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Unit 9

On the Move

To start with

Express yourself, page 103

What is your idea of travelling? Do you prefer travelling alone, in groups, with friends,
relatives or for a purpose? Say why.

My idea of travelling is to experience new things, very often with other people because
sharing ideas and feebacks matter to me. I enjoy all kinds of landscapes and cultures and like
to discover what I have never seen or lived before. I think that travelling can teach me a lot of
things that are of interest to me (even if traveling can also mean having fun and a relaxing


My idea of travel is to regularly experience new things with others, as sharing ideas and things is
important to me.

I love all kinds of landscapes and cultures and discover things I have never seen before.

I think that traveling can teach me a lot about the things that interest me.

Text 1, Step by step

Writing, page 177

What do you think a student who wants to carry out a training session abroad needs to

When you go abroad as a tourist but more particularly in a work context you have to consider
the culture of the country you are visiting. You have to take into consideration people’s rights
and feelings and be respectful of individuals with different backgrounds and cultures from
your own. Demonstrating cultural knowledge, interacting effectively, and adapting to cultural

Unit 9/On the Move/1

differences are valuable skills in personal and business relations.

Each country has diverse rules and customs, but having a general idea of cross-cultural
differences helps avoid conflict and miscommunication. For example, using the local
language, choosing the right dress code, respecting the eating and drinking habits of the
country matter.

When going abroad for a training session, students should remember that they are not only
representing themselves, but also their culture and their country. (132 words).


Speak up! page 107

1. Give a quick account of the video.

The new tech is all about speed, we're talking New York to London in half an hour! It gives
three innovative ways to get around in the near future. Aircrafts, Hyperloop and Skytrain are
the new means of fast transportations.

2. Discuss. Do you believe passenger drones and flying cars are soon going to replace our
traditional vehicles including hybrid cars?

We may ask ourselves a few questions:

Could self-driving cars and flying cars be the perfect solution to our congested routes, saving
time to everyone? Could it solve transportation issues? Will it be safe? Will it better than our
current transportation system?

Passengers could be dropped off at home like Amazon drone packages. Drones would play
the role of air taxis.

The army says that it could be useful to evacuate wounded soldiers in times of war.

There are plenty of companies that are working on flying cars. Porsche and Boeing pair up to
work on flying vehicles. They estimate that commercial passenger drones will hit the market
around 2025!

So for now let’s enjoy the creativity!

Text 2, Going further

Writing for the exam, page 109

1. Give an account of the text in 130 words + or - 10%.

Unit 9/On the Move/2
L’importance de la technologie dans l’industrie du tourisme est devenue primordiale, que cela
concerne les destinations, les moyens de communication ou les prix. Aujourd’hui, les
voyageurs comparent sur Internet les prix des avions et des hôtels afin de sélectionner le
voyage au plus bas prix. Un exemple est donné d’un voyageur qui reconnait avoir fait usage
de son téléphone portable lors de ses voyages et d’en avoir tiré de grands avantages tels que la
possibilité de faire des réservations en ligne ou encore de télécharger les plans des villes et
repérer les lieux intéressants à visiter. Grâce à cet outil, il lui est possible de garder des
souvenirs de ses voyages et d’offrir la possibilité de partager ses expériences avec d’autres
voyageurs. Steve Jobs pense que puisque les outils informatiques existent autant les utiliser.

2. What would you say has changed in the past few years regarding the tourism
industry? (200 words + or - 10%)

The travel and tourism industry have developed as a direct result of technological
developments in transport technology such as jet aircraft, high-speed trains and more
luxurious coaches. There have also been improvements in information and communication
technology such as the Internet for reservation systems.

Because of the huge growth in travel and tourism, there has been significant changes in
consumer needs and expectations due to cultural and social factors. We also now demand
higher standards of quality and customer service. The simple sun-sea-and-sand holidays of the
1960's seem less popular with people nowadays, and more flexibility is demanded. These
days, customers prefer to choose the type of accommodation, the board basis, the type of
transport and the length of the holiday. Package holidays do not offer this choice, so special-
interest holidays have been developed to cater for a range of interests. Holidays that have
become increasingly important are activity and adventure holidays, especially the ones that
include activities such as white-water rafting or scuba diving…

I believe tourism is going to be more and more based on customers’ requirements, that is to
say that customized solutions will be offered to travelers wherever and whenever they want.
(203 words)

Let’s be pro!

Booking an hotel for a business trip, page 111

a. You are in charge of booking hotel rooms in London for 18 people for 2 nights. You
need the hotel to provide with conference room facilities and catered lunch with special
attention given to a multicultural public. Write an email to the hotel to make

b. The following week, call the hotel to make sure your reservation has been correctly

A few important details could be added to the recommendations already given in the Tips.

To make sure a multicultural approach is respected it is important that meals include a variety

Unit 9/On the Move/3

of dishes to meet our guests’ needs. As translators/interpreters may be required to assist some
of our guests it is important that they also have a room with IT facilities.

The hotel is required to send a written confirmation of the reservation with all the details
regarding the clients (equipment of the rooms, services, facilities, menus, opening hours of the
restaurants) and the organisation of the seminar (IT equipment…).

Unit 9/On the Move/4

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