suggests
also shows a substantial decrease in activity as the subject that the cricothyroid and posterior cricoarytenoid muscles are
transitioned, spontaneously, from eupnea to a more rapid and agonists, serving to decrease resistance to inspiratory airflow.
shallow breathing pattern. This coincided with an increase in The cricothyroid is active in inspiration during quiet breath-
expiratory glottic area (Fig. 10G). One explanation is that the ing in healthy human subjects (Fig. 10H, left panel), and
low lung volumes associated with shallow breathing lead to both peak phasic and tonic activity increase systematically
reduced expiratory elastic recoil pressure, so reducing drive during progressive hyperoxic hypercapnia (middle and right
to the arytenoideus and dilating the glottis would mitigate the panels) (469). The rise in activity paralleled the rise in minute
drop in expiratory flow caused by the reduced recoil pressure. ventilation, consistent with a role in abduction of the glottis

1056 Volume 9, July 2019

Comprehensive Physiology The Muscles of Breathing

as inspiratory flow rates increase. The rise in both phasic and studies of the role of thyroarytenoid activity in the control of
tonic discharge is consistent with single motor unit recordings expiratory flow resistance.
in healthy human subjects (77), in whom 45% of cricothy- Muscles that alter the size of the laryngeal inlet include the
roid motor units discharged phasically and the remainder oblique arytenoids, the aryepiglotticus, and the thyroepiglot-
tonically. Moreover, the phasic units showed several pat- ticus. The oblique arytenoid muscles are paired and lie on
terns: inspiratory activity that continues into early expiration, top of the transverse arytenoid (Fig. 10C). Each muscle orig-
expiratory activity that continues into inspiration, and tonic inates on the base of one arytenoid cartilage, and inserts onto
discharge. the apex of the contralateral cartilage, such that the mus-
The thyroarytenoid muscles originate on the lower half cles form an “x.” These muscles are active during cough and
of the thyroid cartilage on each side and insert on the ante- swallowing, acting as a sphincter that closes the larynx. As
rior surfaces of the arytenoid cartilage (Fig. 10A and B). The discussed earlier, we are unaware of recordings of the oblique
muscles lie above the vocal cords. Often the muscle’s lower arytenoids alone. Some fibers of the oblique arytenoids con-
fibers are referred to as the “vocalis,” as the fibers insert into tinue around the lateral margin of the cartilage and extend into
the vocal process of the arytenoid cartilage, while the upper the aryepiglottic fold to make up what is sometimes described
fibers are often termed the vocal muscle, as these fibers are as a separate muscle, the aryepiglotticus. The aryepiglotticus
very active during speech. A variable proportion of the thy- acts as an oblique arytenoid synergist to close the laryngeal
roarytenoid muscle fibers extend into the aryepiglottic fold, inlet, presumably by pulling the margins of the epiglottis tight
where some of the fibers reach the margins of the epiglottis. against the aryepiglottic fold and preventing the epiglottis
These fibers are sometimes described as a separate muscle from being sucked inward during inspiration. Similarly, some
called the thyroepiglotticus. This somewhat variable structure fibers of the thyroarytenoid muscle extend into the aryepiglot-
translates into functional variations as well. The main effect tic fold and insert into the epiglottis, and this bundle of fibers
of contraction is to shorten and slacken the vocal cords for is defined as the thyroepiglottic muscle. The thyroepiglotti-
the control of pitch during speech. However, when the more cus widens the laryngeal inlet. However, studies from human
lateral portions of the muscle contract, the arytenoid carti- cadavers indicate that these small muscles may or may not be
lages rotate inward, which narrows the glottis. This action discernible, and when they are found, the thickness of the fiber
has been the focus of the muscle’s respiration-related control, bundles is highly variable (358). Thus, the function of these
as the size of the glottic aperture is an important regulator of mysterious, small, and variably present muscles remains con-
airflow resistance. The thyroarytenoid muscle is active during troversial. Nonetheless, the role of these muscles in breathing
quiet respiration, and both phasic inspiratory and tonic motor deserves further study, especially when one considers their
unit activities have been observed in human subjects (77), possible role in inspiratory stridor (283).
though the predominant pattern in human subjects and ani- The activity of abducting and adducting laryngeal muscles
mal models is phasic expiratory activity (232) (Fig. 10I). In is usually carefully coordinated so that both inspiratory and
humans, the expiratory activity has been shown to narrow the expiratory laryngeal resistance is optimized to match respira-
glottis, increase expiratory resistance, and reduce expiratory tory demands. However, laryngospasm, which is a respiratory
airflow. Together, these actions serve to dynamically con- protective reflex elicited by stimulation of the supra- and pos-
trol functional residual capacity and contribute to the mainte- sibly infralaryngeal receptors, disrupts this usual coordina-
nance of alveolar volume during eupnea (5,231,261). Reports tion and leads to airway obstruction. Laryngospasm occurs in
of reduced thyroarytenoid activity during hyperpnea induced adults, but it is more common in young children and infants.
with hypercapnia or hypoxia in healthy human subjects are The laryngeal obstruction is caused by intense activation of the
consistent with the important role of the thyroarytenoid in the lateral cricoartenoid and thryroaretenoids (laryngeal adduc-
dynamic control of expiratory airflow resistance (232). tors) and the cricoarytenoids, which stiffen the vocal cords
However, note in Figure 10I that progressive increases (269). Laryngospasm may complicate induction of anesthe-
in expiratory flow resistance (“Load I, Load II, Load III”) sia and intubation, and laryngeal anesthesia, which blocks
were accompanied by increased, rather than decreased thy- laryngeal receptors, may reduce the risk of eliciting this inap-
roarytenoid activity (232). This is consistent with studies by propriate activation of laryngeal constrictors (295).
Daubenspeck and Bartlett (95) and Brancatisano et al. (49),
which also demonstrated increased expiratory glottic narrow-
Thoracic muscles
ing during the application of expiratory loads. Interestingly,
Insalco et al. (232) showed a strong correlation between expi- The traditional anatomic description of thoracic muscles
ratory duration and thyroarytenoid peak EMG activity as well includes all muscles that move the ribs. These include mus-
as glottic narrowing, suggesting that the thyroarytenoid activ- cles that connect adjacent ribs (intercostal group), muscles
ity determined the expiratory duration by increasing expira- that span two or more ribs (the subcostalis muscles), those
tory flow resistance and retarding expiratory flow. In con- that connect the ribs to the sternum (transversus thoracis or
trast to these studies, Rattenborg (355) found that the glottic “triangularis sterni”) (110) and muscles that connect the ribs
aperture increased during the application of expiratory resis- and vertebrae (the levator costae and the serratus muscles)
tive loads. Thus, there seems to be a need for more detailed (Fig. 11, panels A and B). All of these muscles act to change

Volume 9, July 2019 1057

The Muscles of Breathing Comprehensive Physiology

(A) (C)

Internal insp.

Transversus Ribcage

Diaphragm Dorsal external

intercostal (3)

(B) (D)

Tidal volume
Internal minor
intercostals A

intercostals Serratus

Figure 11 The thoracic muscles. Panels A and B are schematic diagrams showing those thoracic muscles that
have documented respiration-related activity. Panel C shows airflow (inspiration upward), ribcage movement (inspi-
ration up), and the unprocessed and moving time averaged EMG signals of the dorsal external intercostal muscles
from the third intercostal space during quiet breathing in a healthy human subject. The activity is clearly in phase
with inspiration (109). Panel D shows intramuscular EMG recordings from the third, right intercostal space. The
upper tracings show inspiratory activity recorded from the superficial layer, and the bottom traces show expiratory
activity in a deeper layer. The airflow and tidal volume recordings are superimposed on each set of EMG record-
ings (arrows). Inspiration is upward for both flow and volume. This experiment indicates that expiratory activity
predominates in the deep layers even in the rostral intercostal spaces, Panel F (434). Panel E shows tidal volume
(inspiration upward), the moving time average EMG of an external intercostal muscle from the sixth interspace, and
the moving time average and unprocessed EMG of the internal intercostal muscle from the ninth intercostal space,
also on the left-side, in a healthy human subject. Note that forced exhalation of the expiratory reserve volume (ERV)
causes marked recruitment of the internal intercostal muscle. While the activity of both muscles was absent or mini-
mal in eupnea, when the subject held his breath at end-expiratory lung volume while rotating to the left, tonic EMG
activity was evoked in the internal intercostal muscle and phasic expiratory activity was accentuated. This suggests
that increasing synaptic input to the internal intercostal motoneuron pool by twisting brought the neurons closer to
firing threshold. Adapted, with permission, from (367). Panel F is a schematic of the right side of the chest showing
where intercostal activity was most consistently found during quiet breathing (dotted area, inspiratory; hatched area,
expiratory), with the number of observations made at each location indicated. The two points marked “D” indicate
the site of electrode placement for diaphragm recordings. In general, the upper parasternal intercostals were active
only during inspiration, while the caudal and more lateral spaces were active during expiration (434). This obser-
vation, made in 1960, was largely confirmed in studies by De Troyer and colleagues, which are summarized in
Panel G. These data show the relation between airway opening pressure and the activities of external, internal,
and parasternal intercostal muscles recorded from four different intercostal spaces (110). Note that parasternal
muscles discharge only in inspiration; external intercostals in in the rostral spaces are active during inspiration,
but in the caudal spaces (T8 and below) they discharge during the expiratory phase. Internal intercostal muscles
are consistently active in the expiratory phase. The recordings in Panel H show the anteroposterior diameter of
the abdomen (increase upward, indicating inspiration) and EMG recordings of the triangularis sterni (or transversus
thoracis), the external oblique abdominal muscle, and the “deeper abdominal muscle layer” from a healthy 66-year-
old subject studied in the standing position are displayed. In this subject, all three muscles were phasically active
during expiration (143). Panel I shows (from top down) representative recordings of mouth pressure, inspiratory
flow, tidal volume, and the moving-time averaged EMG of the pectoralis major muscle in a young healthy subject. In
the left-hand panels, the subject was asked to make an inspiratory effort at 80% vital capacity against an occluded
airway, while in the right-hand panels the subject breathed against a large inspiratory resistance (66) (see text for
more details). Panel J shows representative surface EMG tracings from the right sixth intercostal space and the right
serratus anterior muscles in a young, healthy, human subject instructed to take deep breaths so that the inspired
volume approached the inspiratory capacity. Inspiration is represented by a downward deflection in the airflow
signal and an upward deflection in the tidal volume trace (356).

1058 Volume 9, July 2019

Comprehensive Physiology The Muscles of Breathing

Volume ERV
700 mL

ext. intercostal

int. intercostal
int. intercostal
Left turn
10 s

(F) (G)
–4 Parasternal
2 Internal
6 14
2 10 22

Δ Pao (cmH2O)
3 10 12
2 7 12 15
2 2
1 4
3 10 10
3 2
3 3 2
2 5 2
MCL 2 4 6 8
D Intercostal space

(H) Abdomen AP

Ext. oblique
Deeper abdominal
layer 1s

(I) (J) EMG

intercostal Exp. Insp.
Mouth pressure
(cmH2O) 40 12 mV
Inspiratory 0.5 0.5 Serratus anterior
flow (L/s)

Tidal volume 4.0 1.0

(L) Flow
MTA EMG 12 L/s
pectoralis major Tidal volume

Figure 11 (Continued )

Volume 9, July 2019 1059

The Muscles of Breathing Comprehensive Physiology

rib cage dimensions, so they are often defined as respiratory are active during eupnea in most subjects (109, 160, 189, 223,
“pump muscles.” The respiration-related activity of most of 224, 379). For example, DeTroyer and Estenne found that
these muscles has been explored, and key features will be parasternal intercostals were “always active” during quiet
described in the following text. Before discussing the tho- breathing, and that their activity pattern was a ramp-like
racic muscles, we note that the diaphragm has been grouped, increase throughout inspiration with continued discharge into
arbitrarily, with the abdominal muscles. the early part of the expiratory period (104) (see Fig. 11C).
Intercostal muscles are arranged in thin sheets located The ramp like pattern of the EMG could be the result of
between each of the ribs and are divided into three groups: recruitment and/or an increase in firing rate of motor units
the external, internal, and innermost intercostals. Whether the throughout the inspiratory phase. Gandevia et al. (159) found
innermost intercostals are separate muscles or part of the inter- that external intercostal motor units increased their firing rate
nal intercostal layer is unsettled; there is considerable anatom- monotonically throughout inspiration both in quiet breathing
ical variability observed between species as well as within a and during hypercapnia, but the firing rate increased modestly,
species, including humans (363). The fibers of the innermost from 10 to about 12 Hz. Though whole muscle EMGs were
intercostals have the same orientation as the internal inter- not recorded, measures of rib cage expansion increased sub-
costals, so both muscles likely play a role in rib depression stantially, suggesting that increasing external intercostal force
and thus exhalation. The intercostal nerves and blood vessels is dominated by motor unit recruitment, with increased firing
supplying a given intercostal space lie on the surface of the rate playing an important though quantitatively lesser role.
innermost intercostals, which in turn lie on the surface of the Posture is also an important determinant of the magni-
parietal pleural membrane. The intercostal nerves travel along tude of intercostal muscle activity. Druz and Sharp (129)
the rostral rib of each intercostal space, with each intercostal showed that, in healthy human subjects, parasternal inter-
nerve sending out fine branches that supply each of the inter- costals had both phasic and tonic discharge when subjects
costal muscles. Thus, the whole intercostal nerve carries axons were upright, but both patterns of activity declined signifi-
to all three muscles within its target intercostal space, which cantly when the subjects switched to the recumbent posture.
explains why recordings of whole intercostal nerve activity In contrast, Wanke et al. (463) showed that for a given level
are often composed of both inspiratory and expiratory bursts of ventilation, the supine posture was associated with greater
(see the following text). drive to the intercostal (and diaphragm) muscles compared to
In humans, the external intercostals originate on ribs 1 to the seated position, probably reflecting the increased abdom-
11 and insert on ribs 2 to 12 (Fig. 11B and Table 1). Their inal loading of inspiratory muscles associated with the supine
mechanical action is complex and has been reviewed in detail posture. In summary, external intercostal muscles are active
in two recent publications (102, 110). In brief, if each inter- during eupnea in most human subjects that have been stud-
costal space is considered to comprise a rostral and a cau- ied, are among the first inspiratory muscles recruited when an
dal rib, each external intercostal muscle elevates its caudal increase in tidal volume is needed, and both external and
rib. Thus, the collective activation of all external intercostal parasternal intercostal muscles contribute to the increased
muscles moves the ribs rostrally (elevation) and rotates them tidal volume (359, 484). There are considerable variations
anteriorly, which expands the transverse dimensions of the rib in drive to external intercostal muscles depending on the
cage. These actions define external intercostals as inspiratory anatomic location of the muscle, and other factors such as
muscles. There are, however, some interesting functional spe- posture, rib cage compliance, etc.
cializations. For one, marked regional variations exist across The internal intercostal muscles lie beneath the external
both the rostro-caudal and dorsal-ventral dimensions (109). intercostals in each interspace, and their fibers are oriented
For example, the external intercostals located close to the approximately 90◦ to the axis of the external intercostal mus-
sternum, the “parasternal intercostals,” appear to play a larger cle fibers (Fig. 11B). They originate on ribs 2-12 and insert
role in thoracic expansion than more distal regions of the on ribs 1 to 11. Accordingly, their mechanical actions are
muscle and to have a lower recruitment threshold when ven- opposite to those of the external intercostals. When activated,
tilatory demand increases [for a detailed review, see (110)]. they move each rostral rib caudally (depression) and rotate the
The parasternals extend from the sternum to the costochon- ribs both caudally and posteriorly, which decreases the trans-
dral joint, and in this region, all the muscle fibers are derived verse dimensions of the rib cage. This action compresses the
from the internal intercostal muscle layer. However, the mus- lungs and thus promotes exhalation. It is widely believed that
cle in the same intercostal space, but on the dorsal surface, these muscles are quiet during eupnea in healthy mammals as
appears to be derived only from external intercostal muscle the natural elasticity of the lungs generates sufficient inward
fibers. The dorsal region also includes a specialized agonist recoil at the onset of the expiratory phase of the breathing
muscle known as the levator costae, which extends from the cycle to promote passive exhalation. However, in his classic
transverse process of the spine to the adjacent, caudal rib; we study published in 1960 (434), Taylor found eupneic expira-
categorize this as a back muscle, and it is discussed below. tory activity in internal intercostal muscle layers in the lateral
Whether or not the external intercostals contribute to regions of interspaces 8 to 11 in humans (Fig. 11D). Whitelaw
eupneic breathing in healthy human subjects has long been and colleagues also reported “low-grade” internal intercostal
debated. However, recent studies suggest that the parasternals activity in the eighth interspace during eupnea (367, 471),

1060 Volume 9, July 2019

Comprehensive Physiology The Muscles of Breathing

and that the activity increased when subjects were asked to increases during brain hypoxia (74), exercise (7) and hyper-
rotate their trunk to the same side of the body from which capnia (7, 225, 328, 390, 409). In contrast to animal mod-
the recordings were made (Fig. 11E). These findings suggest els, there is no eupneic triangularis sterni activity in human
that at least some of the internal intercostal motoneurons used subjects studied in the supine posture, though volitional expi-
for breathing and trunk rotation are the same, and that trunk ratory maneuvers reliably recruited the muscle (113). In con-
rotation may have increased excitability of the motoneurons trast, 16 of 20 subjects studied while standing showed pha-
and amplified the descending respiratory-related drive. An sic, expiratory-related activity in the triangularis sterni (143)
interesting point is that more rostral parasternal muscles are (Fig. 11H). Thus, as in animal models, the human triangu-
biased toward inspiration, even though the muscle fibers in laris sterni is an important muscle under conditions of active
that region are derived from the internal intercostal muscle expiration and plays an important role in compensating for
layer as discussed above. Taylor also found that, with some the adverse effects of gravitational forces on the diaphragm
exceptions, the upper parasternal intercostals were active dur- in the upright posture.
ing inspiration, while the caudal and more lateral parasternal The pectoralis major muscle has two heads: a clavicular
intercostals were active during expiration (434) (Fig. 11F). head, which originates on the anterior border of the clavicle,
These observations, made in 1960, were largely confirmed and a sternocostal head, which arises from the anterior sur-
in studies by De Troyer and colleagues, which are summa- face of the sternum, the upper six costal cartilages, and the
rized in Figure 11G. This figure shows the relation between aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle (Fig. 11B). The
airway opening pressure and the activity of external, inter- muscle inserts into the anteromedial humerus in the “bicip-
nal and parasternal intercostal muscles recorded from four ital groove.” The nervous innervation is via branches of the
different intercostal spaces (110). The data support the idea lateral and medial pectoral nerves. Motoneurons at the C5
that, in human subjects, inspiratory activity in the more ros- and C6 levels innervate the clavicular head, and motoneurons
tral external and parasternal intercostal muscles predominates at the C7, C8, and T1 levels innervate the sternocostal head.
in eupnea, whereas expiratory activity predominates in the The muscle’s main action is adduction and medial rotation of
more caudal interspaces. However, fascinating observations the humerus, but it also has complex actions on the scapula.
by Sibuya et al. (404) raise some very interesting questions. The breathing-related role of the pectoralis muscles has
They studied patients with brachial plexus injury in the inter- not been studied extensively, but a few technically ingenious
costal nerves from the third and fourth thoracic interspaces studies have been done. Criner et al. (91) stimulated the deep
were cut and used to reinnervate the biceps brachii muscles. pectoral muscles in supine, anesthetized dogs while measur-
EMG recordings from the biceps showed eupneic, expiratory ing the change in esophageal pressure, which is a commonly
bursting in six of the eight patients and mixed inspiratory and used index of rib cage expansion or contraction. Rib cage
expiratory activity in the other two patients, though expiratory expansion is associated with a negative change in esophageal
activity was much stronger in these two individuals. More- pressure (i.e., below atmospheric pressure), while thoracic
over, expiratory activity increased during hypercapnia. Given contraction is associated with more positive esophageal pres-
these findings, how can inspiratory activity predominate in sures. During bilateral stimulation of the deep pectoral mus-
the upper intercostal spaces in intact humans? Answering cles, the esophageal pressure fell, and lung volume increased,
this question will require carefully designed and executed consistent with an inspiratory action. However, this was
experiments. Finally, there is a strong consensus that internal observed only when each animal’s forelimbs were elevated
intercostal muscles are recruited whenever there is a demand above the head. When the forelimbs were at the animal’s side,
for more rapid and/or forceful lung emptying (e.g., exercise, stimulation of the pectoral muscles caused a positive swing
coughing, etc., (125, 234). in esophageal pressure, consistent with compression of the
The triangularis sterni muscles (also known as the rib cage, and an expiratory action of the pectoralis muscles.
transversus thoracis muscles) originate on the dorsal surface Apparently, changing forelimb position changed the angle
of the xiphoid process and the caudal region of the dorsal between pectoral muscle fibers and the sternum, which altered
sternum and insert on either side of the rib cage into the the muscle’s length and mechanical action on the rib cage, and
second to sixth costal cartilages (Fig. 11A). Upon contrac- substantially changed the size and direction of the thoracic
tion, these muscles depress the ribs and narrow the thorax, movement associated with muscle contraction. Though it is
assisting expiration. In dogs, triangularis sterni muscles were unclear whether the stimulation described above activated the
always active in eupnea, and consistently discharged during pectoralis major, minor, or both, these fascinating observa-
the expiratory period. The activity of the triangularis sterni tions show that the pectoral muscles can play a role in breath-
commenced shortly after the inspiratory parasternal activ- ing at least under some conditions. Breathing-related EMG
ity ceased, increased during the early expiratory period, and activities of the pectoralis major muscles have also been stud-
continued at a steady level until expiration was terminated ied in healthy human subjects, as shown in Figure 11I (66).
(112). Careful mechanical measurements confirmed that con- The tracings in the left-hand panels were recorded as the sub-
traction of the muscle elevated the sternum, depressed the ject made an inspiratory effort at 80% vital capacity against
ribs, and decreased lung volume, effects that are consis- an occluded airway (absence of inspiratory flow and tidal vol-
tent with an expiratory function. Triangularis sterni activity ume), showing marked recruitment of the pectoralis major.

Volume 9, July 2019 1061

The Muscles of Breathing Comprehensive Physiology

No activity was observed during eupnea, but a small amount a small triangular muscle that originates on each of the first
of activity was observed when subjects breathed against a ribs, adjacent to the costoclavicular ligament, and inserts on
large inspiratory resistance, as shown in the right-hand panels the caudal surface of the clavicle. The subclavian nerve, which
of Figure 11I. These studies in dogs and humans indicate that is a branch of the fifth and sixth cervical nerves, innervates
the pectoral muscles can contribute to breathing, but investi- the muscle and the motoneurons are found at cervical levels
gations are few and more detailed studies are needed. C5 and C6. Contraction of the subclavius helps to depress
The serratus anterior muscle originates on the first eight the shoulder and clavicle, but it can also elevate the first rib,
or nine ribs. While most ribs have one sheet of muscle, in thereby assisting thoracic expansion and serving a respiratory
some instances two sheets of muscle can be observed. The function. The subcostalis is a very thin sheet of muscle in
insertion points include the medial border of the scapula and the innermost part of the intercostal muscle group, along with
the thoracic vertebrae (Fig. 11B). Anatomists often describe triangularis sterni. It is often missing in the upper intercostal
three parts of the muscle, but all three parts serve to protract spaces, but is typically obvious in the lower spaces. The mus-
(extend and pull forward) and stabilize the scapula, which cle originates on the inner surface of a rostral rib and inserts
supports forward reaching with the arms. The innervation is into the inner surface of a caudal rib that is often two to three
via the thoracic nerve (“Bell’s nerve”), which is a branch ribs below the rib of origin. As with the triangularis sterni, fine
of the brachial plexus, and the motor neurons are located in branches of the intercostal nerve innervate the muscle, though
cervical segments 5-7. it is not clear if innervation is from the nerve associated with
Whether the serratus anterior muscles have a breathing- the rib of origin, from the ribs below the point of origin, or
related function is not clear. However, when the shoulder from both. The fiber orientation of the subcostalis is similar
girdle is fixed, activation of the serratus muscles elevates the to that of the triangularis sterni and internal intercostal mus-
ribs and expands the thorax, suggesting an inspiratory func- cles, and its action is to depress the ribs, which would reduce
tion. Reid et al. (356) recorded the serratus anterior EMG in thoracic volume and promote expiratory gas flow.
30 healthy human subjects (15 males and 15 females) aged Interestingly, the C5 segment of the spinal cord contains
5 to 62 years. They did not report any eupneic activity, but motor neurons innervating all thoracic muscles just discussed
voluntary deep breathing efforts recruited the muscle in all as well as phrenic motoneurons. From a spinal cord injury
subjects. The recruitment threshold averaged 61% of the vital perspective, it is important to determine which thoracic mus-
capacity when subjects were standing and 35% when subjects cles retain breathing-related activity, as those muscles can be
were seated and leaning forward with the elbows supported the focus of rehabilitative efforts that, in some cases, could
on a table (Fig. 11J). The activity was mainly inspiratory, reduce the need for mechanical ventilation.
but some subjects showed early expiratory activity as well.
The authors suggest that the muscle is an important acces-
Abdominal muscles
sory inspiratory muscle, especially under conditions when the
muscle is placed at optimal mechanical advantage for rib cage This group of muscles includes the diaphragm (Fig. 12A),
expansion. Recruitment of the serratus anterior muscle was and the, external and internal obliques, rectus abdomi-
confirmed in another study showing clear EMG activity dur- nis, transversus abdominis and the quadratus lumborum
ing maximal volitional inspiratory efforts in healthy human (Fig. 12A12C). With the exception of the diaphragm and
subjects, consistent with an inspiratory assist function under quadratus lumborum, which are active during inspiration, the
conditions of high ventilatory drive (73). Interestingly, after abdominal muscles are activated during the expiratory phase.
a 200-meter swim at 90% of race pace, the median frequency In healthy subjects, they are quiet in eupnea but recruited
of the serratus anterior EMG fell by 11%, and the fall in EMG when respiratory drive increases. Abdominal expiratory
was correlated with the drop in both breathing frequency and muscle contractions reduce thoracic volume and promote
stroke rate of swimming (280). Thus, it is unclear whether expiratory gas flow, so they are clearly expiratory muscles.
the changes in EMG activity reflect the muscle’s action in Abdominal muscle contraction on expiration can also assist
swimming, breathing or both. In another study, serratus ante- the diaphragm by lengthening its fibers and thus placing the
rior oxygenation (measured via near infrared spectroscopy) diaphragm on a more favorable position on its length-tension
began to fall when subjects reached about 85% of their relation thereby increasing mechanical efficiency (357, 370).
maximal exercise capacity, which the authors suggest was The anterior abdominal muscles (i.e., all muscles except the
the result of increased recruitment of the muscle under these quadratus lumborum and diaphragm) are also involved in
conditions (274). However, the muscle was not activated dur- trunk rotation and other postural maneuvers, and participate
ing seated cycle ergometry when the arms were held folded importantly in expulsive maneuvers including cough, vom-
and relaxed (68). In sum, the serratus anterior appears to play iting, and childbirth [reviewed in (233)]. We first describe
a role in inspiratory expansion of the rib cage under condi- the basic anatomy of each muscle, and then address their
tions of very high respiratory drive, with posture playing an breathing-related activation.
important modulatory role. The diaphragm muscle is unique to mammals, and infor-
The subclavius and subcostalis muscles may play a role mation on its evolution and complex mechanical actions is
in breathing, but this has not been evaluated. The former is reviewed in several excellent articles (114, 208, 342), so here

1062 Volume 9, July 2019

Comprehensive Physiology The Muscles of Breathing

we give only a brief summary. These reviews advance the idea contralaterally; only about 4% of the premotor neurons are
that reptiles, which lack a diaphragm, possess a high compli- located in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS). In contrast,
ance, low surface area lung, and the diaphragm evolved to cats appear to have a larger proportion of phrenic premotor
inflate a low compliance, high surface area mammalian lung neurons in the NTS, though there is some disagreement among
without a large increase in the work of breathing, thereby studies (86, 414, 418). In humans, cats, and dogs the axons
providing mammals with a much greater aerobic capacity. of premotoneurons innervating the diaphragm mostly cross
The diaphragm is active with virtually every breath under all before descending in the spinal cord, where they make mostly
conditions in mammals, and it is, for this reason, considered monosynaptic connections with the phrenic motoneurons.
the primary inspiratory muscle. The diaphragm muscle fibers There is no doubt that the diaphragm is active during each
originate circumferentially along the internal body wall on breath in all mammals, including humans. Moreover, given
lumbar vertebrae, ribs, and the sternum and insert into the that diaphragm EMG activity has been recorded in multiple
flat central tendon. The diaphragm separates the thorax from studies and in many species (for a recent review, see (65),
the abdomen and forms the “floor” of the thorax in upright we will not overelaborate. The diaphragm is active through-
humans. The diaphragm has two main functional parts, the out the inspiratory period and continues to discharge into the
costal and crural regions. The costal diaphragm is anatom- early expiratory period (Fig. 11B). The early expiratory activ-
ically defined to encompass the fibers that originate on the ity is typically called “post-inspiration inspiratory activity,”
inner surface of the lower six costal cartilages, the lower four and its putative function is to counteract lung elastic recoil
ribs and the xiphoid process of the sternum, with the insertion pressure so that the lungs do not deflate too quickly and/or
point the anterior and lateral regions of the central tendon. too completely. Neural drive to the diaphragm also increases
The fibers that originate from the lower ribs are more or less during central and peripheral chemoreceptor stimulation and
vertically aligned, forming what has been called a “zone of exercise, so that the diaphragm plays a major role in the aug-
apposition” between muscle and ribs (281). This zone effec- mentation of pulmonary ventilation that occurs under these
tively “seals off” the lower ribs from the pressure changes conditions.
in the pleural space (281). Instead, the lower ribs are sub- The thin, quadrilateral external oblique muscle is situated
jected to abdominal pressure, and as a result, the transmural on the lateral and anterior parts of the abdomen and consists of
pressure across the lower ribs is abdominal pressure minus eight bundles that originate on the inferior margins of the fifth
atmospheric pressure. Since abdominal pressure rises as the through twelfth ribs (Fig. 12C). The bundles take different
diaphragm descends during inspiration, transmural pressure routes to their insertion points; those arising from the lower
increases, and the thorax expands along its rostral-caudal axis, ribs plunging vertically downward to insert into the ante-
and the lower ribs are also displaced laterally, causing further rior region of the iliac crest. The remaining fibers descend
thoracic expansion (114). Thus, the costal diaphragm con- more obliquely and form an aponeurosis, which terminates
tributes to expansion of the thorax by displacing the abdomen at the midline linea alba. The external oblique muscles are
anteriorly and caudally and displacing the lower ribs laterally innervated by motoneurons in the lower two or three thoracic
and outward. The crural diaphragm originates largely on the segments, and the upper three lumbar segments. In addition
lumbar spine and the aponeurotic arcuate ligaments, and has to flexion and rotation of the vertebral column, contraction
a foramen through which the esophagus and aorta pass, while of the external oblique muscles displaces the thorax caudally
the vena cava passes through a foramen in the central tendon. and raises intra-abdominal pressure, actions that reflect the
Isolated stimulation of the crural diaphragm also increases expiratory function of these muscles.
abdominal pressure and dimensions, but does not expand the The internal oblique muscle lies just below the external
rib cage (114). These observations suggest that the two parts oblique, and its fibers are aligned perpendicularly to the exter-
of the diaphragm are both anatomically and functionally dis- nal oblique fibers (Fig. 12C). The fibers originate on the iliac
tinct, consistent with their different embryologic origins (243) crest, the thoracolumbar fascia of the lower back, and from
and that the crural diaphragm is devoted mainly to digestive the inguinal ligament. The fibers travel obliquely upward to
functions (346). insert on ribs 10 to 12 and into the linea alba. The innerva-
Phrenic motoneurons innervate the diaphragm, and in tion is by lumbar motoneurons, with the majority in lumbar
most species, they are located in spinal cord segments C3 segments 1 to 3. When activated, the internal obliques com-
through C6 (465). The axons of phrenic motoneurons emerge press the abdominal wall, which displaces the diaphragm cra-
from cervical ventral roots C3, C4, and C5, where they join nially, thereby reducing the size of the thorax and facilitating
together to form the phrenic nerves, which descend bilaterally exhalation. The muscle is also involved in rotating the thorax
to the upper dome of the diaphragm, more or less lateral to the toward the hips and lower back on the same side.
great veins and pericardium. The phrenic motoneurons receive The transversus abdominis muscle lies deep to the inter-
descending input from medullary pre-motoneurons in the dor- nal oblique muscles, just above the peritoneum. Fibers of the
sal and ventral respiratory groups, with significant species transversus abdominis originate on the inguinal ligament, the
variation. In the rat, about 80% of the phrenic premotor neu- iliac crest and the cartilaginous portion of the lower six ribs.
rons are in the ventral respiratory group (127), and about half The lower fibers insert into the pubic crest, and the remaining
the premotor neurons project ipsilaterally and half project fibers into the linea alba (Fig. 12C). Like the internal oblique,

Volume 9, July 2019 1063

The Muscles of Breathing Comprehensive Physiology

(A) (C)

Left Transversus oblique
abdominis Quadratus
Right dome lumborum
dome abdominis

Right crus Left crus (D) A

Volume 1L
(B) Abdomen AP
EMG 1s

Hz 1s
0 1L

2 I

Extern B

1 100 ms
Flow 0
5 4 3 2 1
Volume 1 (L)

Rest 100 Watts 200 Watts 350 Watts


P mouth
5s 2s 2s 2s
Unoccluded maximal exhalation




1064 Volume 9, July 2019

Comprehensive Physiology The Muscles of Breathing

the transversus abdominis also compresses the abdomen and more severe (end-tidal PCO2 50 mmHg), transversus activ-
draws the lower ribs medially, making it a powerful expi- ity increased further and recruitment of the rectus abdominis
ratory muscle. Innervation is via thoracoabdominal nerves was observed, but no clear activity emerged in the exter-
(T6-T11), the subcostal nerves (T12), and the ilioinguinal nal oblique (105). However, another study in human subjects
and iliohypogastric branches of L1. showed that with even more severe hypercapnia (end-tidal
The fibers of the rectus abdominis muscles are oriented PCO2 63 mmHg), all four abdominal muscles were recruited
vertically, and left and right muscles are parallel to one another (Fig. 12E) (2). Moreover, it is clear in these recordings that
and separated by the linea alba (Fig. 12C). The muscle is con- expiratory activity begins in mid-to-late expiration, increases
tained in the rectus sheath within dense bands of connective in intensity throughout the expiratory period, and contin-
tissue (“the tendinous intersections”) that divide the muscle ues into early inspiration before it terminates rather abruptly.
into three bellies on each side. The muscle fibers originate on These observations are consistent with an inspiratory assist
the xiphoid process of the sternum and on the costal cartilages function of the abdominal muscles in addition to their primary
of the fifth to eighth ribs and insert into the pubic bone. Inner- role in accelerating expiratory airflow, as discussed earlier.
vation is by motor nerves of the sixth to eleventh intercostal These observations under conditions of chemoreceptor stimu-
nerves. In addition to playing an important role in flexion lation are generally consistent with observations made during
of the lumbar spine, contraction also raises intra-abdominal exercise in young healthy subjects. As shown in Figure 12F,
pressure, which helps accelerate expiratory airflow. there was no rectus abdominis or external oblique activity dur-
The quadratus lumborum is the only posterior abdominal ing resting breathing in young subjects seated on a bicycle (3).
muscle, and it is often considered a back muscle. It is a deep However, as the exercise intensity increased progressively, the
muscle, is more or less four sided, and is wider caudally than external oblique was recruited at a workload of 100 watts, with
rostrally (Fig. 12C). The fibers originate on the iliac crest a monotonic rise in activity as intensity continued to increase,
and ilioloumbar ligament and ascend to insert on the inferior up to 350 W. In contrast, the rectus abdominis was activated
border of the lower-most rib on each side. It also has four only during very intense exercise (350 W). Thus, respiration-
small, medial fiber bundles, each terminating in a tendon, and related activation of human abdominal expiratory muscles is
each tendon in turn inserts onto one of the upper four lumbar evoked by chemoreceptor stimulation and exercise, though
vertebrae. The twelfth thoracic and upper four lumbar motor the recruitment thresholds of each of the abdominal muscles
nerves innervate the muscle. can differ widely. The recruitment threshold likely depends
Activation of abdominal expiratory muscles by lung infla- on the type of stimulus, posture, and the compliance of the
tion, hypercapnia and hypoxia have been well-documented abdominal and chest wall, among other factors.
in anesthetized, decerebrate, and awake animal models, and Contraction of the quadratus lumborum (Fig. 12C) fixes
eupneic activity is reported in some studies, but not all the last rib and stabilizes the lumbar vertebrae. Because the
[reviewed in (233)]. Studies in human subjects reveal some posterior fibers of the diaphragm also insert into the upper
eupneic activity in the standing posture, but minimal to none lumbar vertebrae, such fixation allows the diaphragm to gen-
in supine subjects. The transversus abdominis appears to erate more force. As such, the quadratus lumborum could
have the greatest respiratory-related activity, followed by be considered an accessory inspiratory muscle. Figure 12G
the internal oblique, external oblique, and rectus abdomi- shows EMG recordings of the quadratus lumborum (upper
nis (2, 105, 432). There are some differences, however. For trace) and diaphragm (lower trace) in an anesthetized rabbit
example, Figure 12D shows recruitment of the transversus (47). The numbers below the tracings indicate different phases
abdominis, but not external oblique or rectus abdominis, dur- of the respiratory cycle, with phase 2 demarcating inspira-
ing moderate hypercapnia. When the hypercapnia became tion. It is clear that the quadratus is active during inspiration,

Figure 12 The abdominal muscles. Panels A and C illustrate the diaphragm and abdominal muscles, respectively. Panel B shows the diaphragm
EMG (top trace), the moving time averaged EMG, and a raster plot show the discharge frequency of the large motor unit that is visible in the EMG
recording. The bottom trace is tidal volume and inspiration is upward. Note that the commonly observed inspiratory, augmenting discharge pattern
of the diaphragm EMG is the result of a rapid rise in discharge frequency at inspiratory onset, followed by a plateau near the middle and end
of the inspiratory period (379). Panel D shows three sets of recordings, and in each set (from top down), lung volume (inspiration upward), the
anterior-posterior dimensions of the abdomen, and EMG recordings from rectus abdominis (RA), external oblique (EO), and transversus abdominis
(TA) muscles. Recordings were made in a young healthy male subject studied while sitting upright. The upper, middle, and lower sets of tracings were
recorded during quiet breathing (end-tidal CO2 = 42 mmHg), and two levels of hypercapnia (end-tidal CO2 = 46 and 50 mmHg). Note that only the
transversus was active during quiet breathing, and the other two muscles were not recruited until the end-tidal CO2 was 50 mmHg (105). Panel E
shows EMG recordings from each of the four anterior abdominal muscles, during severe hypercapnia (end-tidal CO2 = 63 mmHg) in a young,
healthy supine subject. Inspiration is represented by upward deflections in both flow and volume recordings (2). Panel F shows intramuscular EMG
recordings from the rectus abdominis (RA) and external oblique abdominal muscles, and mouth pressure at rest and during progressive intensity,
cycle ergometer exercise in a young, fit cyclist. In this study, the EO was recruited in light exercise, but the RA was recruited only during very heavy
exercise. The EMG activities obtained during a maximal voluntary expiration against an occluded airway are shown in the bottom of the panel
(3). Panel E shows representative EMG recordings of the quadratus lumborum (upper trace) and the diaphragm (lower trace) from an anesthetized
rabbit during quiet breathing. The numbers represent different phases of the respiratory cycle: from left to right, expiration (5), preexpiration (4),
end of inspiration (3), inspiration (2), and preinspiration (1). Activity is almost exclusively inspiratory, indicating that the quadratus lumborum is an
accessory inspiratory muscle.

Volume 9, July 2019 1065

The Muscles of Breathing Comprehensive Physiology

consistent with its role as an accessory inspiratory muscle. inspiratory EMG activity in levator costae muscles from the
We are unaware of studies of this muscle in human subjects, ninth and tenth thoracic interspaces during quiet breathing,
at least where respiration-related activity was the principle though phasic inspiratory activity was often accompanied
focus. There are some observations where quadratus activity by tonic activation of the levator costae with changes in
during trunk rotations appeared to be slightly higher during posture (169). Studies in anesthetized cats suggest that the
inspiration than expiration (337), consistent with the muscle’s EMG recordings were truly from the levator costae muscles,
role as an accessory inspiratory muscle. and not the result of contamination from adjacent intercostal
muscles; the studies showed that levator costae motoneurons
receive both inspiratory-related, descending excitatory synap-
Back Muscles
tic potentials, as well as afferent inputs from muscle spindles
This category includes the “erector spinae,” which is a group and tendon organs (206).
of muscles (see below); the latissimus dorsi; the levatores The large, flat latissimus dorsi originates on the spinous
costarum; rhomboid major and minor; serratus posterior infe- processes of the T7 to L5 vertebrae, as well as from the thora-
rior; serratus posterior superior; and the levator scapulae. We columbar fascia, the iliac crest, the bottom four ribs, and the
categorized the trapezius as a head and neck muscle, and inferior angle of the scapula. It inserts into the intertubercular
its breathing-related behavior was considered above. To the groove of the humerus. It is innervated by the thoracodorsal, or
best of our knowledge, the only back muscles that have been “long scapular nerve,” which itself is composed of branches
studied in the context of the control of breathing are the lev- of the sixth, seventh and eighth cervical nerves. The main
atores costarum muscles (or simply the “levator costae”), the actions of the muscle include extension and internal rotation
latissimus dorsi, and the iliocostalis lumborum of the erector of the arm, and trunk rotation. As shown in Figure 13D, the
spinae group. human latissimus dorsi muscle is recruited during inspiratory
The levator costae originate bilaterally on the transverse efforts to 80% of vital capacity (left-hand panels) and during
processes of the seventh cervical through eleventh thoracic breathing against an inspiratory resistive load (right-hand pan-
vertebrae (Fig. 12B). The muscles insert onto the caudal most els) (66). Orozco-Levi et al. (334) also recorded inspiratory
rib with fibers orientated downward and lateral, in parallel activity from the human latissimus dorsi: there was minimal
with the external intercostal muscle fibers. The four most activity at baseline (1.8% of that recorded during a maxi-
caudal levator costae usually divide into two bundles, one of mal activation evoked by forced adduction of the arm), but
which inserts two ribs below its point of origin. The muscles progressively increasing activity when breathing against an
are innervated by fine dorsal rami of spinal nerves from cervi- inspiratory resistive load. The activity recorded at the highest
cal 8 through thoracic 11 levels. Contraction elevates the ribs inspiratory load averaged about 32% of the maximal voli-
and expands the rib cage, thus assisting inspiration. Several tional force in 11 subjects. Gutierrez et al. (182) also reported
experiments, many published by DeTroyer and colleagues in inspiratory-related activity of latissimus dorsi during eupnea,
animal models, describe recruitment of levator costae mus- though the activity was not quantified. Observations in sub-
cles in phase with inspiration. Anesthetized dogs show clear, jects with and without spinal cord injury showed increased
phasic inspiratory activity during eupnea in the supine pos- latissimus dorsi activity during a forced expiratory maneuver,
ture, as shown in Figure 11C (108), though a motor unit with which suggests that the muscle may play a role in expiration
a tonic discharge pattern can also be observed. Denervation as well as inspiration (435).
of the parasternal intercostals bilaterally caused hypoventila- The erector spinae muscles originate from a thick tendon
tion and recruitment of the levator costae muscles, due to a that is attached on the sacral crest and from the spinous pro-
hypoventilation-mediated rise in PaCO2 , spinal reflexes from cesses of the eleventh and twelfth thoracic vertebrae, and
muscle spindles in adjacent intercostal muscles (115), and each of the lumbar vertebrae. The erector spinae muscle
reflexes originating from pulmonary stretch receptors (100). group is has three main parts, each with three subcomponents
Additional experiments, also in anesthetized dogs, indi- (Fig. 13B): the iliocostalis laterally, composed of the ilio-
cated that levator costae muscles in rostral intercostal spaces costalis lumborum, thoracis, and cervicis; the longissimus,
were active during inspiration, and the activity rose when which is the middle of the three muscles and consists of the
resistance to inspiration was increased by reducing the longissimus thoracis, cervices, and capitis; and the medial
diameter of the tracheostomy tubing. Interestingly, the more spinalis, which consists of the spinalis thoracis, cervices, and
caudal levator costae muscles rarely showed activity in quiet capitis. The insertion points of these muscles are widespread,
breathing, and activity could not be evoked even when airflow but in the context of breathing, the important attachments
resistance was increased (101). In the rat, EMG recordings of are to the posterior portion of ribs 3 to 12. The muscles are
the levator costae attached to the tenth rib showed phasic supplied by lower cervical, thoracic, and upper lumbar spinal
inspiratory activity during eupnea, with a doubling of activ- nerves. The main action of these muscles is extension of the
ity after phrenic nerve transection (400). Similarly, there was vertebral column, though they also play a role in lateral flexion
consistent, phasic inspiration-related discharge in the levator of the spine.
costae in supine, anesthetized baboons (107). Data in a single Cala et al. (66) recorded the EMG in erector spinae
human subject studied in the standing position demonstrated muscles adjacent to the T6 and T7 vertebral space, which

1066 Volume 9, July 2019

Comprehensive Physiology The Muscles of Breathing

(A) (B) (C)

Trapezius scapulae 200 mL
minor Spinalis
Rhomboid (thoracic only) Parasternal
Latissimus Levator External
dorsi costae


(D) (E)
Mouth pressure
(cmH2O) 40 Inspiration
EMG, 10th intercostal
Inspiratory 0.5 0.5 space
flow (L/s)

EMG, Iliocostalis
Tidal volume 4.0 1.0 lumborum

Erector spinae

Latissimus dorsi
15 s

Figure 13 The back muscles. Panels A and B illustrate the superficial (A) and deep back muscles (B), as described in the text. Panel C shows
lung volume and intercostal muscle EMG recordings in an anesthetized, supine dog breathing quietly. Note that the levator costae, as well
as the more commonly studied intercostal muscles, are phasically active during inspiration; adapted, with permission, from (108). Panel D
shows (from top down) representative recordings of mouth pressure, inspiratory flow, tidal volume, and the moving-time averaged EMG of
an erector spinae muscle, the latissimus dorsi, and the trapezius in a young, healthy subject. In the left-hand panels, the subject was asked
to make an inspiratory effort at 80% vital capacity against an occluded airway, while in the right-hand panels the subject breathed against
a large inspiratory resistance (66). Activity was inspiratory in all three muscles. Panel E shows simultaneous recordings from intercostal and
iliocostalis lumborum muscles in a male subject with respiratory myoclonus. Note that both muscles were activated during inspiration. The
small, high-frequency bursts observed in the expiratory period (arrows) confirm the myoclonus (237).

suggests that the recorded activity reflected the action of the extensively by others (134, 153, 212, 215, 216, 331, 333, 442),
medially located spinalis, though this is not certain. Nonethe- and they will be summarized only briefly here.
less, the muscle behaved similarly to the latissimus dorsi;
activity increased during volitional efforts and when breath-
ing against an inspiratory resistance (Fig. 13D). Jinnai et al. Motor unit recruitment patterns
(237) recorded from the iliocostalis lumborum in a single
Greater muscle force may be generated by increasing the
subject with respiratory myoclonus, and reported rhythmic
frequency of activation of motor units or by increasing the
inspiratory activity, confirming that these small back muscles
number of motor units activated in any given muscle. There is
can assist inspiration, at least under some conditions.
a well-established size principle in which motor units are acti-
vated as a function of motor neuron size so that smaller neu-
rons, which activate smaller motor units, are activated first (the
Patterns of muscle activity smaller a neuron, the greater its excitability for any level of
As described above, the number, discharge patterns, mechan- synaptic input because the small size of the neuron translates
ical actions, and interactions of respiratory muscles that are into greater input resistance) (201, 202). Therefore, muscle
active at any point in time are complex. Nevertheless, certain force increases smoothly as the firing frequency of individ-
general principles emerge. The general principles governing ual motor units is increased to the point of tetany and larger
the recruitment of respiratory muscles have been reviewed and larger motor units are activated. Muscles that generate

Volume 9, July 2019 1067

The Muscles of Breathing Comprehensive Physiology

gross movements tend to have larger motor units (for exam- to more caudal intercostal fibers (193), and those intercostal
ple, limb muscles generating large forceful movements and muscles that are most intensely activated, muscles with inspi-
the muscles of posture), and muscles that are responsible ratory activity, also have a greater representation of fatigue
for fine motor control tend to have smaller motor units (the resistant fibers (177).
muscles of the eye and hand, for example). Beyond the size
principle, it seems that motor neurons serving an individual
muscle receive input from a common source; the central ner- Respiratory muscle activity during sleep
vous system controls the balance of excitatory and inhibitory The activity of respiratory muscles is acutely tuned to not
inputs to the motor neuron pool so that all neurons in that only the metabolic demands of the organism, but behavioral
pool receive the same drive (99, 312, 364). This is efficient demands as well. Of interest here is that three stages of behav-
in terms of optimal central control of motor activity, and the ioral arousal have been defined in which respiratory drive
pattern of activation of individual motor units may still vary and therefore respiratory muscle activity changes dramati-
because even with a common drive, individual motor neu- cally and in characteristic ways: wakefulness, non-rapid eye
rons activating motor units within the same muscle will be movement (NREM) sleep, and rapid eye movement (REM)
more or less susceptible to activation depending on the size sleep. These states are defined phenomenologically largely
of the motor neuron and differences in segmental synaptic on the basis of patterns of electroencephalographic activity,
inputs. Respiratory muscles show this same orderly pattern of muscle activities and externally observable behaviors (respon-
activation (35, 121, 238, 442). A further subtlety of this order sive or non-responsive to commands, eyes open or closed,
of activation is that smaller motor units tend to be activated etc.). A network of reciprocally connected neural groups in
more frequently, and smaller motor units are more likely to be the hypothalamus and brainstem regulate the occurrence and
fatigue resistant; whereas larger motor units, which are acti- interplay of these behavioral states (386), and this neuronal
vated less frequently and only for short durations during larger network interacts with and modulates the activity of the respi-
respiratory efforts, tend to be less fatigue resistant (121, 405). ratory control system within the brainstem to change the level
In muscles innervated by the hypoglossal nerve (e.g., the of respiratory muscle activity as a function of behavioral state
genioglossus), increasing respiratory drive leads mainly to (214). Within each behavioral state, there are further subdi-
increased recruitment of additional motor units (239,314,366) visions based on subtle variations in the EEG. For example,
rather than an increase in the rate of firing of individual motor NREM sleep is divided into four stages in which the fre-
units. Moreover, as respiratory drive increases, the inspira- quency of the EEG diminishes and the amplitude increases,
tory modulated motor units, those with both tonic and phasic and these stages seem to correspond to increasingly deep
inspiratory activity, respond to increases in respiratory drive states of NREM sleep, and REM sleep is distinguished by
by recruiting additional motor units; whereas the expiratory both phasic and tonic episodes. Hence, REM sleep, NREM
modulated units within the upper airway muscles studied are sleep, and wakefulness are not unitary states, and respiratory
less sensitive to increasing respiratory drive and more prone muscle activity varies, as a consequence, even within each
to demonstrate modulation of muscle force by changes in state—especially during the wide range of possible activities
motor unit discharge rates (442, 462, 476). This has led to during wakefulness.
the hypothesis that upper airway muscles with phasic inspi- The diversity of muscles recruited to support the demands
ratory activity increase force by recruiting additional motor of breathing is greatest during wakefulness as befits the wide
units and this phasic inspiratory activity generates the gross, range of activities humans pursue during their daily lives (27).
respiratory-related movements of upper airway muscles. In Therefore, those muscles that are recruited to augment res-
contrast, the activity of expiratory and the purely tonic motor piration only during the most extreme respiratory maneuvers
units is modulated by variation in the frequency of motor unit (maximal inspiratory and expiratory activities, respiration in
discharge, which is used to fine tune the actions of upper contorted positions and exercise) are active only during wake-
airway muscles in response to reflex mechanisms reflecting fulness. During NREM sleep, metabolic demand is reduced,
the local conditions in which each upper airway muscle oper- and the central nervous system actively ignores external sen-
ates (442). sory inputs so that the diversity of behavioral, sensory and
Finally, all muscles are activated in ways that are mechan- brain-derived inputs supporting respiratory drive are reduced
ically advantageous. This has been particularly well studied largely to the chemical control of ventilation (oxygen and
in intercostal muscles where the order of activation of inter- carbon dioxide levels), and reflex regulation of respiratory
costal muscles proceeds from the rostral intercostal spaces to function seems to be reduced. For example, the Hering-Breuer
the caudal interspaces as the mechanical advantage of each reflex appears to be blunted during sleep (111), and load com-
intercostal space is optimal (110,271). Activation of the mus- pensation is diminished (96, 199). The inspiratory activity of
cles is also graded along the mediolateral axis; medial activa- the diaphragm persists, and the inspiratory activity of muscles
tion is greater and occurs earlier and lateral activation is less of the chest wall and the upper way remains during NREM
(if it occurs at all) and later in the parasternal muscle (111). sleep, but at a reduced level (315, 442, 474), likely commen-
Moreover, the rostral external intercostal muscles, which are surate with the reduction in behavioral and waking inputs
activated more, are also more resistant to fatigue compared that drive respiratory activity. The muscles that augment

1068 Volume 9, July 2019

Comprehensive Physiology The Muscles of Breathing

respiration only when respiratory drive is high, or during There is also evidence of inhibitory GABAergic inputs to
volitional tasks that require the generation of large respiratory upper airway motor neurons during wakefulness, especially
muscle forces, are inactive during NREM sleep. For example, at end-inspiration, and this inhibitory input increases further
postural muscles in the back or shoulder girdle, which may during sleep (213). Not all of these neurotransmitter sys-
have a respiratory function during maximal voluntary inspira- tems are active tonically, for example, histamine (31), and
tion, are usually inactive during NREM sleep. When supine, the importance attributed to serotonin as part of the waking
the weight of abdominal contents loads the diaphragm and stimulus has actually diminished as more intact, freely mov-
reduced drive to the muscles of the upper airway increases ing animals have been studied (416). Nevertheless, all of these
upper airway resistance. Load compensating reflexes are less neurotransmitters have the capacity to modulate motor neuron
sensitive or less effective during sleep, and pulmonary venti- function when behaviorally appropriate (213). For example,
lation is reduced during NREM sleep. The reduction in ven- during wakefulness, when these excitatory neurotransmitters
tilation reflects both a true reduction in respiratory muscle are released, activation of their associated receptors provides
activation, and a further reduction in airflow imposed by the a significant direct and indirect drive to the activity of the
increased flow resistance of the upper airway (200), and the neurons that generate the drive to individual respiratory mus-
reduction in chest wall stiffness associated with reduced inspi- cle motor neurons (431). When wakefulness ceases and sleep
ratory intercostal activity (369). During REM sleep there is a begins, the waking stimulus is lost, and the drive to most res-
further reduction in the tonic drive to respiratory muscles of piratory muscles diminishes as described above (219). The
the thorax and upper airway. The activity of the diaphragm, on decline in tonic drive to respiratory motor neurons, which
the other hand, is less susceptible to inhibition during REM occurs immediately as NREM sleep begins (478), reflects to
sleep and remains persistently active, which may reflect the a great extent the loss of behavioral activation of neurons
paucity of muscle spindles in the diaphragm compared to that actually have a relatively weak relationship to respiratory
other respiratory-related muscles (132). The loss of respira- muscle activity (331). As a result, the regulation of respiratory
tory drive to the intercostal and upper airway muscles during muscle activity during NREM sleep is under the control of the
NREM and REM sleep makes breathing less stable and vul- internal regulatory mechanisms within the brainstem, which
nerable to disruption during these sleep states. depend largely on the chemical control of ventilation derived
The drive to respiratory muscles originates from multiple from central and peripheral chemoreceptors (345). During
sources: volitional and unconscious motor commands occur REM sleep there is a further decline in respiratory muscle
throughout multiple behaviors. There are, in addition, reflex activity (172, 219), and active glycinergic inhibition of mus-
mechanisms that provide constant feedback about the effec- cles of the axial skeleton (78,411,412). In contrast, glycinergic
tiveness (or not) of particular actions and modify the motor inhibition of motor neuron activity may play no role or only
command to ensure completion of the motor task; and there a small role in the decline in upper airway muscle activity
is a drive to respiratory muscles associated with the waking during REM sleep (36, 58, 256, 304, 305). It seems that dis-
state – known as the waking stimulus (145, 146). The wak- facilitation of upper airway motor activity, by withdrawal of
ing stimulus is thought to originate from multiple sources excitatory inputs diminishes the activity of upper airway mus-
that bombard the central nervous system during wakefulness. cles innervated by cranial nerve XII, and there is a contribu-
There are three primary sources, including: sensory stimula- tion from increased GABAergic inhibition (76,213,416,422),
tion generated by both external and internal sources associated but the dominant mechanism of REM sleep atonia of upper
with the pursuit of the wide variety of behaviors associated airway muscles is likely to depend on a muscarinic, cholin-
with wakefulness; the reticular activating system, which pro- ergic mechanism that activates G-protein-coupled inwardly
vides a large, internally generated source of neural drive that rectifying potassium (GIRK) channels (172). Activation of
sustains respiratory muscle activity during wakefulness and GIRK channels leads to hyperpolarization of hypoglossal and
diminishes during sleep; and a variety of excitatory neuro- trigeminal motoneurons and reduces their excitability (216).
transmitter systems that are more active during wakefulness This cholinergic input to hypoglossal motor neurons during
than during sleep (332). Originally, the focus was on state- REM sleep seems to arise from the intermediate lateral retic-
related serotonergic and noradrenergic inputs to motor neu- ular formation, a premotor input that is thought to contribute
rons, which are ubiquitous in wakefulness but wane during to the divergent patterns of hypoglossal motor neuron regu-
NREM sleep and virtually disappear during REM sleep (332). lation as compared to the phrenic motor neurons that receive
However, as the waking stimulus has been studied further, our premotor inputs from the ventral and dorsal bulbospinal neu-
knowledge of the number and complexity of neurotransmitter rons (171). In addition to this post-synaptic mechanism, there
systems that contribute to state-related, waking enhancement may be a presynaptic cholinergic inhibition of glutamatergic
of motor neuron function has grown. This is particularly true drive to the hypoglossal neurons during REM sleep as well
of motor neurons innervating upper airway muscles, where (32). Respiratory muscle activity during REM sleep seems
there is now evidence for excitatory glutamatergic, histamin- to be relatively unaffected by chemical control of ventila-
ergic, and cholinergic inputs in addition to the serotonergic tion derived from the internal levels of oxygen and carbon
and noradrenergic inputs (all of which decline during NREM dioxide and dependent instead on internally generated behav-
sleep and decline further or cease altogether in REM sleep). ioral activity, although the motor activity of these internally

Volume 9, July 2019 1069

The Muscles of Breathing Comprehensive Physiology

generated behavioral states is actively inhibited, especially on the pattern of activation and inhibition of upper airway
in axial muscles, so that the motor activities associated with muscles; an effect that is much less apparent in the pattern of
REM sleep and dreaming are not normally acted out (345). activation of the diaphragm in animals (21, 28, 259, 447). The
The hierarchy of loss of activation of respiratory mus- function of the Hering-Breuer reflex and lung volume-related
cles as behavioral states change from wakefulness to NREM feedback may be less concerned with respiratory timing and
sleep to REM sleep seems to be related to the strength of more attentive to the control of respiratory muscle force. Thus,
association of the muscle activity with respiration. This idea if lung volume does not increase during a particular breath,
was developed by John Orem (330), and is captured in the the muscles of the upper airway are activated to a greater
eta-squared statistic, which expresses the extent to which the extent than the diaphragm, which is likely meant to relieve
timing and magnitude of neuronal activity was correlated with any upper airway obstruction and restore unimpeded volume
respiratory activity. It turns out that the NREM sleep-related expansion of the lung.
decline in activity of respiratory-related neurons is greater Additional reflex mechanisms regulate upper airway mus-
in muscles driven by neurons with low eta-squared values— cle activity to maintain upper airway patency, and the activity
low respiratory-relatedness so to speak. Such muscles include of upper airway muscles is modulated by distortions of the
accessory muscles of the shoulder girdle and thorax that may upper airways, the pattern of inspiratory flow, the air tempera-
have a respiratory function during some behaviors, but are not ture, and the particular phase, inspiration versus expiration, of
involved in respiration under the majority of conditions. Mus- the respiratory cycle (153, 255). In tracheostomized patients
cles innervated by neurons more closely related to respiration with OSA, upper airway tone and upper airway collapsibility
(e.g., muscles of the upper airway with activity tightly cou- are dependent upon the phase of the respiratory cycle and the
pled to respiration, intercostal muscles and the diaphragm) pattern of airflow (392). The critical closing pressure of the
are less likely to be inhibited or are inhibited to a lesser extent airway was less (more negative, less collapsible) during inspi-
during NREM sleep. This implies that respiratory neurons ration compared with expiration, which is consistent with the
with greater tonic, nonrespiratory input during wakefulness decline in upper airway muscle activity that typically occurs
are more likely to experience greater declines in activity in the during expiration. In addition, the critical closing pressure
transition to NREM sleep. During REM sleep, the activity of needed to maintain airway patency was reduced (the airway
respiratory neurons is driven by endogenous inputs from both was less collapsible) during nasal breathing compared with
nonrespiratory and respiratory sources. The level of nonrespi- breathing through the tracheostomy (392). Airflow through
ratory inputs to respiratory motor neurons is variable during the nose stimulates upper airway muscle activity more effec-
REM sleep and so the activity of respiratory muscles may tively than airflow through the mouth in humans (29, 30).
be increased or decreased depending on the balance of active Moreover, upper airway muscle activity is often absent in tra-
inhibition of the relevant motors neurons and the extent of cheostomized, anesthetized animals unless airflow is present
excitatory input from nonrespiratory inputs (214, 330). in the upper airway (75, 217, 218, 286, 398). Negative pres-
sure within the upper airway profoundly activates muscles of
the upper airway to resist the collapsing pressure. The impor-
The timing and amplitude of upper airway muscle tance of upper airway patency to the integrity of respiratory
activity: wakefulness vs. sleep function means that a variety of reflex mechanisms exist to
The importance of phasic, respiratory-related upper airway maintain airway patency in the face of changes in upper air-
muscle activity may vary among normal individuals from a way pressure, flow and temperature, together with changes in
complete absence of phasic genioglossal EMG activity dur- lung volume, airflow in the upper airway, the temperature of
ing eupnea in normal children with a normal body mass index the airway and the lung volume change during ventilation.
(242) to adults with modest phasic upper airway muscle activ- Patients with OSA have some combination of anatomi-
ity in a variety of upper airway muscles (186, 187, 387, 388) cal narrowing or encroachment on the upper airway, usually
to quite vigorous phasic activity in patients with OSA dur- associated with increased body weight (327,394), and reduced
ing wakefulness at rest (470). Thus, the timing and ampli- activation of upper airway muscles at sleep onset (361, 393,
tude of upper airway muscle activity is carefully regulated 470). The reflex mechanisms that maintain airway patency
by central and peripheral reflex mechanisms to maintain during wakefulness are less effective in patients with OSA
upper airway patency in each individual even as the load and greater upper airway muscle activity may be necessary
imposed on the respiratory system varies widely. Studies of to maintain upper airway patency during wakefulness (242,
vagally mediated lung volume feedback often focus on inspi- 294, 326, 429, 470) so that the reserve of muscle activation
ratory and expiratory timing, which follows from the original is less during sleep at the same time that reflex mechanisms
description of the Hering-Breuer reflex (204). However, the maintaining airway patency may be reduced. Compounding
impact of vagal feedback on the timing of inspiration and this latter problem is evidence of intramuscular neurodegen-
expiration is modest, albeit demonstrable, in awake humans eration in the soft palate and uvula of patients with OSA
(40, 63, 64, 183, 188, 399), and diminished even further in (397, 477), and in addition, upper airway sensory afferents
sleeping humans (226, 408). On the other hand, vagal feed- may also degenerate in these patients (154). The neural and
back reflecting lung volume information has a profound effect muscular degeneration has been attributed to a combination

1070 Volume 9, July 2019

Comprehensive Physiology The Muscles of Breathing

of vibration of upper airway tissue secondary to snoring and control derived from oxygen and carbon dioxide levels. In all
intermittent nocturnal hypoxemia (339). The degeneration three groups of muscles, the pattern of motor unit recruitment
of sensory fibers is consistent with studies demonstrating and the sequencing of muscle activation have evolved to gen-
reduced respiratory-related evoked potentials during upper erate muscle force in a metabolically efficient and mechani-
airway stimulation (8, 181, 487) and reduced sensorimotor cally advantageous pattern.
function in patients with OSA (133). Thus, altered sensory
function may reduce compensatory upper airway muscle acti-
vation in an anatomical setting in which upper airway muscle Conclusion
activity is particularly important to keep the airway patent.
In addition to reflex mechanisms modulating the ampli- Even before the nervous system has made contact with devel-
tude of respiratory-related activation of upper airway muscles, oping muscle targets, rhythmic spontaneous neural activity
it has long been recognized that activation of upper airway (rSNA) begins throughout the CNS. rSNA seems to pro-
muscles innervated by cranial nerves precedes the activation vide critical signals for developing neural circuits, including
of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. As a result, the axon pathfinding, synaptogenesis and neurotransmitter phe-
upper airway is dilated and stiffened just before the onset of notypes, even though rSNA is not responsible for breathing
inspiratory flow and just before the upper airway is subjected behaviors. FBMs play a role in lung maturation, but it is
to transmural pressure gradients that tend to collapse the air- unclear how FBMs correlate to rSNA, perhaps due to the
way. The mechanisms that establish the difference in the time difficulty in studying rSNA and FBMs in the same animal
of onset of upper airway and pump muscles is unknown. model.
In summary, respiratory muscles fall into three broad The number of muscles that may contribute to ventila-
groups. There are nonrespiratory muscles that may assist tion is large. Most of the muscles are close to the midline
respiration when respiratory drive is high, or when large, of the body, and a disproportionate number of respiratory
volitional respiratory efforts are made. The muscles of the muscles serve the pharynx and larynx, reflecting the vital
shoulder girdle and back and some of the muscles of the importance of upper airway patency in breathing and the
face and neck fall into this group. These muscles have a high remarkable number of functions that involve the upper airway
threshold for breathing-related recruitment, and their activity (Table 1). The innervation, activation, and morphology of the
diminishes markedly in NREM sleep. Moreover, spinal motor respiratory muscles reflect divergent developmental origins
neurons—with the exception of the diaphragm—are actively of muscle-specific myogenic lineages. Cranial and somatic
inhibited by glycinergic mechanisms during REM sleep. myogenesis derive from unique genetic programs: muscles
The second group consists of muscles that regularly innervated by cranial nerves are often activated before the
participate in breathing but may also serve other functions. onset of inspiration and have different patterns of control
The upper airway and intercostal muscles fall into this group. during wakefulness and sleep compared to somatic muscles
Thus, the tongue, for example, is regularly active during innervated by spinal motor neurons. Moreover, some muscle-
inspiration to help maintain upper airway patency, but the specific myopathies can be linked to lineage-specific genetic
tongue is also involved in suckling, speech and swallowing. programs (194). Functional studies of muscles are not, on
The reduction in breathing-related activity in these muscles their own, enough to determine the genetic, developmental,
during NREM sleep tends to be more modest and the loss of and migratory histories of founder cell populations nor to help
the non-respiratory, behavioral, waking drive to these muscles us understand how their molecular machinery influences the
is greater—these muscles have a low respiratory-relatedness etiology of developmental, muscular breathing disorders.
as defined by a low eta-squared value. The activity of muscles Beyond the diversity of actions and the large number
in this group that are innervated by cranial nerves also dimin- of respiratory muscles, the more impressive aspect of these
ishes during REM sleep, but the mechanism of suppressed muscles is the complex ways in which they are coordinated
respiratory activity depends on the withdrawal of excitatory across a range of physical activities (27). Respiration can
neurotransmitter inputs and the activation of muscarinic be accomplished with a remarkably small number of mus-
cholinergic mechanisms that hyperpolarize the motor neurons cles when metabolic demand is low, as for example during
of these muscles, decrease input resistance and raise the REM sleep when only a small group of respiratory muscles
threshold of synaptic input required to activate these muscles. is active. As metabolic demand rises, the number of muscles
The diaphragm is the sole representative of the third group and the intensity of activation of each muscle is increased. The
of muscles. The diaphragm is persistently active in all behav- recruitment of muscles without a dominant respiratory func-
ioral states. However, the source of this drive varies as a tion is not stereotypically identical for all possible increases in
function of state: behavioral and metabolic factors modulate metabolic or volitional demand; the activation patterns can be
diaphragmatic activity during wakefulness; metabolic factors quite sophisticated and task-specific so that different patterns
modulate diaphragmatic function during NREM sleep as the and intensities of activation of accessory muscles may accom-
waking, behavioral drive to the diaphragm is lost; and endoge- pany exercise that is performed with the arms or with the legs,
nously generated behavioral activity drives the diaphragm or tasks such as weight lifting or a maximal inspiratory effort
during REM sleep without much modulation by metabolic that are performed at a standstill.

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